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Messages - Mmmmm Napalm

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The Flood / Re: UN Game XI
« on: October 14, 2015, 08:14:21 PM »
Österreich begins manufacturing Leopard 2 MBTs. Manufacturing goal of 1,500. Training a batch of 40,000 troops to complement current total of 100,000.

The Flood / Re: UN Game XI
« on: October 14, 2015, 05:49:57 PM »
What is it you want from Turkey.
Unity. My empire is separated into two different regions right now. I need either Turkey or Russia to make it whole, and Germany and I are on good terms.
Fine. We'll withdraw, but you are not to make any aggressive moves against any other territories. My soldiers are not to be captured.

The Flood / Re: UN Game XI
« on: October 14, 2015, 05:47:50 PM »
The collective force of 85,000 soldiers advance into East Turkey from all sides. Any surrendering troops are spared.

An additional 15,000 troops are sent toward the European DMZ.

25,000 soldiers training (Finland) complete. Ukraine now has a total of 327,102 soldiers.

Uzbekistan & Turkmenistan annexation -- 90%
Mongolia annexation -- 80%
40,000 soldiers training (Kazakhstan) -- 70%
60,000 soldiers training (Iran) -- 15%
Project Agaricum -- 31%
Project Disceda (Phase II) -- 10%

Ukraine makes it known it only wants Turkey, and will not attack any other provinces unless provoked.
What is it you want from Turkey.

The Flood / Re: UN Game XI
« on: October 14, 2015, 05:43:06 PM »
Air, naval, ground, etc. tech please.
about three fiddy

... But we're allies. I'm offering usage of the Suez Canal and discounted oil prices. The Suez allows you to get to India, Southeast Asia, etc. a lot quicker.
And you don't realize that I'm pulling your chain.

Fine. What do you want?
All current military tech you have, and assistance against SecondClass if he chooses to go through with his attack.

The Flood / Re: UN Game XI
« on: October 14, 2015, 05:42:18 PM »
35,000 soldiers in Iran gather on the East Turkey-Iran border.

50,000 additional soldiers (from Romania, Ukraine, and Bulgaria) head towards Ukraine-occupied West Turkey.
The soldiers arrive in West Turkey. 20,000 are placed on the West Turkey-East Turkey border, while 30,000 are placed on the Syrian-Turkey border.
Having surrounded East Turkey on almost every front, Ukraine demands that Austria cede the rest of the territory.
Why have you broken our alliance. This conflict is pointless.

The Flood / Re: UN Game XI
« on: October 14, 2015, 05:22:24 PM »
Air, naval, ground, etc. tech please.
about three fiddy

... But we're allies. I'm offering usage of the Suez Canal and discounted oil prices. The Suez allows you to get to India, Southeast Asia, etc. a lot quicker.

Gaming / Re: I've been looking through some Battlefront text files
« on: October 14, 2015, 05:18:57 PM »
The EE-3 looks just like the Laser Rifle from Fallout

Isn't that boba fett's gun?


I fuckin love the AR lower on the A280, lol

Lol, Yeah. The A280C is actually an StG-44, the T-21 uses a Lewis gun lower, the E-11 is a Sterling, and the DLT-19 is basically just an MG-34 without the belt. In fact, I actually saw a couple days ago that somebody modified the MG-34's Wikipedia page so that under the list of conflicts it's been used in, it said "Galactic Civil War."

The Flood / Re: UN Game XI
« on: October 14, 2015, 05:10:08 PM »
Air, naval, ground, etc. tech please.

The Flood / Re: The British Have Explored More Than We Thought...
« on: October 14, 2015, 12:44:10 AM »
Nobody likes Britain.

Even the British don't like Britain.

Well yeah, seeing as it's turning into Britannistan.

The Flood / Re: UN Game XI
« on: October 14, 2015, 12:41:30 AM »
Suez Canal isn't as important as you're making it out to be.

Yeah but I also have oil.
p sure everydone does fam

Kazakhstan annexation complete. Kazakh natives are conscripted and begin training.

Iran annexation -- 40%
100,000 soldiers training (Ukraine) -- 65%
25,000 soldiers training (Finland) -- 15%
40,000 soldiers training (Kazakhstan) -- 0%
Project Disceda (Phase I) -- 70%
Project Agaricum -- 15%

Ukraine invades Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan with 15,000 soldiers.
Ukraine invades Mongolia with 5,000 soldiers.


The Flood / Re: UN Game XI
« on: October 14, 2015, 12:34:31 AM »
Suez Canal isn't as important as you're making it out to be.

Yeah but I also have oil.

Gaming / Re: I've been looking through some Battlefront text files
« on: October 14, 2015, 12:33:57 AM »
Star Wars is lame

Metal Gear is lame.

The Flood / Re: UN Game XI
« on: October 14, 2015, 12:28:57 AM »
When you get back y'all better gib mir some of that air and naval tech.

The Flood / Re: What's the point of having a NSFW tab
« on: October 14, 2015, 12:25:17 AM »

Gaming / Re: I've been looking through some Battlefront text files
« on: October 14, 2015, 12:07:26 AM »
It's stuff like this that makes me sad we have to settle for what we're getting next month.

I mean, imagine they "remade" Battlefront (with aspects of BF2) like this... it would be a swan song; a love letter to fans; the magnum opus of the series. The game looks and feels like Star Wars.

Instead we get the EA-ified version of something that could've been spectacular.

How does the list of blasters make you sad?

The Flood / Re: Most depressing aspect of your life?
« on: October 14, 2015, 12:06:18 AM »
 Reading your threads.

The Flood / Re: The British Have Explored More Than We Thought...
« on: October 14, 2015, 12:01:44 AM »
Bump for Britannia.

Gaming / Re: I've been looking through some Battlefront text files
« on: October 13, 2015, 11:03:41 PM »
Dear sweet merciful Christ, was that monstrosity actually in the OT?

Yep, it's a German MG-15, which was mounted on planes, hence why it doesn't have a stock.
For ANH they put a total of three scopes on it, lol.
Damn germany has been busy in another galaxy

The brits too. You've got the Lewis, and the Sterling, which were used to create the T-21 and E-11, respectively.
And then there's this...

The Flood / Re: UN Game XI
« on: October 13, 2015, 10:57:06 PM »
Additional Info
Nation: Germany
Government: Monarchy
Ruler: Kaiser TBlocks
Currency: Deutsche Mark
National language: German
Religion: Catholicism

Population: 100,000,000
Capital: Berlin

Total Troop Count: 110,000
Army: 80,000
Navy: 34,000
Air Force: 10,000
Police Force (&SS): 16,000
10 Sailing Ships
110 Panzer Tanks

Alliance: The Axis

Czech Republic
Western Russia

30,000 Troop Losses were sustained in the brief Ukranian conflict. (Just a heads up)
Norwegian Annexation 50%
50,000 Fully Trained Troops 40%
New Plane 50% - This has been renamed Project Blue Bird -
New Body Armor 40%
Due to the Ukrainian Conflict and hasty evacuation of citizens the Czech Republic region and Eastern Germany are being cleaned and rebuilt. Full restoration due by Page 24. On top of this the Eastern regions are being rebuilt with extra precautions in the next potential war. Walls, watchtowers, and more troops have been stationed along the border. Totaling 20,000 members of the military.
The SS steps up and announces that border control will be enacted on all borders except with the Italians. This will limit the potential threat of enemy spies all but entirely.
Germany begins production of more Specialized German Bombers. Totaling 200 by Page 26. 

Österreich requests it's allies share naval, air, and other military technologies in exchange for usage of the Suez Canal and discounted oil prices.

My domain:
Holy Land
Saudi Arabia
East Turkey

Do you accept my offer, and will your provide a corrected map?
Germany declines at this particular moment due to recently being in War and needs to focus on "restocking the shelves" but will accept at some point in the future when it has a stronger force.

Map Update!

You forgot Saudi Arabia again.

Gaming / Re: I've been looking through some Battlefront text files
« on: October 13, 2015, 10:55:19 PM »
Dear sweet merciful Christ, was that monstrosity actually in the OT?

Yep, it's a German MG-15, which was mounted on planes, hence why it doesn't have a stock.
For ANH they put a total of three scopes on it, lol.

The Flood / Re: Why are people on this forum so anti-semitic?
« on: October 13, 2015, 10:50:56 PM »
Seriously Slash I'm hoping you're joking because if you seriously believe what you're saying you've gone off the deep end, buddy.

The Flood / Re: Why are people on this forum so anti-semitic?
« on: October 13, 2015, 10:49:05 PM »
Let's just keep in mind all the greatest men in history hated Jews
you're becoming edgier than b.old verbatim bro

Henry Ford

JP Morgan

Mel Gibson


Oliver Stone

Charlie Sheen

Charles Lindbergh


Walt Disney

These men were only able to achieve greatness because they didn't cuck for the Zionist pigs.

List of great leaders who weren't anti-semitic:

Otto von Bismarck, the man who unified Germany. Had a great deal of respect for British PM Benjamin Disraeli, who was Jewish.

Theodore Roosevelt. All around motherfucking badass.

Friedrich der Große. Lessened state discrimination against Jews.

There are tons more.

The Flood / Re: Holy shit bby
« on: October 13, 2015, 10:46:43 PM »
I'd also bone her

... Oh my. The hair is perfect.

The Flood / Re: UN Game XI
« on: October 13, 2015, 10:36:50 PM »
Additional Info
Nation: Germany
Government: Monarchy
Ruler: Kaiser TBlocks
Currency: Deutsche Mark
National language: German
Religion: Catholicism

Population: 100,000,000
Capital: Berlin

Total Troop Count: 110,000
Army: 80,000
Navy: 34,000
Air Force: 10,000
Police Force (&SS): 16,000
10 Sailing Ships
110 Panzer Tanks

Alliance: The Axis

Czech Republic
Western Russia

30,000 Troop Losses were sustained in the brief Ukranian conflict. (Just a heads up)
Norwegian Annexation 50%
50,000 Fully Trained Troops 40%
New Plane 50% - This has been renamed Project Blue Bird -
New Body Armor 40%
Due to the Ukrainian Conflict and hasty evacuation of citizens the Czech Republic region and Eastern Germany are being cleaned and rebuilt. Full restoration due by Page 24. On top of this the Eastern regions are being rebuilt with extra precautions in the next potential war. Walls, watchtowers, and more troops have been stationed along the border. Totaling 20,000 members of the military.
The SS steps up and announces that border control will be enacted on all borders except with the Italians. This will limit the potential threat of enemy spies all but entirely.
Germany begins production of more Specialized German Bombers. Totaling 200 by Page 26. 

Österreich requests it's allies share naval, air, and other military technologies in exchange for usage of the Suez Canal and discounted oil prices.

My domain:
Holy Land
Saudi Arabia
East Turkey

Do you accept my offer, and will your provide a corrected map?

Gaming / I've been looking through some Battlefront text files
« on: October 13, 2015, 10:28:55 PM »
Here's what looks to be the complete list of weapons. I have added a picture of the weapon in question for each one:


"The RT-97C is a versatile heavy blaster, fitted with optics to allow use at long range."


"The A280 is a sturdy and powerful blaster rifle that has a high rate of fire, excellent damage and long range reach.  It has been adopted by the Rebel Alliance as its main battle rifle."


"The SE-14C is a blaster pistol that fires 5-round bursts, making it ideal for close-quarter combat."


"The T-21 is a robust heavy blaster that delivers massive damage at long ranges. Its only drawback is its slow rate of fire and lack of optics."


"The CA-87 is a retro-fitted Jawa blaster that is extremely deadly at short range, but near useless at medium and long range."


"The EE-3 is an optically fitted Blaster Rifle capable of 3-round burst fire at long ranges."


"The DH-17 is a fully automatic blaster pistol. Its high rate of fire, along with reasonable accuracy, make it an ideal weapon for medium-range combat."


"The DLT-19 is a heavy blaster with an excellent rate of fire that deals heavy damage at long range, capable of pinning down troops and taking out large groups of enemies."


"The DL-44 is one of the most powerful blaster pistols in the galaxy. It delivers massive damage at close range, but overheats quickly."


"A powerful and accurate blaster rifle, the E-11 is ideal for use in all environments. It has been adopted as the standard weapon of the Imperial Forces."


"The A280C is a sturdy and powerful blaster rifle that has a high rate of fire and excellent firepower. Modified from the A280 rifle, it was the favored weapon of Alliance commandos."


"The T-21B is a more refined version of the T-21 model, with added scopes for zoom capability and a slower fire rate to ensure high precision at long range."

I couldn't find any pictures of this thing aside from an accessory for a Hot Toys 1/6 scale Spacetrooper, which is a sexy figure I must say. The accessory looks like a T-21 with a scope, so I think that this is probably what we'll be getting in the game.

Looks like they scoured the original trilogy for every blaster seen. I'm satisfied, this looks to be a healthy selection of blasters. Obviously this isn't a massive list on par with, say, Battlefield 4's list of weapons, but DICE has limited themselves to what is seen in the original trilogy. This looks to be an appropriate amount of guns for an arcade-y, casual shooter, with each of them fitting a distinct performance archetype.

Furthermore, it appears that some weapons will be Star Cards. This is not a complete list, this is just what stood out to me and wasn't in the beta.

Pulse Cannon
"An incredibly powerful long-range rifle utilizing the frame assembly of a DLT-20A, the so-called "pulse cannon" has become the weapon of choice for many sharpshooters. The power of its shot is dependent on the charge-up time."

Looks like this is going to be one of our long range weapons, and based on that short description it sounds like each shot can be charged, so perhaps this will work somewhat like a Spartan Laser that can be fired at any time, but is more powerful the longer you charge it.

Scout Pistol
"A light side-arm effective at taking out opponents at close range. Quickly loses its capabilities at longer distances. The Scout Pistol is the perfect close range wepaon to switch to when your primary weapon is in overheat."

As those who have played the game will know, you can only have a primary blaster, no sidearms. Judging by the description of the scout blaster, it appears that a sidearm is a Star Card option that may be chosen, but the scout blaster is the only sidearm available.

"Depending on the charge-up time, the Bowcaster fires 1 or more explosive bolts in a horizontal arc."

Here's the text dump I used.

The Flood / Re: Scenes in movies/shows that made you cry
« on: October 13, 2015, 09:09:21 PM »

The Flood / Re: isn't it funny how i can just say "episode 7"
« on: October 13, 2015, 08:07:51 PM »
Star Wars 7 is going to be so disappointing because there's no reason to think it'll be especially good but there's no way it'll be as bad as Lucas.

This. I try to explain this to people and they're like "Nah, JJ the real chosen one."

To be fair, he's emphasizing aspects of the original trilogy that made it great. Practical effects, real costumes, and so on. That, and his Star Trek movies were basically Star Trek: Star Wars. Judging by those movies, J.J. knows how to pull off excitement, emotion, and so on. Look at this video:


It's not hard to see why people are excited. For many, it's a return to form for Star Wars. The aspects of the original trilogy that made it so memorable and enjoyable being reintroduced to Star Wars? Awesome.

The Force Awakens isn't going to be Citizen Kane by any means. But it doesn't have to be. It just has to be a Star Wars movie, and so far it looks like that is what we're getting.

The Flood / Re: Wait. WAITWAITWAIT. Today is National No Bra day
« on: October 13, 2015, 07:29:40 PM »
People actually do this?

Hell yeah. Rinev and I are doing it right now.

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