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Messages - Mmmmm Napalm

Pages: 1 ... 737475 7677 ... 207
The Flood / Re: Its the 25th anniversary for Terminator 2
« on: July 03, 2016, 12:44:29 PM »
Eddie Furlong is annoying at times in that film, but overall it's great. Definitely one of the best sci-fi action movies of all time.

The scene with the box of roses is so cool.

The Flood / Re: Wow I love these pills I'm taking
« on: June 30, 2016, 10:26:29 PM »
I take amphetamines.

The Flood / Re: manlets
« on: June 30, 2016, 07:36:00 PM »
>tfw 5'9"

Just three inches...
More like one inch less and you'd be the perfect height.
I don't share your proclivities though. I want to be taller.

The Flood / Re: manlets
« on: June 30, 2016, 07:15:38 PM »
>tfw 5'9"

Just three inches...

The Flood / Re: users you're a mix of
« on: June 28, 2016, 10:46:10 PM »

The Flood / Re: the (((weeb))) list
« on: June 28, 2016, 09:35:28 PM »
I should be in the anti-weeb section. TBlocks can confirm.

The Flood / Re: users you're a mix of
« on: June 28, 2016, 09:34:50 PM »
Bodyline never has the right sizes for purchase.

Anyways, you're a mix of Verb and somebody else entirely that I've never seen post probably.

You're not part pepsi unless you're posting this wearing your maid outfit.

Me? I don't see myself as being very Verb-like.

The Flood / Re: users you're a mix of
« on: June 28, 2016, 09:12:15 PM »
I don't know.

What would you guys say?

The Flood / Re: wHAT THE FUCK is this channel
« on: June 28, 2016, 03:42:24 PM »
OK, after looking into this some I don't think it's legitimate. It appears to be some.weird performance artist/bizarre sense of humor.stuff. I found a thread on /x/ (not too credible I know) where people found some stuff that, IMO, points to this being fake. The thread isn't too large:

The Flood / Re: Avatar rating thread
« on: June 28, 2016, 03:07:42 PM »
Mine is obviously the best

What looks like Skeletor with sunglasses and Haddaway lyrics next to his head.


The Flood / Re: wHAT THE FUCK is this channel
« on: June 28, 2016, 03:05:10 PM »

... is that a dead animal on the top of that robot?

The Flood / Re: wHAT THE FUCK is this channel
« on: June 28, 2016, 04:40:58 AM »
He's very passionate about glue, that's all.

The Flood / Re: Avatar rating thread
« on: June 28, 2016, 03:01:25 AM »

They have top tech in their engine. I forget what it's called, but they used the same thing for Battlefront to give it that photo realistic look.


Serious / Re: Unofficial Brexit Thread
« on: June 27, 2016, 01:06:55 AM »
Honestly I just find it despicable that my age group (18-24) are the ones most pissed about the vote and are the ones statistically that will have to live with the decision the longest. Yet all you see now is "Old people screwed us over!!!" Even though there was the lowest rate of voting in that bracket (36% of them, iirc)

You don't get to fucking complain about the results when you didn't go fucking take part. Say what you like about leavers but at least they actually cared about the issue. People who didn't spend 15 minutes and are now complaining about what happened are the worst.

My thoughts exactly.

Also, imagine if the Leave side had petitioned for a second referendum; they would be ridiculed to no end.

Gaming / Re: DOOM reboot / sequel?
« on: June 26, 2016, 03:44:23 PM »
People who finished the game can confirm - I avoided spoilers but heard rumours. From what I understand so far: You are indeed the same doom marine from the 90's Doom games.

I'm not sure Doomguy is the same guy from the original games.
Towards the end of the game, they elaborate on exactly how Doomguy was trapped in hell in the first place, and apparently his home dimension, Argent D'Nur, was taken over by demonic forces. Doomguy was once the leader of Argent D'Nur's protectors, the Night Sentinels. One of the Sentinels betrayed his dimension, allowing demonic forces to take it over. This apparently happened eons ago. If this is indeed the same Doomguy from the original games, then the events of those games weren't Doomguy's first encounter with demonic forces.
It's not explicitly stated that he was a Night Sentinel-- just that he had some connection to the group. IIRC time in Hell is also a lot longer than our reality, so a hundred years is equivalent to aeons. Most people see it as him kicking ass in Hell for so long (canonifying the .wads that people made for DOOM and DOOM 2) that God took notice and gave him powers of the angels. Eventually the Lords of Hell lured him to what would become his tomb and trapped in his sarcophagus, which is where he stayed until he was found by Olivia Pierce.

There's also a theory that Doomguy is the ancient warrior that you can find in DOOM 3.
Regardless of whether or not it's the same Doomguy, I love the approach they've taken to the lore of the game; the game's lore vaguely reminds me of Dark Souls, in that it is somewhat subject to interpretation.

I was aware of the stuff regarding the sarcophagus, Doomguy being blessed by Divine forces, and so forth. I covered some of it in my post prior to my reply to Nick.
I prefer it being the same Doomguy, because then it connects Doom 3 into the series instead of being this weird survival-horror standalone with the DOOM name. Then you can blame not being able to RIP AND TEAR on him just being some weak-ass (but still above average) marine.

Wait, could you explain how Doom 3 ties into it? When I was talking about it being the same Doomguy I was talking about Doom 1, 2, and 64. Doom 3 always struck me as a standalone reboot.

In your preferred interpretation, what is the connection to Doom 3? Are you thinking of the Marine from Doom 3 as being the same Doomguy in the new game, or something else?
They explain how the Soul Cube had been used before by an ancient Martian hero. With the Hell fuckery with time and dimension hopping, it's possible that the original Doomguy (1, 2, 64, 4) is actually the "Martian Hero" one jumped from the original dimension to the D3 one. IIRC you can find the Martian Hero's coffin in D3, meaning that at some point the original Doomguy would have eventually died some how or way.

I don't describe it that well, but there are people that explain it better on Youtube.
Ah, I see. Thanks.

Gaming / Re: DOOM reboot / sequel?
« on: June 26, 2016, 03:29:52 PM »
People who finished the game can confirm - I avoided spoilers but heard rumours. From what I understand so far: You are indeed the same doom marine from the 90's Doom games.

I'm not sure Doomguy is the same guy from the original games.
Towards the end of the game, they elaborate on exactly how Doomguy was trapped in hell in the first place, and apparently his home dimension, Argent D'Nur, was taken over by demonic forces. Doomguy was once the leader of Argent D'Nur's protectors, the Night Sentinels. One of the Sentinels betrayed his dimension, allowing demonic forces to take it over. This apparently happened eons ago. If this is indeed the same Doomguy from the original games, then the events of those games weren't Doomguy's first encounter with demonic forces.
It's not explicitly stated that he was a Night Sentinel-- just that he had some connection to the group. IIRC time in Hell is also a lot longer than our reality, so a hundred years is equivalent to aeons. Most people see it as him kicking ass in Hell for so long (canonifying the .wads that people made for DOOM and DOOM 2) that God took notice and gave him powers of the angels. Eventually the Lords of Hell lured him to what would become his tomb and trapped in his sarcophagus, which is where he stayed until he was found by Olivia Pierce.

There's also a theory that Doomguy is the ancient warrior that you can find in DOOM 3.
Regardless of whether or not it's the same Doomguy, I love the approach they've taken to the lore of the game; the game's lore vaguely reminds me of Dark Souls, in that it is somewhat subject to interpretation.

I was aware of the stuff regarding the sarcophagus, Doomguy being blessed by Divine forces, and so forth. I covered some of it in my post prior to my reply to Nick.
I prefer it being the same Doomguy, because then it connects Doom 3 into the series instead of being this weird survival-horror standalone with the DOOM name. Then you can blame not being able to RIP AND TEAR on him just being some weak-ass (but still above average) marine.

Wait, could you explain how Doom 3 ties into it? When I was talking about it being the same Doomguy I was talking about Doom 1, 2, and 64. Doom 3 always struck me as a standalone reboot.

In your preferred interpretation, what is the connection to Doom 3? Are you thinking of the Marine from Doom 3 as being the same Doomguy in the new game, or something else?

Gaming / Re: DOOM reboot / sequel?
« on: June 26, 2016, 03:21:14 PM »
People who finished the game can confirm - I avoided spoilers but heard rumours. From what I understand so far: You are indeed the same doom marine from the 90's Doom games.

I'm not sure Doomguy is the same guy from the original games.
Towards the end of the game, they elaborate on exactly how Doomguy was trapped in hell in the first place, and apparently his home dimension, Argent D'Nur, was taken over by demonic forces. Doomguy was once the leader of Argent D'Nur's protectors, the Night Sentinels. One of the Sentinels betrayed his dimension, allowing demonic forces to take it over. This apparently happened eons ago. If this is indeed the same Doomguy from the original games, then the events of those games weren't Doomguy's first encounter with demonic forces.
It's not explicitly stated that he was a Night Sentinel-- just that he had some connection to the group. IIRC time in Hell is also a lot longer than our reality, so a hundred years is equivalent to aeons. Most people see it as him kicking ass in Hell for so long (canonifying the .wads that people made for DOOM and DOOM 2) that God took notice and gave him powers of the angels. Eventually the Lords of Hell lured him to what would become his tomb and trapped in his sarcophagus, which is where he stayed until he was found by Olivia Pierce.

There's also a theory that Doomguy is the ancient warrior that you can find in DOOM 3.
Regardless of whether or not it's the same Doomguy, I love the approach they've taken to the lore of the game; the game's lore vaguely reminds me of Dark Souls, in that it is somewhat subject to interpretation.

I was aware of the stuff regarding the sarcophagus, Doomguy being blessed by Divine forces, and so forth. I covered some of it in my post prior to my reply to Nick.

Serious / Re: All races are equal.
« on: June 26, 2016, 03:11:06 PM »
That was absolutely horrifying.

Gaming / Re: DOOM reboot / sequel?
« on: June 26, 2016, 02:53:53 PM »
People who finished the game can confirm - I avoided spoilers but heard rumours. From what I understand so far: You are indeed the same doom marine from the 90's Doom games.

I'm not sure Doomguy is the same guy from the original games.
Towards the end of the game, they elaborate on exactly how Doomguy was trapped in hell in the first place, and apparently his home dimension, Argent D'Nur, was taken over by demonic forces. Doomguy was once the leader of Argent D'Nur's protectors, the Night Sentinels. One of the Sentinels betrayed his dimension, allowing demonic forces to take it over. This apparently happened eons ago. If this is indeed the same Doomguy from the original games, then the events of those games weren't Doomguy's first encounter with demonic forces.

Gaming / Re: DOOM reboot / sequel?
« on: June 26, 2016, 02:48:23 PM »
I loved the game, bought it a couple days after release.

Doomguy's new backstory is absolutely awesome. It's so over-the-top badass, which fits perfectly with the rest of the game. In fact, Doomguy's backstory is probably my favorite part of the game. I wasn't expecting the lore of a Doom game to be so interesting.

Spoilers for those who haven't gotten far enough in the game
Doomguy is an ancient warrior who, for eons, has waged a holy crusade against the forces of evil. When his home dimension was taken over by demonic forces, he was trapped in hell, and began a rampage against evil. A Seraphim noticed how good he was at this, and bestowed upon him "terrible power and speed", which is why Doomguy runs so fast. Later, he received a set of enchanted armor (the Praetor suit) from someone in hell who turned traitor.

Doomguy, who used to be a simple space marine, is now a hyper-lethal instrument of the Divine, and whose sole purpose in life is to combat the forces of darkness, and stop any demonic incursions upon the mortal world should they occur. It's awesome.

Serious / Re: . . . and today EU unveils its plans for military
« on: June 25, 2016, 03:34:03 PM »
Most of the European nations aren't even meeting their NATO obligations, not sure how an actual EU military will be able to work.
Maybe this will wake them up. Doubt it. People have become too complacent with America's military power. Maybe Russia pushing for more land will make them realize "Hey we should help out too."
They won't.

The military is too demonized in contemporary Germany. People hate the soldiers of their own country. It's pathetic.
From the people I've met that did tours during Reforger, that doesn't right at all.

Apparently there is a fairly popular movement in Germany that's named something along the lines of "soldiers are murderers". Furthermore, almost no-one joins the military, so a lot of the people that do sign up are seen as social outcasts.

Serious / Re: . . . and today EU unveils its plans for military
« on: June 25, 2016, 02:12:53 PM »
Most of the European nations aren't even meeting their NATO obligations, not sure how an actual EU military will be able to work.
Maybe this will wake them up. Doubt it. People have become too complacent with America's military power. Maybe Russia pushing for more land will make them realize "Hey we should help out too."
They won't.

The military is too demonized in contemporary Germany. People hate the soldiers of their own country. It's pathetic.

The Flood / Re: New theme song for the UK
« on: June 25, 2016, 04:48:43 AM »
F U C K  G L O B A L I S M


The Flood / Re: The EU Slayer
« on: June 24, 2016, 01:14:47 AM »

The Flood / Re: Rogue One News and Images
« on: June 23, 2016, 07:00:00 PM »
shoulda spoilered that first fact
Its not a spoiler when every major website like IGN and Gamespot are making multiple articles about it

This is why I didn't put it in spoiler brackets. Every other entertainment news site is going to spoil it anyway.

The Flood / Re: Rogue One News and Images
« on: June 23, 2016, 06:52:05 PM »
Is Tarkin going to be in it?

With Peter Cushing having passed I'm not sure. If he is, I doubt he'll be present beyond an appearance via hologram.

The Flood / Re: Close Encounters of the SecondClass
« on: June 23, 2016, 05:48:02 PM »

The Flood / Rogue One News and Images
« on: June 23, 2016, 05:42:00 PM »
Vader confirmed.

Photos and character information.

Honestly I'm more excited for this than Episode VIII. I love Imperial political intrigue, and I like the idea of a grittier, more war-movie esque Star Wars film.

The Flood / Re: The EU Slayer
« on: June 23, 2016, 01:30:54 AM »
I did consider redoing the armour to be purple and yellow

Might have been a bit over the top though

I think the image is great as it is. Thanks again!

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