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Messages - RustingFloor

Pages: 1 ... 151617 1819 ... 45
The Flood / Re: Who contributed the most to WWII?
« on: October 16, 2014, 12:29:31 PM »
In Europe, Russia.

US pulled most of the weight in the Pacific.

I'm not from the Thrives CLub but I'd steal your virginty
Are you Iachilla Xyr because you've intoxicated me
Are u Lydia because you make all the burdens go away
Are you Ohdaviing because I'd ride you all the way to Skuldafn.
I'd reverse-pickpocket a horker tusk into your inventory.
Are you fargoth because I would give you a ring any day.
I'm not Vivec but I do have a spear for you (careful not to say "but I'll kill you with my spear").
i'm not lucien lachance and you're not the night mother but i would suckle your brest
Did u just fus ro dah cos you blew me away
I'm not sam-guine but if u get me drunk i'll give you the staff
Are you dwemer because u look like an orc... wait what?

The Flood / Le passive aggressive smiley faec
« on: October 16, 2014, 08:04:24 AM »
omg bro lol ur so buttmad y r u so mad anally devastated lmao

Serious / Re: White Privilege
« on: October 16, 2014, 07:37:14 AM »
>Be me, 20 year old male working in the mail room for a fairly large company
>Long hours, shit pay, but easy work
>Only other person in mail room is an 8/10, but total feminazi
>Very "independent" at work, doesn't really talk much
>Never asks for help
>On my way out of the mail room with a full cart
>Round the corner and see that the wheel on her cart fell off
>Mail everywhere
>Dick immediately becomes erect from the sight of a womyn needing help
>I transphobically walk over to her
>Pants can barely handle the strain from my erect cock
>Male co-workers are forming a crowd, blood rushing to their dicks
>Thoughts of the display of patriarchy about to take place
>My eyes forcibly connect with hers, forcing contact she didn't consent to
>My dick bursts out of my pants and slides in close to her ear
>Tears welling up in her eyes
>It whispers "Need a hand" into her ear
>She chokes out "S-Sure" in between sobs
>I lean down and pick up the remaining letters with my superior male strength
>The men around us are close to orgasm at the site of a womyn being shamed
>She croaks out a weak "T-thanks" before she collapses to the ground
>I step closer as I proudly state "No need to thank me, it was my privilege"
>All males within a twenty mile radius instantly jizz
>Wave of cum drowns the surrounding area
>In the center of it all, my privilege parts the white sea

Serious / Re: White Privilege
« on: October 16, 2014, 07:28:57 AM »
>be white cis male
>wake up and check my privilege
>go to make coffee
>check my privilege
>realize coffee beans are picked by slaves
>throw away coffee, apologize to Colombian children
>consider taking shower, but first check my privilege
>running water, soap, shower curtain
>weep, apologize
>get dressed for work, put on pants, avoiding hetero-normative necktie
>check my privilege
>pants were invented by Iranians in the 6th Century
>cultural appropriation
>apologize to Iranians
>open car door, realize it reeks of privilege
>consider taking bike instead
>check privilege
>bikes are ableism
>apologize to handi-capable people
>take public bus while checking my privilege
>full of people of color
>apologize for slavery and being racist
>they say it's okay
>internalized racism
>get to work, boss asks why I'm late, crying and pants-less
>apologize for contributing to the patriarchy
>apologize for wanting to rape her
>unable to control cis-male rape instinct
>rape boss while checking my privilege
>arrested, charged, get ten years in prison
>check my privilege, ask to be castrated
>judge denies request because I'm white
>go to jail
>cell mate is person of color
>check my privilege and ask their pronouns
>get raped by cell mate
>check my privilege
>I've been doing this to Africans for centuries
>shame deep in my butthole
>400 YEARS
>mfw I'm still part of the patriarchy

How have you checked your privilege today?

The Flood / Re: It already feels so long ago.
« on: October 16, 2014, 07:26:01 AM »

The Flood / DID YOU KNOW
« on: October 16, 2014, 07:24:28 AM »

Gaming / Re: Why 60fps matters
« on: October 16, 2014, 01:14:02 AM »
I don't think there are any idiots here that hate 60fps.
Buyers' remorse will lead consolefags to defend the dumbest shit.

The Flood / Re: How many more times
« on: October 16, 2014, 12:39:17 AM »

Serious / Re: BREAKING NEWS: Ebola has breached into Texas
« on: October 15, 2014, 11:38:12 PM »
CDC director Thomas Frieden said she had violated CDC guidelines against anyone using public transport while undergoing self-monitoring for exposure to Ebola. Frieden said Vinson did not report that her temperature had risen a small amount, to 99.5 degrees, before she departed for Dallas. He said her risk to other passengers was "very low."
Jesus Christ I hope this fucker dies.

She knew she was at risk, what the fuck was she thinking? That's a whole plane in danger.

Gaming / Re: Xbox master race thread.
« on: October 15, 2014, 08:11:13 PM »
>he actually spent real money on a console so anemic M$ has to spend money to make sure games look just as bad on the others.

Gaming / Re: Ubisoft Cripples PC Ports Intentionally
« on: October 15, 2014, 01:52:10 PM »

Read the part where the Sony suit admits to financing the Watch Dogs marketing. Sony/MS market the games for publishers in favor of "parity", which in truth means shitting on PC version with as many needless bottlenecks as possible.

Gaming / Re: Ubisoft Cripples PC Ports Intentionally
« on: October 15, 2014, 01:36:53 PM »
Isn't this illegal?

Gaming / Ubisoft Cripples PC Ports Intentionally
« on: October 15, 2014, 01:34:16 PM »

The news just keep on coming. Ubisoft is pressured by Sony and MS for platform parity. That means that they intentionally make the PC ports shit so barely any GPU can surpass 30 fps. Expect more fps locks for AAA ports.

The Flood / Re: The joke about feminists
« on: October 15, 2014, 01:24:39 PM »
Are you retarded

The Flood / Re: Can we cut the RP shit?
« on: October 15, 2014, 01:20:27 PM »
Awwwww, somebody is obviously assmadd right now :). You seem to have a HUGE history of being annoying and shitposting. Are you by any chance a kettle?
It's probably your alt anyway.

This example doesn't really work because God cannot be touched, smelled, tasted, seen, heard, or sensed in any other capacity.

It also implies that the skeptic knows what God looks like. He sees an Elephant, the full picture, while the religious only see parts. how can a non-believer see more of God than religious people?

He cannot. He wouldn't see anything.
How does the religious man know? God hardly appears in children's picturebooks.

This assertion was made by a skeptic, im assuming.
He calls religious people "blind". He also claims to see what they cannot.
The problem is, the assertion is referring to God as the Elephant, not something else.

The skeptic claims to be able to see more of God than the religious, that they see parts where he can see the whole thing. Which makes no sense because the skeptic doesn't believe in God.
A skeptic wouldn't claim to see god in the first place. If he did he wouldn't be a skeptic, now would he?
So we are in agreement. Neither of us find this assertion plausible.
I don't get what you're trying to say with this thread.

The problem with comparing skeptics of religion to blind men is that we actually generally have functioning senses and can make any observations a religious person could. Religious types don't just have some special sixth sense that lets them see god.

This story works better as an argument that all monotheists unknowingly worship the dame entity, not as some kind of logical counter to skepticism.

The Flood / Re: Can we cut the RP shit?
« on: October 15, 2014, 01:11:15 PM »
Awwwww, somebody is obviously assmadd right now :). You seem to have a HUGE history of being annoying and shitposting. Are you by any chance a kettle?
RP maggotry isn't even good shitposting, it's autistic as frack.

Why is it that the people who are really assmad are the ones who throw the phrase around along with muh passive agressive smiley :)

And besides, I keep my shitposting out of Serious.

This example doesn't really work because God cannot be touched, smelled, tasted, seen, heard, or sensed in any other capacity.

It also implies that the skeptic knows what God looks like. He sees an Elephant, the full picture, while the religious only see parts. how can a non-believer see more of God than religious people?

He cannot. He wouldn't see anything.
How does the religious man know? God hardly appears in children's picturebooks.

This assertion was made by a skeptic, im assuming.
He calls religious people "blind". He also claims to see what they cannot.
The problem is, the assertion is referring to God as the Elephant, not something else.

The skeptic claims to be able to see more of God than the religious, that they see parts where he can see the whole thing. Which makes no sense because the skeptic doesn't believe in God.
A skeptic wouldn't claim to see god in the first place. If he did he wouldn't be a skeptic, now would he?

This example doesn't really work because God cannot be touched, smelled, tasted, seen, heard, or sensed in any other capacity.

It also implies that the skeptic knows what God looks like. He sees an Elephant, the full picture, while the religious only see parts. how can a non-believer see more of God than religious people?

He cannot. He wouldn't see anything.
How does the religious man know? God hardly appears in children's picturebooks.

The Flood / Can we cut the RP shit?
« on: October 15, 2014, 12:46:32 PM »
This Ebola chan faggotry isn't cute or funny or even offensive, just fucking annoying.

At the very least keep the Ebola chan shitposting away from Serious.

Serious / Re: What Pisses Me Off About Ebola, by: Stefan Molyneux
« on: October 15, 2014, 12:37:20 PM »
It's about as easy to transmit ebola as it is to transmit HIV.
You understand how astoundingly, horrendously, downright dangerously wrong that is, right?

Serious / Re: What Pisses Me Off About Ebola, by: Stefan Molyneux
« on: October 15, 2014, 12:36:04 PM »
The average internet Libertarian is just a statist who doesn't want the state legislating areas they are invested in.
Underrated post

Serious / Re: The President of the USA Must be a Natural Born Citizen
« on: October 15, 2014, 12:31:07 PM »
I see no problem with this rule.

Serious / Re: Sam Harris doing his thang.
« on: October 15, 2014, 01:20:06 AM »
Why such a large wing of the left has a hard-on for Islam I'll never know

The Flood / The absolute worst enemy design of all time
« on: October 14, 2014, 10:26:23 PM »
It's just a zombie dragon ass

It is the most ridiculous thing they could have put in the game

Who even thinks of this shit

Serious / Re: Parent destroys stupidity of Common Core
« on: October 14, 2014, 08:01:18 PM »
It's better than what we have.
What you guys need isn't a more convoluted method, what you need is to start increasing the difficulty and raise expectations. artificial difficulty just causes more problems. think of the difference between a dark souls boss, and something like Mario Bros. The Lost Levels, or Sonic 06 that's the way the american education board needs to think.
What the fuck are you even trying to say

Serious / Re: Parent destroys stupidity of Common Core
« on: October 14, 2014, 06:01:15 PM »
Common core is making children dumber.
And yet Kentucky showed an increase in high school graduation from 80pc to 86pc over the course of three years.

Y'know, for people willing to (rightly) attack the one-size-fits-all approach, you really are all too willing to use a one-size-fits-all criticism.
Common core lowers standards and allows dumber people to pass on instead of fracking learning the shit they need to learn for the real world. those 6% that are now passing are passing because of lowered standards, and allowing dumbasses who don't know the material to just go on through.
You realize Common Core RAISES standards in the majority of states, yes? It doesn't dumb anything down at all.

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