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The Flood / Re: Due to the lack of ppl giving a shit...
« on: February 26, 2015, 03:17:23 AM »
Cut your ties if they're pulling you down. Don't adopt a gimmick and roll the dice. Don't do it for the money. Do it because you love it.

Pretty much how I feel. I want Youtube/Videos to be a hobby that I do to get better at editing and using software that I'm unfamiliar with. I've also been brushing up on a couple of other skills I will need in life that prevent me from having the time to Write<->Script/Revise<->Rewrite/Record/Edit-Revise.  On average it takes me about 6-8 hours to record footage, 4-5 hours to write the first two drafts of the script, and another 3-5 hours to edit the video.  It's a full time job if I try to do it ever other day and I really don't have that time just to make a video as a hobby. I do it when I have time and when I'm not looking for a job.

Edit: It also takes about 3+ days of an idea and writing for something decent to come to fruition.

I've also been trying to cut as much of the internet out of my life as possible and that creates another divide for my priorities.

Edit: I've also been watching other videos/films/television and paying mind to all the cuts and shots made to get a hang as to what flows very well.

The Flood / Re: Due to the lack of ppl giving a shit...
« on: February 26, 2015, 03:08:47 AM »
I watch an occasional video that is uploaded on the channel. I know I enjoy them but sometimes the upload schedule is odd for me. I watch most of my youtube content late at night. I can say that Podcast Videos I will never watch. They eat up too much of my bandwidth to make it worth it for me and I'd rather have a Soundcloud link or MP3 than anything.

About people making videos, I know you approached me about making videos and I pretty much shrugged you off. I really lack any motivation to make anything and when I get motivation it's because I find something that I have enjoyed. I will make more videos, not sure if they'll be suitable for your channel, but really only when I have an idea or something I feel like showing. I'm about 1/4 of the way through producing a video I started two weeks ago and another video I was working on in December didn't really pan out well so I scrapped it.

I'm a stickler for quality and all too often I don't meet the standards that I set for myself, and also I lose motivation when I feel that people won't enjoy the videos that I have made/will make. I enjoy watching people but I get a sort of stage fright when making videos because no-one that I personally know will ever tell me why my video is bad and all too often I'm stuck just self critiquing myself.

Also, Copyright. Some of the content I will cover is Nintendo, Indie, and other miscellaneous content that I don't always get a 100% "Go For It" from the Devs/Artists. I really don't want anything to happen to your channel so when I get an idea I usually scrap it if I'm tempted to submit it to you because I don't know the details about who to contact if there is a possibility of Copyright issues. (Music is the #issue when dealing with Indies because some music is copyrighted and restricted while some are not. It's really annoying and the one song I used in the video I showed off here is from an artist that put their music up for free on a Chiptune website and it appeared to be not copyright restricted.)

Septagon / Re: Anyone know how to disable emoticons being automatic?
« on: February 26, 2015, 02:50:02 AM »


Edit: Nope, I can't figure it out.

Gaming / Re: tfw your adc doesn't help you while you support
« on: February 22, 2015, 09:14:59 PM »
Eh. After the first dead when and ADC doesn't engage on a good trade or just farms I leave them to go help another lane. Roaming Support and getting kills is a lot better than just sitting with a useless ADC.
And here I thought supports were never toxic. Don't leave your ADC because they fuck up.
There's a reason why support goes with the ADC. That's because early game ADCs are designed to be weaker than any other role.
You exist early game to protect your ADC so they can become a late game death machine.

If your Marksman isn't doing well enough to carry a support should go support the rest of the team and make plays. Just because people call Marksmans "ADC" doesn't mean they are the only role that can carry the game. You support your team as a support not one player.

Edit: After first tower is gone or we take tower I roam. If the ADC dies 3 times and 12+ minutes have passed I roam.
Yes, after laning phase the support's job shifts. This is the same as any other role.
However during the laning phase it is your job, to support your ADC. As I said, ADCs are always going to be weaker early game. That is why the support goes with them.
Sometimes the laning phase is over after 1 gank at 5 minutes. Knowing when to roam is the support's resposibility and as such support players should always know when they can make plays. If a support can roam mid successfully and get a kill mid they should.

I wasn't saying that a support should just leave lane at 5 minutes and never support the Marksman again, I was stating that if the marksmen isn't making plays as they should the support should go where plays can be made effectively. I will say, if the marksmen can't make plays and is just farming I don't usually go back to lane to support them. Trading is a huge part of the bottom lane and as such if a player fails to hold lane and loses every trade I often start roaming after the first or second back.

Gaming / Re: tfw your adc doesn't help you while you support
« on: February 22, 2015, 08:59:12 PM »
Eh. After the first dead when and ADC doesn't engage on a good trade or just farms I leave them to go help another lane. Roaming Support and getting kills is a lot better than just sitting with a useless ADC.
And here I thought supports were never toxic. Don't leave your ADC because they fuck up.
There's a reason why support goes with the ADC. That's because early game ADCs are designed to be weaker than any other role.
You exist early game to protect your ADC so they can become a late game death machine.

If your Marksman isn't doing well enough to carry a support should go support the rest of the team and make plays. Just because people call Marksmans "ADC" doesn't mean they are the only role that can carry the game. You support your team as a support not one player.

Edit: After first tower is gone or we take tower I roam. If the ADC dies 3 times and 12+ minutes have passed I roam.

The Flood / Re: Let's separate this forum into two categories
« on: February 22, 2015, 08:57:20 PM »
I think I'm a 26. I know I'm overweight because I don't exercise.

Gaming / Re: tfw your adc doesn't help you while you support
« on: February 21, 2015, 06:36:51 PM »
Eh. After the first dead when and ADC doesn't engage on a good trade or just farms I leave them to go help another lane. Roaming Support and getting kills is a lot better than just sitting with a useless ADC.

Gaming / Re: Anyone have a spare River Vivillon?
« on: February 21, 2015, 06:12:13 PM »

Gaming / Anyone have a spare River Vivillon?
« on: February 21, 2015, 12:35:32 AM »
I have Jungle and High Plains and need a River to have a complete collection.

The Flood / Re: Oh boy it's the Friday afternoon/night anime stream!
« on: February 13, 2015, 03:18:44 PM »
oh boy
I won't be there to be an annoyance. Don't worry.

Gaming / Re: Thinking of Importing a n3DS from the UK (Or Japan)
« on: February 13, 2015, 02:11:39 AM »
The region locking is going to be a pain in the ass, but other than that I can't think of anything.
Yeah, the cost seems to be a bit more. To get Omega Ruby it will cost me about $50 and the standard N3DS is about $200 as well (These prices include shipping).

Gaming / Re: Thinking of Importing a n3DS.
« on: February 13, 2015, 02:05:16 AM »
You don't know Japanese?!
Ooh such great dishono
Sorry mane, I want to learn Japanese but I don't want to have to take a language for 6 years just to play a couple of video games.

Japanese will come later.
But....but...butt  :'(
i would take a jap class in college but, I'm thinking it would have a bunch of weirdos
I went to my sister's college class. There were 3 weird people out of the 12 people there. Sooooo Yeah....
That was just your college class dough so no U but, how many weebs?
She went to a public University. It's an odd school that I'll be going to eventually. Basically it's easy to get into the Uni and most people transfer to other schools to do better grad programs.

5 weebs including the weird kids and my sister and her boyfriend.

Gaming / Re: Thinking of Importing a n3DS.
« on: February 13, 2015, 01:57:02 AM »
You don't know Japanese?!
Ooh such great dishono
Sorry mane, I want to learn Japanese but I don't want to have to take a language for 6 years just to play a couple of video games.

Japanese will come later.
But....but...butt  :'(
i would take a jap class in college but, I'm thinking it would have a bunch of weirdos
I went to my sister's college class. There were 3 weird people out of the 12 people there. Sooooo Yeah....

Gaming / Re: Thinking of Importing a n3DS.
« on: February 13, 2015, 01:48:20 AM »
You don't know Japanese?!
Ooh such great dishono
Sorry mane, I want to learn Japanese but I don't want to have to take a language for 6 years just to play a couple of video games.

Japanese will come later.

Gaming / Thinking of Importing a n3DS from the UK (Or Japan)
« on: February 13, 2015, 01:36:27 AM »
I live in the United States and if you haven't heard NoA doesn't plan on selling the standard "New" 3DS in the United States. I don't want an XL because I already have one and it is a bit too big and I want to downsize. Anyone know of if I should try to import one from Europe? Is there any catch (Other than Region Locking) that I have to deal with? I plan on getting Xenoblade and Pokemon Omega Ruby for it.

(I'm also wondering if I should import from Japan, but the problem is I don't know Japanese)

Gaming / Re: Favorite Smash Bros characters?
« on: February 09, 2015, 03:41:10 AM »
"Have a can"

The Flood / Re: TOTD Sent me this back in May of 2013
« on: February 09, 2015, 03:31:01 AM »
Oh, I know why you found this all of a sudden. Back when I still used to email you shit. You email tagging fgt.

And yeah I'm going to bed soon. You taught me the wonderful art of fucking my sleep schedule.

I didn't do anything to screw over your sleep schedule, you are the one who decided to make a video at 3 am in the morning.
I never said it was your fault, nignog. I said I learned from the best.
If my brain didn't randomly decide it was time for me to go through over 5000 Emails and 300 filters I would have been to sleep at 11:00. I just finished the emails. So much spam and forwarded nonsense that I didn't purge in the last great email cleaning.

The Flood / Re: TOTD Sent me this back in May of 2013
« on: February 09, 2015, 03:28:33 AM »
Oh, I know why you found this all of a sudden. Back when I still used to email you shit. You email tagging fgt.

And yeah I'm going to bed soon. You taught me the wonderful art of fucking my sleep schedule.

I didn't do anything to screw over your sleep schedule, you are the one who decided to make a video at 3 am in the morning.

The Flood / TOTD Sent me this back in May of 2013
« on: February 09, 2015, 02:36:17 AM »



Septagon / Re: It's hard to take Sep7agon seriously.
« on: February 09, 2015, 12:58:00 AM »
Would you mind pointing out instances of new people being ganged up on? From what I've seen they're typically well received.
The next time I see an account get ganged up on I'll for sure report it from now on. I just usually let it slide but a lot of thing about this forum are starting to bug me. Kinda like that moldy corner in a house that you don't pay attention to until your whole house smells like ass.

Septagon / It's hard to take Sep7agon seriously.
« on: February 08, 2015, 09:11:14 PM »
I feel that here there is a lack of serious posting and people just circle jerk about everything and if you aren't a part of the circle jerk you aren't welcome. The Flood was a place where I use to go to talk to other people about random things,  whether it be homework or games I always felt welcome.

The community here is quite the opposite and as such all I feel from everyone is a general concensus of hostility. Everyone rags on the each other and often pile up on new posters and accuse them of being alts or someone they dislike from

I made a post about this in The Flood but the Gaming forum just feels like The Flood about games.  Why even have a different section to talk about games when everyone else there wants to circle-jerk and shitpost?

This forum LOOKS nice from the outside but as you talk to its members you feel like you are just on a censored version of /b/ where everyone knows each other and just wants to shitsling. 

This is a problem and the overall hostility will drive members away. Banning people for being hurt isn't the way to solve the issue. Moderation needs to be transparent. Moderation needs to exist in the Gaming forum because currently it's just The Flood but about games.  I get more worthwhile posts from /r/Gaming. Every day I see more and more reasons to not come back here anymore and to just find somewhere else to go lurk.

Gaming / Re: BF: Hardline hits 5 million players
« on: February 08, 2015, 08:52:54 PM »
So a free game gets more players than one that costs $60, who would have thought.
Beta vs beta, dingus
Platform vs Platform. you can't compare the two numbers even if it's just betas because of PC being included in the numbers.

Gaming / Re: BF: Hardline hits 5 million players
« on: February 08, 2015, 08:47:25 PM »
So a free game gets more players than one that costs $60, who would have thought.

The Flood / Re: Post your wallpaper ITT
« on: February 08, 2015, 04:30:27 PM »
Which one of the 3000 do you want?

Master bait.

The Flood / Re: What kind of Coffee Mate do you use
« on: February 08, 2015, 03:03:39 AM »
Never had Coffee.

The Flood / Re: Tell me about Anita Sarkeesian.
« on: February 07, 2015, 10:08:06 PM »
She is a person on the internet. She isn't noteworthy in any way.

The Flood / Re: This is actually legal in the United States
« on: February 07, 2015, 09:53:54 PM »
And the the almighty lord in heaven that it is.

Man you like "The".

The Flood / Re: My friend wants to build a PC, is this an okay build?
« on: February 07, 2015, 09:51:27 PM »
What's his max budget? Because maybe bump up the CPU to an i5 if he has wiggle room. If not an i3 will still work decently enough.
$800 for everything (OS, Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, Tower)
ahh sod it then. an i3 will be fine for this range build.
he can always swap it out later anyway.
My last friend decided to get an i5. Because he was able to get a monitor for about $30. I need to ask him where he got his Mouse+KB from.

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