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Messages - Naoto

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Gaming / Re: Official VGA thread.
« on: December 05, 2014, 08:30:00 PM »
Why do a 'reveal' if the only thing you're revealing is the title?

Gaming / Re: Official VGA thread.
« on: December 05, 2014, 08:25:57 PM »
Best performance was a tough category. A lot of legit good people there.

Gaming / Re: VGA is tonight!
« on: December 05, 2014, 08:07:22 PM »
Haha just randomly decided to tune in right when it starts.
muh skillz.

Gaming / Re: So this is what modern Battlefield fans are into
« on: December 04, 2014, 04:55:57 PM »
i actually liked Metro...
then again i was a shotgunner so CQB was best for me.
that hallway is a fucking meat grinder though. claymores, LMGs, motion sensors and you're fucked. back staircase, run straight for A. pulls team away from hallway, spawn trap eminent.

I enjoy Metro sometimes, but only for some brain shut-off after playing the other, far better maps. Metro is when I want points to rack up and to have a CoD match in a BF game.

But it's bad enough that you can spawncamp both spawns of the map if you push the other team far back enough. From memory, here's all the chokepoints/bottlenecks and general "If you're here you're either killing or dying":

As you can see, it's virtually fucking everywhere.
Now I just see a penis with herpes. God damnit this thread.

Gaming / Re: So this is what modern Battlefield fans are into
« on: December 04, 2014, 04:48:11 PM »
Why do they just keep running into the hallway?

IDK, a lot of people seem to be hating on the map design though so it might just be the map itself or something

It's the shitty map design that leads to Metro being like it is. It's all CQC and there's never any way to go but directly straight towards the next flag and with no flanking routes, it just turns into that video at B flag.

Metro is passable with 12 v 12, but anything else just becomes a clusterfuck
It looks like a penis, lol.
hehe >.> glad I wasn't the only one thinking that.

Halo 2 and the ilovebees stuff was pretty great.

Hype for that game was unreal.
Didn't watch too many trailers in the SNES days. Those were different times. 

Serious / Re: Military Vs Police in Ferguson
« on: December 04, 2014, 04:09:58 PM »
When you have people burning down a city, shooting wildly at cops, and raiding stores I would hope the police have whatever means necessary to keep the peace. I agree having a militarized police force is not ideal, but we don't live in an ideal world.

I'd rather have the equipment and not need it than need it and not have it.

Gaming / Re: Feminists Get GTA 5 Pulled From Store Shelves in Australia
« on: December 04, 2014, 07:28:54 AM »
I am not defending censorship, or banning video games, but my belief is that you cannot possibly argue against something without understanding it. Which involves tolerance, and willingness to learn the points behind such an action. Simply expressing my outrage concludes nothing.

It reads like your defending the censorship rather than being outrage and stupified by the lunacy of it. I mean I get that a couple people here may have leanings towards that camp, but didn't think anyone was that far over the fence.
I agree it is important to understand both sides of an argument, and where people are coming from. I'd say that's a requirement before you ever choose a 'side'. I disagree they have anything of value to bring, or that their argument is any where close to complex.

I also disagree that game makers (or anyone) must be 'mindful of social issues' or make inoffensive content. iirc we are from different countries and backgrounds, so we'll probably hold different values on this, but for me the freedom of expression absolutely trumps people being offended. Which is exactly what this boils down to in the end.

Seriously though I'm going to bed this time. Been up way too long ;D I'll read any replies in the morning.

Serious / Re: The concept of non-existence
« on: December 04, 2014, 07:08:01 AM »
Man, there are some depressing answers in here. I can't really help since I believe in a life after death, but this makes me feel kinda glad about that lol. This thread makes me depressed jeez u gais
Ignorance is bliss and all that jazz.

>Implying believing in an after life is ignorant
:P You're in a thread full of atheists. We all think that.

Gaming / Re: Feminists Get GTA 5 Pulled From Store Shelves in Australia
« on: December 04, 2014, 06:54:06 AM »
Which as I said, the perception of how more linear media affects minds has matured to the point that shows like the Game of Thrones is not met with such distrust or misconception. Whereas, the one for gaming hasn't yet, and most of the people who express their concerns on either sides do so with cynicism, and little understanding of the core issue. Which further worsens the situation.

Bleh. Study after study has shown no correlation between violent media and violent actions.
Censorship of entertainment clearly labeled for adult is bullshit. Period.

You don't see them demanding Game of Thrones be pulled of shelves. That's a million times worse than GTA V. Its a form of art and expression. Some people value that and others feel that they get to decide for everyone what is acceptable or not.

Anyone using the 'think of the children' argument is no better than Jack Thompson. Personally I'm getting really tired of seeing this stuff in the industry.
The studies I've seen have very much indeed covered video games. There is no debate here amongst scientists. The 'debate' is only seen by sjws and the Jack Thompsons of the world. Children should not be playing these games. If they are it is the fault of the parents and no one else.

Hehe I think I'm going to go to bed. Get the feeling this conversation is just gonna make me angry, and I'm cranky past 3AM  :P

It reads like your defending the censorship rather than being outrage and stupified by the lunacy of it. I mean I get that a couple people here may have leanings towards that camp, but didn't think anyone was that far over the fence.

Meh. Calls for censorship make me physically angry so I'll just leave it at that for now.

Gaming / Re: Feminists Get GTA 5 Pulled From Store Shelves in Australia
« on: December 04, 2014, 06:42:16 AM »
Bleh. Study after study has shown no correlation between violent media and violent actions.
Censorship of entertainment clearly labeled for adult is bullshit. Period.

You don't see them demanding Game of Thrones be pulled off shelves. That's a million times worse than GTA V. Its a form of art and expression. Some people value that and others feel that they get to decide for everyone what is acceptable or not.

Anyone using the 'think of the children' argument is no better than Jack Thompson. Personally I'm getting really tired of seeing this stuff in the industry.

Gaming / Re: If you could fuck any video game character...
« on: December 04, 2014, 05:34:31 AM »
Well, I do not really want to fuck her, I want to actually be her.

You should become her
( •_•)>⌐■-■
(⌐■_■) You could go fuck yourself

Serious / Re: NASA announces manned mission to Mars
« on: December 04, 2014, 05:07:54 AM »
Welcome to New 'Murica™
Nah. Just like any other country, the US can never have any claims on any celestial body.
I was joking :P, but eventually those rules will become obsolete. Once we are able to make other planets and moons more habitable (and gain resources etc.) its going to be first come first serve. Just like the Americas were for the Europeans. Which is troubling since the US is going commercial in this. (Essentially the lore of the killzone series. Space X = Helghan Corp)

You know China won't gaf. Any nation that can't go to mars can do nothing to stop it because any nation that can go to mars is going to be a major economic power on earth. There's a reason Japan, Korea, and India are in their own space race now, since that's the new front for warfare (satellites) as well.
I think you underestimate what the UN can still do against countries blatantly breaking important treaties like that. It is true that the countries and unions capable of going to Mars are major economic powers, but we're not even close to the point where a single country can dominate the entire global scene. No major country is going to take the risk of being on the receiving end of global economic sanctions.
Meh. Maybe. But its the same reason China + US get away with murder in the UN with human rights abuses / espionage. Sanctioning them will do more damage to the nations doing the sanctioning. Far easier to pick a side and benefit from being an ally. But maybe I'm being a pessimist.

Serious / Re: NASA announces manned mission to Mars
« on: December 04, 2014, 04:56:44 AM »
Welcome to New 'Murica™
Nah. Just like any other country, the US can never have any claims on any celestial body.
I was joking. ;) Especially since the ESA is helping w/ the Orion rocket. Eventually those rules will become obsolete though. Once humans are able to make other planets and moons more habitable (and gain resources etc.) its going to be first come first serve. Just like the Americas were for the Europeans. Which is troubling since the US is going more commercial in this. (Essentially the lore of the killzone series. Space X = Helghan Corp)

You know China won't gaf. Any nation that can't go to mars can do nothing to stop it because any nation that can go to mars is going to be a major economic power on earth. There's a reason Japan, Korea, and India are in their own space race now, since that's the new front for warfare (satellites) as well.

Gaming / Re: CIMA
« on: December 04, 2014, 04:17:21 AM »
Never heard of it.

Have you heard of Golden Sun?
No one here has played it. :/
Asked that who're Keyu he always gets a raging boner when someone says that name

A very distinct pattern.
:P Have the original golden sun on Wii U and a DS copy of Dark Dawn.
Actually didn't hate it from what I remember, but its been a while since I played.
I have the original on GBA somewhere. And TLA on an emulator.
I went back to them last year and really enjoyed it, they have great replayability.
Yeah, was having a blast running through the first one, and its pretty aged by this now.
Also ignore neko and his talk of silver moons. He's a derp.
You think so?
I think they've aged well.
Meant more graphically, and that's only really in the world map. In the towns it still looks great.
Maybe I'm just use to DD giving each dijinn an individual appearance too.

Been hoping for a Golden Sun U/3D. A full fledged console rpg would be awesome, but I doubt it'll happen.

He is? Ok, I'll ignore him.
Ha! Suck it neko. This is now a Golden Sun thread.  ;D
But haven't heard of the game in OP. Looks like a Fire Emblem knock-off cover.

Gaming / Re: CIMA
« on: December 04, 2014, 03:58:31 AM »
Never heard of it.

Have you heard of Golden Sun?
No one here has played it. :/
Asked that who're Keyu he always gets a raging boner when someone says that name

A very distinct pattern.
:P Have the original golden sun on Wii U and a DS copy of Dark Dawn.
Actually didn't hate it from what I remember, but its been a while since I played.
I have the original on GBA somewhere. And TLA on an emulator.
I went back to them last year and really enjoyed it, they have great replayability.
Yeah, was having a blast running through the first one, and its pretty aged by now.
Also ignore neko and his talk of silver moons. He's a derp.

Gaming / Re: CIMA
« on: December 04, 2014, 03:52:39 AM »
Never heard of it.

Have you heard of Golden Sun?
No one here has played it. :/
Asked that who're Keyu he always gets a raging boner when someone says that name

A very distinct pattern.
:P Have the original golden sun on Wii U and a DS copy of Dark Dawn.
Actually didn't hate it from what I remember, but its been a while since I played.

Gaming / Re: CIMA
« on: December 04, 2014, 03:45:26 AM »
Never heard of it.

Have you heard of Golden Sun?
No one here has played it. :/
Asked that who're Keyu he always gets a raging boner when someone says that name

Gaming / Re: ITT: Games that were never released
« on: December 04, 2014, 01:53:47 AM »
Prey 2. Thanks Bethesda.

Serious / Re: NASA announces manned mission to Mars
« on: December 03, 2014, 11:18:54 PM »
Better than goddamn 2030.
Correction, Mars is in 2030s.
Manned mission to an asteroid is scheduled for 2021.

Serious / NASA announces manned mission to Mars
« on: December 03, 2014, 11:02:44 PM »

Orion test launch tomorrow. If all goes according to plan they're looking at 2021 for a manned mission to an asteroid. Followed by a manned mission to Mars in 2030s.

Welcome to New 'Murica™ 

Gaming / Re: If you could fuck any video game character...
« on: December 03, 2014, 10:22:51 PM »
Best Girl
MFW Keyu's into little boys

Talk about base love 2.0....hue hue

Gaming / Re: If you could fuck any video game character...
« on: December 03, 2014, 10:02:32 PM »
Best Girl

Gaming / Re: Feminists Get GTA 5 Pulled From Store Shelves in Australia
« on: December 03, 2014, 09:27:31 PM »
Australians should not have to deal with censorship and spiders.
That's just not fair.

Serious / Re: Let's talk about circumcision
« on: December 03, 2014, 05:50:07 PM »
I fully agree. It's a barbaric and moronic practice that has no place in the developed world.

Gaming / Re: Who's hyped for Cyberpunk 2077?
« on: December 03, 2014, 05:36:45 PM »
Its been on my radar, but I'm waiting to see more.
Like the genre. Was excited for Prey 2 as well, but bethesda fucked that up royal.

The Flood / Re: Wat haz I mist?
« on: December 03, 2014, 05:13:55 PM »
Anything happen while I was gone?
Anarchy was ditched for Penguin Party which was ditched for Anarchy.
Verbatim is back, Camnator is gone. Deci is back.

Ad situation is fluid, and I fucked ur mum.

Other than that nothing much.

Gaming / Re: Next AC game is set in London.
« on: December 03, 2014, 04:43:12 PM »
How does every thread on here devolve into a HaloGears discussion?

Gaming / Re: PlayStation 20th Anniversary PS4 announced
« on: December 03, 2014, 04:33:18 PM »
You mean now I can pay more to remember how shitty consoles looked in the 90s!

So we're at:
Playstation - 20 years
Xbox - 13 years
Nintendo - 125 years (~37 years if you're going by vidya hardware rather than brand)

Gaming is getting old.

The Flood / Re: I'm curious
« on: December 03, 2014, 02:52:36 AM »

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