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Messages - Mmmmm Napalm

Pages: 1 ... 101102103 104105 ... 207
The Flood / Re: Prehistoric's Ideal Woman
« on: October 25, 2015, 01:40:17 PM »
this croaked me up

Others don't seem to have been tickled by it, I guess the joke's so bad it made them croak.

The Flood / Re: French girls are the best girls
« on: October 25, 2015, 01:36:26 PM »
French girls make me want to take a hammer an two nails to my eardrum.

Seriously. French sounds so fucking shitty, I have no idea why people like that filthy tongue.


Bet you like that hot piece of ass huh?

The Flood / Re: Mixed black chicks are sexy asf
« on: October 25, 2015, 11:24:52 AM »
Also I'm a fan of the German Empire, not the Nazis.
There's literally no difference.

Yes there is.
No there isn't. You're just trying to make everybody think you're not a Nazi.
But I'm not. I don't think race determines one's merit.

The Flood / Re: Mixed black chicks are sexy asf
« on: October 25, 2015, 10:16:38 AM »
Also I'm a fan of the German Empire, not the Nazis.
There's literally no difference.

Yes there is.

So what if the Knights of Ren was around before Kylo joined, and the 'Ren' bit is just taken from joining them? So Ren isn't his real surname.
That's actually the case.

The Flood / Re: Prehistoric's Ideal Woman
« on: October 25, 2015, 10:13:53 AM »
Did I miss something

Daily reminder that french girls are the best kind of girl

The Flood / Re: Hello.
« on: October 25, 2015, 02:10:47 AM »
Hey, what's up DeChief! Glad to see you here!

The Flood / Prehistoric's Ideal Woman
« on: October 25, 2015, 01:51:37 AM »

The Flood / Re: Mixed black chicks are sexy asf
« on: October 25, 2015, 01:43:18 AM »
Daily reminder that french girls are the best kind of girl


>ww2 germany shill

Pls go and stay go
I guess I just don't understand why one would find amphibians attractive.

Also I'm a fan of the German Empire, not the Nazis.

The Flood / Re: Mixed black chicks are sexy asf
« on: October 25, 2015, 01:40:10 AM »
Daily reminder that french girls are the best kind of girl


The Flood / Re: Check out this dog we're thinking of adopting -- 2.0
« on: October 24, 2015, 02:11:40 PM »
Here's one of my dogs.

The Flood / Re: I feel like an asshole
« on: October 23, 2015, 08:56:49 PM »
"Hasn't seen the original trilogy" is one of the stupidest fucking reasons for deciding not to go out with a girl I've ever heard, and I'm one of the biggest Star Wars fans here. She hasn't seen the OT? Then fucking watch it with her and bond with her, and be happy you've enabled, and are witnessing, someone experiencing Star Wars for the first time.

Worst case scenario? She doesn't like it and she isn't a fan of a franchise you like. Big fucking deal, that still isn't justification to break up with someone.

Rewatching the trailers.

So I'm assuming Finn nicks a TIE fighter and hightails it out of the Star Destroyer, then crash lands on Jakku.

It's great that they haven't shown what events cause Finn to flip out and desert from the Empire.
We don't know yet BUT I think that Ren mindraping Bo Dameron will be near the start, and that will cause him to mutiny.

 Since he crash lands on Jakku and TIE fighters are short range, that must mean Ren's Star Destroyer was orbiting it. Makes you wonder what they were doing there.

That, or maybe Finn is part of a detachment of soldiers sent to the surface along with Kylo Ren, where the unit massacres a village, an act Finn is powerless to stop. They then return to the Star Destroyer, where Finn decides to desert, and then hijacks a TIE. I say this because if you look at the scene where Finn pulls off the helmet and looks exasperated, his armor  appears dirty, but he's on the Star Destroyer.

The Flood / Re: Help with DVD Writing
« on: October 22, 2015, 07:58:44 PM »
I'm doing this to introduce some poor girl to Star Wars for the first time
Why not just show her the original film? It's not in HD but it would be a hell of a lot easier and cheaper to show her something that she may not end up liking.

There's no way to get the original theatrical versions anymore, unless you want to pay $100 to get the 2006 TESB DVD.

The Flood / Re: Help with DVD Writing
« on: October 22, 2015, 07:34:22 PM »
Fuck this is hard. I can't find TESB anywhere

The Flood / Re: Help with DVD Writing
« on: October 22, 2015, 05:51:45 PM »
I'm doing this to introduce some poor girl to Star Wars for the first time, and I didn't want shitty CGI to ruin her first Star Wars experience.
You OT elitists are like, seriously a bunch of whiny pussies.

I just don't want to subject anyone to the horrors of Jedi Rocks (the singing scene they added in RoTJ)

The Flood / Re: Help with DVD Writing
« on: October 22, 2015, 05:42:04 PM »
optical drives are like $10

I have a netbook, so I need to use a DVD burner with a USB connector, like the one I linked.

The Flood / Re: Help with DVD Writing
« on: October 22, 2015, 05:33:51 PM »
Anyways, first check to see if your PC can burn DVD's on its own without extra peripherals. Most current / recent computers will be able to do so without requiring an external burner.

Then, you can simply use free software to burn movies on DVD's like the ones you linked.,26380.html

Yeah my PC doesn't have an optical drive so I have to get an external writer.
Thanks for the help!

The Flood / Re: Help with DVD Writing
« on: October 22, 2015, 05:27:28 PM »
Oh, and to the mods: It's not illegal, due to the fact that it's a fan-edit.
Yeaaah, that's not how that works. Still not fully legal.

That being said, I've never been against people talking about piracy or sharing links on here. Basic rule of thumb is that as long as you don't share direct links to illegal downloads on the public forums here, you're fine. No issues with this thread.

Wow, I feel dumb. Thanks though!

The Flood / Help with DVD Writing
« on: October 22, 2015, 05:19:28 PM »
I want to burn Harmy's Despecialized Edition onto a DVD, but I don't really know what to do.

Could someone help me? I need to know what client to use (my friend suggested something called Deluge), and give me instructions on what blank DVDs I should get, how to burn the video onto DVD's, the total number of DVD's I would need for the film, and so on.

Here's the writer I was looking at.

And the DVDs I thought would work.

Your help is appreciated, I'm doing this to introduce some poor girl to Star Wars for the first time, and I didn't want shitty CGI to ruin her first Star Wars experience.

The Flood / Re: your most anticipated film of 2015?
« on: October 22, 2015, 10:24:28 AM »
Basically everything besides The Revenant and The Force Awakens has come out by this point, though.

The Force Awakens, without a doubt. I am pretty optimistic at this point, I think J.J. Abrams knows how to make a good Star Wars film, and generally I really like the ideas behind the movie. The idea of a cult-like organization of Dark Side users who idolize Vader, the rise of a radical splinter group modelling themselves after the Empire, etc.

Looks to be really fun and even if it ends up being terrible, we'll probably get a funny Plinkett review out of it anyway.

Vader wasn't even the strongest in both movie canon and the EU so I'm not seeing why that's a negative. Being the one that's supposed to balance the force doesn't mean being the most powerful being ever.

He is now. More powerful than Sheev at least. Anakin would have been to most powerful force wielder in the galaxy had he not lost all his limbs and was burned. That's from the man George Lucas himself.

Both Luke and old man obi matched the power of his robo limbs so I'm not seeing the issue.
Vader didn't want to kill Luke and Vader was playing with his food with Obi-wan.

Vader can easily overpower his enemies.

I'm not seeing how it's sideways retarded to use the secret apprentice to draw out the leaders of the rebellion and capture them, but ok.

Sheev: K lol, captured rebels. Gonna talk and brag instead of killing u k?

*rebels escape*

Sheev: all according to plan, amirite Vader? lol go hunt them down and never kill them even though we know who they are and they are public officials of the senate and could use their public lives against them. k.

Vader: lol k mastur, gonna go clone that guy that was super stronger than us, cuz sith always want a threat to their power. talk to you l8r.

The gameplay was solid

I love how the OT emphasizes that the Force is something beyond the physical, and then the PT states that Vader is less powerful because he doesn't have any limbs, lol. It makes sense in regards to force lightning but the ability to use force lightning doesn't dictate if you're the most powerful or not. Vader js supposed to be powerful, I'd argue among the most powerful. However, I must say the "Chosen One"/Vader is space Jesus thing is so retarded. He didn't have to be the most powerful of all or the center of some grand prophecy.

You're correct in regards to Vader toying with Luke and Obi-Wan and being perfectly capable of defeating them quickly.

I like how you're using new canon in a discussion about how TFU fits into old canon.

Sidious toyed with people a lot and had his plans backfire because of it multiple times. I'm not seeing how this is out of character for him. Also assassinating rebel leaders and covering it up is a lot better than publicly outing them, letting them speak, and showing that the rebellion had a lot more traction and power than the empire was letting on.
I'm not talking about TFU. I'm just talking about how stupid it is that Vader losing his limbs makes him significantly less powerful.

Ugh, the prequels just ruin everything.

The Flood / Re: So..what are Stormtroopers?
« on: October 21, 2015, 11:29:26 PM »
Not sure about prequel bullshit but in the originals they were clearly just regular people. That's why they all had different voices and the officers, whose faces weren't covered, were played by different actors.

In fact, if you remember in the original movie, Luke really wanted to leave Tatooine to go to "the Academy". In deleted scenes from the movie, it is revealed that the Academy is actually military training for the Empire which Luke wanted to join until his friend told him the Empire is evil.


Well, he almost became a TIE Pilot. But a member of the Imperial military nonetheless.

The Flood / Re: So..what are Stormtroopers?
« on: October 21, 2015, 10:49:13 PM »
No real way of knowing yet since Disney BTFO the old canon
No, we do know. The Empire quickly phases out the clones after RoTS. By the time of five years before ANH they're all recruits.
And they all suck cock at literally everything because the Grand Army of the Republic was forty times better.

The Flood / Re: So..what are Stormtroopers?
« on: October 21, 2015, 10:46:28 PM »
From what I gather the original trilogy's troopers were just dudes who signed up while the shitty trilogy's troopers are all clones.

I don't remember much about Star Wars, though.

You're correct.

The Flood / Re: So..what are Stormtroopers?
« on: October 21, 2015, 10:45:35 PM »
No real way of knowing yet since Disney BTFO the old canon

No, we do know. The Empire quickly phases out the clones after RoTS. By the time of five years before ANH they're all recruits.

Vader wasn't even the strongest in both movie canon and the EU so I'm not seeing why that's a negative. Being the one that's supposed to balance the force doesn't mean being the most powerful being ever.

He is now. More powerful than Sheev at least. Anakin would have been to most powerful force wielder in the galaxy had he not lost all his limbs and was burned. That's from the man George Lucas himself.

Both Luke and old man obi matched the power of his robo limbs so I'm not seeing the issue.
Vader didn't want to kill Luke and Vader was playing with his food with Obi-wan.

Vader can easily overpower his enemies.

I'm not seeing how it's sideways retarded to use the secret apprentice to draw out the leaders of the rebellion and capture them, but ok.

Sheev: K lol, captured rebels. Gonna talk and brag instead of killing u k?

*rebels escape*

Sheev: all according to plan, amirite Vader? lol go hunt them down and never kill them even though we know who they are and they are public officials of the senate and could use their public lives against them. k.

Vader: lol k mastur, gonna go clone that guy that was super stronger than us, cuz sith always want a threat to their power. talk to you l8r.

The gameplay was solid

I love how the OT emphasizes that the Force is something beyond the physical, and then the PT states that Vader is less powerful because he doesn't have any limbs, lol. It makes sense in regards to force lightning but the ability to use force lightning doesn't dictate if you're the most powerful or not. Vader js supposed to be powerful, I'd argue among the most powerful. However, I must say the "Chosen One"/Vader is space Jesus thing is so retarded. He didn't have to be the most powerful of all or the center of some grand prophecy.

You're correct in regards to Vader toying with Luke and Obi-Wan and being perfectly capable of defeating them quickly.

Saw the newest Rebels episode.
I loved the part where the clones were analyzing the AT-AT, and comparing it to the AT-TE. I think anyone who's interested in military equipment, specifically armored vehicles. can relate.
Speaking of AT-AT's, I noticed that there are quite a few differences between the Rebels version and the film version. Normally I would attribute this to artistic license and Rebels' stylized look, but in this case I think the differences are significant enough to warrant calling the Rebels AT-ATs an earlier model, with legitimate, in-universe physical differences between the vehicles seen in Rebels and TESB.

Rebels version:

TESB version:

Kanan should've been the main character for Rebels.

Ezra sucks cock.

So did Ahsoka. Now fans love her. Give 'em a season or two to mature.
That's true, actually.

But I really still hate his design.

That nose, ugh.

Then again, he could age a bit and change up his appearance like they did with Ahsoka. It wasn't just her clothes that changed, her entire body structure was different, too.

Ezra's parents were taken away because they refused to pay taxes and give up their shekels.

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