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Messages - Fat Cat

Pages: 1 ... 121314
There's like, two days left, dude.
the difference between the week early demo and the normal one is that mine is unlimited use, your demo is 30 uses only.
I got a code from someone who got the early demo. Is that limited? Google tells me nothing.
it's unlimited

The Flood / Re: >joined
« on: September 17, 2014, 04:43:16 PM »
>blackbox never sent me PMs

why can't i feel the damp touch of rob
u must post a lot
lurkers never get in on the fun
such bs. posting a decent amount should be good enough  :'( :'( :'( :'(

>blackbox never sent me PMs

why can't i feel the damp touch of rob
I promised Nuka I'd be a good boy on here. D-do you really want it?
as tempting as that sounds, i feel it would only go with the clusterfuck feel of

The Flood / Re: >joined
« on: September 17, 2014, 04:35:59 PM »
>blackbox never sent me PMs

why can't i feel the damp touch of rob

The Flood / Re: >African funeral on television
« on: September 17, 2014, 04:22:21 PM »
are you sure it wasn't voodoo?

villager struck some immense fear in my heart when he straight up pocketed pikachu's lightning, he just doesn't give a gaf

also, did you notice if they got rid of ledge grabbing? the cpu tried to do it to me but it looked like it popped him off when i got to it so i'm not sure
It happened to me when I was trying to make the lvl.9 CPU to fall but I got pooped out of the edge I think you have a certain time where you grab the ledge and the person can't get up
hell yeah! i hate ledge grabbing assholes

villager struck some immense fear in my heart when he straight up pocketed pikachu's lightning, he just doesn't give a gaf

also, did you notice if they got rid of ledge grabbing? the cpu tried to do it to me but it looked like it popped him off when i got to it so i'm not sure

The Flood / Re: Eye Color
« on: September 17, 2014, 02:38:41 PM »
gray, but they turn blue in the sunlight

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