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Messages - RustingFloor

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« on: September 19, 2014, 02:28:43 PM »


The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 19, 2014, 02:23:19 PM »
And the gore point is ultimately irrelevant because, again, that's not what is being suppressed on 4chan

Moot is suppressing discussion of a major issue that is huge for gaming

You cannot defend that.
Seems to me like you kiddies just discovered there's corruption in life. This whole thing is blown way out of proportion.

I mean does anybody really watch or read anything about the game industry? I don't even read reviews anymore. You guys want to take these people down, ignore them. Whining all day doesn't accomplish anything.

I'm still not sure what the fuck all this is about, so if somebody would like to enlighten me that it really is the big deal you guys are making it out to be, I might just agree. But it seems to me you guys are overreacting at something which was pretty damn obvious.
We've been organized and we've made a ton of progress finding connections and collusions and exposing them, and we've already removed a few corrupted journalists.

We're not just whining, we're people from all kinds of different backgrounds working to stop games media from pushing political agendas where they do not belong.
LOL Sure thing bro.

It's funny, if you're all busy exposing and doing super secret detetctive work, why do you care about posting gore and shock images?

Same reason I believe Churches should be able to place ads, same reason I think republicans and leftists should be able to say what they want.

Just because I'm not interested in something, or I disagree with it, doesn't mean it should be restricted.

It's not relevant to gamergate, but most things aren't.
Interested? What part of it not being free speech doesn't make sense?

Shock images aren't protected under free speech, and it's a private website.
Let me make this clear:

I am not arguing based on any current legal definitions of free speech, because they aren't really free speech. Any restriction on speech that does not cause direct harm to others violates freedom of speech. Understand? Okay.

Just because YOU think shock images are icky and scary doesn't mean they should be banned outright. We're rational creatures, we should know better than to legislate based on feelings. Require spoilers tags for gore? Sure. But banning any harmless image outright is stupid.

I understand 4chan is a private website and Moot is ultimately in charge. However, he is not immune to criticism. The guy has spent years preaching about freedom of speech and how 4chan is a safe place for it. His latest actions are in violation of all of that. It's hypocritical. I can't force him to do the right thing, but I can sure as hell criticize him for not doing it.
Shock images do directly harm people. Of course they're "icky", that's the whole fucking point of a shock image.

They're not free speech. It's about damn time you guys get banned for that shit. Realize you're especially not immune to criticism because what you're song isn't free speech in any way. Posting gore just to shock people is doing something with malicious intent, which last I looked was illegal.
Calling someone an idiot is done with malicious intent, but you do it in every fucking thread. Should Cheat ban you?

Just because it hurts your feelings does not mean it's directly harmful. Oh no, you saw an icky picture, better lock OP up.

Maybe I should start putting trigger warnings in my posts, just for you :)

The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 19, 2014, 02:17:36 PM »


They just brought attention to 4chan. Now everyone sees what you freely admit. Guys trading illegal porn. I don't care about other forums. 4chan brought this in on themselves. They are the ones on trial.
Okay, give me objective proof that sharing naked pictures on the internet is illegal in the US where 4chan is based. Not being the original leaker, which I figure probably is, just sharing them. I am ignorant about these kinds of laws.

If it is illegal and is still posted, we can blame the mods for allowing it. The threads certainly go on for a while.

And every time I've gone on /v/ that's what I saw. I don't go there pretty much at all, because of the topics I saw. If I am wrong, and that was isolated, fine. But seeing that meant I'm not going back.
Good for you, but don't speak as if you're familiar with the board culture if you know you aren't. /v/ is the largest and fastest-moving board, everything is bound to show up there at some point or other.

Anyways, its been real. It doesn't matter what you or I think. My applause and your loud weeps mean nothing since he's already pulled the trigger on purging 4chan of the less desirables.
Moot is doing absolutely nothing about non-celebrity nudes or shitposting on /v/

Literally the only things he has cracked down on are gamergate discussions and celeb leaks

Hardly the most undesirable of anons.

The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 19, 2014, 02:01:00 PM »
You can cry all you want, but the 4chan user base brought this on itself. How many times could they spoof the news and make everyone believe someone is dead? How many times could they be used as an army to go after someone online? How much child porn is too much? You are missing the point about 4chan and Gamergate. Had they brought attention to what happened, her trading sex for favorable reviews and downplaying her competitors, then things would be good. That isn't what they did. They attacked her. They figured out how to get on her social media feeds, they threatened her family and friends, they threatened her with violence and sexual assault.

What they did was worse than what she did. No other way to say that.

They had a slam dunk situation. Take down someone who is fucking up her own cause, and they could have improved gaming reviews while they were at it. And they fucked it up by acting like kids.

Then the Fappening. They could have kept that shit quiet. Just enjoyed it for themselves. But by spreading it around like a bunch of fools, they called down the lightening. Painted a giant target on their site.

Then the regular posting of child porn. Over and over again. Even if they got immediately banned, how is this making that site look in the eyes of the law?

Something had to give. If Moot hadn't done something then others would have stepped in and done it for him. They would have shut it down.

4Chan isn't a human right. Not by a long shot. It is the asshole of the internet. Most places would be happy to see it gone, if they even knew it existed in the first place.
Gamergate isn't about Quinn anymore, stop trying to make it that.

Gamergate is about the rampant corruption within the gaming press. Money is fucking changing hands between journalists and developers. That is absolutely unacceptable.

We did NOT threaten Zoe, her family, or her friends, that is a lie. We learned a long time ago not to do that, it just makes us look bad. Anyone making threats is either on their own, or it's a false flag.

This movement is bigger than 4chan, but /v/ was, until now, a safe haven for it.

CP gets posted all over the internet. Moot does not support it and the mods clean it up as soon as it pops up. You cannot hold him, or us, accountable for that.

Fucking really? "asshole of the internet"? What, did you spend an hour on /b/ and then never come back? Anons say faggot and nigger pretty often, but the discourse is generally much more intelligent than any of the shit you'll find elsewhere.

"The Fappening" was not 4chan organized. It was a deepweb network of hackers who sold celebrity nudes to each other. One of them decided to come forward and share it, and they chose /b/ to do it. 4chan is populous enough that of fucking course word is going to spread.
Then, the people involved, having no understanding of the Streisand effect, tried to suppress it. And we all know what happens when you try to suppress information on the internet.
Quit trying to brush what happened to quinn under the rug. /b/ and /g/ broke the law in what they did. It was by no means justified.

And I don't give a shit who the actual hackers were. The pics were released on /b/. They were spread by /b/.

And stop trying to paint the other forums as any better. /pol/ is either communist wannbes or neonazi recruitment drives. /v/'s posts are half "cod is ruining the world" and half "this unknown indie game will save it." The other forums are little better.
Guys dump their girlfriends' nudes on /b/ every fucking day. This has been going on for years now.

But once it happens to some famous people, suddenly everyone cares?

No, fuck that, and fuck them. If it was really important to them, people would have started throwing a fuss before now.

Nobody likes /pol/, they're a containment board moot made to keep the political shit on one board.

Clearly you don't know shit about /v/, either. CoD is hardly talked about, and /v/ fucking hates indie shit.

The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 19, 2014, 01:55:20 PM »
what's a metaphor

do you enjoy purposely and pedantically impeding/derailing your own threads
I'm not the one continuing to post in a thread I claim not to care about.

The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 19, 2014, 01:54:43 PM »
Still waitin on that screencap evidence
the fuck u want nigga

The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 19, 2014, 01:52:27 PM »
I haven't said anything about this out loud, so I can't really listen to my voice.

The Flood / Re: Camus>Nietzsche
« on: September 19, 2014, 01:44:19 PM »
The Stranger is a retarded gay ass book for retarded gay ass nerds like OP
this coming from the guy who likes NMH unironically

The Flood / Re: Would you hang out with Verbatim IRL?
« on: September 19, 2014, 01:43:32 PM »
Nah, I'm too much of a hedonist sheep.

The Flood / Camus>Nietzsche
« on: September 19, 2014, 01:42:38 PM »


The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 19, 2014, 01:40:07 PM »
Great for me. I think it's healthy not to act like my entire livelihood is now fucked over
Yes, that's exactly how I'm acting.

The Flood / Re: How much money have these ads raised us so far?
« on: September 19, 2014, 01:35:40 PM »
about tree fiddy

The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 19, 2014, 01:35:15 PM »
No matter how hard I think about it, I really just can't find it within myself to care.
Good for you. Nobody's asking you to care.

The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 19, 2014, 01:30:19 PM »
And the gore point is ultimately irrelevant because, again, that's not what is being suppressed on 4chan

Moot is suppressing discussion of a major issue that is huge for gaming

You cannot defend that.
Seems to me like you kiddies just discovered there's corruption in life. This whole thing is blown way out of proportion.

I mean does anybody really watch or read anything about the game industry? I don't even read reviews anymore. You guys want to take these people down, ignore them. Whining all day doesn't accomplish anything.

I'm still not sure what the fuck all this is about, so if somebody would like to enlighten me that it really is the big deal you guys are making it out to be, I might just agree. But it seems to me you guys are overreacting at something which was pretty damn obvious.
We've been organized and we've made a ton of progress finding connections and collusions and exposing them, and we've already removed a few corrupted journalists.

We're not just whining, we're people from all kinds of different backgrounds working to stop games media from pushing political agendas where they do not belong.
LOL Sure thing bro.

It's funny, if you're all busy exposing and doing super secret detetctive work, why do you care about posting gore and shock images?

Same reason I believe Churches should be able to place ads, same reason I think republicans and leftists should be able to say what they want.

Just because I'm not interested in something, or I disagree with it, doesn't mean it should be restricted.

It's not relevant to gamergate, but most things aren't.
Interested? What part of it not being free speech doesn't make sense?

Shock images aren't protected under free speech, and it's a private website.
Let me make this clear:

I am not arguing based on any current legal definitions of free speech, because they aren't really free speech. Any restriction on speech that does not cause direct harm to others violates freedom of speech. Understand? Okay.

Just because YOU think shock images are icky and scary doesn't mean they should be banned outright. We're rational creatures, we should know better than to legislate based on feelings. Require spoilers tags for gore? Sure. But banning any harmless image outright is stupid.

I understand 4chan is a private website and Moot is ultimately in charge. However, he is not immune to criticism. The guy has spent years preaching about freedom of speech and how 4chan is a safe place for it. His latest actions are in violation of all of that. It's hypocritical. I can't force him to do the right thing, but I can sure as hell criticize him for not doing it.

Serious / Re: If you have to beat your kid, you're a fucking pussy.
« on: September 19, 2014, 01:20:28 PM »
I don't mean to burst anyone's bubble, but if you make your child fear you, when they get big enough that they no longer have to feel fear, they're going to hate you.

I'm 23 and I still fear my father. Not really a fear, Like I'm scared to talk to him, more like a fear as I have tons of respect for him. And hate? I love both my parents and I was spanked and hit by the belt all the time. I was a shitty kid.
Make up your mind, do you fear or respect him? The two feelings are mutually exclusive.

Serious / Re: If you have to beat your kid, you're a fucking pussy.
« on: September 19, 2014, 01:19:33 PM »
Pussies afraid to beat their child were raised by pussies themselves. It's a never-ending cycle of pussies who can't properly raise children.
My mom hit me as a kid.

I'm not going to hit my kid.

I have no respect for my mother because instead of teaching me to be reasonable and showing me why I shouldn't do things, she just hit me.

Serious / Re: If you have to beat your kid, you're a fucking pussy.
« on: September 19, 2014, 01:11:52 PM »
Why is ilya kovalchuk smoking a cig in your profile picture?
nigga that's Bill Hicks

Serious / Re: If you have to beat your kid, you're a fucking pussy.
« on: September 19, 2014, 01:10:35 PM »
Have you tried raising a child? It doesn't sound like it.
Well, I just finished being one, and I can tell you now that my mother hitting me never once made me regret something or feel bad, it just hurt and made me lose respect for her. I still did what I wanted, I was just sneakier about it.

Meanwhile, my dad never chose to hit me, and I always listened to what he said, because he always gave me a reasonable explanation.

Now I'm almost an adult, and the effects of the parenting styles on our relationship is clear. My authoritative mother who would hit me or demand my dad do it is a bitch in my eyes. Things are strained and despite living with her, I cannot stand having a conversation with her. I really don't have any respect for her. My dad on the other hand is who I always go to for life advice, and I get along with him great.

I don't mean to burst anyone's bubble, but if you make your child fear you, when they get big enough that they no longer have to feel fear, they're going to hate you.

Serious / If you have to beat your kid, you're a fucking pussy.
« on: September 19, 2014, 01:02:17 PM »
Figured it kind of deserves it's own thread, so I'm reposting.

I think anybody who has to hit a child to discipline them is a pussy. You're fucking weak person, and don't project an air of authority, so the kid disrespects you. Instead of demonstrating why the kid should listen, or just asserting your authority the right way, you have to beat a fucking child.

It's fuckin' weak, man.

If you were a real man, the kid would respect you without the need for violence.

Serious / Re: I honestly have no problem with what AP did...
« on: September 19, 2014, 12:54:06 PM »
Beating a 4 year old with a stick until he's bleeding isn't child abuse?


And you overuse "bleeding". A 4 year old gets worse cuts than that from playing on a playground.

I don't know what kind of playground YOU grew up on.

Anyway, I think anybody who has to hit a child to discipline them is a pussy. You're fucking weak person, and don't project an air of authority, so the kid disrespects you. Instead of demonstrating why the kid should listen, or just asserting your authority the right way, you have to beat a fucking child.

It's fuckin' weak, man.

If you were a real man, the kid would respect you without the need for violence.

The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 19, 2014, 12:22:34 PM »
Maybe you guys should look into who is REALLY being silenced here.

The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 19, 2014, 12:17:44 PM »

Good! People say it's sanctuary of free speech but really, it's a haven of cowards. A place where people can say and post the most disgusting and repulsive things behind the safety and anonymity of their computer screen. There still is free speech, there always has been but there are consequences, good or bad. People like 4chan because they can say/do whatever they want without taking responsibility for their actions. It's a den of cowards like I said and I won't miss it.
We're not all the same person, 4chan is made up of people from all walks of life, following every school of thought.
so what?
You make it sound like we're a bunch of scumbags or criminals or something, just because we want to talk without having our names thrown around.
if you associate yourself with scumbags and paedos, don't get defensive when people start saying you are one. ESPECIALLY when you all share each others "anonymity".
like I said, if you associate yourself with the wrong people, thats how people will look at you. Its how the world works. Deal with it.
You posted on Bnet.

Should I associate you with #destiny?

You know better. You know 4chan isn't all 14 year olds posting gore and shitposting. People from all walks of life browse it. And you know now. So adjust your mindset accordingly.

The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 19, 2014, 12:04:23 PM »

Good! People say it's sanctuary of free speech but really, it's a haven of cowards. A place where people can say and post the most disgusting and repulsive things behind the safety and anonymity of their computer screen. There still is free speech, there always has been but there are consequences, good or bad. People like 4chan because they can say/do whatever they want without taking responsibility for their actions. It's a den of cowards like I said and I won't miss it.
We're not all the same person, 4chan is made up of people from all walks of life, following every school of thought.
so what?
You make it sound like we're a bunch of scumbags or criminals or something, just because we want to talk without having our names thrown around.
if you associate yourself with scumbags and paedos, don't get defensive when people start saying you are one. ESPECIALLY when you all share each others "anonymity".

The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 19, 2014, 12:03:58 PM »
You can cry all you want, but the 4chan user base brought this on itself. How many times could they spoof the news and make everyone believe someone is dead? How many times could they be used as an army to go after someone online? How much child porn is too much? You are missing the point about 4chan and Gamergate. Had they brought attention to what happened, her trading sex for favorable reviews and downplaying her competitors, then things would be good. That isn't what they did. They attacked her. They figured out how to get on her social media feeds, they threatened her family and friends, they threatened her with violence and sexual assault.

What they did was worse than what she did. No other way to say that.

They had a slam dunk situation. Take down someone who is fucking up her own cause, and they could have improved gaming reviews while they were at it. And they fucked it up by acting like kids.

Then the Fappening. They could have kept that shit quiet. Just enjoyed it for themselves. But by spreading it around like a bunch of fools, they called down the lightening. Painted a giant target on their site.

Then the regular posting of child porn. Over and over again. Even if they got immediately banned, how is this making that site look in the eyes of the law?

Something had to give. If Moot hadn't done something then others would have stepped in and done it for him. They would have shut it down.

4Chan isn't a human right. Not by a long shot. It is the asshole of the internet. Most places would be happy to see it gone, if they even knew it existed in the first place.
Gamergate isn't about Quinn anymore, stop trying to make it that.

Gamergate is about the rampant corruption within the gaming press. Money is fucking changing hands between journalists and developers. That is absolutely unacceptable.

We did NOT threaten Zoe, her family, or her friends, that is a lie. We learned a long time ago not to do that, it just makes us look bad. Anyone making threats is either on their own, or it's a false flag.

This movement is bigger than 4chan, but /v/ was, until now, a safe haven for it.

CP gets posted all over the internet. Moot does not support it and the mods clean it up as soon as it pops up. You cannot hold him, or us, accountable for that.

Fucking really? "asshole of the internet"? What, did you spend an hour on /b/ and then never come back? Anons say faggot and nigger pretty often, but the discourse is generally much more intelligent than any of the shit you'll find elsewhere.

"The Fappening" was not 4chan organized. It was a deepweb network of hackers who sold celebrity nudes to each other. One of them decided to come forward and share it, and they chose /b/ to do it. 4chan is populous enough that of fucking course word is going to spread.
Then, the people involved, having no understanding of the Streisand effect, tried to suppress it. And we all know what happens when you try to suppress information on the internet.

The Flood / Re: ITT: Post good covers of songs
« on: September 19, 2014, 11:01:32 AM »
Tool's cover of No Quarter is god-tier.

The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 19, 2014, 10:54:09 AM »
"Free Speech" on that website is just a bunch of fat antisocial pussies complaining about things, being bigots and being sexist. Maybe if they got off that website and went outside once in while they would have some compassion, lose some weight, and stop being perverts.

Fuck 4chan
>projecting this hard

Greentexting in 2014 HAHAHAHAHA
Okay, would you like me to rephrase it to meet your standards, princess?

Wow, I cannot believe you are projecting this hard.


Sure thing. No need to get your panties in a wad everytime someone disagrees with you.

But please continue being a SJW. It sure is a great use of your time!!!!!!
Walt wait wait

Since when the fuck am I an SJW?

The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 19, 2014, 10:35:59 AM »

Good! People say it's sanctuary of free speech but really, it's a haven of cowards. A place where people can say and post the most disgusting and repulsive things behind the safety and anonymity of their computer screen. There still is free speech, there always has been but there are consequences, good or bad. People like 4chan because they can say/do whatever they want without taking responsibility for their actions. It's a den of cowards like I said and I won't miss it.
We're not all the same person, 4chan is made up of people from all walks of life, following every school of thought.
so what?
You make it sound like we're a bunch of scumbags or criminals or something, just because we want to talk without having our names thrown around.

The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 19, 2014, 10:29:34 AM »
Good! People say it's sanctuary of free speech but really, it's a haven of cowards. A place where people can say and post the most disgusting and repulsive things behind the safety and anonymity of their computer screen. There still is free speech, there always has been but there are consequences, good or bad. People like 4chan because they can say/do whatever they want without taking responsibility for their actions. It's a den of cowards like I said and I won't miss it.
We're not all the same person, 4chan is made up of people from all walks of life, following every school of thought.

Alternatively, your technocratic system could be given a democratic form.

Positions could be created to legislate in certain fields of expertise, and holding that position requires a background in the relevant field.

People will still vote to decide who gets the position, but it will be someone who is fit for the job.

I could get behind that.

Meritocracies or technocracies don't exist in the sense that I'm advocating so to say I'm supposed to have knowledge on why they're full of corruption is moot. Moreover, the Soviet Union was NOT technocratic and they were NOT the only country with corruption—clearly.
Oh my god, are you giving me the "real communism has never been implemented" argument? Fucking really?

Why wouldn't a technocracy be immune, or at least better immune, to corruption? Because charismatic lawmakers don't exist. Imagine a large government committee of scientists that are tasked to lay out policies to combat global warming. They were hired not just because they're highly skilled but because they're committed to their task. If a corporation says they'll pay them if they make a policy change, they're less likely to deal with them and become corrupt. Unlike lawmakers, they're not expected to be skilled in all subjects of politics (foreign policy, science, security, economics, transportation, health, etc), but rather just the one they're highly proficient in. If they're truly committed to their cause, the likelihood they'll abandon it for selfish reasons is much less. A lawmaker isn't going to be committed to everything they're elected to make decisions upon so they're much more easily convinced.
Election by a committee or jury is going to be extremely susceptible to corruption. It's not like a democratic election, where there are simply too many people to manipulate.

A smaller group of people has more power to push an agenda, and there is no way to change the status quo if things go bad.

Technocracy does not allow the people to remove an inept leader or leaders. It allows the group in control to create and perpetuate an atmosphere where if one does not tow the line, they are replaced with someone who will.

You seem to think scientists are above corruption and manipulation- this is simply untrue. They are people just like the rest of us.

I'd rather have power spread out in the hands of many flawed people, than have a few rule over the rest.

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