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Messages - Naoto

Pages: 1 ... 949596 9798 ... 125
Gaming / Re: Xbox or Playstation or Nintendo?
« on: December 08, 2014, 03:29:59 AM »
Lean Playstation atm.
Ninty is a close second, but Persona exclusivity trumps all.
Hmm? What's Persona?
jrpg series. P5 is going to ps3 and ps4. Ninty does have Fire Emblem and Zelda though, so its a tough choice.
Hmm, looks pretty cool. I'd check it out if I had a ps vita  :-\
P4G is a remake of P4 which was ported to ps3 a while ago if you have one of those. Should be like $10.
Still a nope, neither do I own a ps3.
Ah, bummer.

Gaming / Re: Xbox or Playstation or Nintendo?
« on: December 08, 2014, 03:27:13 AM »
Lean Playstation atm.
Ninty is a close second, but Persona exclusivity trumps all.
Hmm? What's Persona?
jrpg series. P5 is going to ps3 and ps4. Ninty does have Fire Emblem and Zelda though, so its a tough choice.
Hmm, looks pretty cool. I'd check it out if I had a ps vita  :-\
P4G is a remake of P4 which was ported to ps3 a while ago if you have one of those. Should be like $10.

Gaming / Re: Xbox or Playstation or Nintendo?
« on: December 08, 2014, 03:21:22 AM »
Lean Playstation atm.
Ninty is a close second, but Persona exclusivity trumps all.
Hmm? What's Persona?
jrpg series. P5 is going to ps3 and ps4. Ninty does have Fire Emblem and Zelda though, so its a tough choice.

Gaming / Re: Xbox or Playstation or Nintendo?
« on: December 08, 2014, 03:11:21 AM »
Lean Playstation atm.
Ninty is a close second, but Persona exclusivity trumps all.

The Flood / Re: Monitors <3
« on: December 08, 2014, 03:03:24 AM »


Gaming / Re: Should I bother getting a Wii U?
« on: December 08, 2014, 02:58:04 AM »
Yeah, I'm always game for Zelda. Never crossed my mind initially for some reason.
Then yeah I'd say go for it. Zelda U and Smash should keep you occupied. Maybe WWHD as well. 

The Flood / Re: Describe the state of your life in one word.
« on: December 08, 2014, 02:30:25 AM »

Gaming / Re: Should I bother getting a Wii U?
« on: December 08, 2014, 02:23:20 AM »
I probably wouldn't recommend getting a console for just one game. Unless the console was dirt cheap.
I guess the Wii U is getting there, but still seems like a waste to me.

You have no interest in Zelda U, or any other upcoming games? Usually my rule is a minimum of three.

Serious / Re: Take this poll. Post results.
« on: December 08, 2014, 02:09:29 AM »
First one to really surprise me.
How so?
Meh. Just didn't picture you that much more to the right of me for some reason. Makes sense though I guess since the last one had you down as more towards laissez-faire.

Others were more predictable I guess. I knew Icy was way to the left and Turkey was a bit more to the right of me before they posted.

Serious / Re: Take this poll. Post results.
« on: December 08, 2014, 02:00:34 AM »

Serious / Re: Take this poll. Post results.
« on: December 07, 2014, 11:18:33 PM »
Hanging out with Milton Friedman over in the fourth quadrant.

Not crazy about that test though.

Interesting how close Mitt Romney and Barack Obama are...
:P So far its matching up with my mental images of people.

As for Obama and Romney that makes sense to me. Dems are really just R-lite in a lot of areas relative to internaltional politics. They just campaign to the left. Obama campaigned against Bush's 8 years, but essentially kept his foreign policy stances once elected. Then again they didn't actually take the poll so who knows how accurate that is.

Serious / Take this poll. Post results.
« on: December 07, 2014, 10:58:25 PM »

My score:
Seems pretty accurate. Moderate as fuck.

Gaming / Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions
« on: December 07, 2014, 09:16:52 PM »
The Star Wars EU being officially retconned is the greatest thing to ever happen to the entire Star Wars franchise.

Star Wars fan tears are the tastiest of tears.
Verbatim goin hard for shittiest opinions on site title.

It's ok I didn't know Ukimoi was going to be here to know about Saturn I took the picture because I saw it and instantly tought of Keyu's weeb arse
D4C isn't Uki is it? Or did I misread that.

Gaming / Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions
« on: December 07, 2014, 09:04:23 PM »
If you honestly think that's why the Saturn failed, you need to read up.
If you honestly think that was me who posted that, you need to think more
Are you telling me that you didn't just post a mobile screencap from /v/ saying that?
He's fucking with me. Cat's a big Ninty weeb.

Gaming / Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions
« on: December 07, 2014, 09:03:37 PM »
The Saturn was awesome.

And I hate weeaboo shit.
Bravely Default <3
See? I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

I don't own a Vita, though, so... whatevs.

Gaming / Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions
« on: December 07, 2014, 09:01:17 PM »
>Bungie has never released amazing games
>JFG is better than both Halo & Destiny
>Every Sony & Ninty sucks dick compared to RareWare
>RareWare is the greatest game developer of all time
> Last of Us is shit
>Last of Us is overrated
>NaughtyDog isn't that amazing
>Last of Us has shitty gameplay
>I've felt more sad in a mario party game ending than the Last of Us ending
>I feel more sad about games endings with amazing gameplay than games with "stories"
>story based games is an excuse to have medicore gameplay
>Platformers are the best games
>Weeboshit Poopsona burn in hell
>you can tell Persona games aren't good when someone wouldn't even pay 50$ for Q
Look at that. You have one good opinion kitty ;3

Gaming / Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions
« on: December 07, 2014, 08:57:57 PM »
- Thoroughly enjoyed Fable 1-3
- Enjoyed Killzone: Shadow Fall
- Vita > 3DS
- Saints Row > GTA
- Oblivion > Skyrim
- Controller > m+kb
- JRPGs = best genre
- FPS multiplayer is 90% shit
- Vita > 3DS
ok this one has to be a joke ahaha
It has vastly supreior hardware. That OLED screen makes 3DS graphics look horrendous. Plus two actual joysticks rather than that one annoying slide thing. I enjoy both, but play my vita more than my 3DS.

3DS does have the better library of games for appealing to a wider audience, but vita has better quality games that appeal to me specifically.
Yeah, but if you don't like weeb shit you're a fgt with bad taste anyways.  ;)
Also weeb shit is the best thing about 3DS as well. Fire Emblem + Bravely Default <3

No. Don't even think I'd recommend it at this point.
If you do, only play Origins. DA2 is poop.

Its a wrpg by bioware. Some sjw elements to it (writers are massive pricks), but otherwise DA:I seems to be quality.
hmm i only caught the SJW element in the Chargers...
what else was there?
Was more referring to the series as a whole. Played Origins and 2. Haven't touched Inquisition yet. Not sure if I plan to either. DA2 killed off the love I had for Origins.

Its not over flowing with the tripe, but it definitely comes up repeatedly throughout the games. I'm not a fan of how bioware writes characters. I definitely want more diverse roles, but they go about it in such a stereotypical way.

Reminiscent of how gear box handles borderlands and these topics. Dialogue makes me cringe a lot. Not a lot of subtlety or depth to it either. I guess I just don't like feeling that a vidya is trying to lecture me, or push an agenda. Characters should feel natural, and not like they're hitting the talking points.

Mostly put off by how the writers act on their forums and on twitter though. But again if you ignore all that Inquisition seems like a genuinely good game from everything I've seen and heard.

Gaming / Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions
« on: December 07, 2014, 08:02:13 PM »
Storywise, Persona 4 is the worst numbered Persona game.
(ง •̀_•́)ง
You have good taste, Naoto is the best P4.
(¬_¬) I'll spare your life.
For now.

Gaming / Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions
« on: December 07, 2014, 07:58:51 PM »
Storywise, Persona 4 is the worst numbered Persona game.
(ง •̀_•́)ง

No. Don't even think I'd recommend it at this point.
If you do, only play Origins. DA2 is poop.

Its a wrpg by bioware. Some sjw elements to it (writers are massive pricks), but otherwise DA:I seems to be quality.

Gaming / Re: Is Nintendo uncorruptable?
« on: December 07, 2014, 07:38:42 PM »
Part of me fears they're just 10 years behind everyone else, and it is Miyamomto keeping the culture there.
But they've been around for a long time now, and genuinely seem like a different company in their approach. They're handling DLC well for MK8.
They just started a patent for an emulator on phones, so we'll see if they go off the deep end with it. Which is what a lot of the media wants them to do. There were also mass chants for Iawata's resignation when the Wii U first launched.

I want them to modernize a bit more, but I want them to do it Nintendo style. Hopefully they avoid some of the shitty stuff everyone else has dipped their toes into.

Gaming / Ralph Baer 'Father of Vidya' passes away.
« on: December 07, 2014, 06:28:18 PM »

Invented the first video game console. We owe it all to this guy. Tip your fedoras gentleman.
Also it would appear video games were invented by teh jews thanks to help from the nazis. Go figure.

The Flood / Re: What's the best way to get cancer?
« on: December 07, 2014, 06:15:26 PM »

Gaming / Re: Uncharted 4 gameplay
« on: December 07, 2014, 06:05:10 PM »
Starring Liam Neeson as Nolan North

>30 fps

My sides.
Framerate has nothing to do with anything. I dare you to find a game with better animations than those.
FPS has plenty to do with everything. It affects gameplay as well as visuals.
TLOU RM at 60fps >>> than TLOU at 30fps. Better specs is always a good thing.

I'll still buy the game at 30fps, but you're out of your mind if you wouldn't prefer 60fps.

Serious / Re: Will furriers ever become socially acceptable?
« on: December 07, 2014, 05:59:28 PM »
Worked with a group of people a while back. One of the guys was openly a furry. As in made costumes, went to conventions, and talked about it. He completely didn't give a fuck what other people thought. Really outgoing / socially confident dude.

Rest of us thought it was pretty weird when it first came up, and the guys probably talked shit behind his back for a while. Eventually though it just became normal. He was a pretty good friend of mine before it ever came up, so I kinda of just said meh whatever.

Gaming / Re: An new gameplay of Bloodborne.
« on: December 07, 2014, 05:43:52 PM »
Some cool news points

-the game has at least as much customization as the dark souls games
-one of the dungeons is procedurally generated and can be shared with friends. Even the last boss is random
-This is the official box art
That fukin jacket.  :o

Gaming / Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions
« on: December 07, 2014, 05:26:30 PM »
- Thoroughly enjoyed Fable 1-3
- Enjoyed Killzone: Shadow Fall
- Vita > 3DS
- Saints Row > GTA
- Oblivion > Skyrim
- Controller > m+kb
- JRPGs = best genre
- FPS multiplayer is 90% shit
- Vita > 3DS
ok this one has to be a joke ahaha
It has vastly supreior hardware. That OLED screen makes 3DS graphics look horrendous. Plus two actual joysticks rather than that one annoying slide thing. I enjoy both, but play my vita more than my 3DS.

3DS does have the better library of games for appealing to a wider audience, but vita has better quality games that appeal to me specifically.

Gaming / Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions
« on: December 07, 2014, 05:17:11 PM »
- Thoroughly enjoyed Fable 1-3
- Enjoyed Killzone: Shadow Fall
- Vita > 3DS
- Saints Row > GTA
- Oblivion > Skyrim
- Controller > m+kb
- JRPGs = best genre
- FPS multiplayer is 90% shit

Gaming / Re: An new gameplay of Bloodborne.
« on: December 07, 2014, 04:55:10 PM »

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