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Messages - Mmmmm Napalm

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25 days until halo and 40 until fallout

money, where art thou?

Yeah, I'm having the same issue. I sold GTA V and Arkham Knight so I could get Fallout 4 and some other things.

The Flood / Re: What's with people's obsession with anime on this forum?
« on: October 02, 2015, 12:15:55 AM »
I don't know.

I wish people on the Internet could develop obsessions that actually make sense.

Like, why are there no movie-aboos?... Western movie-aboos.

Like, not cowboy westerns... movies made in Western civilization.
Normal people
you would think, right

but a lot of people don't really take movies that seriously
like, in the way that weebs tend to with anime

No, people take movies seriously. It's just that unlike weebs, film enthusiasts actually have conversation in regards to other subject matters.

The Flood / Re: What's with people's obsession with anime on this forum?
« on: October 02, 2015, 12:10:48 AM »
Both your obsession and that of the weebs are cancer.

The Flood / Re: What TV shows do you watch?
« on: October 01, 2015, 11:59:30 PM »
Better Call Saul
I watch Star Trek: TNG every once in a while on Netflix
South Park

The Flood / Re: ITT: List three subjects that bore you to tears
« on: October 01, 2015, 01:40:21 PM »
Financial stuff

The Flood / Re: Recent acquisitions thread
« on: October 01, 2015, 01:26:11 AM »

Fuckin' awesome! I heard from a friend it makes sounds. What are they?

The Flood / Re: Recent acquisitions thread
« on: October 01, 2015, 01:25:22 AM »
Yesterday I bought a reproduction Pickelhaube, specifically an 1889 heavy calvary officer variant.

I also preordered Fallout 4.

The Flood / Re: Post Wisdom
« on: September 30, 2015, 08:59:15 PM »
"The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions … but by iron and blood."

The Flood / Re: man this commercial is cringey
« on: September 30, 2015, 08:54:34 PM »
Well the message of the commercial is rendered pointless when you consider that it gives all those who view it brain cancer.

Serious / Re: Russia begins bombing in Syria
« on: September 30, 2015, 08:51:26 PM »
For all of it's faults, I'm glad Russia isn't allowing itself to be defined by impotence like many other European states today.

The Flood / Re: Can't shuck, huck
« on: September 30, 2015, 08:04:17 PM »
I personally can't wait until he's caught diddling little kids, or Thai Ladyboys, or soliciting anonymous gay sex in airport bathrooms.

I mean, I don't agree with some of his stances (or more accurately, how serious he believes some things to be), but he doesn't strike me as that bad of a guy. He's an ordained minister from Arkansas, what do people expect?

Septagon / Re: Thread Merger: OT Victim Blaming.
« on: September 30, 2015, 07:29:31 PM »
Are we edging closer to these snotty little brats, and that fucked old man challenger getting their comeuppance?

Lol, you think that after you screencap what looks to be a legitimate apology, and continue to flip out and act like a child, that the mods will be more sympathetic to you and will comply with your wishes? You are your own worst enemy, all you've done is make yourself look worse and worse. You spew figurative shit with no relevance to the topics at hand all over this forum, you combat attacks against you with an exponentially more childish and petulant attitude than those who attacked you in the first place, and refuse to act like an adult even after those who made statements against you apologized for doing so; with you refusing to get over it and endlessly harassing the staff over minor issues?

All of this, and you expect people to be on your side?

Do yourself a favor, Elegiac. Please leave.

The Flood / Re: There's like four crossdressers on my campus
« on: September 30, 2015, 04:00:39 PM »

Prettier, smarter, and more self-secure. Men will fight and die just to appear tough, when it's really not a big deal. And if you're not vying to be the strongest man in the room, you're a "pussy". Women put all of that to the side and gain superiority within their group in more complex, mind-game ways. They're just cooler in general.
I've seen just as many stupid women as I have men. Stupidity isn't gender-specific.

2. Pretty sure most don't care. I feel like you watched a video of dumb jocks/fratboys and then decided all men were like that.

3. Calling other girls ugly is complex?
Lol, there's no need to get all personally offended. It's just my opinion. And no, girls don't just call other girls "ugly". There's a lot more backhanded compliments and mind games going on. A guy will just get up in another guy's face if they have a problem, whereas girls will try to make other girls feel terrible about themselves and develop eating disorders and all that.

I'm not personally offended, I just think what you're saying is stupid.

So being hurtful and deceitful is better than just being direct in regards to problems?

The Flood / Re: There's like four crossdressers on my campus
« on: September 30, 2015, 03:56:10 PM »

Prettier, smarter, and more self-secure. Men will fight and die just to appear tough, when it's really not a big deal. And if you're not vying to be the strongest man in the room, you're a "pussy". Women put all of that to the side and gain superiority within their group in more complex, mind-game ways. They're just cooler in general.
I've seen just as many stupid women as I have men. Stupidity isn't gender-specific.

2. Pretty sure most don't care. I feel like you watched a video of dumb jocks/fratboys and then decided all men were like that.

3. Calling other girls ugly is complex?

The Flood / Re: There's like four crossdressers on my campus
« on: September 30, 2015, 03:49:09 PM »
Women aren't "better than men in every way."
Yeah, they are.

So because you're sexually attracted to women they're better in every way than men, without any regard to differences between individuals?

Sounds like the talk of a doormat.
This has nothing to do with what I'm sexually attracted to, it has to do with the reality.

Lol OK, back up your claim, and with something other than "women are prettier."
Why are men and women not equal? Why are differences between individuals not worth taking into account?
I'm talking about as a whole. Obviously, some men are better than some women, but holistically, women are obviously the superior sex.


The Flood / Re: There's like four crossdressers on my campus
« on: September 30, 2015, 03:46:03 PM »
Women aren't "better than men in every way."
Yeah, they are.

So because you're sexually attracted to women they're better in every way than men, without any regard to differences between individuals?

Sounds like the talk of a doormat.
This has nothing to do with what I'm sexually attracted to, it has to do with the reality.

Lol OK, back up your claim, and with something other than "women are prettier."
Why are men and women not equal? Why are differences between individuals not worth taking into account?

The Flood / Re: There's like four crossdressers on my campus
« on: September 30, 2015, 02:44:24 PM »
Women aren't "better than men in every way."
Yeah, they are.

So because you're sexually attracted to women they're better in every way than men, without any regard to differences between individuals?

Sounds like the talk of a doormat.

The Flood / Re: There's like four crossdressers on my campus
« on: September 30, 2015, 01:27:17 PM »
You're just mad because you don't look good in a dress.
No man does. So no.
I disagree, thoroughly.
Well, you're wrong. Men just aren't attractive, in any way. They have hair everywhere. Women are better in pretty much every way, which is why they alone are entitled to wear dresses.

Women aren't "better than men in every way." And the reverse isn't true either. The issue is, men are masculine and women are feminine, and dresses are designed for feminine, not masculine, forms.

Gaming / Re: So I'm going to do a playthough of the ACoK mod for Warband...
« on: September 30, 2015, 01:14:03 AM »
Who are the closest to the Germans?

Fun fact: The Teutonic Order is still around. They've somewhat returned to their original purpose (escorting German Christian settlers and establishing hospitals) in recent years, providing spiritual and physical care to Germans abroad. Pretty cool if you ask me.

Gaming / Re: Am I the only on who thinks the Halo lore is over-exploited?
« on: September 30, 2015, 12:38:33 AM »
Besides, mystery for the sake of mystery is bad writing.
I don't agree at all. I mean, sure, if you're using it as an excuse to leave some elephant in the room going completely unexplained, then that's bad writing. What I was thinking of, primarily, is this Starwarsian idea of giving every single character on-screen a name and a detailed backstory.

The same kind of thing is happening with Mad Max, which pisses me off. The Doof Warrior (flamethrower guitar dude) apparently has his own backstory. Why? Because we want to know more about him, sure, but why do we have to know more about him?... For me, it kills the novelty.

To be fair, a few Mad Max characters have had their backstory elaborated upon by Miller himself. Apparently Lord Humongous is former military, and so is Papagallo. Furthermore, it's far from all characters, I think they just elaborated upon the Doof Warrior because it was a character that was very funny and proved to be popular with audiences. They haven't given Slit (Nux's Lancer) a complex backstory or anything.

I wouldn't worry about Mad Max. I think Miller knows the value of mystery, hence why we don't know exactly how the societal collapse/apocalypse goes down; we only know bits and pieces. Just enough to keep us intrigued.

Gaming / Re: Am I the only on who thinks the Halo lore is over-exploited?
« on: September 30, 2015, 12:33:05 AM »
I didn't personally care about the midichlorians myself (considering I saw the Phantom Menace first), but from an objective standpoint, I can definitely see why that would have irked some people.

Really our problem with the prequels is that they retroactively changed the details of the original films; they changed the characters and the fiction we knew and loved. The films that released first chronologically should dictate the content of the successive films, not the other way around.

Well, I did it. I pre-ordered Fallout 4. I try not to pre-order in most cases, but I really want that perk chart poster.

That and I have a strong feeling this game won't be crap.

The Flood / Re: Anyone know where to get cheap, SAFE 40mm gas mask filters?
« on: September 29, 2015, 11:14:36 PM »
Are you trying to suffocate someone?

Why would I specify "SAFE" if I wanted to kill someone?
The mask would be useful if you were to smoke or gas someone.
It's actually really dangerous in a smoky situation. It would restrict and limit your breathing. There's a reason firefighters use air tanks rather than gas masks.

Don't use surplus filters, ever.

Just don't. I don't care if a guy on some forum or seller said one finnish model or whatever is safe- it isn't.

There are adapters to use modern civilian filters on these kinds of masks, but that's fucking retarded too. These things don't protect you from anything more than tear gas. So unless you're planning on doing some rioting soon, don't bother.

If you want protection, buy a modern, commercial gas mask from a reputable company. This will be very expensive. But it will also actually work.

If you want to play dress up and go innawoods or cosplay, I would recommend just not using a filter.

This. Old gas mask filters are all expired. You aren't going to find any "safe" ones.

I know they're expired, and I wasn't planning on using them for their actual purpose or anything. I just wanted an old Soviet gas mask to wear in conjunction with my replica Pickelhaube (heresy, I know, but surplus Soviet masks are cheap).

I know I could just forego the filter but I feel it would look silly without it. Know where I could get "gutted" filters or non-functioning replica filters?

Worst case scenario I'll just get a hose and slide the other end into a coat or something.

I can't find any fake gas mask filters. I think you'd be better off just doing the hose thing. It'll complete the look just as well and you won't be risking your health.

Alright, thanks. Here's what I was looking at.

The Flood / Re: 36 Ways to To Say NO To Weed & Still Be COOL
« on: September 29, 2015, 11:12:22 PM »
I smoke weed occasionally. It hasn't changed me at all. Everything in moderation.
I'm calling the cops on you.

If you would actually snitch on someone for smoking marijuana you're the lowest of the low.

I notified the school staff a while back when a kid was smoking in the locker rooms. If you're going to be an idiot and use narcotics don't use them in school of all places.

The Flood / Re: Anyone know where to get cheap, SAFE 40mm gas mask filters?
« on: September 29, 2015, 11:09:48 PM »

I know it looks like I haven't looked on the internet, but I keep seeing a bunch of people say "oh no there's no asbestos" when asbestos isn't even the issue. It's the other materials that have broken down.

The Flood / Re: Anyone know where to get cheap, SAFE 40mm gas mask filters?
« on: September 29, 2015, 11:08:00 PM »
Are you trying to suffocate someone?

Why would I specify "SAFE" if I wanted to kill someone?
The mask would be useful if you were to smoke or gas someone.
It's actually really dangerous in a smoky situation. It would restrict and limit your breathing. There's a reason firefighters use air tanks rather than gas masks.

Don't use surplus filters, ever.

Just don't. I don't care if a guy on some forum or seller said one finnish model or whatever is safe- it isn't.

There are adapters to use modern civilian filters on these kinds of masks, but that's fucking retarded too. These things don't protect you from anything more than tear gas. So unless you're planning on doing some rioting soon, don't bother.

If you want protection, buy a modern, commercial gas mask from a reputable company. This will be very expensive. But it will also actually work.

If you want to play dress up and go innawoods or cosplay, I would recommend just not using a filter.

This. Old gas mask filters are all expired. You aren't going to find any "safe" ones.

I know they're expired, and I wasn't planning on using them for their actual purpose or anything. I just wanted an old Soviet gas mask to wear in conjunction with my replica Pickelhaube (heresy, I know, but surplus Soviet masks are cheap).

I know I could just forego the filter but I feel it would look silly without it. Know where I could get "gutted" filters or non-functioning replica filters?

Worst case scenario I'll just get a hose and slide the other end into a coat or something.

The Flood / Re: Anyone know where to get cheap, SAFE 40mm gas mask filters?
« on: September 29, 2015, 10:30:05 PM »
Are you trying to suffocate someone?

Why would I specify "SAFE" if I wanted to kill someone?
The mask would be useful if you were to smoke or gas someone.

Nah, I just thought it would look really cool in combination with my Pickelhaube.

Gonna go full-on Death Korps of Krieg.

The Flood / Re: He din du nuffin
« on: September 29, 2015, 10:02:05 PM »

The Flood / Re: Anyone know where to get cheap, SAFE 40mm gas mask filters?
« on: September 29, 2015, 09:58:10 PM »
Are you trying to suffocate someone?

Why would I specify "SAFE" if I wanted to kill someone?

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