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Messages - Naoto

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The Flood / Re: Started watching Vikings
« on: April 15, 2015, 09:22:04 AM »
Omg. Is 'Viking-Days-Of-Our-Lives' worth me watching? Describe the scene that's challenged you the most so far.
Blood Eagle.

The Flood / Re: Started watching Vikings
« on: April 15, 2015, 09:12:43 AM »
Definitely worth a watch. Good show.
Caught up to s3 as well.

Gaming / Re: Greninja Amiibo available for preorder
« on: April 15, 2015, 09:07:34 AM »

The Flood / Re: Who here believes me?
« on: April 15, 2015, 05:45:51 AM »
Not really, but I also couldn't care less.

News / Re: New Ninja
« on: April 14, 2015, 07:15:59 AM »
Wouldn't it made more sense to have someone that has a high post count due to activity which means they're on more to mod?
Just because someone isn't in the top group of posters doesn't necessarily mean they aren't on often. It just means they don't post as much as others. If there's a need to shore up a specific time slot then obviously the focus will be on that instead of just giving it to whoever has the highest post count.

Gaming / Monster Hunter Stories [3DS]
« on: April 14, 2015, 01:52:03 AM »

RPG focus. Japan 2016. No confirmation on western release so far, but I'd have to imagine they'd bring it over eventually.
Wondering if a rpg story focused game would get me into MH more.

Gaming / Re: Look what I bought :^)
« on: April 14, 2015, 12:56:50 AM »
Did they pay you to take it?


how do you know if a character was "shoe-horned in" or not?
if they bring up their sexuality/etc. excessively? i mean, i can see how that would be annoying, but i mean
Assuming you're asking me?

Shoehorned just means the character or discussion is out of place and just comes off feeling forced or try hard. If a dialogue is well written and set up then it feels like a natural discussion you'd expect people to have with one another based on the current circumstances in the game.

Referencing gender/sexuality/race constantly and bringing up talking points in an attempt to convey a lesson to the player (one that they most likely are not in need of) just doesn't make for an engrossing plot.

More often than not bioware games feel like they're reaching to comment on external issues at the cost of the game it self.

Gaming / Re: Halo's Place in SciFI: The Fall of Reach
« on: April 13, 2015, 11:40:39 PM »
Eh. Not exactly the biggest fan of long winded Hola discussion (series has been dead since ODST imo) or 'partnering' with archive in general..

But no one is forcing people to read the threads. As sep7 grows there will be more threads you don't care about or disagree with. If people want to jerk off to the same Halo talk from years ago then they're free to do so. Diversity in discussion is a good thing. More options for people the better.

The thread will rise or sink on its own merit.

Don't know, don't care. I just hope if they do end up doing it, "being gay" or "transexual" isn't all their character has to offer.
Pretty much this. I want diverse characters, but wish they'd stop shoehorning them in and making their sexuality/gender/race be the entirety of the characters personality.

Interesting flawed characters > pc lecturing 'safe' characters.
Shits just boring and try hard. I don't want my games to feel like they're trying to push an agenda on me. I want them to be interesting and entertaining.

More worried about Mass Effect than Star Wars tbh tho.

News / Re: New Ninja
« on: April 13, 2015, 11:17:13 PM »
Good choice. Congrats.

The Flood / Re: Fox thread
« on: April 13, 2015, 06:27:35 AM »

The Flood / Re: Who are your sep7agon best friends?
« on: April 12, 2015, 09:38:06 PM »

The fact that she's tried to push legislation banning video games is enough for me.

Honestly, that's a remarkably petty thing to hinge a vote on, not to mention that her bill was only to prohibit the sale to minors. It's already the policy of every retailer in the country (except maybe online sources like Amazon; I'm not sure if they verify age via credit card) to not sell mature games to minors. Her bill would just make it enforceable.
She called San Andreas a 'major threat to morality' and aided in getting it removed from store shelves. She supported legislation trying to remove 'violent games' from stores.

You may think it's a small thing to hinge on, but I have no time for the moral police on either side. I didn't say it was the be all end all of my vote, but if she can't get the basics down its suggestive of wider problems in judgement. I have little respect for someone who thinks they get to decide everyone else's morals. It's a growing problem on the left and already drowning the right.

The fact that she's tried to push legislation banning video games is enough for me.  Add in the ever growing identity politics parade that I'm certain she'll pander to since she's done it in the past.

Unfortunately the other options are looking very meh atm.

Serious / Re: Can somebody tell me exactly what's wrong with Ted Cruz?
« on: April 12, 2015, 08:45:00 AM »
Just another in a long line of Republican clown politicians brought to you by the tea party. Your Palin's. Your Bachmans. Your Herman Cains.

Talks about abolishing the IRS. Can't understand basic elementary school level science. Follows a number of ccnspiracy theories (UN is coming for our guns guiz)

Most of his own party thinks he's a joke...because he is. Just watch one of his speeches. Shouldn't be hard for an intelligent person to spot the crazy. You can tell when he's just stating talking points. Guy makes G. W. Bush seem like a brilliant politician.

Your parents will change their mind by the end of the primaries. Conservatives only entertain the crazy for so long, so I wouldn't worry about it.

Gaming / Re: Which console is better?
« on: April 12, 2015, 08:05:49 AM »
>not having an Ouya option
what a FAL

The Flood / Re: Gamergate is NOT about ethics
« on: April 12, 2015, 07:37:12 AM »

Gaming / Re: Decent mobile games?
« on: April 12, 2015, 01:30:38 AM »
But really, try Star Trader
Gonna give em all a look over. Need to start watching love live if only to determine best girl to shut up the rest of you.

as if your opinion means crap to me, pleb
Its not an opinion when you're always right moron.

Gaming / Re: Decent mobile games?
« on: April 12, 2015, 01:28:47 AM »
But really, try Star Trader
Gonna give em all a look over. Need to start watching love live if only to determine best girl to shut up the rest of you.

Gaming / Re: Nintendumb goes full retard yet again
« on: April 12, 2015, 01:23:16 AM »
There's a mic on the Wii U?
You haven't blown a wii u yet?
Right, I can take this two ways.
Of course you find a way to make that inappropriate, you pervert.
.....He wasn't implying it?... crap
i enjoy being the lewd one and watching tru get blamed.  ;D

Gaming / Re: Nintendumb goes full retard yet again
« on: April 12, 2015, 01:16:34 AM »

Gaming / Re: Nintendumb goes full retard yet again
« on: April 12, 2015, 01:12:46 AM »
There's a mic on the Wii U?
You haven't blown a wii u yet?

Gaming / Re: Nintendumb goes full retard yet again
« on: April 12, 2015, 12:26:20 AM »
I don't think splatoon is their attempt to not be taken as a kiddie company...since its splatoon. Not really a hyper competitive third person shooter so much as a colorful game where squid kids have paint battles.

Eh, I think not having chat is a negative, but at the same time I kinda respect that they know their core audience and are willing to be that one console looking out for kids and keeping obnoxious squeakers from ruining a game.

Gaming / Re: Wind Waker's style
« on: April 11, 2015, 11:47:53 PM »
Second favorite after the new one. Like the colorful Zeldas over gritty realism.

Gaming / Re: Witcher 3 Gameplay trailer
« on: April 11, 2015, 11:42:23 PM »

I definitely like the tone. Very blunt and realistic vs say the dragon age games which tend to be more preachy.
Still doesn't grab me like I want it to for some reason. Outside elderscrolls and fable I have a hard time getting into western fantasy RPGs.

Trailer is basically a copy of the gta v reveal or is that just me? Same sounding chick. Same flow of details.
Comparing Dragon Age to the Witcher is like comparing the Hobbit to GoT
Says the guy comparing hola and cod. DA and Witcher are both western fantasy RPGs. DA:I was goty for a lot of people last year. Just pointing out what Witcher does differently (key word there) that makes it more attractive to me over a dragon age game.

Gaming / Decent mobile games?
« on: April 10, 2015, 10:04:43 PM »
Can anybody think of any?
Not really an area I've gotten into. With good reason.

Recently tried Monument Valley and Chain Chronicle tho, and have enjoyed them. Have to figure there are some other quality non-annoying games out there that I can slap on my phone for time wasters.

Gaming / Re: Witcher 3 Gameplay trailer
« on: April 10, 2015, 09:48:37 PM »
I definitely like the tone. Very blunt and realistic vs say the dragon age games which tend to be more preachy.
Still doesn't grab me like I want it to for some reason. Outside elderscrolls and fable I have a hard time getting into western fantasy RPGs.

Trailer is basically a copy of the gta v reveal or is that just me? Same sounding chick. Same flow of details.

Serious / Re: First *full body transplant* to occur in 2017
« on: April 10, 2015, 04:54:39 PM »

Gaming / Re: But now I must save us from y-
« on: April 10, 2015, 06:40:15 AM »
Just watched those trailers for the first time...this series got really dumb really fast.

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