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Messages - BrenMan 94

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The Flood / Re: I want you to think about something
« on: March 16, 2015, 06:07:50 AM »

The Flood / Re: Listen to my band :D
« on: March 16, 2015, 06:05:55 AM »
Gross, do you actually call that music?
Should've added that I wanted constructive criticism.

That's as constructive as it gets. Make some real music and then we'll talk.
fite me

The Flood / Re: Listen to my band :D
« on: March 16, 2015, 06:05:29 AM »
Sounds good to me. It's not something I'm in to but it still sounds good.
Way to make me feel like a dick after my comment in your car thread.  >.>

The Flood / Re: Listen to my band :D
« on: March 16, 2015, 05:46:46 AM »
Gross, do you actually call that music?
Should've added that I wanted constructive criticism.

The Flood / Re: Listen to my band :D
« on: March 16, 2015, 05:45:42 AM »
I have a question. How were these songs written? Like did people usually stick to writing the instruments they played? Did one person write all the music and that same person, or another person, write vocals? Who had the final say on a song?
Lead singer wrote the lyrics.  Everyone wrote their own parts initially and then modified them to fit together.  A lot of riffs were stripped down for the sake of simplicity.  We don't want the band to be about any single element.  This is less about trying to sound like BB or Chevelle, and more about not being like every other hard rock/metal band in the area.

The Flood / Re: Here are some pics of my 2002 Audi A6 Allraod.
« on: March 16, 2015, 05:35:06 AM »
Not a fan of wagons.

I mean, it's cool that you like it, but to me it's fugly, and $5,300 for an almost 15-year-old car isn't the smartest purchase, IMO, especially considering that replacement parts for a luxury car that old aren't going to be cheap.  Twin-turbos and the ability to drive through deep puddles aren't the best selling points.

Ultimately the only opinion that matters is yours, though.  If you enjoy the car, more power to you.

Edit:  Just wanted to add that you would've probably been better off putting a down payment on something newer that you can make payments on.

The Flood / Re: Listen to my band :D
« on: March 16, 2015, 05:21:17 AM »
Are you like a Breaking Benjamin cover band?


That's one of the inspirations, though.

Serious / Re: Arizona declaring independence from executive orders
« on: March 16, 2015, 05:12:44 AM »
But an absence of basic governance has proven these things to flourish. You only have to look at Somalia, probably the most freest nation on the world, to attest to that.
As a society, Somalia has actually improved since dismantling its central government.
There is a difference between wanting as much economic, political and social freedom as possible and still have a regulatory body
Regulatory bodies can exist without a centralized monopoly on violence.
But I'm not wrong though. Without at least a semblance of regulation the possibility of a human trafficking market will open up. That is after all, what the free market does best.
There's already a human trafficking market, if you haven't noticed.  In fact, it's one of the fastest growing businesses among transnational criminal organizations.
I'm really beginning to notice these patterns of strawman amongst voluntaryists. "NO MADDA WHAD THE GUBMENT DUS DER WILL ALWAYS BE MUHDA AND RAYP." Yeah, no shit. I fail to see how that warrants abolition though.
If you're going to make the claim that Somalia is anarchy I'll play along with this response.

Somalia has never committed mass genocide.

Somalia has never nuked a city.

Somalia has never invaded a country thousands of miles away, overthrown its government, and tried to install a democratic government.

Somalia has never caused a coup.

You know why?  Because there's no money to be made from nuking a country.  There's no money to be made from overthrowing a government.  There's no money to be made from committing mass genocide.
I can understand your wanting a semblance of order, but there are nonviolent, voluntary ways of accomplishing that that do not involve a state.
That is a pipe dream at best.
Not as much of a pipe dream as small government.

The Flood / Re: Listen to my band :D
« on: March 16, 2015, 04:46:59 AM »

The Flood / Re: Listen to my band :D
« on: March 16, 2015, 04:46:28 AM »
This is just me, but it sounds like your average rock song, doesn't stand out all that much.
That's the vibe I was getting.  Like I said, I didn't have any creative input.  Couldn't do any slap solos or what have you.

The Flood / Listen to my band :D
« on: March 16, 2015, 02:58:39 AM »
I just joined a band called Finding Solace.  Their last bassist got married and didn't have time for the band anymore, so now I'm filling in.  I'm about ten years younger than everyone else, so it was a little weird to start off, but once we got acquainted things went well.  Our lead guitarist runs a recording studio and was in charge of the mixing.  Here's a few songs we recorded:

Break Me

Feedback would be appreciated.  :D

The Flood / Re: 5 people you would hang out with?
« on: March 16, 2015, 02:35:31 AM »
1. Taylor Swift
2. Neil Peart
3. Barack Obama
4. Bill Clinton
5. George Zimmerman

The Flood / Re: Solution to boredom.
« on: March 16, 2015, 02:31:38 AM »
1. Go to Sep7agon
2. Call out a member that's easily butthurt
3. ?­??
4. Boredom alleviated

The Flood / Re: What's a good task killer for Android?
« on: March 16, 2015, 02:29:16 AM »
- Delete/disable apps you don't use
- Clear the caches of apps you use a lot
- Close out apps when you're done with them

It's literally this simple.  Task killers haven't been relevant for a few years now.

Gaming / Re: Footage of Locke in H5
« on: March 15, 2015, 09:09:02 PM »
Halo is meh though. Do people actually still care about it?
>big well known franchise with quite a big fanbase
>"do people still care about halo?"
Ya, do they?

Gaming / Re: I almost want to email 343 a letter
« on: March 15, 2015, 09:06:03 PM »
I play the games for the campaigns nowadays.  If Halo 5's campaign is as well-written as 4's then I'll be happy.

Gaming / Re: Fallout 3 Or New Vegas?
« on: March 15, 2015, 09:03:40 PM »
I hate when people go "But it's been 200 years, DC wouldn't be a wasteland, New Vegas is more realistic". What a load o' shite. DC got hit by several nukes, as shown by the damage done to the Pentagon, White House, and several military installations

While The city wouldn't be rebuilt like Hiroshima, it wouldn't be nearly as irradiated.  Also remember that it was small tactical nukes that were used on D.C.  Otherwise the entire area would be leveled.

Serious / Re: Arizona declaring independence from executive orders
« on: March 15, 2015, 08:42:13 PM »
Look, I'm all for more economic and social freedom. But this sentiment of absolutely no semblance of government whatsoever, is well, retarded to put it lightly. Basic governance is essential for society to operate. I know this raises a lot of anarcho capitalist heckles here, but it's a fact.
Government has shown that it cannot stop the very things your comic depicted, no matter how much power they're given.  And to say that I want human trafficking just because I don't believe a single entity should have unlimited power over a piece of land would be like me saying that you want millions of people to get slaughtered because you want a government.  I can understand your wanting a semblance of order, but there are nonviolent, voluntary ways of accomplishing that that do not involve a state.

Serious / Ted Cruz Doesn't Want Any Limits On Campaign Contributions
« on: March 15, 2015, 08:32:25 PM »
Unlimited political cash would give rank-and-file conservative activists greater sway in picking their representatives, including the president, White House hopeful Ted Cruz told New Hampshire voters on Sunday.

Cruz, a first-term senator who represents Texas, said deep-pocketed donors should have the same rights to write giant campaign checks as voters have to put signs in their front yards. Both, Cruz said, were an example of political speech, and he added that "money absolutely can be speech."

"I believe everyone here has a right to speak out on politics as effectively as possible," Cruz said told a voter who asked him about the role of the super-rich in politics.


After the session, one activist gave Cruz a blank check and told him to write it for whatever amount he needed.

Cruz, mindful that accepting the check would trigger his official entrance to the Republican primary, declined but told an aide to follow up with the man after a campaign is official.

"Stay tuned," he said.


Cruz, a tea-party favorite, is expecting to formally join a crowded field of presidential hopefuls in the coming weeks. In the meantime, he has been courting party activists and donors to help him counter deep-pocketed rivals such as former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker.

Asked about the outsized role of money in politics, Cruz said he understands voters' frustration but that cannot trump the constitutional rights to free speech.

"Right now, the system is crazy," Cruz said of the campaign finance rules.

In the Senate, Cruz has proposed lifting all campaign contribution limits in exchange for immediate disclosure.

"The answer is not to muzzle citizens. It is to empower citizens," Cruz said.

Yet Cruz acknowledged that heavy spending had been a headache during his 2012 campaign for Senate. "In the Senate race, I had $35 million in nasty attack ads against me," Cruz said. "And you know what? It was their Constitutional right to do so."
Basically, Cruz is in favor of elections being bought by George Soros and the Koch Brothers.  And this guy claims to represent grassroot conservatives.

Serious / Re: Arizona declaring independence from executive orders
« on: March 15, 2015, 02:41:50 PM »
And what about the 'freedom' of the victim? They obviously wouldn't 'want' to be raped. That's not freedom.
They have the freedom to kill their attacker.

See, that's what true freedom is. Where everybody does whatever they want.
That's what I'm for.

Serious / Re: UKIP would support a minority Conservative government
« on: March 15, 2015, 02:40:34 PM »
Bong government is weird.

Gaming / Re: >Only using shotguns in FPS
« on: March 15, 2015, 02:36:27 PM »
Compared to real life shotguns are extremely nerfed.

The Flood / Re: Why do the Podcasts exist?
« on: March 15, 2015, 02:32:50 PM »
I should be in a podcast.  The last one was way too full of statist shills for my taste.

Serious / Re: Arizona declaring independence from executive orders
« on: March 15, 2015, 02:30:32 PM »
I'd love to see an explanation on how any of those make you less free.
More restrictions = less freedoms.

Not hard to grasp, man.
Do they make life more difficult? Possibly. Because you guys are acting like New York is North Korea in comparison to grand old Alabama when all these hick states have discriminatory laws and split their boundaries so minority votes are worthless.
Hopefully this isn't directed towards me.  I never made that claim.  But to say that California and New York are better than every other state is a bold claim.  I also hope that we're referring strictly to the governments here.
Still, it's America and and the states we think are worse than the other are still better than Europe.
Estonia is cooler than any American state, imo.  If more of the population spoke English I'd consider moving there.
Fact of the matter is you guys cherry pick a few things and blow them out of proportion to make California and New York look like terrible places to live when they're actually better than almost all the other states.
It's not really cherry-picking.  These are laws that effect millions of people.  Whether or not it's blown out of proportion is a matter of opinion.  All unjust laws should be put in the spotlight, even if it only raises awareness and doesn't change the law.
None of you have lived in either, so that's another thing you have stacked against you on top of partisanship.
You don't have to live somewhere to recognize shitty laws and regulations.  I could say the same thing to you, since you most likely haven't lived in the hick states you rail against.  Also know that a criticism of a state's government isn't a criticism of the people living under it.

The Flood / Re: Why do the Podcasts exist?
« on: March 15, 2015, 02:13:55 PM »
I like them.  I listen to them when I play Cities: Skylines or Civ V.

The Flood / Re: Things that make you go ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
« on: March 15, 2015, 02:06:53 PM »
Yoga pants on hot wimminz

The Flood / Re: How much life do you think Sep7agon has left?
« on: March 15, 2015, 10:44:04 AM »
Two days

Gaming / Re: Favorite Sidekick?
« on: March 15, 2015, 10:43:14 AM »
Ashley from ME

I love her poetry and need to push religion on me and the rest of the crew.

Gaming / Re: Fallout 3 Or New Vegas?
« on: March 15, 2015, 10:41:46 AM »
Fallout 3 was a good post-apocalyptic aRPG, just not a good Fallout game.

Serious / Re: Arizona declaring independence from executive orders
« on: March 15, 2015, 10:38:38 AM »
I don't see how people have less freedom due to these laws. They're bad things to be sure, but they don't restrict freedom.
>Clearly points out laws that restrict your freedom
>"I don't see how those laws restrict freedom "


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