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Messages - Mmmmm Napalm

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Why even live in a universe where Fett isn't a Mandalorian?

Why live in a universe where Boba Fett is a clone and not a badass ex-sheriff from a frontier world wrongfully accused of killing another lawman.

Fuck you Lucas.

A person in this thread is actually shilling for the removal of Kyle.


Muh Valley of the Jedi that granted force super powers.

Kyle Katarn was a great guy, but was a in a shitty story which used game mechanics to write rule for the Star Wars universe. Worse than Force Unleashed.

Dumb as the EU could be at times that doesn't mean they couldn't bring back Kyle and have him not do stupid OP shit.

Kanan is a poor substitute for Katarn. Not necessarily saying Kanan's a bad character, but he's no Katarn.

If Kyle Katarn is in episode VII.......I might just explode.

Well, he's old EU, so not going to happen.
I just  want a Boba Fett space Western anthology ilm.

They can still use stuff from the old EU if they want >.>

Kyle Katarn doesn't exist anymore. Though Kanan from Star Wars Rebels is basically the same guy but with a different name. They even have a similar character design.

Yeah but Kanan has a stupid beard and ponytail.

You will complain about anything.
... OK? I'm just saying I think Kanan looks less cool than Kyle Katarn.

If Kyle Katarn is in episode VII.......I might just explode.

Well, he's old EU, so not going to happen.
I just  want a Boba Fett space Western anthology ilm.

They can still use stuff from the old EU if they want >.>

Kyle Katarn doesn't exist anymore. Though Kanan from Star Wars Rebels is basically the same guy but with a different name. They even have a similar character design.

Yeah but Kanan has a stupid beard and ponytail.

I'd be more surprised if really good novels came out to be honest.

Tarkin was pretty good. The one with Kanan and Hera was bad, but nowhere near as bad as Aftermath. I honestly couldn't continue after three pages.
I really liked Tarkin. I never got around to finishing Lords of The Sith, but I was about 3/4 of the way through and it was pretty meh.

Yeah Aftermath is complete shit because of the author's writing style. The author cones off as a massive dick, too; he's a big-time SJW and whenever somebody criticizes the book he responds by calling them homophobic.

I think the worst decision they've made so far is to show the story of the 30 years between VI and VII through shitty YA novels. Aftermath was unreadable after a couple pages.
Which ones? I've heard Lost Stars is actually alright.
Aftermath is the "adult" post-RoTJ novel and funnily enough I've heard it's far more poorly written than Lost Stars.
They're also filling in the story with comics. The Shattered Empire series just ended today, actually. It's set directly after RoTJ.

The true megathread shall live on...

At least update the OP with current info.
Yeah when I have enough time.

sabine's blue hair < sabine's red hair

Personally I like her floating head look.

The true megathread shall live on...

The Flood / Re: Star Wars Mega Thread
« on: October 21, 2015, 05:19:30 PM »
Anyone else apprehensive about Starkiller Base?

It's poetry.

"It's so dense."

The Flood / Re: Star Wars Mega Thread
« on: October 21, 2015, 05:13:41 PM »
Didn't someone already make one of these for SW?
Yea Napalm made one a month or so ago.

Like six months ago. And his didn't have any of the info above.
Silence, cretinous usurper.
I had a list of canon materials. I didn't include the latest TFA trailer because I figured it was unnecessary to edit the OP because everybody's seen it by this point.

The Flood / Re: Has anyone read the new comic issue for star wars?
« on: October 21, 2015, 01:25:57 AM »
There are about 5 to 6 ongoing Star Wars comics in current canon right now. You'll have to be a bit more specific to which one.

EDIT: Just read it through that shitty water mark.  Why don't they just make it part of the Darth Vader comic series instead?

There's one Vader Down issue that kicks off the arc, which is then continued by the Vader and Star Wars series.

The Flood / Re: When did you watch your first porn?
« on: October 20, 2015, 09:32:40 PM »
I have never watched a pornographic film.

The Flood / Re: Has anyone read the new comic issue for star wars?
« on: October 20, 2015, 07:42:34 PM »
Vader Down hasn't released yet though. Vader #11 comes out tomorrow, as does Shattered Empire #4 (the final issue).

The Flood / Re: For the Nerds Who Don't Watch ESPN (Star Wars)
« on: October 20, 2015, 05:48:46 PM »
Jabba, who would proceed to be strangled by said woman.
Still got captured.
So female characters should never be captured?
Considering the trope is done to death, yeah, I'd prefer it if the damsel in distress was never employed ever again, until it's no longer a tired cliche that demeans women.


The Flood / Re: For the Nerds Who Don't Watch ESPN (Star Wars)
« on: October 20, 2015, 05:42:21 PM »
Jabba, who would proceed to be strangled by said woman.
Still got captured.

So female characters should never be captured?

The Flood / Re: Favorite depiction of a post-apocalyptic setting?
« on: October 20, 2015, 05:36:38 PM »
Fallout and Mad Max

The Flood / Re: For the Nerds Who Don't Watch ESPN (Star Wars)
« on: October 19, 2015, 11:52:22 PM »

The Flood / Re: For the Nerds Who Don't Watch ESPN (Star Wars)
« on: October 19, 2015, 10:19:29 PM »
Ooh, Kylo Ren isn't wearing his helmet in the snowy forest.

Kind of disappointed Adam Diver is what he looks like under the mask. I wanted a RoTJ-esque reveal of his face.
yeah, use the same reveal twice!


I'm saying I don't think Adam Diver looks that cool. I wanted it to be a David Prowse scenario where he's the guy in the suit but a different actor is used for the character's facial appearance.

The Flood / Re: For the Nerds Who Don't Watch ESPN (Star Wars)
« on: October 19, 2015, 09:49:13 PM »
Ooh, Kylo Ren isn't wearing his helmet in the snowy forest.

Kind of disappointed Adam Diver is what he looks like under the mask. I wanted a RoTJ-esque reveal of his face.

The Flood / Re: Worst to Top Star Wars Movie?
« on: October 18, 2015, 06:48:26 PM »
TESB is best
ANH is great
ROTJ is alright, the scenes involving the Emperor, Vader and Luke are amazing, but the ewoks and a second Death Star bring it down.
ROTS is bleh
TPM is bad. It's awful, but at the very least it feels confident enough in it's own ability to be Star Wars that it doesn't feel the need to assault you with familiar imagery.
AOTC is the worst. It's insulting in a way TPM isn't, realizing that the previous film wasn't well received it feels it must shove a bunch of nostalgic imagery in your face, in the process ruining everything. TPM is like a retarded child proudly showing you it's sculpture made of shit. AOTC is a dimwitted whore who thinks that if she wears your dead wife's favorite perfume and clothes you won't be able to tell the difference.

The Flood / Re: First official Force Awakens poster
« on: October 18, 2015, 04:26:27 PM »
I find it interesting that Luke isn't on the poster.
Luke is definitely going to be the big reveal during the movie, they're not going to show him in the promotional material.

The Death Star-esque thing is Starkiller base. It's a planet that has been hollowed out around the equator.
Given that the First Order is supposed to be a radical splinter group modellig themselves after the Empire, I doubt they have the resources to accomplish such a feat. This makes me think that the superweapon may in fact be a lot older than the First Order. It's possible it's some relic from the KotOR era.

This definitely works with the running narrative that Kylo Ren is some Sith-wannabee obsessed with uncovering old artifacts and relics from Sith history.
Oh yeah, that's what I've been thinking since the beginning.

The Flood / Re: So today I made a decision
« on: October 18, 2015, 03:32:33 PM »
That's a shame. I'd argue there's no real point in not believing. I'm sorry your faith has been shaken in some way.

You're in my prayers.

The Flood / Re: First official Force Awakens poster
« on: October 18, 2015, 02:59:38 PM »
I find it interesting that Luke isn't on the poster.
It's possible it's some relic from the KotOR era.

It's possible. While KoTOR itself isn't currently stated to be canon it's likely they'll bring back elements of it into canon. Plus in an unreleased (but canon) episode of TCW Yoda alludes to a bunch of superweapons being built thousands of years before the Clone Wars, so it's very possible that's the origin of the weapon, and the First Order simply found it.
A lot of people say it's not canon. Well they are right, but it doesn't mean they can use something from it (thus making it canon again), which is basically my point when discussing it.

Yeah that's what I'm saying. They're bringing back a lot of the better elements of the old EU, and given how popular KotOR is I wouldn't be surprised if many elements of it are brought back into canon.

The Flood / Re: First official Force Awakens poster
« on: October 18, 2015, 02:50:42 PM »
Actually, the surface of that thing looks different. Like they cut a planet in half and stuck a weapon inside of it.

It is. See my reply to Big Boss earlier in the thread.


I'm worried.

The prequels focused on flashy lightsaber fights and over the top CGI battles instead of plot or character development. I had hopes that they wouldn't do that again

I wouldn't be worried. I think Abrams and the people working on the film know very well the problems of the prequels. I think Abrams knows what makes the OT great.

The Flood / Re: What do you stand for?
« on: October 18, 2015, 02:46:48 PM »
I stand for Christianity and the values it espouses. As a socio-cultural conservative, I stand for conservative social values and the preservation of the cultural distinctions that distinguish the various cultures of the world. I am wholly opposes to globalization and the erosion of cultural distinctions that add substance to human society as a whole.

I stand for a German state that is militarily and economically self-sufficient, with a patriotic society that continues to stand by and preserve it's Christian faith, which has been so central to the German identity for over a thousand years.

The Flood / Re: First official Force Awakens poster
« on: October 18, 2015, 02:34:42 PM »

Is that another Death Star?

It's "Starkiller Base." See my reply to Big Boss in this thread.

Honestly I'm disappointed that they're going with another superweapon but it won't ruin the movie for me. As long as it has a decent story, good acting, and captures the Star Wars feel then I'm good.

Nonetheless I am somewhat miffed they went that route. In the eyes of myself and many others the best Star Wars movie is The Empire Strikes Back, which doesn't have a superweapon as part of the story.

The Flood / Re: First official Force Awakens poster
« on: October 18, 2015, 02:04:14 PM »
I find it interesting that Luke isn't on the poster.
It's possible it's some relic from the KotOR era.

It's possible. While KoTOR itself isn't currently stated to be canon it's likely they'll bring back elements of it into canon. Plus in an unreleased (but canon) episode of TCW Yoda alludes to a bunch of superweapons being built thousands of years before the Clone Wars, so it's very possible that's the origin of the weapon, and the First Order simply found it.

The Flood / Re: First official Force Awakens poster
« on: October 18, 2015, 01:54:02 PM »
I find it interesting that Luke isn't on the poster.
Luke is definitely going to be the big reveal during the movie, they're not going to show him in the promotional material.

The Death Star-esque thing is Starkiller base. It's a planet that has been hollowed out around the equator.
Given that the First Order is supposed to be a radical splinter group modellig themselves after the Empire, I doubt they have the resources to accomplish such a feat. This makes me think that the superweapon may in fact be a lot older than the First Order. It's possible it's some relic from the KotOR era.

The Flood / Re: Wallpaper
« on: October 17, 2015, 07:45:17 PM »

My current wallpaper.

The Flood / Re: High School is Ending and I Don't Want It To.
« on: October 17, 2015, 05:15:32 PM »
I felt the same way when I graduated. I was fine after orientation week in university.

What are your plans after graduating?

I don't know where I'm going to college yet, but I know I'm going to major in history, and hope to become a history teacher, actually.

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