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Messages - Mr. Admirals

Pages: 1234 56 ... 55
Gaming / Re: Halo Wars coming to preview members later today
« on: March 17, 2016, 10:39:59 PM »
So if any of you preview bitches wanna play Wars on the One you will be able to soon.
Hopefully it will be playable, unlike Reach.
Do you ever stop fucking bitching? My god it is so annoying. You are a literal cancer to this forum.
Except that's a legit complaint. Reach is unplayable on BC

Thought it just had texture and framerate issues.


Didn't they release an update to diminish frame-rate drops?

Gaming / Re: Halo Wars coming to preview members later today
« on: March 17, 2016, 10:28:02 PM »
So if any of you preview bitches wanna play Wars on the One you will be able to soon.
Hopefully it will be playable, unlike Reach.
Do you ever stop fucking bitching? My god it is so annoying. You are a literal cancer to this forum.
Except that's a legit complaint. Reach is unplayable on BC

Thought it just had texture and framerate issues.

Gaming / Re: Why are 343i haters always such massive fucking morons?
« on: March 17, 2016, 10:11:32 PM »
Halo 3 had a great story


Gaming / Re: Star Wars Battlefront Outer Rim trailer+ New updates
« on: March 17, 2016, 09:13:51 PM »
Big Boss, how's the final game?

I paid close attention to the game after I played the Beta, and determined the final game didn't offer much replayable content.

The DLC also seems to be overpriced. But I wanna know what you think since you actually play the game.

The game is solid, if lacking. What's there is good, there's a nice variety of weapons and loadouts too, but after a while it might start to get a bit samey to you. It happened to me, but I eventually saw past it and just started to enjoy what was there.

With the new stuff they're adding, it's looking to become even better. The tweaks they've made so far show that they are listening to the fans, but there are still some things (such as space battles) that I doubt they'll do.

So in my opinion it's a really solid shooter with well designed maps. It lacks content so far, but with the free maps and tweaks they've already started making up for it. I know it gets shat on a lot and some of it is justified, but I really enjoy it as both a shooter and a Star Wars fan.

Plus it's really, really pretty.
The art design on the game (graphics, lighting, sound) is undeniably god-tier.

I'd certainly get the game if so much of it wasn't going to be behind a paywall of DLC the same price as the base game.

Gaming / Re: Star Wars Battlefront Outer Rim trailer+ New updates
« on: March 17, 2016, 08:16:27 PM »
Big Boss, how's the final game?

I paid close attention to the game after I played the Beta, and determined the final game didn't offer much replayable content.

The DLC also seems to be overpriced. But I wanna know what you think since you actually play the game.

Gaming / Re: Anyone up for some h5 coop?
« on: March 17, 2016, 08:08:00 PM »
You need to turn up the difficulty to legendary.
That's fine, I'd get the achivement either way. I wsih there was coiop matchmaijng.

What's that, you wanted a good, finished game?

Too bad.
That was actually intentional; like Bungie did with Destiny's raid's.

Gaming / Re: Halo Wars coming to preview members later today
« on: March 17, 2016, 06:38:16 PM »
SHIT. I'm not a preview member.

The second it becomes available to normal people, let's get a custom game going, or a team to go into matchmaking. Been itching to get back into Halo Wars.

Gaming / Re: What Do You Hate About 343 ?
« on: March 17, 2016, 06:35:22 PM »
About 343 specifically I'd have to say their art direction for the Armour. Easily the worst in the series tbh. And their story direction is far outside where I'd like the Halo trilogy to have gone.
You don't have to entirely blame 343i for a good amount of the armor.
Liquid development only made the 3D models. The concept art of the armor that the models were based off of were done by 343i artists and approved by their art leads.
You don't have to entirely blame 343i for a good amount of the armor.
Are you like trying to prove yourself correct over the smallest bits people throw out there?They agreed to work on said sets of armor, therefore, they are still just as liable.
Can you not take a polite correction?
There was nothing to correct.
Not from my POV.

But let's be real, you and I operate on different wavelengths. The way it looked to me, you were giving Liquid Development all the credit for the armors they worked on. I accept that there was a hidden caveat that you already knew the information my "correction" contained.

We good?

So, we good?

Gaming / Re: The Weapons and Enemies of Gears 4
« on: March 17, 2016, 01:02:35 PM »
What about Beserkers?

Those were all female and it's implied or straight up stated that the locust restrained them and raped them for whatever reasons.
It's certainly not out of the realm of possibility, but getting infected by Imulsion increases infertility.

Let's also not forget that there was the in-game theory that the Locust came from Sera's moon. That obviously turned out to be incorrect, so the Locust breeding by tying down and raping Beserkers may have just been Gear speculation and imagination based on unconnected facts.

There's a collectible in Gears 2 that refutes that too. It's a Locust item found in the Nexus that states the Queen creates the Drones, the Drones protect the Nexus, and the Nexus protects the Queen. Something to that effect.

Gaming / Re: The Weapons and Enemies of Gears 4
« on: March 17, 2016, 12:06:10 PM »
It was never proven that Locust were former humans, where are you getting this from?
I'll see if I can find it, but there's a thread that compiles all the bits of Locust and Imulsion lore together to explain it all.

Basically though, why were the Locust taking so many prisoners in GoW2? Or why were so many humans missing after E-Day? It's because the Locust don't breed. They took all those humans on E-Day and in GoW2 to get more troops to combat the Lambent.

Delicious Lore

Gaming / Re: What Do You Hate About 343 ?
« on: March 17, 2016, 11:57:42 AM »
About 343 specifically I'd have to say their art direction for the Armour. Easily the worst in the series tbh. And their story direction is far outside where I'd like the Halo trilogy to have gone.
You don't have to entirely blame 343i for a good amount of the armor.
Liquid development only made the 3D models. The concept art of the armor that the models were based off of were done by 343i artists and approved by their art leads.
You don't have to entirely blame 343i for a good amount of the armor.
Are you like trying to prove yourself correct over the smallest bits people throw out there?They agreed to work on said sets of armor, therefore, they are still just as liable.
Can you not take a polite correction?

Gaming / Re: What Do You Hate About 343 ?
« on: March 17, 2016, 11:52:03 AM »
GrifHostball in Halo 5

No seriously. How can Grifball in Halo 5 be biased towards the host, when the host of the game is a dedicated server?

Not like some IT asshat is sitting up in Microsoft's Azure Complex with an Xbox One spliced into one of Halo 5's servers and making sure he gets matched up with Nick most of the time.

If it was MCC, sure. The game did default back to peer-to-peer for almost every match, but Halo 5 literally has no peer-to-peer.

Dedicated servers don't mean a lot when you're across continents or past the region they're hosted in. So long as you remain on the north american side of the world the dedicated server is based in, you'll have almost no connection issues.

Extend the range to other continents and parts of the world?

Issues will exist.
That's a good point. But really, does Nick live in New Zealand or Australia or something?

Gaming / Re: What Do You Hate About 343 ?
« on: March 17, 2016, 01:55:33 AM »
About 343 specifically I'd have to say their art direction for the Armour. Easily the worst in the series tbh. And their story direction is far outside where I'd like the Halo trilogy to have gone.
You don't have to entirely blame 343i for a good amount of the armor.
Liquid development only made the 3D models. The concept art of the armor that the models were based off of were done by 343i artists and approved by their art leads.

Gaming / Re: What Do You Hate About 343 ?
« on: March 16, 2016, 11:10:46 PM »
The Forerunner Trilogy and anything that has to do with it, so basically everything happening in the story since. On the other hand, it's decent if you ignore that it has anything to do with its title franchise. Kinda like the 1998 Godzilla film, or DmC.
kill yourself


testicle head would agree with me
Testicle head would disagree.

He's the star of the saga.

That's true, but he didn't have a testicle head before the trilogy. Or insanity.
but he was always testicle head

His actual testicles probably resemble heads.
or does he have a cloaca?

gotta be asking the real questions.

Gaming / Re: What Do You Hate About 343 ?
« on: March 16, 2016, 11:04:56 PM »
The Forerunner Trilogy and anything that has to do with it, so basically everything happening in the story since. On the other hand, it's decent if you ignore that it has anything to do with its title franchise. Kinda like the 1998 Godzilla film, or DmC.
kill yourself


testicle head would agree with me
Testicle head would disagree.

He's the star of the saga.

That's true, but he didn't have a testicle head before the trilogy. Or insanity.
but he was always testicle head

Gaming / Re: What Do You Hate About 343 ?
« on: March 16, 2016, 11:02:40 PM »
The Forerunner Trilogy and anything that has to do with it, so basically everything happening in the story since. On the other hand, it's decent if you ignore that it has anything to do with its title franchise. Kinda like the 1998 Godzilla film, or DmC.
kill yourself


testicle head would agree with me
end yourself

pointless anticlimactic martyr would also agree with me
I believe the proper name is:

pointless anticlimatic "I can take on 900 pound space bear-gorrila-rhinos, but I can't deal with other humans" dead hostage

Gaming / Re: What Do You Hate About 343 ?
« on: March 16, 2016, 10:55:49 PM »
The Forerunner Trilogy and anything that has to do with it, so basically everything happening in the story since. On the other hand, it's decent if you ignore that it has anything to do with its title franchise. Kinda like the 1998 Godzilla film, or DmC.
kill yourself


testicle head would agree with me
Testicle head would disagree.

He's the star of the saga.

Gaming / Re: What Do You Hate About 343 ?
« on: March 16, 2016, 10:37:22 PM »
GrifHostball in Halo 5

No seriously. How can Grifball in Halo 5 be biased towards the host, when the host of the game is a dedicated server?

Not like some IT asshat is sitting up in Microsoft's Azure Complex with an Xbox One spliced into one of Halo 5's servers and making sure he gets matched up with Nick most of the time.

If it was MCC, sure. The game did default back to peer-to-peer for almost every match, but Halo 5 literally has no peer-to-peer.

Gaming / Re: The Weapons and Enemies of Gears 4
« on: March 16, 2016, 10:34:41 PM »
I wonder if any of the Locust weapons will remain in the game.
Last article showed an image of a Swarm soldier using a Hammerburst. I really hope the Swarm have an interesting origin other than, oh, they're the next step in evolution of the Locust. Maybe something like life evolves very quickly on Sera, and a new species filled the niche the Locusts previously did and are slowly gaining intelligence.

Plus, I think there'd be a ton of Locust surplus weapons lying around for the new COG to use also.
Literally can't be that. Locust are just humans treated with imulsion. When the Deus ex Machina went off in Gears 3, it wiped out all the imulsion on Sera.

Imulsion itself
and any human with rust(?) lung (I think; may be wrong on that one)
or you're Marcus' dad and just injected straight up imulsion into your veins.

Gaming / Re: What Do You Hate About 343 ?
« on: March 16, 2016, 10:29:40 PM »

Gaming / Re: Marathon Thread
« on: March 16, 2016, 03:56:51 PM »
Marathon 1 doesn't seem to work : (

Are you using Aleph One?

Gaming / Re: Marathon Thread
« on: March 16, 2016, 12:52:24 AM »
A particularly based guy calling himself Silent introduced me to the series. I'd had glimpses of it while excavating some older stuff about Halo, but only really went into the story recently.

M1 and Infinity are the best pieces of Bungie writing barring the H3 Legendary terminals and some fragments of Destiny's Grimoire, IMO. And some of the stuff on the Marathon Story Page is fascinatingly relevant to newer Bungie lore. That Omega Point hypothesis [as I remember we discussed a while back], for example, now resonates much deeper with Bungie lore than I thought before.

Right now, I'd put:

M1 Story < M2 Story
M1 Gameplay < M2 Gameplay
M1 Atmosphere >>> M2 Atmosphere

Gaming / Re: Marathon Thread
« on: March 15, 2016, 07:32:54 PM »
Not to mention his treatment of BOBs aren't really... Well, it's not exactly a healthy relationship. Though, they don't seem to mind too much based on how they act in-game.

Latest I got was Durandal telling me he was gonna establish a colony for the BOBs on the S'pht homeworld. Wonder if they even care now that they're sleepless cyborgs.

Don't feel bad about the BoBs. They don't count as people. In fact, Bungie used to actively encourage you to kill every one you see.
Ha. That's a farcry from their stance in Halo.

I have been getting a WH40K vibe from the story in how your life is insignificant and doesn't matter.

Gaming / Re: Marathon Thread
« on: March 15, 2016, 06:32:51 PM »
Though I'm wondering if Bungie shot themselves in the foot again with the franchise, what with humanity's tech still using bullets when you've got an AI 64 billion exobytes in size relegated to controlling the doors on a starship.

There's a reason he had such a mundane task. It's pretty interesting.
Yeah, I'm guessing the Marathon's task wasn't as simple (relatively simple because the ship had a pretty damn important purpose) as it appears to be, what with the colony of Tau Ceti having Mjolnir Battleroids hiding in the population, as well as that one guy that Durandal was so concerned about checking up on.

Durandal's "Covenant" is so cool too. It's what I'm hoping eventually happens in Halo. Although, I'd be curious to see if Durandal would stay allied with the S'pht after the Pfhor are defeated. Not to mention his treatment of BOBs aren't really... Well, it's not exactly a healthy relationship. Though, they don't seem to mind too much based on how they act in-game.

Latest I got was Durandal telling me he was gonna establish a colony for the BOBs on the S'pht homeworld. Wonder if they even care now that they're sleepless cyborgs.

Final thought, I felt like such an idiot when I realized the guy you play as is Recon Number 54. Now I finally understand why Recon's forum avatar is, well, Recon Number 54. Always thought he was referencing Recon from Halo 3.

Gaming / Marathon Thread
« on: March 15, 2016, 03:45:13 PM »
Anyone else here play Marathon?

I just finished the first game today and have moved onto Durandal. I feel dumb having not played these games sooner. They're really fun. The lore is pretty damn sweet too.

Though I'm wondering if Bungie shot themselves in the foot again with the franchise, what with humanity's tech still using bullets when you've got an AI 64 billion exobytes in size relegated to controlling the doors on a starship.

Nevertheless, the S'pht are based and Marathon 2 is shaping up to be pretty sweet. The expanded lore on the Pfhor is pretty damn sweet so far.

tbh fam the entirety of the Created storyline has killed my interest in the story
the didact vs chief conflict was actually interesting. they had a really good thing going where halo 4 left off
bringing back cortana was fucking stupid
fuck brian reed and whoever else was involved in that shit

and considering the REQ system and spartan abilities are here to stay my multiplayer interest is also beginning to plummet

this is not what i wanted Halo to become
I think it would have been ideal for the story to have continued on with the Chief against the Didact, but truthfully, I think that could have only been done justice with Chris Schlerf.

Question: Would you have preferred Cortana to reclaim the Mantle, or Halsey?
I honestly don't know. I suppose if it was done well, Halsey, and have Cortana remain dead. But with Brian Reed as lead writer, I don't think Didact or Halsey would be done well so we're kinda fucked.
Would Spartan Ops and Escalation been enough?

tbh fam the entirety of the Created storyline has killed my interest in the story
the didact vs chief conflict was actually interesting. they had a really good thing going where halo 4 left off
bringing back cortana was fucking stupid
fuck brian reed and whoever else was involved in that shit

and considering the REQ system and spartan abilities are here to stay my multiplayer interest is also beginning to plummet

this is not what i wanted Halo to become
I think it would have been ideal for the story to have continued on with the Chief against the Didact, but truthfully, I think that could have only been done justice with Chris Schlerf.

Question: Would you have preferred Cortana to reclaim the Mantle, or Halsey?

It was all good up until they used space magic to revive a character that died. The whole point of  H4 was to separate MC and Cortana and now what?! It didnt mean shit.
I still hope that this projection of Cortana is some hostile forerunner AI (maybe Didact's composed conscience?) just using the image of her.
Actually, the whole point was to challenge the Chief in ways he hasn't before, and make him change as a character.

Reviving her through "space magic" (Mind you, space magic that Bungie wrote about in Dr. Halsey's Journal) does not make it mean nothing. Cortana has changed as a character. It's not like 343i brought her back to go back to the status quo where Chief and her are buddy-buddy. No, they now have interests that clash with each other. It's going to be interesting because Chief has it in him to kill Cortana (I think), but Cortana definitely does not have it in her to kill the Chief.

The Flood / Re: A 34 year old wants to fuck me
« on: March 13, 2016, 10:19:33 PM »
Who the fuck does anyone think they are on judging Roman for sticking his dick in whoever allows him to. As long as they are of legal age and are consenting, it's no ones business. You don't like him? Ignore him or mute he m and move on.

You judgmental prudes should just get over yourselves. People fuck. It happens. It's happening right now. Stop getting so pissed that it isn't happening to you. You aren't more moral. Just pathetic that you act like a spoiled child pissed that another kid has a toy you don't.

Do everyone a favor and kill yourselves
You know, I could make the exact same argument for murder.

And what possible analogy is there between consensual sex and murder?

Literally the stupidest thing posted on this thread
None. Maybe if you actually understood what you read before making a post you would have been able to get I was pointing out how flawed your argument was because it is so general and void of context, as well as filled with stawmans.

The Flood / Re: A 34 year old wants to fuck me
« on: March 13, 2016, 10:05:27 PM »
Who the fuck does anyone think they are on judging Roman for sticking his dick in whoever allows him to. As long as they are of legal age and are consenting, it's no ones business. You don't like him? Ignore him or mute he m and move on.

You judgmental prudes should just get over yourselves. People fuck. It happens. It's happening right now. Stop getting so pissed that it isn't happening to you. You aren't more moral. Just pathetic that you act like a spoiled child pissed that another kid has a toy you don't.

Do everyone a favor and kill yourselves
You know, I could make the exact same argument for murder.

Except for that whole against the law thing. You know technicalities
Last I checked, killing someone on an opposing army isn't against the law.

But that's just a technicality on what you consider to be murder.

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