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Messages - Death

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The Flood / Re: Hit me with your best shot. Fire again!
« on: April 28, 2016, 06:37:06 PM »
Fire away*
Whatever :( I'll change it...

Serious / Re: Donald Trump and African Americans
« on: April 28, 2016, 06:35:57 PM »
My question is as follows: what has Donald Trump said about the African American community? Is it simply fear mongering by the left?

Please provide factual, unbiased answers.

More about what he hasn't said, and this applies to so many communities. If you listen to many of his speeches, they all have one thing in common: filler, and not substance. Instead of giving specific plans to help communities, Trump will instead say:

"I have so many black employees, and they all love me."
"I have made so many friends in Japan, and the Japanese all love me."

Rinse and repeat with whatever population group you want.

It's one of the reasons that Trump has succeeded with those who are not traditional voters. Instead of saying what he has done or will do, he simply says everyone loves him and it makes it sound like he has done a lot.
I love trump hahah he's a classic.

The Flood / AMA Hit me with your best shot. Fire away!
« on: April 28, 2016, 06:31:07 PM »
Ask me anything!
For  real entertainment value, debate dis'
Communism or socialism? If the entire world had to be one or the other, judge ye.

Britbongistan needs more time to process it because they don't understand the concept of freedom
This is rich. Love it!

Say it to their faces pussy ass nigga
and lose my job? lolno

I will when I'm ready to leave.
When you leave your job permanently?
He works at Mcd's everybody, move along.

The Flood / Re: The Ratchet and Clank movie may have broken the curse
« on: April 28, 2016, 06:21:05 PM »
I remember that game! Dang, that's old.
Still never going to watch it though, got better things to do.

The Flood / Re: I'm feeling better now
« on: April 28, 2016, 06:18:40 PM »
What gives me hope?
Man, I don't know. Results?

I've seen this Braxien character around quite a bit lately

who is this loser
I got kicked out of Sapphire.
Aha! Me too, for literally nothing.
Never tried going back.

Mixed races are often times the most attractive.
lol who are you fooling?
Nobody, just an honest opinion.
Hooray for mudbloods!

Mixed races are often times the most attractive.

The Flood / Re: I hate my life
« on: April 28, 2016, 06:11:08 PM »
If I had zero potential and my life was moving nowhere I would hate it.
But everyday I'm improving, so I am happy.
Why do you hate it?

Oh Jeez.
Such blasphemy hurts my eyes.
*rends shirt*

The Flood / Re: How do I acclimate old pets to a new one?
« on: April 28, 2016, 06:06:59 PM »
There will be some fighting the first couple of days, this is normal.

Is uh... is it normal for the males to already be trying to mate with her

Some Cheese Pizza up in here.

The Flood / Re: Why are gun owners so fearful?
« on: April 28, 2016, 06:05:58 PM »
I am. Whenever I break into a home I'm always fearful of getting pumped full of lead.
If there were no guns, I would be really happy!

The Flood / Re: ITT: trap/trans/mental illness thread
« on: April 28, 2016, 06:04:45 PM »
not saying trans people are all dudes
I mean hey works for me
Hush you, transmen aren't really. You're just a really butch lesbian.
women are gross
Gross? Nah, not generally.
Crazy? All of them.

The Flood / Re: what are some goals by the end of the year for you?
« on: April 28, 2016, 06:03:40 PM »
Make America Great Again.
Kill all of the government officials.

The Flood / Re: what are some goals by the end of the year for you?
« on: April 28, 2016, 06:03:04 PM »
180, 7% body fat

Educational: Just get re-enrolled, start my generals again.

Spiritual: Master my urges, I hate being a slave to my hormones. :)

The Flood / Re: Hate these trashy white bitches
« on: April 28, 2016, 06:01:02 PM »
I...actually know exactly what you mean. 0___0 they are horrible.
Anyways, how much are you benching nowadays?
Hey man! Nice to see you pop in once and a while. And I actually haven't benched in a while since I've been trying to lose fat and it generally hurts my shoulder pretty bad. My main chest exercise right now are weighted dips. I can bust out 10 with a 65lb dumbbell hanging and 6 with 80lbs. I weigh about 190 right now so I'm pretty proud of that

 how about you?
You too?? My shoulder and elbows never feel good after. I'm maxing at a low 280, rep 220 5 times, 5 sets. I'm working on it, 450 max is my goal.
Weighted dips are mean, but they work pretty well. So are you just trying to round them out and get some mass?
When it comes to mass I do a few different types of dumbbell presses.
!90?? Solid! What's you Body Fat percentage?
I'm 170 right now.

The Flood / Re: ITT: trap/trans/mental illness thread
« on: April 28, 2016, 05:57:36 PM »
Desty, neither of those are even remotely attractive.
I think I threw up.
Jeezum crowe....*shudders*

The Flood / Re: How do I acclimate old pets to a new one?
« on: April 28, 2016, 05:56:49 PM »
I don't have the balls to have that sort of knife.
But I use machetes quite often. Haven't lopped off my leg yet so that's a good sign.

The Flood / Re: Hate these trashy white bitches
« on: April 28, 2016, 05:54:55 PM »
I...actually know exactly what you mean. 0___0 they are horrible.
Anyways, how much are you benching nowadays?

Fapping games?
Das gey, fam.

You just need me to spice things up again.
Mormon please go.
Imma flex on you.
hol up

you here for good this time?
Probably another couple weeks, but I can't be on that often, sadly. Then I'll probably disappear. I get home in November then I can be an actual contributing member.

The Flood / Re: So...Magic the Gathering. Who here plays this?
« on: April 18, 2016, 08:07:37 PM »
8 R A C K
Why would you post this?

The Flood / Re: users you miss
« on: April 18, 2016, 08:06:51 PM »
I miss the real second class.
He's pretty watered down now. Dunno what happened. He's a softy.
Maybe the estrogen pills?

The Flood / Re: So...Magic the Gathering. Who here plays this?
« on: April 18, 2016, 08:03:12 PM »
It's okay tho because in my abzan I totally have a combo to get 2-4 infinity/infinity creatures with flying.
How does that work???
I never knew abzan could be a mean deck. Huh. But I guess you can make a mean deck out of anything.

The Flood / Re: So...Magic the Gathering. Who here plays this?
« on: April 18, 2016, 02:14:24 PM »
O ye bruv you gotta get that mono white token endurance token game rollin for your soldier deck.

I've got a commander that hinges around building those guys up to outlast and then drop heavies onto the field to deal killing blows.

Pair with Avacyn at the helm and it hasn't been beaten in years.

On the other hand for Modern events I roll with either an Abzan aggro with focus on a Kalonian Hydra drop or I run a Temur with lots of burn and aggro, almost Gruul, but with a splash of blue to work in counters and removal.

My Temur runs a Sarkhan Unbroken and the extra mana and card on his +1 is a real advantage, there's almost no reason to use his ultimate unless you're running dragons.

I've also got a fun mono blue that copies, steals, and counters my opponents' creatures, its fun in a multiplayer game.

But if you're looking for a calculated win you've gotta play Orzhov, run a death and taxes build and you're pretty much bulletproof.
My soldier deck is mono white, solid, bruh. Deals mostly with counters. I only need 5 mana to run my whole deck.
By turn 6 I have 3 creatures that have first strike, 6/6, and vigilance. I got Elspeth in here too.

I've got Sarkhan in my All color Dragon deck. And all the dragon lords.
If you're not going to events and just playing kitchen table I recommend tossing a Jazal Goldmane into your soldier deck.

His activated ability adds +x/+x to each attacking creature until end of turn, where x is the number of attacking creatures.

Swing with a dozen or so tokens every turn and you have yourself a set game, unless they're running some bullshit genesis pod deck.

Ooh, or the infini-mana allies combo that spawns infinite wolves.
Splinter decks, mang. That's all you need to ruin someone's day.

The Flood / Re: So...Magic the Gathering. Who here plays this?
« on: April 18, 2016, 02:07:58 PM »
O ye bruv you gotta get that mono white token endurance token game rollin for your soldier deck.

I've got a commander that hinges around building those guys up to outlast and then drop heavies onto the field to deal killing blows.

Pair with Avacyn at the helm and it hasn't been beaten in years.

On the other hand for Modern events I roll with either an Abzan aggro with focus on a Kalonian Hydra drop or I run a Temur with lots of burn and aggro, almost Gruul, but with a splash of blue to work in counters and removal.

My Temur runs a Sarkhan Unbroken and the extra mana and card on his +1 is a real advantage, there's almost no reason to use his ultimate unless you're running dragons.

I've also got a fun mono blue that copies, steals, and counters my opponents' creatures, its fun in a multiplayer game.

But if you're looking for a calculated win you've gotta play Orzhov, run a death and taxes build and you're pretty much bulletproof.
My soldier deck is mono white, solid, bruh. Deals mostly with counters. I only need 5 mana to run my whole deck.
By turn 6 I have 3 creatures that have first strike, 6/6, and vigilance. I got Elspeth in here too.

I've got Sarkhan in my All color Dragon deck. And all the dragon lords.

The Flood / So...Magic the Gathering. Who here plays this?
« on: April 18, 2016, 01:26:34 PM »
I started last month....I now have 11 decks. Bought the crap outta the last two sets, some from Theros.
It is the new underground entertainment for Mormon missionaries.
Magic Thread: All discussion welcome!
My top decks:

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