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Messages - Turkey

Pages: 1234 56 ... 270
Serious / Re: Florida school shooting - 17+ dead
« on: February 24, 2018, 06:55:23 AM »
tbh I'm leaning in favor of banning personal ownership of semi-automatic guns in general. Evidence shows this works. It feels like 2A proponents (which I generally consider myself to be) need to determine an acceptable level of gun homicides to sustain largely unfettered access to guns, and if that answer is an honest admission that the current numbers are okay, that's better than further deflection.
Aren't most homicides with a handgun? What does banning assault rifles help?

Because the majority of handguns are semi-automatic? I didn't say anything about assault rifles.

I'm not even sure how a ban would work. A buyback couldn't happen, a registry would never work, and a blanket ban would be impossible to enforce.

Serious / Re: Florida school shooting - 17+ dead
« on: February 24, 2018, 02:48:23 AM »
tbh I'm leaning in favor of banning personal ownership of semi-automatic guns in general. Evidence shows this works. It feels like 2A proponents (which I generally consider myself to be) need to determine an acceptable level of gun homicides to sustain largely unfettered access to guns, and if that answer is an honest admission that the current numbers are okay, that's better than further deflection.

Gaming / Re: sequels you want, but will probably never happen
« on: February 23, 2018, 08:22:17 AM »
Bloodborne 2 or Demon's Souls 2
You know Bloodborne 2 is happening my dude?

The teaser fromsoft put out was almost certainly for a tenchu game, unless BB2 is going to be nippon-themed

Gaming / Re: sequels you want, but will probably never happen
« on: February 23, 2018, 05:12:48 AM »
Bloodborne 2 or Demon's Souls 2

Serious / Re: The argument against free will under an Abrahamic God
« on: February 19, 2018, 07:46:03 PM »
The actual point of contradiction would be an omnipotence paradox. "Omnipotent" should mean they are able to give us free will without sacrificing their omnipotence. Since, well, omnipotent means they can do anything. But of course that just doesn't make sense, because that would include things like "the ability to be omnipotent while not being omnipotent".

Omnipotence is an illogical idea to begin with.

Theologians don't consider omnipotence to be the ability to do anything, but rather anything in God's nature. The Abrahamic God can't lie, for example. That's not a condition imposed by the environment. In fact the Bible only says God can do whatever he chooses, not anything at all.

Serious / Re: Florida school shooting - 17+ dead
« on: February 19, 2018, 05:27:17 PM »

Sean's a big boy and got his real response, which he ignored. Go throw a tantrum elsewhere.
You didn't give him any real response lmao just more wordplay. Civilians shouldn't have access to AR-15s or any other rifle, there's no need. Go be a little smartass somewhere else man acting like a little girl.

A school shooting could be done, arguably more effectively, with a semi-automatic handgun. What I'm asking you or Sean is, if you think AR15s pose such an existential threat, then don't you also agree that any semi-automatic gun should be banned? Should we be limited to revolvers and bolt action rifles?

Serious / Re: Florida school shooting - 17+ dead
« on: February 19, 2018, 06:55:33 AM »

Sean's a big boy and got his real response, which he ignored. Go throw a tantrum elsewhere. 

Serious / Re: The argument against free will under an Abrahamic God
« on: February 19, 2018, 05:09:46 AM »
If no external factors control oneself, then actions can not be predetermined by outside sources.

If I offer you a choice of $100 or $1, does my knowledge that you will choose the higher amount imply that I controlled your decision?
If you selected the initial conditions of the universe that led to that decision, you certainly controlled it.

Who says a set of initial conditions of the universe determines every condition? Because our current understanding of physics certainly doesn't have an answer for whether the universe is deterministic. Even OP's definition of 'free will' is flawed:
"We can define free will as rational agents choosing their own course of action."

Okay, I lock you in a room. Can you choose to leave? All actions we will are determined on a macro scale by our environment: I can't fly, nor can I walk out of a locked room, and also on a micro scale: interactions between neurons in my brain, formed through years of varying experiences (my environment) result in the actions I perform. Are neurons affected by quantum indeterminism (which may or may not be true)? Who knows?

We don't have the information to answer the question of free will/determinism. Compatibilists say the universe can be deterministic and free will exists. Libertarians have a differing viewpoint.  And ultimately, the scenario of the Abrahamic God is exactly identical to the secular scenario in which the universe exists with initial conditions resulting in symmetrical time and deterministic physics -- except in the former, we have something to shake our fists at.

Serious / Re: The argument against free will under an Abrahamic God
« on: February 19, 2018, 02:28:02 AM »
If no external factors control oneself, then actions can not be predetermined by outside sources.

If I offer you a choice of $100 or $1, does my knowledge that you will choose the higher amount imply that I controlled your decision?

Serious / Re: Florida school shooting - 17+ dead
« on: February 18, 2018, 09:00:05 PM »
>if you don't use jargon your points about gun control suddenly become invalid and will lead to shitty laws because you didn't use jargon

AR-15s sold to American civilians are better than most rifles issued in 3rd world militaries. Bump stocks exist. Don't play word games like a fucking retard.

Complaining about jargon is admitting you don't know what you're talking about. 

The Flood / Re: Verb gives his shitty opinions on anime (redux) #FuckAnime
« on: February 18, 2018, 05:00:03 PM »

this is a cool-ass website

0.41% of all anime
Better step up your game, verb

Serious / Re: Florida school shooting - 17+ dead
« on: February 18, 2018, 04:55:14 PM »
I do believe there isn't much need or use for a civilian to need a military grade Assault rifle.

How many wars have been fought with an AR-15?
Don't give me that shit. You know what I mean the AR-15 platform is just a civilian verison of the Colt M-16 and M4 chassy

So it's neither military-grade nor an assault rifle, got it.
You're either

A) Trolling me
B) No Nothing about guns
C) Just an idiot

Make a counterargument or fuck off. No AR-15 is made to military specifications unless it's an actual M16 that's had the selector removed nor is it an assault weapon if it doesn't have automatic fire capability. Calling the gun a "military grade assault rifle" makes you look like a fucking idiot and sets the debate about gun control back because it propagates ignorance. If you believe AR-15s should be banned because it's semi-automatic and widely available,  then you should probably make an argument for banning all semi-automatics, handguns included.

And to be clear, I do support much stricter gun control.

Serious / Re: Florida school shooting - 17+ dead
« on: February 18, 2018, 01:01:28 AM »
I do believe there isn't much need or use for a civilian to need a military grade Assault rifle.
How many wars have been fought with an AR-15?
Don't give me that shit. You know what I mean the AR-15 platform is just a civilian verison of the Colt M-16 and M4 chassy
So it's neither military-grade nor an assault rifle, got it.
and that makes it allllllll okay


Serious / Re: Florida school shooting - 17+ dead
« on: February 17, 2018, 08:13:44 PM »
I do believe there isn't much need or use for a civilian to need a military grade Assault rifle.

How many wars have been fought with an AR-15?
Don't give me that shit. You know what I mean the AR-15 platform is just a civilian verison of the Colt M-16 and M4 chassy

So it's neither military-grade nor an assault rifle, got it.

Serious / Re: Florida school shooting - 17+ dead
« on: February 17, 2018, 05:56:32 PM »
I do believe there isn't much need or use for a civilian to need a military grade Assault rifle.

How many wars have been fought with an AR-15?

The Flood / Re: The 17th school shooting since February 2017 happened today
« on: February 17, 2018, 03:05:32 AM »
Also, this wasn't the 17th school shooting.

The Flood / Re: Kangz The Movie
« on: February 17, 2018, 02:18:32 AM »
I think my favourite part was where the tribe of huge black dudes started unironically barking at the white guy so that he couldn't speak.


They were just fucking with him

The Flood / Re: Are special effects special anymore?
« on: February 17, 2018, 12:05:31 AM »
They're special because they're not 'practical' effects; you don't need to literally think of those effects as otherwise noteworthy.

Serious / Re: what is your most radical belief
« on: February 17, 2018, 12:04:18 AM »
I know this is a slightly older post, but I find it funny how the holocaust memorial in Israel lists the death count at around 2 million jews, yet questioning the 6 million figure in the countries around Germany can lead to some trouble with the law. I know it sounds incredibly fucking edgy, but the truth really doesn't fear investigation and when you have the Jewish state of Israel providing a number radically different than others (and even the others aren't super equal to each other), it wouldn't hurt to look further in to it.

Im not 100% convinced the Holocaust happened

After Googling this for all of 30 seconds, I think you may be referring to a list of confirmed names which totals around 2 million, whereas the actual memorial recognizes 6 million Jews.

Serious / Re: Is Water Wet?
« on: February 14, 2018, 01:39:18 AM »

This is literally one of the most obnoxious and retarded things I've ever seen

The Flood / Re: I can't sleep, laying in bed with tears in my eyes
« on: February 10, 2018, 05:04:26 PM »
What're his symptoms?
He's been throwing up, hasn't been barking/growling, and he just lays down all day with no energy at all like he usually is. He's also been walking funny too, like with a hunched-back. Idk how to really explain it.

Last year my family dog back home presented similar symptoms, basically wouldn't eat and eventually got to the point where they had to take him to the vet to be given intravenous fluids. Tried antibiotics, which worked for a short time followed by relapse, and various other things. Clear x-rays, blood tests, etc. What ended up fixing the problem was a round of steroids, for some reason. So yeah, let the vets do their job of course, but steroids and antibiotics are kind of the cure-all when it comes to mysterious pooch problems.

Nice speed, puppy.

The Flood / Re: I can't sleep, laying in bed with tears in my eyes
« on: February 10, 2018, 05:54:15 AM »
What're his symptoms?

The Flood / Re: even more star wars films coming
« on: February 08, 2018, 05:02:59 AM »
An article I read about this unironically touted D&D as 'masters of conveying complex lore and characters on screen'. Hopefully they just do what they're good at and copy something from Legends.

Serious / Re: what is your most radical belief
« on: February 08, 2018, 02:22:55 AM »
9/11 in theory sounds like an excellent catalyst to invade the middle east for oil

tbh I'm not sure where this theory comes from. Oil prices increased to 800% of pre-invasion prices, and occupying forces never really came to an agreement on how the oil should be divided in the country. During Saddam though, the government was essentially stealing it from one religious faction and apportioning that wealth to his own; now, Iraqis (loosely) share that ownership. American imports of Iraqi oil were at their highest pre-invasion, as well. Yeah the occupation itself was botched, almost entirely due to Paul Bremer's actions immediately after the wholly successful invasion, disbanding the Iraqi army.

Bungie is seppuku

Darth Vader having the nickname of "Sky Guy" is canon

The Flood / Re: so can anyone explain the cuckmouth pose?
« on: February 04, 2018, 03:50:55 AM »
soyboy is probably the most pathetic insult ever
Did hbomber ever do his followup video to his soyboy episode?
Took awhile, but here we go:


tbh I totally get where the alt-righters are coming from with that belief

Estrogen is the female hormone, testosterone is the male hormone -- magnitudes of either must correlate to the prevalence of that sex's traits, both physical and emotional, right? And eating stuff with chemicals that have 'estrogen' in the name probably increase your estrogen levels, right?

Maybe I'm being too sympathetic here, but neither of those conclusions sound particularly shaky from a complete novice. But the egregious lack of research into the claim is remarkable. I previously considered Elliott Hulse a non-scientific expert on fitness and weightlifting. And yeah, he's said some goofy shit before, but just your typical bodybuilding broscience-y things. But damn, his recognition that he knows nothing about the subject, but insistence that soy consumption makes men feminine makes him look like a huge jackass. Solid work on hbomber's part. I'm hoping to see some sort of response from whatever alt-right channel it was he called out.

JJ was lazy for doing that, and most of the EU was fanfic trash regardless, including the Thrawn trilogy.

You take back that last bit.

I'm not sure when you read it, but if you read it as a kid, try reading it now. It reads like straight-up fanfic. It's so bad.

Gaming / Destiny Too
« on: February 02, 2018, 01:17:21 AM »
Picked this up recently and wanted to see if any of you are still active on the X1 version. Need a clan or people to do the raid and shit with.

Hit me up @ HurtfulTurkeys


JJ was lazy for doing that, and most of the EU was fanfic trash regardless, including the Thrawn trilogy.

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