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Messages - Naoto

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Gaming / Re: Nintendo Direct 4.1.2015 Thread
« on: April 01, 2015, 08:19:50 PM »

New Fire Emblem trailer
New FE X SMT trailer

Gaming / Re: Keyu you can get 25$
« on: April 01, 2015, 02:53:45 AM »
I bought mine in 2013

The Flood / Re: Trevor Noah to be the next host of The Daily Show
« on: April 01, 2015, 02:44:25 AM »
People (sjws) are already getting fake outraged and offended by tweets he's made in the past lol.
Been watching his stuff not sure what to think yet. Maybe he'll get me interested in The Daily Show again. Jon stopped being funny for me over the past few years.

Gaming / Re: Nintendo Direct 4.1.2015 Thread
« on: April 01, 2015, 02:39:15 AM »
April fools Zelda isn't delayed. Miyamoto would never lie to Keyu  :'(
But, why would Miyamoto make a video apologizing then?
It's all an elaborate ruse.

Miyamoto does look like he'd do that
I'll slap you pleb. I'll slap you good.

Gaming / Re: Nintendo Direct 4.1.2015 Thread
« on: April 01, 2015, 12:43:10 AM »
April fools Zelda isn't delayed. Miyamoto would never lie to Keyu  :'(
But, why would Miyamoto make a video apologizing then?
It's all an elaborate ruse.

Gaming / Re: Nintendo Direct 4.1.2015 Thread
« on: March 31, 2015, 11:04:09 PM »
April fools Zelda isn't delayed. Miyamoto would never lie to Keyu  :'(

To get a bite. Like I won't even try a serious discussion with you anymore.

*sips tea*
In order for verb to be a troll he'd have to have dedicated years to the same character and go around to different forums with the same act. At that point it'd stop being a good troll and just be a sad statement on his life.

I'm not sure whether it's to his credit or detriment, but he's almost always serious about his beliefs. Outside the capitalism thing he isn't being too over the top itt tho. We disagree but he's being more reasonable than usual.

Continue to call them sexist, lie (as they are currently doing with obsidian), continue to take it to the mainstream media, and try to get people fired which was threatened to the lionshead pr manager and was attempted on EA staff a month or so back.

The same shit they've been pulling for a while.
well, i obviously don't condone any of that

this thread is about female representation in video games--not your opinion on anita or her crowd
Kudos then. Was kinda expecting you to defend the mob mentality. But you've done the equivalent of posting a vid of Glenn Beck giving his views on the Obama presidency, and then asked us our thoughts in Obama. Naturally there is some push back to the more crazy elements. Especially considering how censorious disagreement with Anita has been treated in the past.

Personally I see nothing wrong with the current state of gaming characters at this point in time. I think we could use some more diverse main characters but I'm not prepared to sacrifice interesting for safe. Likewise I have no issue with eye candy or fan service for either gender, and understand there will be more of that for males since there are more male gamers.

The industry is big enough to support games everyone likes. Don't feel like there's a need to say something I don't personally care for is wrong or problematic, and therefor shouldn't get made.

Try reading the next sentence there maybe?
Just last week we saw two Twitter campaigns against devs to remove content. Worked on Lionshead.
it was ultimately lionshead's decision

what would they have done if they didn't listen
Continue to call them sexist, lie (as they are currently doing with obsidian), continue to take it to the mainstream media, and try to get people fired which was threatened to the lionshead pr manager and was attempted on EA staff a month or so back.

The same shit they've been pulling for a while.

this isn't the way to do that.

fucking talking about it?
Try reading the next sentence there maybe?
Just last week we saw two Twitter campaigns against devs to remove content. Worked on Lionshead.

because i have the capability of realizing that capitalism has nothing to do with the topic of the thread, and you can't?

It was an example of their nonsensical ideology. As were the other examples. They're  self admitted sexists and racists. Which makes any video they make commenting on those topics rather unpalatable.

Speaking of which, didn't Anita in an interview more or less say that Japanese people were degenerates after WWII and couldn't be held accountable for objectionable content in their games because they didn't know better?
She said we "bombed them back to traditional values". Whatever that means. Most puritans hate the japs because they aren't as sexually repressed as we are.

I can understand wanting better female characters, or just more interesting characters in general, but this isn't the way to do that. These people more often than not just censor devs and give minority characters extra ever changing rule sets that straight white male characters do not have. Which of course leads to less minority characters because people like Anita can never be pleased or else they wouldn't continue to make hundreds of thousands of dollars.

because i have the capability of realizing that capitalism has nothing to do with the topic of the thread, and you can't?

It was an example of their nonsensical ideology. As were the other examples. They're  self admitted sexists and racists. Which makes any video they make commenting on those topics rather unpalatable.

capitalism IS evil

but i'm not sure what that quite has to do with anything
Which should tell everyone what type of person they're dealing with when they engage with you.
No mature, rational, or the bare minimum sane discussion can come from this.

I've seen enough of her for my taste. Anyone who believes that you can't be sexist towards men, racist towards white people, that capitalism is evil, or blames a psycho in Canada shooting people on 'toxic masculinity' is a pariah for good reason.

She's demonstrated she has nothing of value to add to the discussion, and refuses to acknowledge her critics (especially the female ones). The fact she started a new series when her old one was suppose to be done 2years ago, and still isn't finished despite receiving way more than triple the funding asked for, tells me she's in this purely for monetary reasons.

Her videos and logic (or should I say mcintosh's logic) have been deconstructed all over the Internet (or at least in places that don't ban you for doing so). Not much worth discussing here I imo. Just another self righteous ideologe making a video.

Gaming / Re: Lets talk about The Division [info dump]
« on: March 31, 2015, 12:50:13 AM »
After the shit show ubi had last year I've set my expectations to 0 for this game.
I can only be pleasantly surprised now.

Gaming / Re: Favorite videogame characters aesthetically
« on: March 30, 2015, 07:14:35 PM »
SMT / Persona universes are usually full of awesome designs.








The Flood / Re: I'm un-permabanned
« on: March 30, 2015, 05:12:10 AM »
If it helps I didn't even notice your absence.

Gaming / Re: Which game should I get
« on: March 30, 2015, 01:50:29 AM »
Not even a question. New Leaf is universally praised.
Tomodachi Life is just weird.
Says the guy who plays some weeb game about kids using the powah of friendship to kill God  and a guy is actually a girl
Which is all less weird than this:

>Not having the virtual boy as your lord and savior also is this

For the Playstation 2 or PSP?
That scene goes from hilarious to super sad.
Orig ps2 but now also ported to ps3 and remake on vita
I'm actually suprised I thought P4 was on the PS3 didn't know both were PS2 games
Atlus use to always be a gen behind. Came out on ps2 2years after ps3 had come out.
Luckily they aren't doing that with p5

Gaming / Re: Which game should I get
« on: March 30, 2015, 01:45:15 AM »
Not even a question. New Leaf is universally praised.
Tomodachi Life is just weird.
Says the guy who plays some weeb game about kids using the powah of friendship to kill God  and a guy is actually a girl
Which is all less weird than this:

>Not having the virtual boy as your lord and savior also is this

For the Playstation 2 or PSP?
That scene goes from hilarious to super sad.
Orig ps2 but now also ported to ps3 and remake on vita

Gaming / Re: Which game should I get
« on: March 30, 2015, 01:32:52 AM »
Not even a question. New Leaf is universally praised.
Tomodachi Life is just weird.
Says the guy who plays some weeb game about kids using the powah of friendship to kill God  and a guy is actually a girl
Which is all less weird than this:

Gaming / Re: Which game should I get
« on: March 30, 2015, 01:15:44 AM »
Not even a question. New Leaf is universally praised.
Tomodachi Life is just weird.

Reply so this can be tested pl0x.

Gaming / Re: Game fatigue...
« on: March 29, 2015, 08:10:28 PM »
Again it's always the Hola/fps guys. Got to move on like the rest of us mang.

Expand your genre tastes. Fps's have been shit for a long while now. Try a new platform.

I was feeling the same way on 360 a few years back. GoW had grown stale, Hola had grown stale, Fable had been all but killed  :'(. Now I mostly play jrpgs and don't have enough time to play all the games I want. My backlog is ridiculous right now.
I'd surgically remove my brainstem before I start playing Weeb games.
this is why people will continue to be bored with the same old AAA schlock   :P
The souls series are technically weeb games. Some of the best games every year are jrpgs. But muh stigma.

Gaming / Re: Game fatigue...
« on: March 29, 2015, 06:24:00 PM »
Again it's always the Hola/fps guys. Got to move on like the rest of us mang.

Expand your genre tastes. Fps's have been shit for a long while now. Try a new platform.

I was feeling the same way on 360 a few years back. GoW had grown stale, Hola had grown stale, Fable had been all but killed  :'(. Now I mostly play jrpgs and don't have enough time to play all the games I want. My backlog is ridiculous right now.

The Flood / Re: Why do Bnet kids RP bar scenes?
« on: March 28, 2015, 06:29:28 PM »
I don't see anything wrong with that. Why should everything that happens on be used as a tool against the users still there? Honestly, it's getting annoying. Move on. Nobody here is better than someone else or any other community.
I disagree. I'm better than a lot of people. Especially filthy rp'ers.

Serious / Re: Rape Culture UK
« on: March 28, 2015, 04:18:41 PM »
Reported for too many reals and not enough feels.

Seriously, as usual Sargon is well argued and gives plenty of facts, but in the end it will just get him called a rape apologist and put on a block list. None of this is about facts. It's about how people feel. Because people are stupid.

Gaming / Re: Zelda U probably won't be releasing in 2015
« on: March 28, 2015, 05:46:24 AM »
Like the more colorful cartoony loz gaemz. Realistic and bland is boring.

Septagon / Re: Something weird is happening to the site...
« on: March 28, 2015, 04:45:17 AM »
At least the advertisers know we're fgts

Gaming / Re: Just finished my first Borderlands game
« on: March 28, 2015, 04:35:33 AM »
Borderlands a shit.
this is why we arent buddies.
(ง’̀-‘́)ง shiiiiiiit.

Gaming / Re: Just finished my first Borderlands game
« on: March 28, 2015, 04:19:59 AM »
Borderlands a shit.

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