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Messages - Mmmmm Napalm

Pages: 1 ... 474849 5051 ... 207
The Flood / Re: The birth of Bill Maher
« on: March 26, 2017, 11:53:01 PM »
sometimes he's right on the money

and other times i have no idea where he's coming from

he's usually p good with the social stuff and shitty with the economic stuff
He's just so condescending, it's extremely irritating.

I don't care what your views are, just don't be a dick. Maher acts like a dick.

The Flood / The birth of Bill Maher
« on: March 26, 2017, 05:56:43 PM »
Upon the infant Bill Maher's exit from the birth canal, the doctor held him in his arms, looked to Bill's mother, and said: "congratulations, m'am. It's a cunt."

The Flood / Re: Samurai Jack season 5
« on: March 26, 2017, 02:12:30 AM »

Samurai "Oh, you've never seen a deer? How about you see this spear" Jack

Samurai "If I see asian chicks, I'll impale them with sticks" Jack

Samurai "If you're a teen, I'll throw you in a ravine" Jack

Samurai "Chase me into a fog I'll throw you off a log" Jack

Samurai "The best thing to cut through, is about seven waifus" Jack

Samurai "If you have a daughter, then I'm about to go slaugther" Jack

On second thought, I want this to be my image:

Can somebody give me me a link to the last one?

The Flood / Doggos
« on: March 23, 2017, 04:21:55 PM »
Post your good doggos

The Flood / Re: Does anyone else miss Roman
« on: March 23, 2017, 01:51:20 AM »
I just miss any member who left or got banned tbh. The more active members the better.
I go back and look at my likes received and see so many people that used to come here that don't even post anymore :(
What likes ;)
Those 35 Likes Received pages that I have more of than you :^)
You are more active so duh :^)
You have nearly 10,000 more posts than me dough :^)

Posting style has an influence. But also little things like if you give someone moderately helpful information. They may like the post they may not. So it's really who just got lucky tbh.

What would be more accurate is who has the most liked post out of all of them, I'd think.
Yeah my liked percentage is just over 10%, but only because I don't post like Cheese Potato being fun all the time.

Few are as fun as Cheese Potato

The Flood / Re: Doing it raw
« on: March 22, 2017, 10:28:11 AM »

The Flood / Re: Doing it raw
« on: March 22, 2017, 09:52:12 AM »
Many vegetables (carrots, broccoli, etc).

The Flood / Re: petition to have another anarchy for april fools
« on: March 22, 2017, 01:38:05 AM »
I really don't understand the appeal of anarchy whatsoever.

All it does is kill what little activity we have elsewhere on the site, and I would argue makes things less entertaining. I like that we don't allow explicit content; it forces people to be more creative in their shitposting. In anarchy that's not present.

It's just
"haha xd I posted a picture of a penis"
"velox you didn't​ post nudes xd"
"xd velox post nudes"
"teehee I posted pornography"
"lol sex"

The Flood / Re: Post creampies
« on: March 22, 2017, 01:27:50 AM »
This was among the least funny, and most predictable threads I have ever seen on this site.

The Flood / Re: Anarchy
« on: March 21, 2017, 02:36:58 PM »
Anarchy should be open at all times tbh

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

It kills activity everywhere else though

Plus I feel that when we can post anything, with few restrictions, we lose a bit of our trademark wit and memery

My username
District 9
Profile pic

Ayyy allies

My username
District 9

The Flood / Re: Favorite political Youtubers?
« on: March 20, 2017, 07:33:55 PM »
Fedorekd is pretty good for politics.

Only source I trust tbh

The Flood / Re: Samurai Jack season 5
« on: March 20, 2017, 09:05:02 AM »

The Flood / Re: Samurai Jack season 5
« on: March 19, 2017, 11:47:13 PM »
Genndy has actually addressed the bounty hunters episode, and said that in his eyes Jack didn't kill them

The Flood / Re: Samurai Jack season 5
« on: March 19, 2017, 03:43:20 PM »
Only thing I didn't like about this episode was the wolf stuff. I thought it was far too on-the-nose, and was almost reminiscient of an amateur student art film.

Aside from that all great

Serious / Re: We're doomed
« on: March 19, 2017, 03:25:14 PM »


In my defense I am joking about the crusade thing

The Flood / Re: Samurai Jack season 5
« on: March 19, 2017, 03:18:02 PM »
Also I'm betting he doesn't even know the daughters of Aku exist. If he meets them I hope he's visibly creeped out by them
There's this great theory that I'm believing until proven otherwise that Aku knows about them, but purposely avoids them because they're too creepy

it's so funny and in character

I messed up with my previous reply; I meant to say "that would be great if true" in response to this one, and then respond to your next post with "spot on analysis friend". I accidentally only replied to the second post.

The Flood / Re: Samurai Jack season 5
« on: March 19, 2017, 10:07:56 AM »

The Flood / Re: Samurai Jack season 5
« on: March 19, 2017, 09:14:47 AM »
When the episode opened with the fire lair backdrop and Aku's evil humming theme I was SO excited

I love this idea that Aku is deliberately avoiding Jack and is going just as crazy as him because he STILL can't squash his pest. His passive aggressive exit from his scientists and the "therapist" he had to talk to because of all this were both hilarious

Baldwin's voice was disappointing, but you just can't top Mako's hammy, perfect performance. Side note: "I think I'm in the computer........yes! That's me!" is still one of the funniest deliveries I've ever heard from anyone. Anyway, I'm just going forward with my personal theory that Aku is tired and depressed after 50 years and doesn't have the same gusto he used to have (actually mentioned in the episode with the Old Aku/New Aku line).

Other main thought: Jack's whole scene hiding under the metal dome was amazing. I never noticed how different S5 Jack sounds from the original one, but the ghost of who he used to be was voiced like 2004 Jack - Phil LaMarr killed it with that subtle touch. But even the whole message of that scene - his psyche is begging him to kill himself, he's been trapped in this nightmare for half a century, he has nothing to fight or live for. But there's this weird mix of honor and pride that doesn't let him do that.

I'm glad that the "darkness" of this season is out of necessity to the plot and characters, not for its own sake. They kept Aku funny and charming, which is a blessing just by itself.
That would be great if true.

Spot on analysis friend.

Edit: disregard the first sentence, I replied to the wrong post

The Flood / Re: Samurai Jack season 5
« on: March 19, 2017, 04:31:46 AM »
In light of the end of the latest episode...

Samurai "Roses are red, violets are blue, if you are a kid, I will fucking kill you" Jack

Samurai "Every Brat Gets The Gatt" Jack

Samurai "Preschool Shooter" Jack

Samurai "Family Planner" Jack

Samurai "Girls Just Wanna Die" Jack

Samurai "Run Over Every Tyke With My Bike" Jack

Samurai "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, How I Wonder How Dead You Are" Jack

Samurai "Use a Sippy Cup, Get Fucked Up" Jack

Samurai "You Want Candy, You Get Bullets" Jack

Samurai "Cootie Crusher" Jack


Serious / Re: We're doomed
« on: March 19, 2017, 03:53:52 AM »

At least christianity is growing and not shrinking, it might be being outpaced by a population boom in islam, but it's not going to disappear and leave us without the means to crusade.

I wouldn't get too worried about Europe. If the current paradigm shift is any indication, we're gonna be Deus Vulting through Turkey by 2030.

I've been ready for years, motherfucker


The Flood / Re: Samurai Jack season 5
« on: March 19, 2017, 03:21:44 AM »
Is there a livestream somewhere?

It's up on the adult swim site
Someone uploaded it earlier on Youtube.

I am impressed with the Aku's new VA.
Yes, he does a good job. He's no Mako, but no-one could ever replace him.
It's kind of funny, both of the animated shows I am currently watching, Star Wars Rebels and Samurai Jack, both feature a voice actor who does an excellent imitation of a deceased actor.

In the case of Rebels, Stephen Stanton does an incredible imitation of Peter Cushing's Grand Moff Tarkin.

The Flood / Re: Samurai Jack season 5
« on: March 19, 2017, 03:08:43 AM »
Is there a livestream somewhere?

It's up on the adult swim site

The Flood / Re: Samurai Jack season 5
« on: March 19, 2017, 03:04:27 AM »
Poor jack... :(

On the bright side, Aku puts his "GREAT FLAMING EYEBROWS" in a drawer each night and puts them on every morning, and goes to himself for therapy.

Also I'm betting he doesn't even know the daughters of Aku exist. If he meets them I hope he's visibly creeped out by them

The Flood / Re: What's up you fuckin cucks
« on: March 16, 2017, 04:49:25 PM »
Wait, was slash gay?
Damn we have had a lot of gay people here
It's unfortunate, I know.  But mosta these so-called faggots dont even lick booty

I don't really care, it just struck me as unusual that we have so many current and former users who are homosexual.

The Flood / Re: What's up you fuckin cucks
« on: March 16, 2017, 11:15:17 AM »

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