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Messages - Mmmmm Napalm

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The Flood / Re: Frederick the Great was the best person to ever live
« on: August 14, 2016, 04:03:00 PM »
but Otto von Bismarck

The Flood / Re: Some douche locked the thread
« on: August 14, 2016, 01:23:34 PM »

Id cut off my childs internet just so they dont get obsessed with dumb fucking minecraft videos like my little brother

My younger brother is the exact same way. His YouTube search history is horrifying.

Gaming / Re: I've been playing Dawn of War 1 recently
« on: August 14, 2016, 01:13:25 PM »
Fuck Winter Assault lol. That bit with having to move your people across the countless waves of enemies pissed me off.
I managed to pull through that after a few tries, it's the subsequent section that has been giving me trouble. It is impossible to mass enough forces to successfully hold off the Ork advance within the time span allotted.

To properly hold off the Orks and their looted Leman Russ tanks, you yourself need to build Lehman Russ tanks. To build those you need to develop the Leman Russ manufacturing tech for the vehicle building unit. To develop that, you need to research another perk. To research that perk, you have to upgrade the Stronghold/HQ. Then, in addition to all of that, you have to build power generators, defense turrets, listening posts (and then upgrade them), and finally build more infantry units (and then research and develop better armaments, protection, and perks for them).

With the additional factor of flawed human reaction time, the task becomes impossible.
It's been a while since, so I might be thinking of dark crusade stuff but can't you just get a bunch of heavy weapons teams out?
They should be Tier 2 and Lascannons make mincemeat of any armour fielded against you.

If they were added in DC though, disregard^
Yeah they are a DC addition
Damn, they'd really save the day there.

Sentinels might help then if they are in it, they have a lascannon mount too so you can rush them out early to rinse armour.
Yeah, I tried that but they get slaughtered by the looted Leman Russ tanks.

I would strictly forbid viewing pornography. I don't think it is, or should be, "part of growing up". Will young boys always be attracted to lewd images? Yes, but I can try and do everything in my power to warn them of the dangers and degeneracy of pornography.

Viewership of pornography entails a great risk that they will come across something truly horrifying and disgusting. The pornography of today is far more dangerous than the Playboy magazines of yesteryear. Granted, I wouldn't let them read Playboys either but you get the idea.

I did not, and do not watch pornography as a teenager. I believe part of why I was able to avoid pornography is because I wasn't enrolled in public school during 6th and 7th grade, when young boys are prone to pressuring one another into watching such content.

Gaming / Re: I've been playing Dawn of War 1 recently
« on: August 14, 2016, 12:53:13 PM »
Fuck Winter Assault lol. That bit with having to move your people across the countless waves of enemies pissed me off.
I managed to pull through that after a few tries, it's the subsequent section that has been giving me trouble. It is impossible to mass enough forces to successfully hold off the Ork advance within the time span allotted.

To properly hold off the Orks and their looted Leman Russ tanks, you yourself need to build Lehman Russ tanks. To build those you need to develop the Leman Russ manufacturing tech for the vehicle building unit. To develop that, you need to research another perk. To research that perk, you have to upgrade the Stronghold/HQ. Then, in addition to all of that, you have to build power generators, defense turrets, listening posts (and then upgrade them), and finally build more infantry units (and then research and develop better armaments, protection, and perks for them).

With the additional factor of flawed human reaction time, the task becomes impossible.
It's been a while since, so I might be thinking of dark crusade stuff but can't you just get a bunch of heavy weapons teams out?
They should be Tier 2 and Lascannons make mincemeat of any armour fielded against you.

If they were added in DC though, disregard^
Yeah they are a DC addition

The Flood / Re: Who here /ANARCHO/
« on: August 13, 2016, 10:10:41 PM »
we may have gone too far in a few places

Memes are the key to all of this.

The Flood / Re: sup ya mouth breathin wastoid knuckleheads
« on: August 13, 2016, 09:09:40 PM »
I now have painful burns across my entire body

Gaming / Re: I've been playing Dawn of War 1 recently
« on: August 13, 2016, 01:43:51 PM »
Fuck Winter Assault lol. That bit with having to move your people across the countless waves of enemies pissed me off.
I managed to pull through that after a few tries, it's the subsequent section that has been giving me trouble. It is impossible to mass enough forces to successfully hold off the Ork advance within the time span allotted.

To properly hold off the Orks and their looted Leman Russ tanks, you yourself need to build Lehman Russ tanks. To build those you need to develop the Leman Russ manufacturing tech for the vehicle building unit. To develop that, you need to research another perk. To research that perk, you have to upgrade the Stronghold/HQ. Then, in addition to all of that, you have to build power generators, defense turrets, listening posts (and then upgrade them), and finally build more infantry units (and then research and develop better armaments, protection, and perks for them).

With the additional factor of flawed human reaction time, the task becomes impossible.

Gaming / Re: I've been playing Dawn of War 1 recently
« on: August 13, 2016, 01:17:54 PM »
After finishing the main game I moved on to Winter Assault. I progressed to a point where I am given the impossible task of holding off an enormous Ork horde. I gave up and moved on to Dark Crusade.

I played much less of Dark Crusade, but I found that going against AI Imperial Guard as the Space Marines can be rather difficult. It is difficult to create and mobilize one's forces and simultaneously bolster their combat capabilities, not to mention research and produce new tech and armaments.

Gaming / Re: Would you restrict what games you child could play?
« on: August 13, 2016, 01:08:53 PM »
Depends on child's maturity. Speaking generally, I'd be cool with something like Halo at around age 13, but something like GTA would have to wait until 16 or something.

The Flood / Re: New Rogue One trailer
« on: August 11, 2016, 11:57:59 PM »
Seeing Vader at the end gave me chills since they said he'd be in it, but we saw nothing. Either way, the darker tone they were trying to go for will be interesting.

And honestly, I just like they're diving into the SW universe more.
Me too. I am excited to see Vader in a situation in which people are powerless to stop him.

The Flood / Re: New Rogue One trailer
« on: August 11, 2016, 11:57:15 PM »
I will wait until they make one that doesn't involve a death star of any sort.

So much for Starkiller... Not gonna see it now.

You know it's about the mission to get the Death Star plans from the first movie right? It's about an event that was mentioned but never seen.

It's not a new Death Star or anything.
- This Starkiller
Oh. I don't know why people are so into that character.

The Flood / Re: New Rogue One trailer
« on: August 11, 2016, 11:28:28 PM »

You know it's about the mission to get the Death Star plans from the first movie right? It's about an event that was mentioned but never seen.

It's not a new Death Star or anything.

I will wait until they make one that doesn't involve a death star of any sort.

That's a silly reason to dislike the movie.

With TFA the Starkiller was unoriginal, but this movie is about a specific event involving the plans of the first Death Star. It's a pre-existing event they decided to make a movie out of.

The Flood / Re: New Rogue One trailer
« on: August 11, 2016, 11:16:32 PM »
Although Disney ordered reshoots to "lighten the tone".

That was proven to be false.

The Flood / Re: New Rogue One trailer
« on: August 11, 2016, 11:15:47 PM »
I will wait until they make one that doesn't involve a death star of any sort.

So much for Starkiller... Not gonna see it now.

You know it's about the mission to get the Death Star plans from the first movie right? It's about an event that was mentioned but never seen.

It's not a new Death Star or anything.

The Flood / Re: New Rogue One trailer
« on: August 11, 2016, 09:52:06 PM »
Excited. Looking forward to Ben Mendolsohn's performance in particular.

Gaming / Re: I've been playing Dawn of War 1 recently
« on: August 11, 2016, 06:17:08 PM »
My favorite moments are all from the original Dawn of War. Not sure if Chaos were made for comedic relief or not.


Lol I love the hammy voice acting in the first game, it's amazing. Reminds me of Jeremy Irons in the Dungeons and Dragons movie.

Gaming / Re: I've been playing Dawn of War 1 recently
« on: August 11, 2016, 06:15:06 PM »
The story of Dawn of War 2 is pretty good I think, it's over the top but I found it nice enough, the voice acting being near perfect with how fitting it is. Combat leaves much to be desired though.
Yeah the voice acting in the first DoW is reaaaallly hammy in the cutscenes, which is perfectly fine. I have listened to the voice acting in 2, and what I was immediately struck by is just how many lines there are for each unit. In the first game you've heard them all in the first twenty minutes, but in the second one there are forty minutes of dialogue for the Space Marine unit alone.

Regardless of DoW 2's gameplay deficiencies in comparison to the first one, it definitely tops the original in regards to voice acting, simply because there's just so much of it.

Gaming / Re: I've been playing Dawn of War 1 recently
« on: August 11, 2016, 06:10:34 PM »
DOW 1 and it's expansions aer the only good ones.

Well that's a shame. What is bad about the second one?

They removed the base building and controlling large armies. It's a much smaller and more hero focused game than its predecessor.
I was aware of that, I didn't think it would make the game bad though, just different.

Gaming / Re: I've been playing Dawn of War 1 recently
« on: August 11, 2016, 05:18:35 PM »
DOW 1 and it's expansions aer the only good ones.

Well that's a shame. What is bad about the second one?

Gaming / I've been playing Dawn of War 1 recently
« on: August 11, 2016, 02:45:04 PM »
It's very fun. I have all the expansions, as well as Dawn of War II and it's expansions (although my computer cannot run them).

I only recently started playing it, and I am on mission six of the campaign. So far it hasn't been too challenging, as the ability to quickly create new squads and assets makes everything a bit easy. From what I understand, Dawn of War II exchanges these massive battles for more squad-based comabt, and you can't create new units; I imagine that it is more challenging as a result of this.

I am excited for Dawn of War III, by the time that comes out I will probably have a decent PC. It sounds like III will be a fun mix of I and II in regards to gameplay. In regards to visuals, however, based on what has been seen so far III has a MOBA-esque visual style that I am not too keen on.

I may or may not have a copy of Dawn of War I that I could gift to someone via Steam; depends on whether the person I originally gifted it to wants it.

The Flood / Re: Free Steam Games
« on: August 10, 2016, 05:55:06 PM »
>He doesn't already have the gold pack

Reminder: There will never be an Empire at War 2.

Empire at War

Warhammer 40k: Space Hulk

Empire at War
>Claims to be a Star Wars fan
>M-muh infallible Original Trilogy
>Doesn't own Empire at War

The fuck is wrong with yah m8

I don't have a very good computer and I don't play RTS/Strategy Games very much. It has always been something I have had my eye on, but I always forgot to get it when the Steam sale comes around. That is why I don't have it yet.

And Tackel don't you dare doubt how much of a SW fan I am. When's the last time you spent $300 on a Darth Vader, huh?

The Flood / Re: Communication disruption? Only one possibility
« on: August 10, 2016, 05:50:16 PM »

They're key to all this. Them and Count Doku.

The Flood / Re: Communication disruption? Only one possibility
« on: August 10, 2016, 05:49:22 PM »
I mean, you're being besieged by a rogue faction and your communications network suddenly goes down. Invasion is clearly the logical explanation.

Yeah. My dislike of the prequels is no secret, but I won't hesitate to admit that the line makes a decent amount of sense in context.

If it was just a normal day, and there wasn't a greedy mega-corporation fleet above the planet, then screaming invasion when you lose internet service would be a dumb line. However, when the situation involves a mega-corporation's private army floating in orbit, then invasion is an understandable conclusion to come to when communications go out.

The Flood / Re: ITT: Factions and people that did nothing wrong
« on: August 10, 2016, 05:44:22 PM »

The Flood / Re: Free Steam Games
« on: August 10, 2016, 05:40:31 PM »
Warhammer 40k: Space Hulk

Empire at War

Blue Ruin

Star Trek IV: The Journey Home

The Truman Show

The Empire Strikes Back
The Wrath of Khan


The Flood / Re: Movies that critics dropped the ball on
« on: August 08, 2016, 08:12:32 PM »
The Empire Strikes Back. When it was initially released, it received mixed reviews from critics.

Thankfully, it is now recognized as one of the greatest films of all time, as it should be.
Y'know, I used to adore this film, and yeah, the critics were nowhere near the ballpark at the time, but idk if it warrants the critical acclaim it's recently gotten anymore. I mean it's a good film, don't get me wrong, just not the masterpiece it's made out to be. If you try not to look at it through the prism of nostalgia you'll begin to notice all it really did was reinvigorate the medieval knight's tale, with a twist.
The Star Wars OT is a very simple tale, and I think there are a variety of reasons behind why ESB is so revered today. I suppose that while it isn't the most complex and original story, the film nails just about everything it needs to. The special effects are incredible and hold up well to this day. The atmosphere is great, and the characters, while a bit archetypal, are still interesting to the audience and viewers find themselves curious about their backgrounds and exploits.

The Empire Strikes Back. When it was initially released, it received mixed reviews from critics.

Thankfully, it is now recognized as one of the greatest films of all time, as it should be.
Except that it's garbage.

Wow, didn't see that one coming.

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