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Topics - Krishnas Prophet

Pages: 1
The Flood / I am trolling the fuck out of #destiny...
« on: December 23, 2017, 11:25:58 PM »
For any old timers interested in watching the salt mountain burn and the little pigs squeal go here:

I've been thinking about starting an official petition asking that exact question. Trumps dismissal of NASA is hopeful, as it indicates he might be anti space and possibly pro Flat Earth. Would you sign a petition that asks him?

The Flood / I'm A Flat Earth Theorist That Is New to Sep7. AMA
« on: February 21, 2017, 11:30:26 AM »
I've been on bungo for some time, so some of you might know me. I am a Flat Earth Theorist (or Planar Theorist). Basically, I am someone that knows (belief is not a word I use regarding sensory knowledge) that the Earth is Flat. Some very simple and very fundamental observations confirm this: looking at the horizon (it is Flat), jumping (the ground does not move beneath you), and existence of life itself (all solid objects not directly attached to earth's surface would get flung off if it were spinning at 1000mph). These are some of the basic empirically observable phenomenon that motivate my knowledge of natural reality. There are many more. I'm hoping this community proves to be a dank place where I can have both serious discussion, and shitpost from time to time... Anyway, its good to be here. Feel free to introduce yourself, I'd like to meet other users.

The Flood / Bungo's Down, So I'd Thought I'd Say "Hey"
« on: February 21, 2017, 12:48:57 AM »
Hey. What up?

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