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Messages - Naoto

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Gaming / Re: We Happy Few Trailer
« on: March 03, 2015, 08:03:17 AM »
It definitely looks interesting, I hope it ends up as great game.


We Happy Few is the tale of a plucky bunch of moderately terrible people
plucky bunch of moderately terrible people

Now I'm thinking of Tiny Toons.

Gaming / Re: We Happy Few Trailer
« on: March 03, 2015, 08:00:59 AM »
What else has Compulsion done? I like that art style. Reminds me of Psychonauts.
Contrast. Came out around the time the new consoles launched.
Linked it in op.

Was a pretty good game. Had some bugs, but had a unique mechanic with going in and out of the shadows. Using them to solve puzzles and navigate. This one looks like there will be a combat element if the cricket bat, pipe, and frying pan are anything to go by.

Gaming / Re: We Happy Few Trailer
« on: March 03, 2015, 07:57:50 AM »
Looks good. When's it coming out?
No word yet. This is just the first teaser trailer. They're a pretty small team.

link for more info

Gaming / Re: We Happy Few Trailer
« on: March 03, 2015, 07:27:47 AM »
In case you didn't notice though, it was OP that started the derail.

Suck it OP.

Gaming / Re: We Happy Few Trailer
« on: March 03, 2015, 07:18:20 AM »
Are we really going to be that pissy about funposting and memes in a thread no one here really cares about?

It's not the content of the post that I care about, it's the derailment.

If me and Raptorx7 suddenly got into a discussion about tanks and wars in this thread, I'd expect the same response from people who were interested in the OP.
:P Except like I already said its not a derailment. Especially since the op was taking part in it.
I made a offhanded comment that I for some reason 'really like posting about games no cares about in gaming'.

The thread was getting buried with zero replies. Tru came and bumped it, and then neko joined and joked around a bit. No harm in a bit of fun posting. Had it not taken place there would be zero discussion in this thread. You can't derail zero discussion.

Gaming / Re: We Happy Few Trailer
« on: March 03, 2015, 06:54:21 AM »
Board discussion is really getting offtopic but fuck it I guess. I know no one actually cares about the game.
I'd think there's enough anime fans here to qualify for its own board. Every single thread about it gets hated on in floof, so that's reason enough it doesn't go there. But we won't get one cuz reasons so the topic is kinda irrelevant.

I shouldn't have to spell out why a single weeb thread for memes and gifs is a really stupid idea. That should be obvious. Are we really going to be that pissy about funposting and memes in a thread no one here really cares about?
The idea for an anime board has been turned down multiple times by Cheat.
There's only a small handful of people who'd use it, and it'd get spammed anyway, and it'd be spreading this place out even thinner. It wouldn't be worth the time or effort for Cheat/Isara.

I didn't literally mean only one Anime thread ever either.
There's a difference between a few spam posts by people in an Anime thread that can easily be ignored, and weebs derailing entire threads in back and forth post chains that are just pictures and gifs.
So it'd spread the place thin but only a few people would use it...

Its funny weebs get piled on for posting a few gifs at each other, meanwhile you have people like verb who target every single anime thread for months. I think a board would actually draw in more users, but like I said its not going to happen cuz reasons, so really no point in discussing it.

Gaming / Re: We Happy Few Trailer
« on: March 03, 2015, 06:39:06 AM »
Hey give us an animu board and we'll hang out there. The thread was dead with 0 responses before it got weeb'd on. Which I basically asked for. You wouldn't have seen it otherwise. Personally I don't really care if people don't like the memes.

Woah now, ease back a little. Why a board when a simple "Official Weeb-Banter Thread" would do it just fine?
Cuz that would be hella dumb, and we already have the equivalent off-site. Every weeb thread gets attacked and derailed anyways so its not like it matters. If people don't like the banter they can just not read it. Its doing no harm (in fact the opposite actually).
We should have boards specifically for everything then.

See how dumb that'd be? A weeb thread is enough.
Board discussion is really getting offtopic but fuck it I guess. I know no one actually cares about the game.
I'd think there's enough anime fans here to qualify for its own board. Every single thread about it gets hated on in floof, so that's reason enough it doesn't go there. But we won't get an animu board cuz reasons so the topic is kinda irrelevant.

I shouldn't have to spell out why a single weeb thread for memes and gifs is a really stupid idea. That should be obvious. (in fact we had one stickied for a time in floof) 

Are we really going to be that pissy about funposting and memes in a thread no one here really cares about?

Gaming / Re: We Happy Few Trailer
« on: March 03, 2015, 06:19:15 AM »
Hey give us an animu board and we'll hang out there. The thread was dead with 0 responses before it got weeb'd on. Which I basically asked for. You wouldn't have seen it otherwise. Personally I don't really care if people don't like the memes.

Woah now, ease back a little. Why a board when a simple "Official Weeb-Banter Thread" would do it just fine?
Cuz that would be hella dumb, and we already have the equivalent off-site. Every weeb thread gets attacked and derailed anyways so its not like it matters. If people don't like the banter they can just not read it. Its doing no harm (in fact the opposite actually).

Gaming / Re: We Happy Few Trailer
« on: March 03, 2015, 06:09:31 AM »
Looks interesting, though it reminds me far too much of Bioshock with the masks and idealistic 50's theme. Hell, even the art direction looks pretty similar to me.

I'll hold my pessimism for now though, and wait 'til I hear more from it.
It looks like more of a 60s/70s theme. This game will most likely be nothing like Bioshock if Contrast is anything to go off of.
Also, can the Japanese stuff not related keep to it's own fucking thread somewhere?
Hey give us an animu board and we'll hang out there. The thread was dead with 0 responses before it got weeb'd on. Which I basically asked for. You wouldn't have seen it otherwise. Personally I don't really care if people don't like the memes.

Gaming / Re: We Happy Few Trailer
« on: March 03, 2015, 05:57:28 AM »
Another day, another weeb derailment
Less of a derailment and more of a bump. Either way its OP approved  8)

It looks interesting.
But is there any more to it?

A brainwashed dystopian society isn't exactly new, although the zombie-esque masses after your head will be different from the standard run and gun.
Its a teaser so not much to go on yet. They've got a neat style of story telling. I really liked Contrast for what it was. Had puzzle solving elements. Not something that would appeal to a mass audience I guess tho.

Gaming / Re: So I re-played Halo CE for the first time in 10 years
« on: March 02, 2015, 02:35:57 PM »
"Halo CE is the best in the franchise" starter pack:

CE and ODST are the only canoe games in the series.

Gaming / Re: So I re-played Halo CE for the first time in 10 years
« on: March 02, 2015, 01:46:09 PM »
Did you realize how mediocre it actually is?
the campaign level design is absolutely awful
kill yourselves plebs.

Considering one of their chief corruption investigators recently 'fell from a rooftop' I think the picture of russian politics is clear.

Gaming / Re: Barbie Games JonTron
« on: March 02, 2015, 02:55:59 AM »
Already seen it  8)

Realising the joke and expressing your thoughts on it was the discussion.
There isn't much discussion value in something when it consists of "fuck you" or you got me posts. Like I said it's hard to derail something when there wasn't much to it to begin with.
This. We aren't exactly going to have a deep philosophical discussion about the dress or Pokemon's release schedule...
I don't think that's the point. The point is heading off stupid petty bullshit that carries over from multiple threads.
When a thread devolves into shit flinging you don't just sit there and watch it as mods. You break it up.

Whatever the thread was about it wasn't about that argument.

Gaming / Re: Name the first console and game you owned
« on: March 01, 2015, 09:33:47 PM »
SNES. Don't remember the game was too young.
Probably Super Mario World or Mario Kart.

Gaming / Re: We Happy Few Trailer
« on: March 01, 2015, 09:21:19 PM »
Thought this was about Vita owners hue

OT: game looks fun, would try before buy
stop posting in my kids thread
Damn 14 and already have a kid you done fucked up Tru, who pounded you Das?

Ooh it was Byrne
you're just jealous because you cant control me
>not denying it was Byrne
Byrne must have destroyed that booty

what are you after?
Trying to teach Ya to never fak with papa ねこ-ちゃん
You cant do shit
Don't make me get the belt

Because I do
so you do..?

>asks me if I sucks Dick while saying she does
>says I suck dick
My fucking sides
Both you plebs are confusing each other and distracting me from jojo.
Bad plebs.

Gaming / Re: The brilliant fighting game community
« on: March 01, 2015, 09:03:17 PM »
ꉂ (๑¯ਊ¯)σ ʱªʱªʱª

Gaming / Re: We Happy Few Trailer
« on: March 01, 2015, 08:56:44 PM »

Gaming / We Happy Few Trailer
« on: March 01, 2015, 08:34:21 PM »

2nd game by Compulsion Games. They made Contrast previously if you're familiar with it. Neat little indie game. Looking forward to this one.

The Flood / Re: Who Was Your First Friend On
« on: March 01, 2015, 07:43:29 PM »
Probs Catzilla or Hunter. Can't remember who came first.
Neko and I would have giant sub threads with nothing but cat emoticons. Introduced Hunter to Persona, and we'd spaz out about that.
This Hunter?
ye. disappeareded after b.lind.

Gaming / Re: The state of the Gaming Industry (NOT "#GG")
« on: March 01, 2015, 07:06:31 PM »
Ok even though I enjoyed 1886 that was a good subbing.

There's definitely issues with DLC and broken games. Its always going to be a constant battle between devs/publishers trying to make every dime they can (since it is a business afterall) and gamers wanting their monies worth.

Guess I don't have as much of a problem with it since I've mostly transitioned away from the big AAA games to more niche titles. I'm enjoying neptunia far more than DA:I. Length =/= good for me. But jrpgs almost always give me my monies worth, and take forever to beat.

PC market has it a bit better off since they are almost always in a constant state of firesale.

Only way you make it better is if the consumer gets smarter with their money. The only reason you see shitty practices is because they sell.

Serious / Re: We're winning #GG
« on: March 01, 2015, 06:37:54 PM »
If it sounds like I'm choosing my words carefully and erring towards sounding formal
That's not how its coming off at all. People have posted numerous counter-examples, and well reasoned arguments, and you continue to reply with what amounts to 'nuh uh'. It really reads like you're not contributing anything to the discussion, but instead are attempting to defend its derailment.

Not that it matters since the thread is basically killed by this point.

Gaming / Re: Anyone here played D4 Dreams Don't Die?
« on: March 01, 2015, 06:12:28 PM »
Watched lets plays of it. Got rave reviews. Unfortunately Swery kinda got shafted with no advertising. A jap game on X1 with no advertising doesn't sell well. Last I heard it was kill. No new episode.

Gaming / Re: I don't like Pokemon
« on: March 01, 2015, 06:08:35 PM »

The Flood / Re: We Need A New Mod, A Tru Mod
« on: March 01, 2015, 05:55:17 PM »
b-baka moron.

The Flood / Re: Прощание.
« on: March 01, 2015, 05:28:04 PM »
I'll be here when you come back. We all come back.
Except Charlie. Cause cam slammed him out of existence.

The Flood / Re: Are we allowed to post porn in Anarchy?
« on: March 01, 2015, 04:26:19 PM »
I don't recall ever doing this.
Reading through Das's animu thread atm. Does seem to be a couple implications that people here are pedo's or 'weird' for not liking the same thing. Just sayin.

Which makes sense, considering I admire Verbatim a great deal.
I'm only a product of the Flood. If you look at some of my posts in Serious, I'm a much more pleasant person because I'm taken, well, seriously. The anarchical nature of the Flood doesn't mix well with my more serious mindset when I get on the internet. It just so happens that this is the most popular forum on the website.
Ye. There are a couple people here who are more serious and run into the same miscommunication stuff on floof. As for verby...well..the guy is the definition of an abrasive personality. To put it lightly. Some of the stuff he posts here...I wouldn't call mentally stable. He has his own problems.

I dunno, I don't feel like I really have a problem with ya yet. I remember liking you on the flood, and Tyger seems to get along with ya. Maybe it just takes a while to learn everyone's personalities and find a fit here.

The Flood / Re: Are we allowed to post porn in Anarchy?
« on: March 01, 2015, 04:08:33 PM »
When I first came here I wanted respect. But no one really gets any respect around here

People are respected around here, but respect is earned not given.

That's not how I see it. Admiration is earned, not given. Respect should be given until there is a reason not to.
Respect is always earned. Perhaps there are reasons you have not earned people's respect yet. Just from a casual outside observation you do kinda come off a bit abrasive. Which I don't remember being the case on bnet. Insulting people's likes and dislikes out the gate doesn't earn a good impression.

That and you seem to be taking lessons from the Verbatim school of human interaction. Which is sure to not win over the friendliest of welcomes. You get what you give from sep7.

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