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Gaming / Re: Splatoon Gameplay
« on: November 06, 2014, 01:12:14 AM »

Can't fucking wait. This and SSB4 will be the bane of my wallet.

Gaming / Re: Welp! Looks like I'm done with EA as well.
« on: November 05, 2014, 01:24:35 PM »
Quite honestly, nothing of value was lost. The MOBA genre is so over saturated at this point that anything that isn't returning a profit within 6 months is likely just going to end up being a money pit for the rest of its lifespan.

I would have done the same.

They didn't even give the game a proper chance. It has had sparse advertisements in comparison to other MOBAs like Strife and Smite that I'm really irritated at how sudden the decision was to pull the plug.

I personally played this game a lot with myself and a couple friends before it went into open beta and found it to be the most enjoyable MOBA in terms of gameplay.

I'd say all games like this need to have a LAN/OFFLINE play mode that doesn't require connection to a online server to play because when servers are cut games are killed.

The game was great and fresh, the lore was great, and the art created was also great.

I can understand that it wasn't making bundles of money for EA but I know I spent $60 on it because I loved the game. I'll get that money back according to EA but I'm still salty that a game with such great developers and a great community is dying. I'm hoping that EA will allow some people from Waystone Games to stay and finish a couple things to allow the game to live on with the community. 

Gaming / Welp! Looks like I'm done with EA as well.
« on: November 05, 2014, 01:16:53 PM »
Not sure if people follow MOBAs much but Waystone Games had to shut down Development on their game Dawngate because it wasn't making enough money for EA. The game had just opened to the public 6 months ago and because it isn't raking in money EA shut it down. I'm just done with EA. They aren't getting any of my money. Titanfall was fun but it's all over now. I'm sick of everything being destroyed by EA.

IGN article about the situation

Gaming / Re: I've completed Sunset Overdrive, AMA
« on: November 05, 2014, 01:05:36 AM »

The Flood / Re: Cheat, bby, these ads are great
« on: November 05, 2014, 12:53:30 AM »
Well at least we know what you look up on google in your spare time.

The Flood / Re: Seriously, you people do this? LOL
« on: November 04, 2014, 02:58:43 PM »
holy shit, I never knew people did similar things

does that mean i'm not unique??
It's buzzfeed list. They just find a group of people and ask them generic shit and post that as "Look at mah OC"

Serious / Re: SJW full of shit- GamerGate Interview
« on: November 04, 2014, 03:29:54 AM »
Why does she look like someone who is trans but didn't get proper help when making the transition? (No offence to those who are trans I hope). She looks like a trainwreck, no wonder she's touting "Feminism is needed" because she can't/doesn't want to look as good as some people do.

Now OT:

Constantly saying "I'm the victim here" really made me cringe during that whole interview. She would dodge his questions and often state nonsense. I really don't like this woman at all. She doesn't bring anything to the table other than saying "I'm being attacked".

The Flood / Re: Why am I not heroic yet :(
« on: November 04, 2014, 03:14:45 AM »
Give me heroic cheat plz

08-11 was the GOAT era

Captain K Mart was the GOAT mod

fukin nakednoob man

Hylebos was on par with GOAT in terms of posting a shit ton.

Gaming / Re: Just completed Advanced Warfare, AMA me anything
« on: November 04, 2014, 02:42:02 AM »
Pretty sure everyone wants him dead.

The Flood / Re: ねこ いと いす たいむ と づある
« on: November 04, 2014, 12:53:33 AM »
I guess I need to teach myself Katakana I'm kind of slow at reading the words even with hiragana lol I know only little of Katakana sicne the teachers put little on that part even dough she did teach us some words if I recall and made us write our names like that as well

It's just hard to me to associate Romanji with Hirigana because of how it works. Just talking in this thread REALLY makes me want to actually start reading my Japanese textbook I ordered over 2 months ago.
Lol I see but I'm used to hiragana since that's the one I put more time in if you catch my drift

The Flood / Re: ねこ いと いす たいむ と づある
« on: November 04, 2014, 12:42:55 AM »
I guess I need to teach myself Katakana I'm kind of slow at reading the words even with hiragana lol I know only little of Katakana sicne the teachers put little on that part even dough she did teach us some words if I recall and made us write our names like that as well

It's just hard to me to associate Romanji with Hirigana because of how it works. Just talking in this thread REALLY makes me want to actually start reading my Japanese textbook I ordered over 2 months ago.

The Flood / Re: ねこ いと いす たいむ と づある
« on: November 04, 2014, 12:38:10 AM »
Ah I see hehe.

Well it's good practice either way, but yes at present the romaji war is fought in hiragana >.>
I might try to formalize the game a little too, since we frequently run into problems with the W and Th sounds <_< If we have an agreed upon substitute like Za for The (A proper substitute in this case) then it would be easier to play.

Except being easier to play defeats the point of the game.





The Flood / Re: ねこ いと いす たいむ と づある
« on: November 04, 2014, 12:29:38 AM »
I know little to no Katakana I don't know about  Psy
アイ フアインド イトウ イシヤ トウ リド。

I suppose it depends how well it was taught to you <.<
My teacher focussed on Hiragana and Kanji for the reading/writing but mostly on the Hiragana and then the other aspect was of course speaking/listening which obviously doesn't use kana at all <_<

If my school had offered it as a proper lesson instead of having to travel across to the next town after school for an hour to study it there then I probably would be better at it lol.

No one really taught me. I picked up a couple Kana sheets in the 1 month class I had and liked Katakana more so I studied it a bit more. I think it's a lot easier to memorize than Hirigana.

I'll post in Hirigana for the garbage posts. 

The Flood / Re: ねこ いと いす たいむ と づある
« on: November 04, 2014, 12:28:11 AM »
I know little to no Katakana I don't know about  Psy
アイ フアインド イトウ イシヤ トウ リド。
I see maybe about 2 words that I know
I'm bad at this game. Supposed to say "I find it easier to read".

Edit: even typo'd my post because of how tired I am


The Flood / Re: What other tv shows should I be watching?
« on: November 04, 2014, 12:21:18 AM »
μTorrent is yuck. Use Deluge.

The Flood / Re: ねこ いと いす たいむ と づある
« on: November 04, 2014, 12:17:48 AM »
I know little to no Katakana I don't know about  Psy
アイ フアインド イトウ イシヤ トウ リド。

The Flood / Re: ねこ いと いす たいむ と づある
« on: November 04, 2014, 12:15:47 AM »
ふく ゆ いふ ゆ ゆそ ぐ-がる とらんすれいと


The Flood / Re: ねこ いと いす たいむ と づある
« on: November 04, 2014, 12:12:37 AM »
I'm too lazy to read all that. I need to get better at reading kana and actually study my Japanese.
We're just using hiragana and typing romaji so basically Engrish with japanede letters

I wasn't sure. I thought that might be the case because of so much kana but I was a bit too lazy to check. I'll read it now knowing it's not Japanese. Why not use Katakana instead of Hirigana when making posts like these. Makes it a lot easier on the eyes and makes more sense.

The Flood / Re: ねこ いと いす たいむ と づある
« on: November 04, 2014, 12:09:22 AM »
I'm too lazy to read all that. I need to get better at reading kana and actually study my Japanese.

The Flood / Re: ねこ いと いす たいむ と づある
« on: November 04, 2014, 12:07:45 AM »

Gaming / Re: Surprise surprise, IGN gave another good review on COD.
« on: November 03, 2014, 09:50:41 PM »
it was a class based shooter with almost no arena elements. h4 is a far cry from h2 and anyone with half a brain could tell you that halo evolved more between h3 and reach than CoD has since MW1.
If you showed Halo CE-4 to someone who plays games they would just say the graphics changed and that's it. The game feels similar in terms of mechanics and people notice that. It is similar to the average player which is why people who like CoD didn't jump on the Halo 4 love train because it isn't the game they enjoy.

Gaming / Re: Surprise surprise, IGN gave another good review on COD.
« on: November 03, 2014, 09:48:01 PM »
I did at my sister's house, same shit but with new movements, also some of the guns are a copy and fucking past, there just trying hard to get on BO2s level, and the campaign was just meh, QTES are not that interesting, you gotta be a fanboy if you think that this game is great.
A 9.1 for the title is well deserved. Having solid gameplay that can stand on its own and being an enjoyable game merits a 8.5-9.5 score. Anything over than would be un-deserved because it doesn't really change the industry at all. AW is still a solid game and just because you hate CoD because the titles released are similar (not the same) doesn't mean the games you play don't have those exact same faults. People buy games because they want them to be similar. If I wanted a Halo game I would want a game that has Halo mechanics and not some BS that someone decided to add to the game. People buy CoD because it is fun, solid, and a great game to play casually with friends.

Gaming / Re: Surprise surprise, IGN gave another good review on COD.
« on: November 03, 2014, 09:42:50 PM »
Considering it's consistently one of the most sold games every year I doubt that most people aren't buying it every year.

My friends may be in the minority but I know the people I hang with are knowledgable and make decisions.

Gaming / Re: Surprise surprise, IGN gave another good review on COD.
« on: November 03, 2014, 09:41:38 PM »
They're still buying the same thing.
That's like saying people who play Dota 2, League of Legends, Dawngate, Smite, ect. are playing the same game. You need to play the games before you can talk shit about them. Halo 4/3/2/Reach are all the same game under the same logic.

Gaming / Re: Surprise surprise, IGN gave another good review on COD.
« on: November 03, 2014, 09:40:01 PM »
Halo does change, people who say its the same shit never played fucking Halo CE, Halo would be the same shit if it was Halo CE, good argument for not understanding, 10/10
Have you even played Advanced Warfare?

Gaming / Re: Surprise surprise, IGN gave another good review on COD.
« on: November 03, 2014, 09:39:12 PM »
Keeping your core gameplay the same is fine. Literally copy and pasting your assets and reselling people a game they pretty much already bought isn't.
Most people don't buy CoD every year. I know my friends will only get one every other year or every 3 years.

Gaming / Re: Surprise surprise, IGN gave another good review on COD.
« on: November 03, 2014, 09:34:26 PM »
But it isn't a bad game. You need to stop circle jerking at a game you personally don't like.

Did this game really change?

Halo is the same shit over and over again and look at people jerking off to the MCC here. Everyone is a hypocrite.
No, Halo 4 was radically different, and we hated it too.

Not really. It was Halo with Sprint and a couple killstreaks. Show people any Halo game and people would say they look similar/the same.

Gaming / Re: Surprise surprise, IGN gave another good review on COD.
« on: November 03, 2014, 09:32:51 PM »
But it isn't a bad game. You need to stop circle jerking at a game you personally don't like.

Did this game really change?

Halo is the same shit over and over again and look at people jerking off to the MCC here. Everyone is a hypocrite.

Gaming / Re: Surprise surprise, IGN gave another good review on COD.
« on: November 03, 2014, 09:31:32 PM »
But it isn't a bad game. You need to stop circle jerking at a game you personally don't like.

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