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Messages - Mmmmm Napalm

Pages: 1 ... 456 78 ... 206
The Flood / Re: What shows have you been watching lately?
« on: July 17, 2020, 10:04:13 PM »
Finished ZZ gundam and watched Char's Counterattack

The Flood / Re: What shows have you been watching lately?
« on: July 17, 2020, 04:16:49 PM »
so i finished devilman crybaby

when i first began, i was expecting just a fun & violent “hurr durr kill demon lul” anime. i was not expecting it to be quite sad lol. by the last epsiode i was thinking to myself “what in the hell is going on??” w/ satan appearing & divine intervention & stuff. not that it’s a bad thing though

a problem i had w/ it is things just... happened w/o much explanation. like, one epsiode ryo & akira are at each others necks, and a few minutes into the next epsiode, theyre buddy buddy again... like wut okay

overall it was enjoyable, i liked the idea of this devil having a human heart/compassion. i was surprised to see the direction it went towards. it gave me a feeling of hope, sorta, when it was like “humans can overcome this!” but then by the end the whole world was obliterated. nice.

sorry if my thoughts are all over the place, i dont usually review things let alone jot them down for others to read, you know?

now ill most likely continue naruto

don't, Naruto is shit. It's also fucking long, so there's a lot of shit

stuff I've enjoyed:

mob Psycho 100 (not very long)

Universal Century Gundam (okay, there's a lot of it in total, but there are several short OVA's like War in The Pocket and 08MS Team)

Cowboy Bebop

THE BIG O (haven't gotten too far into this, but it's interesting and I like the DCAU-esque art)

i mean yea i know it's long but at the very least i could be able to turn my brain off

i have wanted to watch mob psycho, but im always too hesitant

why are you hesitant to watch it?

The Flood / Re: What shows have you been watching lately?
« on: July 17, 2020, 05:06:05 AM »
so i finished devilman crybaby

when i first began, i was expecting just a fun & violent “hurr durr kill demon lul” anime. i was not expecting it to be quite sad lol. by the last epsiode i was thinking to myself “what in the hell is going on??” w/ satan appearing & divine intervention & stuff. not that it’s a bad thing though

a problem i had w/ it is things just... happened w/o much explanation. like, one epsiode ryo & akira are at each others necks, and a few minutes into the next epsiode, theyre buddy buddy again... like wut okay

overall it was enjoyable, i liked the idea of this devil having a human heart/compassion. i was surprised to see the direction it went towards. it gave me a feeling of hope, sorta, when it was like “humans can overcome this!” but then by the end the whole world was obliterated. nice.

sorry if my thoughts are all over the place, i dont usually review things let alone jot them down for others to read, you know?

now ill most likely continue naruto

don't, Naruto is shit. It's also fucking long, so there's a lot of shit

stuff I've enjoyed:

mob Psycho 100 (not very long)

Universal Century Gundam (okay, there's a lot of it in total, but there are several short OVA's like War in The Pocket and 08MS Team)

Cowboy Bebop

THE BIG O (haven't gotten too far into this, but it's interesting and I like the DCAU-esque art)

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: July 16, 2020, 09:22:38 PM »
Also I honestly think leaving this site helped me a lot with that, I got into more positive circles and less harmful ones all around.
I’m glad you’re doing better and not associating with the lame ass people you were before. I wish you nothing but the best. Thank you for showing everybody that it’s never too late to change.
Cheers man, I hope you are/will take care of yourself too.

It's funny, because I used to think "why do people on here hate me?" But honestly looking back on it I can totally fucking understand completely. Very sorry for the things I've done and how I acted, to say the least.
I came here recently to tell Cheat to delete my account/permaban me, because of the ugly history this website has which was propagated by you and users like you. I didn’t want to be associated with this place anymore. Then I saw your post, and it was like after those 5 years of posting hate, you made up for all of it. That’s why I said thank you. To see that you changed, you have no idea the way it impacted me, and the hope it gave me that maybe we can all move past this together. I know this is long and maybe it’s a little too sentimental, but it’s how I feel. What you say on the internet does affect people, no matter how anonymous you think you are. Thank you Ender.

The idea of you typing this with a straight face is baffling
Dude you actively go to 4chan every day, you don’t have a leg to stand on.

I visit a board about plastic spacemen and boardgames, and just because I visit a site doesn't mean I agree with everyone on it

I rarely even post.

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: July 16, 2020, 09:07:43 PM »
Also I honestly think leaving this site helped me a lot with that, I got into more positive circles and less harmful ones all around.
I’m glad you’re doing better and not associating with the lame ass people you were before. I wish you nothing but the best. Thank you for showing everybody that it’s never too late to change.
Cheers man, I hope you are/will take care of yourself too.

It's funny, because I used to think "why do people on here hate me?" But honestly looking back on it I can totally fucking understand completely. Very sorry for the things I've done and how I acted, to say the least.
I came here recently to tell Cheat to delete my account/permaban me, because of the ugly history this website has which was propagated by you and users like you. I didn’t want to be associated with this place anymore. Then I saw your post, and it was like after those 5 years of posting hate, you made up for all of it. That’s why I said thank you. To see that you changed, you have no idea the way it impacted me, and the hope it gave me that maybe we can all move past this together. I know this is long and maybe it’s a little too sentimental, but it’s how I feel. What you say on the internet does affect people, no matter how anonymous you think you are. Thank you Ender.

The idea of you typing this with a straight face is baffling

Gaming / Re: Brother and I bought a Wii U
« on: July 16, 2020, 04:01:51 PM »
It arrived! Bought Wind Waker and Twilight Princess HD, currently transferring data from Wii.

Gaming / Re: Brother and I bought a Wii U
« on: July 15, 2020, 01:26:55 AM »
Come to think of it, the Wii U does have a pretty robust Virtual Console.

That's why I was supportive of the purchase, seeing as Nintendo in their obstinacy hasn't brought over VC. Sure we've got the SNES and NES games they've added to switch, but we've heard nothing of N64, and I'm concerned we'll never get GB Advance, DS, or GC games made available on the switch.

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: July 14, 2020, 07:19:32 PM »
I came here recently to tell Cheat to delete my account/permaban me, because of the ugly history this website has which was propagated by you and users like you.
do you honestly think she contributed more to the website's ugly history than you have

is your last post on here going to be a lie
I’ve said plenty of ugly things here that I’m ashamed of and have even apologized for. But yes I’d say users like ender, slash, psy, commander whatever his name was, iron man (?), kinder, brenman94, etc. the list goes on made this site a legitimately hateful website that is more akin to 4chan than bungie. When the protests and riots in Baltimore were occurring, ender and many other people were referring to the protestors as “chimps” and saying they were “chimping out” as well as posting edited images with “Planet of the Apes” being a thread title by that iron man dude. You can check my posts where I railed hard against these posts and called them out for their vile and racist bullshit.

You can check my post history. For every distasteful joke (of which I made plenty) and occasional bigoted comment, I made many more defending equality when things actually got serious. I’ve never been a racist person although I have said racist things out of anger due to altercations I’ve had with people that created that hatred inside me. It’s not an excuse at all, but at least I have never in my life considered myself superior to anyone else due to ethnicity or any other characteristic a person has that is out of their control.

I spent years getting called a sandnigger and a spic by a lot of users on here. Have you? To top it off they’d rarely get banned for it. One of those users (das boot) is actually a good friend of yours, who you have defended vehemently over the years. I can easily find and post screenshots of you defending him on my server claiming it’s all just jokes and his constant pedophile jokes aren’t a cause for concern at all lmao. Who the fuck are you to try and call me out on anything?

In regards to the conduct of users, this site also started almost 6 years ago. Many people here - and their views - have changed.

Jester was only 12 when the site started. I was 17, and I'm 23 now. Plenty of users were edgy and stuff in the past and haven't remained so.
Jester was a crazy kid but he never really did anything malicious to anybody. 17 really isn’t that young dude. It’s not about posting “edgy” shit. This site is a cesspool. I remember the way you guys were and I see how some of you guys talk about current things now.

I didn't cite myself or Jester as examples of malicious people, I was just giving examples of how young some people were.
Okay, 17 year old isn't that young but six years is plenty of time for someone to change. That's the important figure here; this site has existed for almost six whole years.

And you say "you guys" like you weren't an active member of the site for years lol

The Flood / Re: Do you live alone?
« on: July 14, 2020, 06:04:24 PM »
I agree, it's much more financially convenient for someone attending University. Why do you need to begin planning a move soon?
well, i'm grad-bound, so i won't have the university excuse for too much longer

That's fair. Are you still an undergrad?

The Flood / Re: Do you live alone?
« on: July 14, 2020, 05:49:13 PM »
in spite of everything, i have to appreciate the serendipity of living in a time where i don't have to feel too ashamed about living with my parents at my age, although i do need to start thinking about my next move relatively soon

I agree, it's much more financially convenient for someone attending University. Why do you need to begin planning a move soon?

Gaming / Re: 2020 VG Soundtrack Thread
« on: July 14, 2020, 05:45:33 PM »
Kentucky Route Zero was completed a few months ago, after seven years of development. Not really interested in the game, but the OST has some good electronic atmospheric stuff.

The Flood / Do you live alone?
« on: July 14, 2020, 05:43:16 PM »
Do you live independently? Do you live on a Campus? Do you live with family? With Roommates? Are you friends with your Roommate(s)?

I live with my mother, as I have stopped living at the dorm because of expenses. Plus, it looks like all my classes next semester will be online anyway.

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: July 14, 2020, 05:25:51 PM »
I came here recently to tell Cheat to delete my account/permaban me, because of the ugly history this website has which was propagated by you and users like you.
do you honestly think she contributed more to the website's ugly history than you have

is your last post on here going to be a lie
I’ve said plenty of ugly things here that I’m ashamed of and have even apologized for. But yes I’d say users like ender, slash, psy, commander whatever his name was, iron man (?), kinder, brenman94, etc. the list goes on made this site a legitimately hateful website that is more akin to 4chan than bungie. When the protests and riots in Baltimore were occurring, ender and many other people were referring to the protestors as “chimps” and saying they were “chimping out” as well as posting edited images with “Planet of the Apes” being a thread title by that iron man dude. You can check my posts where I railed hard against these posts and called them out for their vile and racist bullshit.

You can check my post history. For every distasteful joke (of which I made plenty) and occasional bigoted comment, I made many more defending equality when things actually got serious. I’ve never been a racist person although I have said racist things out of anger due to altercations I’ve had with people that created that hatred inside me. It’s not an excuse at all, but at least I have never in my life considered myself superior to anyone else due to ethnicity or any other characteristic a person has that is out of their control.

I spent years getting called a sandnigger and a spic by a lot of users on here. Have you? To top it off they’d rarely get banned for it. One of those users (das boot) is actually a good friend of yours, who you have defended vehemently over the years. I can easily find and post screenshots of you defending him on my server claiming it’s all just jokes and his constant pedophile jokes aren’t a cause for concern at all lmao. Who the fuck are you to try and call me out on anything?

In regards to the conduct of users, this site also started almost 6 years ago. Many people here - and their views - have changed.

Jester was only 12 when the site started. I was 17, and I'm 23 now. Plenty of users were edgy and stuff in the past and haven't remained so.

The Flood / Re: What shows have you been watching lately?
« on: July 14, 2020, 04:07:25 PM »
friend and I are over halfway through ZZ Gundam. It's gotten better, but I still don't think it's as good as Zeta. One of my complaints is that the political aspect of the show isn't as interesting as Zeta, or The Origin. So far Neo Zeon doesn't have any schtick to set it apart from OG Zeon. I wish Based Sunglasses Man would show up and instigate a Zeon civil war or something, but I know that doesn't happen; apparently he doesn't show up again until Char's Counterattack.

I also miss Commander Cello. He was hilarious, but he's been gone for quite a few episodes.

Gaming / Brother and I bought a Wii U
« on: July 14, 2020, 03:53:21 PM »
My little brother found a great listing on eBay: $115 + shipping for a 32gb Wii U with Gamepad and Pro Controller. It gets here anywhere between the 16th and 18th. My brother paid for most of it, I just covered shipping.

My brother wanted it for Wind Waker HD. I don't know why, he was playing my copy of WW on the Wii and imo the original still looks fine. I'm interested in Twilight Princess HD; I've never beaten it, and while we have the original I'd rather just play the HD version so I don't have to bother with motion controls.

Aside from that, we want to pick up OoT and Majora's Mask; we have them on Wii and 3DS, but again the Wii version is 480p and as I understand it the 3D versions of the games aren't as good as the originals. We're also going to get Super Mario 64 and M&L: Partners in Time

The Flood / Re: Hey guys, just dropping in to catch up on things.
« on: July 08, 2020, 12:37:50 AM »
The “oh sep7agon is so dead and bad” meme got stale about two years ago dude

I only half remember who you are. Longface? Big fucking deal, you’re irrelevant now my man. Please just leave if you’re only coming on here to tell others to leave. I don’t care about you.
man you're unbearable

The Flood / Re: I have corona virus AMA
« on: July 08, 2020, 12:35:41 AM »
hope you have a speedy recovery dude

Gaming / Re: So, The Last of Us 2 leaks....
« on: July 07, 2020, 09:51:21 PM »
lou2 master of puppets cover when

The Flood / Re: Can't be...
« on: July 07, 2020, 09:48:38 AM »
I miss camnator.

We all do... I think.

The Flood / Re: Hey guys, just dropping in to catch up on things.
« on: July 06, 2020, 06:44:12 PM »
'sup my dude

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: July 02, 2020, 03:55:09 AM »
Fairly indifferent on Locke as a character but if he gets killed off straight away then that's simply bad writing, and shows 343i have learned nothing about how to properly address fan criticism.

I think he would have been better if he had been openly antagonistic towards Halsey and the Spartan program. He should have a I'll been an ONI agent during H5. So, how the trailers presented him.

Also yeah I agree it's sloppy.

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: July 02, 2020, 01:35:59 AM »

Only 343i has the balls to kill off a main character in a fucking Mega blocks set.

Gaming / Re: 2020 midpoint recap
« on: July 01, 2020, 10:30:33 PM »
only new game i bought this year has been animal crossing which i haven't played in a couple weeks. played a bit of minecraft dungeons but didn't get into it.

otherwise my life is dedicated to destiny 2

wanna get a VR headset at some point for HL: A and Saints and Sinners as I've heard those are both really good

bought an RTX ready for cyberpunk only for it to get delayed lol. minecraft looks nice with raytracing though

What's your switch friend code?

My issue is when people get caught up in the mob mentality and advocate for the removal of statues that are more or less unrelated. A history professor at my university spoke about a WW1 monument being destroyed because people thought it was a Confederate monument.

Right now, people in St. Louis are trying to get a statue of the city's namesake torn down, which I disagree with.

The Flood / Re: tfw no gf
« on: June 28, 2020, 01:31:50 PM »
tfw no 6' tomboy gf



"top user on the site"

I'll take forgettable, honestly.
Not only are those pics better than the zombieish one you posted

Oh yeah, I wanna talk about this. in what fucking world are your pics not horrible quality? I'm not taking about your physical appearance, I'm talking about the quality of the photos. Every picture you take has shit lighting and looks blurry and low quality. They remind me of Chris-Chan's photography skills



"top user on the site"

I'll take forgettable, honestly.
, but I’m not rating users on their looks lmao

I know. I'm saying that if being the supposed top user means being an attention whore who is steadily losing touch with reality, I'll take being forgettable any day.

Not that being labelled as such bothered me, I definitely understand. I don't I post frequently, I don't have a gimmick, I don't get involved in drama, I'm not unintelligent but I'm not the smartest, and I don't put the amount of effort into my posts that, say, Verbatim does. I'm not super memorable. I don't think you're really in the position to be declaring which users are best though.



"top user on the site"

I'll take forgettable, honestly.

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