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Messages - Mmmmm Napalm

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The Flood / Re: Your Ethnic Composition?
« on: October 06, 2015, 12:38:04 PM »
Serbian(more specifically Montenegro), and Polish/German/Russian(because apparently the region was like a kid being thrown back and forth between divorced parents).
Ah, yeah you're from East Prussia I'd imagine.

The Flood / Re: Your Ethnic Composition?
« on: October 06, 2015, 12:28:53 PM »

Any other heritages I have are so miniscule they aren't worth counting.

"American" isn't an ethnic group. The United States is composed of a very large number of ethnic groups from Europe and elsewhere. That's why it's referred to as a melting pot.
White Americans can be considered a distinct ethnic group, especiallly those without close ties to a foreign culture.

I can trace my lineage back to Swiss colonists and Palatine German refugees who founded the city of New Bern in the early 1700s.

But I don't call myself Swiss-German because I'm not fucking Swiss-German. My ancestors came here centuries ago. I don't speak German, let alone the Swiss dialect. I know very little about German or Swiss culture or history going any further back than 1870.

I was raised in the US. I speak English with an American accent. I'm versed in American history and I participate in American culture. I'm not Swiss, or Swiss-German, or any other kind of kraut, whether or not I have a ton of kraut genes. I am, ethnically an American.
That's NATIONALITY. Nationality is the culture you are brought up in.

ETHNICITY is genetic. There are certain ethnic groups that have general characteristics associated with them. Blonde hair for Nordic peoples, more olive skin tone for Italians, etc.
Well if you're going to play it like that, everyone in this thread is doing it wrong and we shouldn't be talking about what countries we're "from"
Certain peoples with genetic characteristics hail from certain places
Looking back, yes.

In the modern day, people have moved around enough that just having certain genes doesn't associate you with a distinct ethnic group you've never interacted with.

If I came up to a Swiss man and tried to start up a chat about our glorious ethnic group, he'd laugh at me.
Well yeah there's been a fair amount of interbreeding in recent years. But When your ancestors first came to America around 250 years ago the ethnic divisions were still present to a degree (although certainly a lot less present than 500-750 years ago). They were ethnic Germans. Meaning that despite interbreeding, you still have ethnic German blood.

The Flood / Re: Your Ethnic Composition?
« on: October 06, 2015, 12:14:25 PM »

Any other heritages I have are so miniscule they aren't worth counting.

"American" isn't an ethnic group. The United States is composed of a very large number of ethnic groups from Europe and elsewhere. That's why it's referred to as a melting pot.
White Americans can be considered a distinct ethnic group, especiallly those without close ties to a foreign culture.

I can trace my lineage back to Swiss colonists and Palatine German refugees who founded the city of New Bern in the early 1700s.

But I don't call myself Swiss-German because I'm not fucking Swiss-German. My ancestors came here centuries ago. I don't speak German, let alone the Swiss dialect. I know very little about German or Swiss culture or history going any further back than 1870.

I was raised in the US. I speak English with an American accent. I'm versed in American history and I participate in American culture. I'm not Swiss, or Swiss-German, or any other kind of kraut, whether or not I have a ton of kraut genes. I am, ethnically an American.
That's NATIONALITY. Nationality is the culture you are brought up in.

ETHNICITY is genetic. There are certain ethnic groups that have general characteristics associated with them. Blonde hair for Nordic peoples, more olive skin tone for Italians, etc.
Well if you're going to play it like that, everyone in this thread is doing it wrong and we shouldn't be talking about what countries we're "from"
Certain peoples with genetic characteristics hail from certain places.
Race is the umbrella term. "White." Ethnicities are the subdivisions that have come to be associated with certain cultures.

The Flood / Re: Your Ethnic Composition?
« on: October 06, 2015, 11:56:52 AM »

Any other heritages I have are so miniscule they aren't worth counting.

"American" isn't an ethnic group. The United States is composed of a very large number of ethnic groups from Europe and elsewhere. That's why it's referred to as a melting pot.
White Americans can be considered a distinct ethnic group, especiallly those without close ties to a foreign culture.

I can trace my lineage back to Swiss colonists and Palatine German refugees who founded the city of New Bern in the early 1700s.

But I don't call myself Swiss-German because I'm not fucking Swiss-German. My ancestors came here centuries ago. I don't speak German, let alone the Swiss dialect. I know very little about German or Swiss culture or history going any further back than 1870.

I was raised in the US. I speak English with an American accent. I'm versed in American history and I participate in American culture. I'm not Swiss, or Swiss-German, or any other kind of kraut, whether or not I have a ton of kraut genes. I am, ethnically an American.
That's NATIONALITY. Nationality is the culture you are brought up in.

ETHNICITY is genetic. There are certain ethnic groups that have general characteristics associated with them. Blonde hair for Nordic peoples, more olive skin tone for Italians, etc.

The Flood / Re: Your Ethnic Composition?
« on: October 06, 2015, 09:08:17 AM »

Any other heritages I have are so miniscule they aren't worth counting.

"American" isn't an ethnic group. The United States is composed of a very large number of ethnic groups from Europe and elsewhere. That's why it's referred to as a melting pot.
but it's predominantly white, just like the people staying German or Irish or whatever.
But within "white" there's German, Irish, Scottish, etc. What's you ethnic composition? Are you primarily ethnic German, Italian, what?

Gaming / Re: Watchu playing?
« on: October 06, 2015, 12:58:04 AM »
Waiting for the Battlefront beta on Thursday (Oct. 8th).
Excited for Fallout 4, and Battlefront a week later.

The Flood / Re: Your Ethnic Composition?
« on: October 06, 2015, 12:49:20 AM »

Any other heritages I have are so miniscule they aren't worth counting.

"American" isn't an ethnic group. The United States is composed of a very large number of ethnic groups from Europe and elsewhere. That's why it's referred to as a melting pot.

The Flood / Jaws 19
« on: October 05, 2015, 11:46:53 PM »

To commemorate the release of the Back to The Future Trilogy on blu-ray, Universal released this. Personally I can't wait for Jaws 20.

Gaming / Re: I'm gonna make a Sep7agon Community on PS4
« on: October 05, 2015, 10:33:59 PM »

The Flood / Re: hi frindz how iz yew
« on: October 05, 2015, 04:57:04 PM »
Hey Bastage. I like steak.

The Flood / Re: Your Ethnic Composition?
« on: October 05, 2015, 01:55:43 PM »

Update: So my Mother's aunt has actually done a lot of research regarding our family history. We are, in actuality, German.

My ancestors came to the United States during the American Revolution as mercenaries working for the British.

Pretty damn cool.
So you're saying that your great great great great great great grandaddy was killed in his sleep like a bitch on Christmas in the name of FREEDOM?
There were a lot of German mercenaries, from a number of regions. While some were poorly trained, others were effective. Nothing to indicate that they were killed in their sleep. In fact, I'd argue the opposite, seeing as I'm here.
He could have knocked up your  great great great great great granny before he got gutted by Washington and tossed in to the Delaware.
It's more likely that his greater grandpa deserted after the British regulars decided it wasn't worth battling over and went home.
Probably. A lot of the German mercenaries stayed in the United States.

What matters to me is that I have German ancestry. Whether my forefathers were mercenaries or peasants is of little importance to me.
Well I still have my Nobility over you. Ha.
As long as you stop shouting "you're not German".

Have you done any research in regards to the Von Blacha family? I'm not disputing your nobility of anything I'm just curious.

The Flood / Re: Your Ethnic Composition?
« on: October 05, 2015, 01:44:06 PM »
Update: So my Mother's aunt has actually done a lot of research regarding our family history. We are, in actuality, German.

My ancestors came to the United States during the American Revolution as mercenaries working for the British.

Pretty damn cool.
So you're saying that your great great great great great great grandaddy was killed in his sleep like a bitch on Christmas in the name of FREEDOM?
There were a lot of German mercenaries, from a number of regions. While some were poorly trained, others were effective. Nothing to indicate that they were killed in their sleep. In fact, I'd argue the opposite, seeing as I'm here.
He could have knocked up your  great great great great great granny before he got gutted by Washington and tossed in to the Delaware.
It's more likely that his greater grandpa deserted after the British regulars decided it wasn't worth battling over and went home.
Probably. A lot of the German mercenaries stayed in the United States.

What matters to me is that I have German ancestry. Whether my forefathers were mercenaries or peasants is of little importance to me.

The Flood / Re: Your Ethnic Composition?
« on: October 05, 2015, 10:53:14 AM »
Update: So my Mother's aunt has actually done a lot of research regarding our family history. We are, in actuality, German.

My ancestors came to the United States during the American Revolution as mercenaries working for the British.

Pretty damn cool.
So you're saying that your great great great great great great grandaddy was killed in his sleep like a bitch on Christmas in the name of FREEDOM?
There were a lot of German mercenaries, from a number of regions. While some were poorly trained, others were effective. Nothing to indicate that they were killed in their sleep. In fact, I'd argue the opposite, seeing as I'm here.

The Flood / Re: Your Ethnic Composition?
« on: October 05, 2015, 10:51:23 AM »
Update: So my Mother's aunt has actually done a lot of research regarding our family history. We are, in actuality, German.

My ancestors came to the United States during the American Revolution as mercenaries working for the British.

Pretty damn cool.
God damn Hessian fucks
We don't know the exact region in Germany they came from. While most mercenaries were from Hesse there were a fair amount from other areas in Germany.
They were all hated equally.
That makes my family history that much more badass in my book.

The Flood / Re: ITT: Users that your parents would hate
« on: October 05, 2015, 10:39:43 AM »
My parents would hate loaf (let's be honest, who wouldn't), and would heavily disapprove of Class, Slash, and Nasty.

If Das didn't joke about pedophilia I don't think they'd mind him.

I think they'd like Turkey and Rocketman, and probably TBlocks. Probably Verb, too. Based on the video he recorded I think he's come across as rather charming if he didn't curse or go on an anti-natalism rant.

The Flood / Re: Your Ethnic Composition?
« on: October 05, 2015, 10:34:33 AM »
Update: So my Mother's aunt has actually done a lot of research regarding our family history. We are, in actuality, German.

My ancestors came to the United States during the American Revolution as mercenaries working for the British.

Pretty damn cool.
God damn Hessian fucks
We don't know the exact region in Germany they came from. While most mercenaries were from Hesse there were a fair amount from other areas in Germany.

The Flood / Re: Your Ethnic Composition?
« on: October 05, 2015, 10:19:54 AM »
Update: So my Mother's aunt has actually done a lot of research regarding our family history. We are, in actuality, German.

My ancestors came to the United States during the American Revolution as mercenaries working for the British.

Pretty damn cool.

G E T  F U C K E D

The Flood / Re: Your Ethnic Composition?
« on: October 05, 2015, 08:02:25 AM »
Update: So my Mother's aunt has actually done a lot of research regarding our family history. We are, in actuality, German.

My ancestors came to the United States during the American Revolution as mercenaries working for the British.

Pretty damn cool.

The Flood / Re: Your Ethnic Composition?
« on: October 05, 2015, 07:57:27 AM »

ethnicity isn't genetic, guys. Your grandparents being German doesn't make you German unlesd you were brought up in that culture.

That's nationality.
nuh uh
... Yes. Ethnicity is genetic. Nationality is not.

The Flood / Re: Your Ethnic Composition?
« on: October 05, 2015, 12:48:30 AM »

ethnicity isn't genetic, guys. Your grandparents being German doesn't make you German unlesd you were brought up in that culture.

That's nationality.

The Flood / Re: Your Ethnic Composition?
« on: October 04, 2015, 07:27:03 PM »

Finns are cool. Simo Häyä was a badass.

The Flood / Re: Your Ethnic Composition?
« on: October 04, 2015, 06:51:55 PM »

What site is that from?

Italian, Scottish, and unfortunately some French

Pls kill me

Yeah, my potential for French ancestry scares me. This is because my Dad's side of the family is from Alabama, and elsewhere in the South... And you know who settled those areas. That, and their name is Padgett, which could potentially be an anglicized version of a French surname. I'm really counting on that hole I mentioned being German.

EDIT: Did some research on my own and it looks like Padgett is actually English in origin. So suck it, Dad, you were wrong!

The Flood / Re: Your Ethnic Composition?
« on: October 04, 2015, 06:43:24 PM »
Half German, a fourth Spaniard, then like a bit under a fourth Mexican with some Austrian in it.

Austrian and German are counted separately? That's odd, Austrians are ethnic Germans. That's what the whole Grossdeutschland vs. Kleindeutschland debate was all about.

The Flood / Your Ethnic Composition?
« on: October 04, 2015, 06:36:09 PM »
What is your ethnic composition? Is your family primarily German, Italian, English, etc.?

I myself do not know. This is because no-one on either side of my family seems to have kept track. Furthermore, there is another issue in regards to my heritage. I won't say much other than that there is... a hole on one side of my family tree. Thus, at some point I'm going to order a kit from and send in a DNA sample. I'm hoping for primarily German and Scottish ancestry. It could be anything, I suppose. I have a very light complexion and dirty blonde hair, and I'm around 5'8" - 5'9".

Update: So my Mother's aunt has actually done a lot of research regarding our family history. My ancestors were German mercenaries working for the British who came to the United States during the American Revolution.

Pretty damn cool. More badass than I expected.

Gaming / Re: Fallout 4 is not a Fallout game
« on: October 04, 2015, 04:16:00 PM »

This video basically predicted exactly how the skills system is going to work. It explains the whole thing pretty well and that this isn't "dumbing down" Fallout whatsoever. I like the new system.

The Flood / Re: What should I get to compliment my 45-70 Lever gun?
« on: October 03, 2015, 07:35:41 PM »
Is this even a question? Single Action Army is about as cowboy as it gets.

You wouldn't look like a cowboy with a 1911.

The Flood / Re: Recent acquisitions thread
« on: October 02, 2015, 08:14:56 AM »

Fuckin' awesome! I heard from a friend it makes sounds. What are they?
followed by

Very cool, thanks

The Flood / Re: If my ex was Mrs Charlie, what should I call my GF?
« on: October 02, 2015, 03:14:23 AM »
"Catlyn Jenner"

you start around northern Poland

I think you mean Preußen.
No clue, my geo sucks.
Northern Poland was once Prussia, which would become the German state that led the German unification movement after the Seven Weeks' War, which excluded Austria from the unification movement.

you start around northern Poland

I think you mean Preußen.

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