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Messages - Naoto

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Gaming / Re: Here we go again
« on: April 09, 2015, 06:59:20 PM »
People still compare cod and halo?

Gaming / Re: Lego Dimensions
« on: April 09, 2015, 02:42:11 PM »
shitstorm incoming.
Ignoring the legality of it. How dumb do you have to be to blatantly tell the company you cover to go fuck themselves like that.

Polygon. Always good for a chuckle.

The Flood / Re: Small boobs vs large boobs
« on: April 09, 2015, 01:39:58 PM »
Big boobs > small boobs
This isn't a serious thread.

Kill > yourself

The Flood / Re: Small boobs vs large boobs
« on: April 09, 2015, 01:27:47 PM »
Big boobs > small boobs
This isn't a serious thread.


Gaming / Re: Black Ops 3 confirmed?
« on: April 09, 2015, 01:18:26 PM »
They could have skipped to World at War 3. You don't know. If Windows can skip numbers so can CoD.

Actually liked Blops 2. Had a solid campaign. Last CoD game I played. Been long enough that if (big if) they did a good job with making this stand out I could jump back in. Zombies has been done to death at this point tho.

Septagon / Re: Delete the space, Isara
« on: April 09, 2015, 01:11:24 PM »
Delete it all Isara

Serious / Re: John Oliver interviews Edward Snowden
« on: April 09, 2015, 12:40:40 PM »
Yeah, he should be a hero for leaking evidence of perfectly legal activities that have been known about, and reported on, since the PATRIOT Act was instituted, in addition to leaking information on active overseas surveillance programs that demonstrably aided the enemy, hindering intelligence operations and likely putting American and allied personnel at risk.

What a fucking joke.
You do know that the Patriot Act is illegal, right?
You can make the argument that it goes against the original intentions of the constitution, or that it oversteps the rights and privacy of american citizens (which it certainly does in its current form). But the fact that it is a law makes it by its very definition legal. The fact that the supreme court has upheld it makes it legal. That is not debatable. The argument is whether it is a just or unjust law.

« on: April 09, 2015, 12:29:09 PM »
About time. I've been upboating like every day.
Reported. Enjoy Legendary you little mong.

Gaming / Re: What do you expect from E3 2015
« on: April 09, 2015, 10:39:37 AM »
Oh, and Prey 2......I can..'prey' right?


*sips tea*
Was so mad when that got canceled. Prey was soo good.

hyper light drifter

Its suppose to be out already  >:(

Gaming / Re: Ayyy
« on: April 09, 2015, 10:06:52 AM »
I for one am quite offended by this racist tranmisogynistic homophobic image.
Cheat please perma ban everyone who looks at it.

False advertisement is awesome.

SMT x FE is a not persona persona on the Wii U for the sole purpose of selling their under performing console. Thus forcing people to buy one even though both series are on the 3DS mainly at this point.

The new FE is also false advertising because they announced and bragged about the how your choices will affect the outcome of the game. A big part of it being that you'd have to choose between you blood family and your adopted family at some point in the game. It's awesome that we're now being forced to make this incredibly important decision in the store on little more than out favorite color since we haven't even gotten to know the characters in the game.

That'll be $40 on top of your $40 that you already paid if you want to unlock the other 2/3rds of the game.
(ง •̀_•́)ง omfg fight me already you fig.

You really want smt x fe on 3ds? Really? That'd look like hot garbage and would have to cut content. They're already sacrificing putting it on wii u. I highly doubt they're putting on there solely to try and push consoles. Not really a massive system seller of a title.

As for splitting the stories on the fire emblem game can't say I'm a huge fan of that, but if its as they say and each has as much content as awakening, and you have the option to pick up the other for dlc, then eh. I can deal with that. Nothing has really been announced yet. All we know is the japs will have two versions.

No shitting on keyu's hype train.

Reminder that while good, FE:A didn't exactly have a lot of content if you remove reek box grinding. The first third of both games is going to be exactly the same too.

I didn't play FE or SMT for their graphics, I played it for the gameplay.
 Content cut from FE x SMT would likely be because of the time before the deadline, not because of hardware limitations. It's already been proven that you can make fairly lengthy and pretty games (depending on your art style) on the 3DS. It's being put on the Wii U for the sake of moving more units. Not because it actually needs to be there.
FE:A is still my most played game on 3DS. Fire Emblem games hold quite a bit of replayability value. I'd be fine with that much content. If done right. Which historically they have a good track record.

Have zero issues with FExSMT being on Wii U. Given the choice that's where I'd want it. Its the better game there. That's undebatable. It could be worked to be serviceable on 3ds, but its better on Wii U. (If you disagree you don't get to talk about PC superiority anymore pleb). You just mad cuz you don't have/want a Wii U.

Beyond replaying as the opposite gender there isn't really that much real replayability in FE:A.

Also I'm not sure if you're aware, but FE was on the verge of being shitcanned due to recent lack luster titles.

I'd rather keep the "cross over" between two franchises that are primarily on the 3DS on the 3DS where the communities that actually play them will be able to play the "cross over".

PC gaming has nothing to do with this. Your attempt at a character assassination falls pretty flat.
I've never had an issue with replayability or content in Fire Emblem games. FE:A didn't have a lack of content problem for me at all.

The devs were told teh series had to sell a certain amount with FE:A or it would be trashed. They vastly exceeded that amount. I've been playing since the GBA I know wuts up. The last original FE release before FE:A was in 2007 ( a wii game) with the other two games in between being remakes. (one of those remakes being jp only)

The pc part was pointing out that better hardware = better games. I mean you can continue to be mad that they put an exclusive on their console, but whatevs you're getting a 3ds fire emblem game as well. SMT games have been on ninty and sony consoles in the past. Both series started on the NES in fact, and had games on SNES. FE had them on Gamecube and Wii. Nothing about it beng a wii u game is weird to me.

False advertisement is awesome.

SMT x FE is a not persona persona on the Wii U for the sole purpose of selling their under performing console. Thus forcing people to buy one even though both series are on the 3DS mainly at this point.

The new FE is also false advertising because they announced and bragged about the how your choices will affect the outcome of the game. A big part of it being that you'd have to choose between you blood family and your adopted family at some point in the game. It's awesome that we're now being forced to make this incredibly important decision in the store on little more than out favorite color since we haven't even gotten to know the characters in the game.

That'll be $40 on top of your $40 that you already paid if you want to unlock the other 2/3rds of the game.
(ง •̀_•́)ง omfg fight me already you fig.

You really want smt x fe on 3ds? Really? That'd look like hot garbage and would have to cut content. They're already sacrificing putting it on wii u. I highly doubt they're putting on there solely to try and push consoles. Not really a massive system seller of a title.

As for splitting the stories on the fire emblem game can't say I'm a huge fan of that, but if its as they say and each has as much content as awakening, and you have the option to pick up the other for dlc, then eh. I can deal with that. Nothing has really been announced yet. All we know is the japs will have two versions.

No shitting on keyu's hype train.

Reminder that while good, FE:A didn't exactly have a lot of content if you remove reek box grinding. The first third of both games is going to be exactly the same too.

I didn't play FE or SMT for their graphics, I played it for the gameplay.
 Content cut from FE x SMT would likely be because of the time before the deadline, not because of hardware limitations. It's already been proven that you can make fairly lengthy and pretty games (depending on your art style) on the 3DS. It's being put on the Wii U for the sake of moving more units. Not because it actually needs to be there.
FE:A is still my most played game on 3DS. Fire Emblem games hold quite a bit of replayability value. I'd be fine with that much content. If done right. Which historically they have a good track record.

Have zero issues with FExSMT being on Wii U. Given the choice that's where I'd want it. Its the better game there. That's undebatable. It could be worked to be serviceable on 3ds, but its better on Wii U. (If you disagree you don't get to talk about PC superiority anymore pleb). You just mad cuz you don't have/want a Wii U.

False advertisement is awesome.

SMT x FE is a not persona persona on the Wii U for the sole purpose of selling their under performing console. Thus forcing people to buy one even though both series are on the 3DS mainly at this point.

The new FE is also false advertising because they announced and bragged about the how your choices will affect the outcome of the game. A big part of it being that you'd have to choose between you blood family and your adopted family at some point in the game. It's awesome that we're now being forced to make this incredibly important decision in the store on little more than out favorite color since we haven't even gotten to know the characters in the game.

That'll be $40 on top of your $40 that you already paid if you want to unlock the other 2/3rds of the game.
(ง •̀_•́)ง omfg fight me already you fig.

You really want smt x fe on 3ds? Really? That'd look like hot garbage and would have to cut content. They're already sacrificing putting it on wii u. I highly doubt they're putting it on there solely to try and push consoles. Not really a massive system seller of a title.

As for splitting the stories on the fire emblem game can't say I'm a huge fan of that, but if its as they say and each has as much content as awakening, and you have the option to pick up the other for dlc, then eh. I can deal with that. Nothing has really been announced yet. All we know is the japs will have two versions.

No shitting on keyu's hype train.

So hype. Don't care what anyone says.
I'm actually getting excited by what he's saying

All the stuff in the SMT x FE analysis just confirmed my excitement for the game. I get why mainline fans of the two series have been a bit put off so far since this is not what anyone expected, but I'm really liking the blend so far.

No idea what side I'll pick for the 3ds game. Enjoy playing evil characters since they're usually a bit more interesting, but like the weeb aesthetics of the Hoshido more than the euro-centric design of the Nohr. Think I'll want/have to play both.

Brilliant idea for a story since either way you'll be fighting characters you care about. If you have to defeat the little sisters I'm gonna lose it. Expanding pair ups to enemies was a good idea as well.

So is that dancer's dress white or purple...hehe <.<
Its basically power rangers well, its more like Chaotics or (grr...I know theirs another one) were you transform yourself into some character from a fantasy game I might get this one see how Poopsona prays :p

I'll wait for the third one (maybe they've read my mind and I can kill them all >:3).
Its kinda persona-esque, but seems a bit more tame style wise.
Persona is really flamboyant. Combat is more traditional turn based. SMTxFE seems like they're mixing it up a little.

So hype. Don't care what anyone says.
I'm actually getting excited by what he's saying

All the stuff in the SMT x FE analysis just confirmed my excitement for the game. I get why mainline fans of the two series have been a bit put off so far since this is not what anyone expected, but I'm really liking the blend.

No idea what side I'll pick for the 3ds game. Enjoy playing evil characters since they're usually a bit more interesting, but like the weeb aesthetics of the Hoshido more than the euro-centric design of the Nohr. Think I'll want/have to play both.

Brilliant idea for a story since either way you'll be fighting characters you care about. If you have to defeat the little sisters I'm gonna lose it. Expanding pair ups to enemies was a good idea as well.

So is that dancer's dress white or purple...hehe <.<

So hype. Don't care what anyone says.

Use adblock and ghostery. Can enable for whoever I feel deserves it.

Serious / Re: Let's discuss why Rand Paul is so fucking great
« on: April 08, 2015, 11:40:22 PM »
He's 'good' by republican standards which still means insane on a number of issues. Wanting to pull out of the UN is not the sign of a competent politician.

Its going to be a handful of years before the Republicans reform. Hopefully the dems won't fully devolve into identity politics before then.

Gaming / Re: Bloodborne players in a nutshell
« on: April 08, 2015, 11:30:37 PM »
You know what I do when I don't want to be invaded in Bloodborne?

Use the offline mode that they added to the game
You don't understand its a travesty that its even a option for people who want it.
Everything should cater to me and my desires or else its objectively wrong.

Also my desires are objectively wrong because enjoying things is bad.

Gaming / Re: What do you expect from E3 2015
« on: April 08, 2015, 11:14:35 PM »
Except Zelda U was the original commonly used title for it, and it has 'wii u' in the full name.
So, no that would be nothing alike.
that also implies that they're actually gonna call it "The Legend of Zelda Wii U"

the way you phrased your post, you made it sound like you were gonna call it zelda u no matter what
even after they gave it an official title
If they change it to something exceptionally long I'll either use a short hand that is more convenient or stick with Zelda U.

I can't call it a name I don't know yet.

« on: April 08, 2015, 10:57:36 PM »
About time. I've been upboating like every day.

Gaming / Re: What do you expect from E3 2015
« on: April 08, 2015, 10:32:47 PM »
I still call Zelda U Zelda U despite it being 'The legend of Zelda Wii U'

that would be like calling OoT "zelda 64"
Except Zelda U was the original commonly used title for it, and it has 'wii u' in the full name.
So, no that would be nothing alike.

Gaming / Re: What do you expect from E3 2015
« on: April 08, 2015, 10:19:14 PM »
It's not SMTxFE anymore tho, it's Illusory Revelations #FE.
>thinks I'm gonna bother typing that out.
I still call Zelda U Zelda U despite it being 'The legend of Zelda Wii U'

Gaming / Re: What do you expect from E3 2015
« on: April 08, 2015, 10:12:17 PM »
A lot of stuff. All I really care about:

Gameplay / Trailers on:
Persona 5
Fire Emblem
Xenoblade X
Bravely Second
Dragon Quest Heroes
Mass Effect 4 (which hopefully hasn't been tumblr-fied)
Disgaea 5
Hyperdimension Neptunia V2

Some uncharted 4 and Zelda U to remind people they still exist. More info on Division and No Man's Sky
Kinda curious to see more from Scalebound and Hola 5 not that I'll ever play them. Will give Fallout a chance to woo me. Hopefully Bethesda doesn't shit up their conference.

Gaming / Re: Sep7agon PlayStation Clan.
« on: April 08, 2015, 12:29:06 PM »
PlayStation is terrible

Can you please explain why at least?
Because Xbox is better

Convince me. Why is the Xbox One better?
Its an entertainment system and not just a gaming system duh.

Because people get attached to things they use/own, even more so if it costs a lot of money and they associate the quality of an object by comparison to other lines of product they've seen from the brand.
That and because their parents probably bought it
I'm sure you've seen the tweets about 14 year old kids hating their parents because they didn't spend $600 on the new iPhone for them.

The Flood / Re: I'm in lesbians with you, Flood
« on: April 08, 2015, 12:20:30 PM »

Gaming / Re: When was you when Rooster Teeth was kill?
« on: April 08, 2015, 12:16:06 PM »
Except they aren't shilling. Its kinda weird how they're calling him out in a 'news' segment, but they say they basically agree with him just that he knew/should have known what was going to happen, and that this is nothing new.

And kill? wwww. Achievement Hunter has been the only worthwhile RT thing for a looong while now.

Gaming / Re: Deus Ex Mankind Divided + TRAILER
« on: April 08, 2015, 12:01:12 PM »
Never got into this series, but always hear good things.
Will keep an eye on it I suppose.

I like the transhuman aspect, but don't think the proposed plot has grabbed me at all. Would obviously need to see gameplay.

The Flood / Re: Favorite Queen song?
« on: April 08, 2015, 08:50:01 AM »
Bohemian Rhapsody takes it.

They've got so damn many good ones tho.

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