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Messages - RustingFloor

Pages: 1 ... 161718 1920 ... 45
The Flood / is :^) the next ebin meme?
« on: October 14, 2014, 05:28:02 PM »

Why not compromise?

Gaming / Re: Should I get the Pre-Sequel?
« on: October 14, 2014, 05:18:27 PM »
>he wants to pay money
>for a memelands game

Serious / Re: Parent destroys stupidity of Common Core
« on: October 14, 2014, 05:11:51 PM »
Anyway, Kinder, I'd like to know what your issue is with Common Core, other than it being liberal-backed (which should have no bearing on it's validity).

I'm assuming you know that it does not impose a specific curriculum or set any kind of limit for education, only a set of minimum standards.
I despise Common Core because it's forcing all schools to adjust education to meet a dumb-down national standard that will benefit weaker, inner city schools. It's easier to downgrade the education of a more prestigious school because it's just less work for students but upgrading education in a crap school will result in more students dropping out on top of the outrageous current drop out percentage.
What are you even trying to say

First you claim that it will only benefit lower-quality inner city schools, then you claim they will be hit worse.

Make up your mind nigga

Serious / Re: Parent destroys stupidity of Common Core
« on: October 14, 2014, 05:09:47 PM »
but science is the general consensus
No it's fucking not. Science is based on what is found using the Scientific method, not what the most people agree on.

Saying that teaching creationism will make people dumber is kinda redundant.
Here's the thing. Most Americans are fucking dumb. The pseudoscience behind all current arguments for creationism is also dumb. It is very dangerous to teach dumb things to dumb people.
On the other hand you have Germany which discusses creationism and it's education is ranked far higher than America's
65% of Germans identify as "evolutionists", compared to 28% of polled Americans, so clearly they're doing better than we are.

Serious / Re: How the press has normalised GOP stupidity
« on: October 14, 2014, 04:52:25 PM »
What a well thought-out response.

Serious / Re: Parent destroys stupidity of Common Core
« on: October 14, 2014, 04:44:23 PM »

Republican views on education are simple: Get feds out of education.
Right, so they can get the Bible into education.
What if I told you getting the fed out is the same view expressed by Libertarians?
I was aware of this, but you referred specifically to the Republicans. And we all know what the Republican motivation is, here.
Because Max asked for the Republican's idea of education? He didn't ask for the Libertarian's
And you didn't give it. So I don't understand how it is relevant to my criticism of the Republicans, who have a different motivation. It should also be noted that quite a few of America's libertarians are libertarian in name only, they just don't like being associated with Republicans, even if they hold all the same stances and values.

Serious / Re: Parent destroys stupidity of Common Core
« on: October 14, 2014, 04:34:25 PM »
Anyway, Kinder, I'd like to know what your issue is with Common Core, other than it being liberal-backed (which should have no bearing on it's validity).

I'm assuming you know that it does not impose a specific curriculum or set any kind of limit for education, only a set of minimum standards.

Serious / Re: Parent destroys stupidity of Common Core
« on: October 14, 2014, 04:30:06 PM »

Republican views on education are simple: Get feds out of education.
Right, so they can get the Bible into education.
What if I told you getting the fed out is the same view expressed by Libertarians?
I was aware of this, but you referred specifically to the Republicans. And we all know what the Republican motivation is, here.

Serious / Re: Parent destroys stupidity of Common Core
« on: October 14, 2014, 04:25:16 PM »

Republican views on education are simple: Get feds out of education.
Right, so they can get the Bible into education.

Serious / Pat Mcrory, biggest douche in North Carolina
« on: October 14, 2014, 04:22:32 PM »
Approval ratings

According to polling by the Civitas Institute, McCrory's approval rating fell 15% between June and July 2013 to 49%.[92] A second poll conducted in July 2013 indicated that the Governor's approval rating had fallen to 40%, down from 45% in June. The same poll indicated that only 35% of voters approve of the Republican-led state government. Responding to the poll, McCrory stated "I have stepped on toes in my first six months in office of the right and the left and the media. Maybe that means I’m doing something right."[93]

Serious / Re: Parent destroys stupidity of Common Core
« on: October 14, 2014, 04:20:04 PM »
What exactly is the problem here?

Are you fuc­king allergic to numberlines?
number lines are a retarded, impractical method of learning subtraction for all the special snowflakes who ate glue back in kindergarten, it's never used in the real world and never should be used.
Well, obviously. But let's not pretend that number lines are anything new, nor are they used in anything above 3rd grade math. It's not like we're teaching kids algebra with number lines and shit.
Except we fracking are. They were present as far in school as my Advanced Functions class.
In what context? What concepts are covered in Advanced Functions? That's not a course title I'm familiar with.
It's the highest general math class in my school system. It's been a long time since I had the class, and I was never particularly good at mathematics. I can't tell you much about it because I just don't remember. That is a pretty bad sign for our current system, I think.

I'm not opposed to common core like, say, Kinder is, out of fear of a federal takeover of education or some other right-wing conspiracy theory. I just don't think it changes enough. American education is critically flawed and a lot needs to be changed. Instead of just raising our standards we should be looking at new ways to teach, that will make it easier for students to learn the material. The Montessori method is something that should really be looked at for ideas, and some European education systems as well.

Serious / Re: Parent destroys stupidity of Common Core
« on: October 14, 2014, 04:01:47 PM »
What exactly is the problem here?

Are you fuc­king allergic to numberlines?
number lines are a retarded, impractical method of learning subtraction for all the special snowflakes who ate glue back in kindergarten, it's never used in the real world and never should be used.
Well, obviously. But let's not pretend that number lines are anything new, nor are they used in anything above 3rd grade math. It's not like we're teaching kids algebra with number lines and shit.
Except we fucking are. They were present as far in school as my Advanced Functions class.

Serious / Re: Parent destroys stupidity of Common Core
« on: October 14, 2014, 03:59:06 PM »
You would be the one guy to defend Common core, wouldn't you?

Here on Dateline:Flood we delve into the issues that matter.

Today's discussion. Complaining about shitposting on online forums. Is it a symptom of autism?

We go now to our first expert...

You know making fun of people that have autism makes you a piece of shit right? No wonder you have such a pathetic life... Reported even though these bigot mods will do nothing about it...

Thank you for proving my point exactly. POS confirmed
Not our fault you're so oversensitive.

Anyone who thinks a topic is above humor or criticism is a fucking idiot and deserves to be ridiculed.

>there will never be a borderlands mmorpg
>actually liking Memelands unironically

I knew you were gay, but I had no idea you were such a huge fag

Well there's lotro... That's pretty fun. Plus you can okay with others... And it's f2p. Lots of grinding if you want to earn in game currency.
>other players fucking up my immersion
>FreeToPay microtransaction bullshit

Sounds like an awful game.

A while ago some fans tried to create a full conversion to turn Skyrim in a LOTR game, but after a year of work they found out that Skyrim literally couldn't handle the middle-earth worldspace they created do to a hard-coded bug, and they got a cease and desist order from Warner Brothers.
I'd rather see a full title than a fan conversion.

A lot of these modders get really big exciting ideas, but it is often just beyond them. Even the Skywind guys are having way more trouble than they let on, all they release are bullshots. The only really huge TES mod that has gotten anywhere is Tamriel Rebuilt, and even that only after they gave up doing the whole continent and decided to stick to mainland Morrowind.

The Flood / Re: SecondClass causes the most drama here
« on: October 14, 2014, 08:32:38 AM »
This from the guy who went to B.NEET to bitch about his ban.


The Flood / Re: >there will never be a movie about the Fall of Gondolin
« on: October 14, 2014, 01:16:17 AM »
The hobbit was a good book. I still have the book.
It really was, which is why it deserves a better treatment than Jackson is giving it.

The Flood / Re: >there will never be a movie about the Fall of Gondolin
« on: October 14, 2014, 12:59:44 AM »
Also those events are from The Silmarillion and it hasn't been sold like The Hobbit and LOTR so you can't make a movie or anything from it.
Most of the shit in the Hobbit movies isn't even in the book, so I don't see how that's any better.

Then again the entire argument "Hurr its not as popular as the fucking fantasy bible so you can't adapt it" stinks of retardation.

The Flood / >there will never be a movie about the Fall of Gondolin
« on: October 14, 2014, 12:43:23 AM »

Instead we get a short novel stretched into 3 movies with tons of made-up bullshit.

Fuck you, Peter Jackson.

The Flood / Re: Are AC/DC the biggest sellouts in rock?
« on: October 13, 2014, 10:44:02 PM »
Led Zeppelin is dadrock, right?
The term dadrock is fucking retarded, just like memerap.

It's just older mainstream rock.

The Flood / Re: Are AC/DC the biggest sellouts in rock?
« on: October 13, 2014, 10:26:13 PM »
lmao no Metallica is.
definitely a contender

The Flood / Re: Are AC/DC the biggest sellouts in rock?
« on: October 13, 2014, 10:24:01 PM »
Could you enlighten me to why?
>music used in a mind-blowing number of ads and marketing

>merchandise out the ass

>never developed artistically, just put out the same album over and over again because it sells

The Flood / Are AC/DC the biggest sellouts in rock?
« on: October 13, 2014, 10:20:57 PM »

The Flood / Prove that RapGenius isn't the best lyric site
« on: October 13, 2014, 10:11:48 PM »
You can't.

« on: October 13, 2014, 10:05:50 PM »

The Flood / Here I Come
« on: October 13, 2014, 10:01:44 PM »

Rougher than the rest of them
The best of them
Tougher than leather.

You can call me Knuckles.
Unlike Sonic I don't chuckle.
I'd rather flex my muscles.

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