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Messages - RustingFloor

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The Flood / Re: Ah, the offsite. A Place to see the end of the true flood.
« on: September 20, 2014, 12:55:15 PM »
Mane fuk gatsly

Serious / Re: The Iranian Mojahedin.
« on: September 20, 2014, 12:51:21 PM »
This thread is now about Iranian women

Serious / Re: The Iranian Mojahedin.
« on: September 20, 2014, 12:34:48 PM »

Mmmmm the one in the blue towel

The Flood / Re: how do you handle sexual fustration?
« on: September 20, 2014, 12:32:05 PM »
By having sex

Serious / Re: The Iranian Mojahedin.
« on: September 20, 2014, 12:31:22 PM »
my dick

The Flood / Re: the Holy Church of Achronos has been officially established
« on: September 20, 2014, 12:20:57 PM »
The House of Great Spirits laughs at your unoriginal heraldry.
shut up faggot you're the son of dustin
He is my dark twin, my metaphysical otherself, representing everything that I am not.

The Flood / Re: the Holy Church of Achronos has been officially established
« on: September 20, 2014, 12:18:40 PM »
The House of Great Spirits laughs at your unoriginal heraldry.

Serious / Re: The Iranian Mojahedin.
« on: September 20, 2014, 12:18:02 PM »
Iranian women are the qtest

Serious / Re: Fraternity dosed women with date-rape drugs
« on: September 20, 2014, 12:16:42 PM »

I'll say it again:

Fuck frats.

militant atheism

I'm not even sure if militant atheism has ever existed.
Oh not this shit again


Keep defending your Champions of Atheism
I've explained this to you enough times already, I'm not going to waste my time.

You know the reality of the matter, you just can't accept it because otherwise you'd have no excuse to whine about oppressive atheists.

Where the king has legislative power.

Any government with hereditary positions is garbage.
Besides the point.

The existence of a monarchy is not, of itself, backwards, oppressive or otherwise undesirable.
meta pls
I live under one.

I can assure you that my worries lie with the Parliament, not the Monarch.

Your monarchs have just about no power.

In Jordan the king actually has legislative and judicial power.

Where the king has legislative power.

Any government with hereditary positions is garbage.
Besides the point.

The existence of a monarchy is not, of itself, backwards, oppressive or otherwise undesirable.
meta pls



That's third world if I've ever seen it. Improving, developing third world, but third world nevertheless.
*constitutional monarchy
Where the king has legislative power.

Any government with hereditary positions is garbage.

The Flood / Re: Ah, the offsite. A Place to see the end of the true flood.
« on: September 20, 2014, 11:23:55 AM »
Hi, I'm Floor

Not to be confused with that faggot Door

Okay, sure, some christians are persecuted in some parts of the world. But no Christian who can afford to post on an internet forum is oppressed, because they don't live in a third-world shithole.

I don't know about that, this 3rd world country looks like they can afford to post on an internet forum.
What is that, Dubai?

Muslim countries are automatically third-world because Human Rights aren't respected there.
It's Jordan, one of the more better countries in the Middle East


That's third world if I've ever seen it. Improving, developing third world, but third world nevertheless.

Okay, sure, some christians are persecuted in some parts of the world. But no Christian who can afford to post on an internet forum is oppressed, because they don't live in a third-world shithole.

I don't know about that, this 3rd world country looks like they can afford to post on an internet forum.
What is that, Dubai?

Muslim countries are automatically third-world because Human Rights aren't respected there.

The Flood / Re: Music has been dead for a long time...
« on: September 20, 2014, 10:36:52 AM »
I actually like that song. Don't understand why people hate it.
Probably because it's trash.

The Flood / Re: Music has been dead for a long time...
« on: September 20, 2014, 09:27:17 AM »
*tips fedora*

le wrong generation amirite?

The Flood / Re: So I'm in a issue of conflict
« on: September 19, 2014, 10:23:22 PM »




Muh illegal in some countries.

Okay, sure, some christians are persecuted in some parts of the world. But no Christian who can afford to post on an internet forum is oppressed, because they don't live in a third-world shithole.

The only countries where Christians are persecuted are your China/NK type states, and Muslim shitholes.

You can't expect to have your human rights respected if you live under a Muslim majority, and we all know how fucked up China and NK are.

Western Christians are as far from persecuted as it gets, especially in the US.

The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 19, 2014, 03:42:12 PM »
where da screencaps doe
all over the place, go to 8chan if you want them. I never saved them because I didn't expect Moot to turn into a nazi

The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 19, 2014, 03:29:15 PM »

Keep crying. Your tears are so delicious. You can almost taste the pain of your ruptured anus in them...mmmmmmm yessss its like cumming and drinking a cold beer at the same cry some more.

le ebin butthurt maymay guise

lel i think i made him mad so that means im right lol xd ebin trololoel

I'm not even angry anymore, just disappointed and bitter.
You're just making a fool of yourself here, Charlie, with the stupid shit.

The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 19, 2014, 03:25:08 PM »
ITT: people think 4chan is ending
Not ending, but going to shit for sure.

The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 19, 2014, 03:24:03 PM »

You keep trying to do that "it wasn't us, it was them" routine. That didn't work on my mom when I trashed the house, and it doesn't work for you.
Here's a pic of Quinn and company on /v/, posting inflammatory shit trying to make us look bad.

The worst elements are being encouraged to leave 4chan. Moot is purging any and all who fucked up. And good for him. You guys will all go to ultra-chan, or uber chan or whatever. It doesn't matter. The process will keep repeating. And every time someone will make this thread: ________ is ruining ____chan by censoring and killing free speech yadda fucking yadda.
But they're not, you retard. You can still say nigger and talk about how Jews did WTC and should be exterminated. You can still dump furry porn and raid facebook accounts.

The only thing you cannot do is talk about gamergate.
Which again, goes against everything Moot has ever said regarding the importance of free speech.

How about you guys act like sensible human fucking beings, and NOT threaten people. NOT post revenge-porn. NOT post gore for the lulz of it. Maybe if you grew up a day you could still have 4chan. But no. You will continue to not accept responsibility, and you will just move on to a different site to do more of the same.
How about if you don't like it, you stay out of our community and stop telling us how to operate. Mods clean out the illegal shit.

You are cute when you cry.

Cry some more please.

Aww... she drinks a beer to tell you she is unfazed... boo hoo

Grow up. Your site is being purged. Adapt or get in the wind.
Oh cut the edgy shit. Moot isn't purging shit or he would have deleted /pol/ a long time ago.

Quinn's pals were posting shit like "let's kill her" on /v/ to make her critics look bad

4chan isn't being purged, it's just going to shit. And people are going to leave because of it. Same thing is happening to Bnet.

Moot has become a hypocrite and I no longer support him. A lot of people no longer support him.
Don't act like he's cleaning house or some shit when you don't know fuck about our community or what we value. You have made that abundantly clear.

The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 19, 2014, 03:15:45 PM »

You keep trying to do that "it wasn't us, it was them" routine. That didn't work on my mom when I trashed the house, and it doesn't work for you.
Here's a pic of Quinn and company on /v/, posting inflammatory shit trying to make us look bad.

The worst elements are being encouraged to leave 4chan. Moot is purging any and all who fucked up. And good for him. You guys will all go to ultra-chan, or uber chan or whatever. It doesn't matter. The process will keep repeating. And every time someone will make this thread: ________ is ruining ____chan by censoring and killing free speech yadda fucking yadda.
But they're not, you retard. You can still say nigger and talk about how Jews did WTC and should be exterminated. You can still dump furry porn and raid facebook accounts.

The only thing you cannot do is talk about gamergate.
Which again, goes against everything Moot has ever said regarding the importance of free speech.

How about you guys act like sensible human fucking beings, and NOT threaten people. NOT post revenge-porn. NOT post gore for the lulz of it. Maybe if you grew up a day you could still have 4chan. But no. You will continue to not accept responsibility, and you will just move on to a different site to do more of the same.
How about if you don't like it, you stay out of our community and stop telling us how to operate. Mods clean out the illegal shit.

Actually, what am I even saying. The community's already been ruined. Fuck it.

The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 19, 2014, 02:57:31 PM »


They just brought attention to 4chan. Now everyone sees what you freely admit. Guys trading illegal porn. I don't care about other forums. 4chan brought this in on themselves. They are the ones on trial.
Okay, give me objective proof that sharing naked pictures on the internet is illegal in the US where 4chan is based. Not being the original leaker, which I figure probably is, just sharing them. I am ignorant about these kinds of laws.

If it is illegal and is still posted, we can blame the mods for allowing it. The threads certainly go on for a while.

And every time I've gone on /v/ that's what I saw. I don't go there pretty much at all, because of the topics I saw. If I am wrong, and that was isolated, fine. But seeing that meant I'm not going back.
Good for you, but don't speak as if you're familiar with the board culture if you know you aren't. /v/ is the largest and fastest-moving board, everything is bound to show up there at some point or other.

Anyways, its been real. It doesn't matter what you or I think. My applause and your loud weeps mean nothing since he's already pulled the trigger on purging 4chan of the less desirables.
Moot is doing absolutely nothing about non-celebrity nudes or shitposting on /v/

Literally the only things he has cracked down on are gamergate discussions and celeb leaks

Hardly the most undesirable of anons.

The celeb leaks are calling every nude into question. JLaw may be the one getting the press, but what is being investigated are the age and consent of every amateur nude on the site.

And while you guys keep trying to distance your actions at the start of gamer gate, those actions are the only reason there is a story at all.

Gamergate and the Fappening painted a target on 4chan. Now the authorities are looking at the site under a microscope.

You don't realize, he's trying to save what he can. The excesses of that community are what called down the lightening, and now you have to deal with the consequences.
Nigga the authorities have been eying 4chan since like '08. FBI has been watching for years. This is nothing new. Difference is now the media is blowing things out of proportion, acting like 4chan is some dangerous hacker nest, the Mos Eisley cantina of the internet, and that's just not true.

And the media only gives a shit, because famous people are involved.

And again, we didn't do shit even at the start. It was about Quinn at the start, yes, but we didn't do anything illegal or fucked up.

Quinn was pulling down videos that called her and the journalists she slept with into question. When people found out, they reacted as one would expect.

So Quinn and her pals began accusing people of harassment, and doxing themselves while placing the blame on her critics. False flag shit. Quinn did the same thing back in December when people were complaining about DepressionQuest being on steam despite not being an actual fucking game, and there is proof she lied then.

Stop believing the shit people like Kotaku and TYT will tell you about this. We didn't do it.

OK, believe a faceless mob over an established company, that a woman pretended to be hacked, harassed, her family and friends harassed, just to make a point?
Yes, she did, because all eyes were on her, and she wanted to garner sympathy and make her critics look like sexist goons. That's her MO. She's done it in the past. She's also pals with most of these writers and they have a history of taking her side on every issue.

No. Own up. /b/ and /v/ went too far, and were surprised when you got called out on it. After all, this isn't the first time 4chan has gone on the warpath. This is a repeating pattern of behavior.
No, get your fucking facts straight. /b/ wasn't a center for gamergate. It was /v/, and /pol/ decided to join in as well because they are always anti-SJW. Not just anons, by the way. Reddit and tumblrfags were in on it from the beginning as well.

But go ahead, keep eating the shit you're being fed.

And it's widely known that the feds keep an eye on there. But now with the media paying attention, the FBI is being forced to do its job. That's what you guys are failing to see. You forced the authorities into action.
They did their job anyway. That's why CP isn't really a problem anymore

The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 19, 2014, 02:43:42 PM »


They just brought attention to 4chan. Now everyone sees what you freely admit. Guys trading illegal porn. I don't care about other forums. 4chan brought this in on themselves. They are the ones on trial.
Okay, give me objective proof that sharing naked pictures on the internet is illegal in the US where 4chan is based. Not being the original leaker, which I figure probably is, just sharing them. I am ignorant about these kinds of laws.

If it is illegal and is still posted, we can blame the mods for allowing it. The threads certainly go on for a while.

And every time I've gone on /v/ that's what I saw. I don't go there pretty much at all, because of the topics I saw. If I am wrong, and that was isolated, fine. But seeing that meant I'm not going back.
Good for you, but don't speak as if you're familiar with the board culture if you know you aren't. /v/ is the largest and fastest-moving board, everything is bound to show up there at some point or other.

Anyways, its been real. It doesn't matter what you or I think. My applause and your loud weeps mean nothing since he's already pulled the trigger on purging 4chan of the less desirables.
Moot is doing absolutely nothing about non-celebrity nudes or shitposting on /v/

Literally the only things he has cracked down on are gamergate discussions and celeb leaks

Hardly the most undesirable of anons.

The celeb leaks are calling every nude into question. JLaw may be the one getting the press, but what is being investigated are the age and consent of every amateur nude on the site.

And while you guys keep trying to distance your actions at the start of gamer gate, those actions are the only reason there is a story at all.

Gamergate and the Fappening painted a target on 4chan. Now the authorities are looking at the site under a microscope.

You don't realize, he's trying to save what he can. The excesses of that community are what called down the lightening, and now you have to deal with the consequences.
Nigga the authorities have been eying 4chan since like '08. FBI has been watching for years. This is nothing new. Difference is now the media is blowing things out of proportion, acting like 4chan is some dangerous hacker nest, the Mos Eisley cantina of the internet, and that's just not true.

And the media only gives a shit, because famous people are involved.

And again, we didn't do shit even at the start. It was about Quinn at the start, yes, but we didn't do anything illegal or fucked up.

Quinn was pulling down videos that called her and the journalists she slept with into question. When people found out, they reacted as one would expect.

So Quinn and her pals began accusing people of harassment, and doxing themselves while placing the blame on her critics. False flag shit. Quinn did the same thing back in December when people were complaining about DepressionQuest being on steam despite not being an actual fucking game, and there is proof she lied then.

Stop believing the shit people like Kotaku and TYT will tell you about this. We didn't do it.

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