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Messages - Naoto

Pages: 1 ... 394041 4243 ... 125
>self described socialist

I'm doubting his viability in a general election.
Which is fair enough. They'd definitely try to paint him as muh communists just looking by what happened to Obama. But on the issues he polls pretty closely to most Americans. Against Citizens United. Against defunding Social Security and Medicare. Pro single payer for Health Care. Pretty populist positions. I think he'll gain popularity in the debates.


[trigger warning: Huffpo and MSNBC]
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is hiring a crew of former aides to President Barack Obama to help propel his recently launched presidential campaign.

Coming on the heels of a highly successful campaign launch, after which Sanders raised $3 million in four days, the announcement is an indication that Sanders, a self-described socialist, won’t be confined simply to a long-shot role in the Democratic primary.

The independent senator, who is running for president as a Democrat, has hired the firm Revolution Messaging to run digital ads and online fundraising. The staffers with the firm who will be working on Sanders’ campaign include Revolution Messaging’s founder, Scott Goodstein, who ran the 2008 Obama campaign's social media and mobile programs; Arun Chaudhary, who was the first official White House videographer; Shauna Daly, who served as deputy research director on Obama’s 2008 campaign; and Walker Hamilton, who was a lead programmer for that campaign.
For perspective he raised more in the first 24hrs than Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, or Ted Cruz. Only candidate not running with a super pac. Meaning he is not being funded by anonymous major corporations or billionaires (ala Ted Cruz being funded by Robert Mercer, who owes the IRS billions, and coincidentally Ted Cruz now wants to disband the IRS)

The more I hear from Sanders the more I'm starting to really like him. Media has been writing him off under the assumption that he can't beat Hilary but I'm thinking he's going to give her a good run for her money.

Who are you?
The one true destycle

I know you's a wuss tho

Who are you?

The Flood / Re: PSA re: trolling
« on: May 06, 2015, 01:14:19 PM »
I think it is trolling prove how I'm wrong.
because you're a pleb
I think it is trolling prove how I'm wrong.
I'd ask about what happens when you're right, but we know that doesn't happen.

Didn't read these posts, but I'm guess they didn't prove me wrong. Must mean I'm right.
>plebbing this pleb
What a pleb
I think it is trolling prove how I'm wrong.
because you're a pleb
I think it is trolling prove how I'm wrong.
I'd ask about what happens when you're right, but we know that doesn't happen.

Didn't read these posts, but I'm guess they didn't prove me wrong. Must mean I'm right.
Sure thing Elegiac.
[continues to not be disproven]

The Flood / Re: PSA re: trolling
« on: May 06, 2015, 01:12:28 PM »
I think it is trolling prove how I'm wrong.
because you're a pleb
I think it is trolling prove how I'm wrong.
I'd ask about what happens when you're right, but we know that doesn't happen.

Didn't read these posts, but I'm guess they didn't prove me wrong. Must mean I'm right.

The Flood / Re: PSA re: trolling
« on: May 06, 2015, 01:07:32 PM »
I think it is trolling prove how I'm wrong.

The Flood / Re: your avatar
« on: May 06, 2015, 10:51:10 AM »
Best girl.

Septagon / Re: We need a new rank at 17,777 posts.
« on: May 06, 2015, 10:45:01 AM »
Poor you.

It r k Keyu.
(iДi) Pls byrne. gib me some ur posts

Gaming / Re: mfw I'm playing Civ 5
« on: May 06, 2015, 10:39:22 AM »
tfw you're trying to go scientific, but another civ is gonna beat you there...drop all da nukes.

Septagon / Re: We need a new rank at 17,777 posts.
« on: May 06, 2015, 10:37:15 AM »

The Flood / Re: Oi weebs
« on: May 06, 2015, 10:35:27 AM »
Angel Beats if you haven't seen it yet.
Good starting point. Heart wrenching tho.

Also read that as subbed out of habit. So disregard I guess.

Serious / Re: A serious question about #GG
« on: May 06, 2015, 10:03:59 AM »
Have you read the zoe post? If a woman had received as much emotional abuse as he had there would be no question and everyone would have her back. So on that front he was justified.

As for the ethics part of it she was sleeping with her boss and two journalists who had given her positive press. That raises serious ethical questions that deserved to be answered.

Regardless of what any one's opinion on gg is I have no idea how anyone can view zoe quinn as anything close to a decent human being looking at the facts.

That all said this is old laundry and gg moved on from zoe a long time ago.
I have read it and I'm can't take it for face value. But lets say that I did, and she did cheat on him with several people, yeah that's fucking wrong when you're in a committed relationship. But does that give him the right to out her and whip up an angry mob?

Then shouldn't those questions be targeted towards the journalists and not Quinn? Like I said when the firt videos about the incident came out they all attacked Quinn and not the journalists.

I couldn't give a shit about GG, it's nothing to get worked up over, but it only started when Quinns ex doxxed her. So she might not be relevant currently but it's eyebrow raising that the people who started GG haven't give two fucks about sites like IGN who take money under the table from big publishers.
Seriously this thread reeks of either troll or quite a bit of ignorance. This is all months old stuff they tried to slander us with at the beginning. GG goes after the big publishers and 'journalist' sites as well not sure where you're getting otherwise. I'd suggest reading the Kotaku-in-action subreddit along with whatever sjw outlet you're coming from. If you're actually interested in learning something that is.
Yeah I stopped reading after this paragraph, I'm an SJW because I don't think GG is a proper movement and that doxxing Quinn was wrong? Dafuq you smoking?

So you're denying that Quinn was harassed and that she was wrong to get the videos about her taken down?

This is why I don't follow sites that are on either side of the issue, because of people like you who take it wa too seriously and twist things to you're own end.
>posts in serious
>doesn't read whole response
>thinks I called them an sjw
>expects a quality discussion while acting like a derp.

Thanks for clearing that up I guess?

Serious / Re: A serious question about #GG
« on: May 06, 2015, 09:55:22 AM »
Have you read the zoe post? If a woman had received as much emotional abuse as he had there would be no question and everyone would have her back. So on that front he was justified.

As for the ethics part of it she was sleeping with her boss and two journalists who had given her positive press. That raises serious ethical questions that deserved to be answered.

Regardless of what any one's opinion on gg is I have no idea how anyone can view zoe quinn as anything close to a decent human being looking at the facts.

That all said this is old laundry and gg moved on from zoe a long time ago.
I have read it and I'm can't take it for face value. But lets say that I did, and she did cheat on him with several people, yeah that's fucking wrong when you're in a committed relationship. But does that give him the right to out her and whip up an angry mob?

Then shouldn't those questions be targeted towards the journalists and not Quinn? Like I said when the firt videos about the incident came out they all attacked Quinn and not the journalists.

I couldn't give a shit about GG, it's nothing to get worked up over, but it only started when Quinns ex doxxed her. So she might not be relevant currently but it's eyebrow raising that the people who started GG haven't give two fucks about sites like IGN who take money under the table from big publishers.
Seriously this thread reeks of either troll or quite a bit of ignorance. This is all months old stuff they tried to slander us with at the beginning. GG goes after the big publishers and 'journalist' sites as well not sure where you're getting otherwise. I'd suggest reading the Kotaku-in-action subreddit along with whatever sjw outlet you're coming from. If you're actually interested in learning something that is.

Almost every major site has updated its ethics policy since the start of gamergate and sites like Kotaku have retroactively disclosed relationships on a ton of articles. Not to mention the FTC updating their guidelines after a gg emailing campaign to force outlets to disclose hidden affliate links. Just to name a few things from the past months.

Currently gamergate is in talks with the Society of Professional Jorunalists, and has even begun to break bread with the IGDA after they promoted a slanderous blockbot (that also blocked journalists and KFC as 'worst harassers).

So if you aren't just out to shitpost. I'd say you're pretty misinformed on all this. Which wouldn't be a big deal since most people were as well. Majority of gg'ers started out neutral or anti-gg.

Serious / Re: A serious question about #GG
« on: May 06, 2015, 09:37:00 AM »
Have you read the zoe post? If a woman had received as much emotional abuse as he had there would be no question and everyone would have her back. So on that front he was justified.

As for the ethics part of it she was sleeping with her boss and two journalists who had given her positive press. That raises serious ethical questions that deserved to be answered.

Regardless of what any one's opinion on gg is I have no idea how anyone can view zoe quinn as anything close to a decent human being looking at the facts.

That all said this is old laundry and gg moved on from zoe a long time ago.

The Flood / Re: Favorite Game of Thrones scenes
« on: May 05, 2015, 09:19:11 PM »

The Flood / Re: Who would YOU vote for?
« on: May 05, 2015, 07:41:45 PM »
Even with this wonderful information I can't choose :/

Cameron - Self serving tories
Miliband - God help us if Wallace goes up against Putin
Clegg - LOL we're sorry
Farage - God please no
Bennett - A nice change but the greens would bugger so many things up it's not even funny

Luckily I get to vote for an independent chap because otherwise I'd probably just draw a dick on the ballot paper.
Vote for dick - this message funded by psy for dick 2025

Serious / Re: Why "social justice" is bullshit
« on: May 05, 2015, 10:08:36 AM »
But wanting equality in the eyes of the law falls under the definition of 'social justice'.
Which is another problem with "social justice". It's a non-term; apart from the most bigoted dipshits, who doesn't want equality under the law. For the most part, we have equality under the law apart from a few remaining bastions like gay marriage.

I mean, come on:
Social justice is "justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society".
It's so vague as to be essentially meaningless. The content is so ridiculously variable and hard to pin down that the only concrete forms of social justice are the ones which can be easily discredited. Your "equality under the law" definition could fulfil the terms of opportunity and privilege, but they are nowhere near the full story when the term is often deployed.
The term has had a well known and historic meaning. Its not like this phrase was recently invented. Just because a group of extremists is increasingly trying to twist it to mean something else (often the complete opposite of what it actually means) doesn't mean I'm just going to flip the table over and say it is too vague a term to deal with.

More than comfortable calling bullshit on bullshit and defending legitimate social justice.

Serious / Re: Why "social justice" is bullshit
« on: May 05, 2015, 09:34:47 AM »
There are a large number of social issues in the west.

The fact gay marriage is still not a thing in most of America is ridiculous.
Of course. I was talking about cultures/races/sexes for the most part.

The growing wealth gap and power of the rich over politics is a very serious issue.
The wealth gap? Not so much. Social mobility? Absolutely.

Although I do completely agree that the marriage between government and business is abhorrent.

Discrimination based on race, gender, sexuality, etc. is still a thing. The list goes on.
Of course, there will never not be discrimination. My contention is that it's not institutionalised or systemic--or even widespread enough--to the point of collectively holding down blacks, Puerto Ricans and other "disadvantaged" groups.
Then I don't really get the idea of pushing 'social justice' as bullshit. Radicalized social justice? Absolutely.
But wanting equality in the eyes of the law falls under the definition of 'social justice'. I would not be so eager to cede the entirety of that ground to dipshit hipsters online.

Serious / Re: Why "social justice" is bullshit
« on: May 05, 2015, 09:24:10 AM »
There are a large number of social issues in the west. The fact gay marriage is still not a thing in most of America is ridiculous. The growing wealth gap and power of the rich over politics is a very serious issue. Discrimination based on race, gender, sexuality, etc. is still a thing. The list goes on.

Wanting 'justice' on these fronts is not wrong, and ignoring problems does not make them go away. Nothing is ever going to be 100% equal across the board, but that doesn't mean you just throw out all the checks and balances, and stop looking for solutions to make things better than they currently are.

As much as I disagree with sjws, I'm also not going to swing the pendulum wide the other direction just to spite them.

The Flood / Re: Duolingo
« on: May 04, 2015, 11:12:21 PM »
been around a while. they're racist against weeb languages tho.

The Flood / Re: Do you think girl jeans are comfortable?
« on: May 04, 2015, 11:04:39 PM »
Too tight up front.
Too tight on the pockets too. They tend to have shallow ass pockets as well. Like, how am I supposed to carry my ID's, cash, phone, more ID's and a blade with like, two inch deep pockets?
Buy a purse duh.
Do you know how easy it is for an African-American to steal a purse though?
Yeah, but then you can do the world a favor and kill him, you know, in "self defense."
Not if your weapon is in your purse because your pants are too tight to facilitate concealed carry.
I think bras can double as a shoulder holster.

The Flood / Re: Do you think girl jeans are comfortable?
« on: May 04, 2015, 10:58:48 PM »
Too tight up front.
Too tight on the pockets too. They tend to have shallow ass pockets as well. Like, how am I supposed to carry my ID's, cash, phone, more ID's and a blade with like, two inch deep pockets?
Buy a purse duh.

the eto b8 is real.

The Flood / Re: Hey Lemön
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:48:15 PM »
Where have you been sir fagalot?
Have I gone somewhere?
I think I just haven't posted in gaming as much.
Post more fgt
brah look at muh post history. Been in flood and srs last two days.
Not much gaming stuff to talk about atm. If I see another Halo thread I'm gonna vomit.

The Flood / Re: Hey Lemön
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:41:08 PM »
Where have you been sir fagalot?
Have I gone somewhere?
I think I just haven't posted in gaming as much.

The Flood / Re: Hey Lemön
« on: May 04, 2015, 08:13:31 PM »

The Flood / Re: >there are people on this website right now
« on: May 04, 2015, 07:59:55 PM »

>same thread every week

« on: May 04, 2015, 07:54:55 PM »

Gaming / Re: if youve never played any of these games
« on: May 04, 2015, 06:01:58 PM »
I think I played the Xbox Magazine demo of Crimson Skies.

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