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Gaming / Re: My goal of the year: Beat/Complete over 150 Steam Games
« on: January 07, 2015, 02:42:33 PM »
RIPin piece Latsu is anyone of those named Guacamelee?
The first Guacamelee. I may just play it for 6 hours if it's too hard. That's why I said "Or 6 hours"

Gaming / My goal of the year: Beat/Complete over 150 Steam Games
« on: January 07, 2015, 02:39:54 PM »
I own about 230 steam games at the moment and a lot of them are Indie games so they aren't really long. My goal for the year is to complete or play each of the games for at least 6 hours. I will then write a review of the game on my steam page with my feelings about the game. Does anyone think this is doable? Like 3 games a weekend? That's like an 18 hour weekend.

Edit: Going to try to find more interesting games to stream. Probably after I have played them for an hour. No more stream today but I will on my free time during weekends.

Edit 2: I'm not going to stream. I have been playing games for like 5-20 minutes at a time because of other duties that I'm trying to accomplish now. It's a good thing too because my streams are uninteresting and don't really hold anything of value even to myself.

I'm going to post the Reviews/Thoughts here under spoilers


Don't Recommend
A Virus Named Tom
Disclaimer: I haven't played the Multiplayer element of the game and my review is only reflective of the single player experience.

I decided to play this game after it had been in my library for almost a year from a Humble Bundle I had purchased. I thought it would at least keep my attention for a while as it was classified as a puzzle game, but to my dismay it wasn't really a puzzle game overall.

The game is mostly a twitch/reaction game with some puzzle elements. The game takes its roots in the genre Pipe Mania made popular. You have to move circuit pieces around so that you have a complete circuit/flow of the virus and the level is complete. You may ask "But isn't that a puzzle game?" and to that question I would say it is a puzzle game.The last half of the game it introduces too many elements for it to remain a puzzle game. The later elements all rely on the player moving quickly and trying to think on their toes and often that leads to death. A good puzzle game gives the player time to do the puzzles and doesn't require ADHD levels of movement while still trying to solve a puzzle.

Many design choices made in the game are inherently flawed. After you complete a level it takes you back to the main board to select a level wherein you will often find that you have to move around a couple times to get to the next level. I would have liked to see the game progress you to the next level after a level is completed. My next issue is with the music. There felt like there were 3 tracks of music that were randomly selected at the start of a level. I would have liked to have seen a couple tracks for each world and I would have liked it if the music didn't change every single time I had to restart a level. The sound effects are some of the most nerve-wracking I have heard in a while that I ended up just disabling sound to play the game.

Overall the game is an "Okay" experience but I know for sure that I will not play it anymore. It's not worth $10 and has the same amount of content I would expect from a $3 mobile app. I'd have to say to all my friends to give this game a pass as there are plenty of other games you can get that are better for the same price point.

Gaming / Re: Sep7agons Halo players
« on: January 06, 2015, 07:22:54 PM »
Saying that Halo Multiplayer is the best multiplier is ignorant.

Gaming / Re: Do You Want To Try EVE?
« on: January 06, 2015, 06:37:34 PM »
I'm just not a fan of Eve and other MMO type games.

The Flood / Re: Flood es best board
« on: January 02, 2015, 02:38:49 PM »
Eh. I'd agree a bit. Too much stuff going on in the other forum that isn't any fun.

The Flood / Re: Me today
« on: January 02, 2015, 02:32:43 PM »
How I felt when I had to leave my old job.

Gaming / Re: MK8 Theme
« on: January 01, 2015, 09:52:55 PM »

Ooh we weren't pissed we thought you were pissed >.>
No, I was feeling really down over the past month and in order to make my life better I have been cutting back on using the internet as well as playing games. Since it's holiday right now I've just been hanging out here more. I wanted to play with you guys but I need to have discipline in all things now so that I'm no longer addicted.

I am usually hard to get mad but I can get irritated.

The Flood / Re: Anarchy fallout bunker
« on: January 01, 2015, 01:10:30 PM »
I'll actually get a job and go to college.

Time for a blog post in flood. Gotta find a job so I probably won't post here or visit much like I was earlier in the month. Need to set new priorities and try to hang out with my school and neighborhood friends to keep the few relationships that are left after I became an asshat and only went online and called "woe is me!" and "my life sucks!"

 Sorry if I have irritated and passed people off here especially for being a no show for a very special game night. I'll see if I can make it up to you guys after my priorities are in order.

I've told a couple people here and they might have said something but I'm not really a big poster or name here. Just got to get things done. I've also talked with Brute about it and right now I'm trying to get my life in order and don't have much time to make videos with and for you guys. Hopefully everything will fall in line over the next month to two months and I can finally get into school.

"Friends", I think I know that word.

I guess I'll go with option 2.
Yeah... It makes me irritated that it took TOTD to open my eyes to how much of a manipulating prick our "friend" is. Usually I notice pretty fast but with my house smelling like smoke for a week it helped me realize that the kid has no respect for anyone or anything and just uses everyone.

The Flood / Lock Please, Accidentally created a really biased poll.
« on: December 31, 2014, 12:05:50 PM »
How many of you would rather watch 4 movies in a row on New Years Eve rather than hang out with friends/family and play games and party?

This doesn't mean watching 4 movies of a series in a row but rather 4 randomly selected movies that are usually mediocre/bad and MAYBE 1 good movie.

TOTD and I have a really manipulative friend that has been mooching off of a lot of us and using our houses to throw "Parties" wherein he ended up almost burning down my house. He decided he wanted another friend to host a "Party" this week for new years to celebrate but didn't tell anyone about watching 4 movies in a row. I woke up today to find out that instead of partying and hanging out he wants to watch movies.

Who would want to spend New Years Eve of all holidays sitting around watching usually shitty and unenjoyable movies?

Edit I need to fix the poll. It's a little too biased and doesn't fit what I originally intended. Mod lock this thread please.

« on: December 30, 2014, 05:04:36 PM »

The Flood / Re: This woman has the most perfect body possible.
« on: December 30, 2014, 04:56:22 PM »
Who was it in the flood that had a thing for Susan Coffey?
Everyone  in like 2010-2012
I remember someone kept bringing her up but I can't remember who.

The Flood / Re: This woman has the most perfect body possible.
« on: December 30, 2014, 04:54:53 PM »
Who was it in the flood that had a thing for Susan Coffey?

Lol. Gotta report all the pedos that watch Chinese cartoons that I know to the NSA.
Looks like you're gonna be locked up then ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Eh. I think Asian kid is gonna have some friends in blue suits >_>

The Flood / Re: GG Eye!
« on: December 30, 2014, 03:07:48 PM »
dude, shave

for the love of your lord and savior jesus christ

Eh. When I live as a NEET and have no job calls :(

The Flood / Re: Birthday Thread? Birthday Thread!
« on: December 30, 2014, 02:53:25 PM »
Man there are a lot of Valentines Sex babies.

The Flood / Re: GG Eye!
« on: December 30, 2014, 02:48:31 PM »
What happened to your eye?
Don't know. That's why I'm seceding and letting it win. I just want the bruise-like pain to go away. Luckily as a computer user only blink maybe a couple times a minute.

The Flood / Re: GG EYE!
« on: December 30, 2014, 02:42:06 PM »
If they can't accept your jew hair then they aren't worth working for.
My hair goes like this: Standard (What it is now) -> Jewish -> Where's the dead animal? -> Holy shit dude you have a white man afro!

The Flood / Re: GG EYE!
« on: December 30, 2014, 02:39:08 PM »
I expected your hair to be more jewy.

I'm pretty disappointed to be honest.
I just took a shower a little while ago. It gets pretty bad when it's longer. I need a job so I can't go around looking like a heathen.

The Flood / GG Eye!
« on: December 30, 2014, 02:36:41 PM »
My Ugly Unkempt Face
Please stop being a pain.

I secede to your annoying power.

Gaming / Re: 343 is the reason halo is dead
« on: December 30, 2014, 02:11:30 PM »
Forge won't be in Halo 5
Because he died in Halo Wars

Gooby Plz

Can't wait to file some reports and send the weebs to jail.

Someone posted that in an /a/ sadpanda thread. Use it to all the powa.

Lol. Gotta report all the pedos that watch Chinese cartoons that I know to the NSA.

Gaming / Re: SSB or Alpha Sapphire?
« on: December 27, 2014, 06:47:18 PM »
I like SSB on my WiiU but I'm not sure about the 3ds controls. I'd say either one is fine but I'm leaning SSB because of the ability to play with friends.

The Flood / Re: Just Hackintosh my desktop
« on: December 27, 2014, 06:43:32 PM »
Time Machine is effective as a OS backup to an extent. If you are dealing with anything within the same version up to Mavericks then it's easy to restore or load your settings on other macs or hackintoshes. I used that to get my settings from the laptop on the fly. (Though you may want to avoid getting the /Extra directory)

I'd suggest to use a separate backup HDD for Time Machine (as for any kind of backup) and to actually look into putting a proper wi-fi card in your desktop machine. It's worth the time and cost (which is more or less the same as buying a wifi dongle) especially due to the performance differences.

I think I may end up getting a USB wifi dongle like they stated to do in all the guides but I found a kext that enabled my on board wifi.

I couldn't use OSX as my main OS because of all the issues I have run into using an Asus z87 motherboard. I need to compile a list of all the kexts I installed via multi beast and a couple of other things. Are you able to use Time Machine as an effective backup of the OS or does it only backup document files?
Unfortunately I cannot get a PCI-E based wifi card because of my motherboard because of it being an ITX motherboard and the PCI-E slot already has my GTX770 in it. I'll have to figure out time machine and find an external I can use. I have a time machine backup of my Macbook and I'm tempted to use the same drive but use a different partition but then again I could run into more issues trying to do that.

It was a fun project to take upon myself to do but I don't see it becoming my main driving OS for my desktop until I can get it to a sweet spot. I really wish there was better support for onboard Wifi cards. I'm going to fiddle with it and try to remove the Wifi kext I injected to see if that solves my Windows 7 Driver issue. It sucks because there is no Ethernet access in my house and all of our network is connected via wifi.

Also I am using Mavericks on the Hackintosh currently.

The Flood / Re: omg pirate bae is back
« on: December 27, 2014, 06:35:09 PM »
I find it funny that I actually use Pirate Bay for legitimate software more than pirated software.

The Flood / Re: Just Hackintosh my desktop
« on: December 27, 2014, 06:32:39 PM »
No, I had to replace my wi-fi card with a compatible one on my laptop to get wi-fi to work. There's a sheet with all the compatible ones which can be easily found by looking around in tonymacx86. The wi-fi cards themselves are inexpensive and quite effective, however, so it's worth looking at the compatible ones or jury-rig a desktop one out of spare materials using a compatible one for mobile.

The Windows drive is isolated, but I only use it rarely (last time was two weeks ago) just to play games such as Skyrim which never had a port to Linux or OSX. Everything else, even my daily work is done on OS X. Where my laptop and desktop are both hackintoshes.

Do you dual boot with Windows and do you have am on board wifi kext that doesnt break drivers?
I think I may end up getting a USB wifi dongle like they stated to do in all the guides but I found a kext that enabled my on board wifi.

I couldn't use OSX as my main OS because of all the issues I have run into using an Asus z87 motherboard. I need to compile a list of all the kexts I installed via multi beast and a couple of other things. Are you able to use Time Machine as an effective backup of the OS or does it only backup document files?

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