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Messages - Hahahaha very funny Zonda

Pages: 1 ... 717273 7475 ... 618
Gaming / Re: Petition to get Verbatim to finish Dark Souls
« on: May 09, 2017, 02:35:52 PM »
After you done beating Dark Souls play 1993 Doom prease

The Flood / Re: Chally
« on: May 09, 2017, 12:21:35 AM »
Nigga why didn't you let me know you had MCC?!

What do you want someone with the MCC for? Achievements, custom games, matchmaking or all of the above? I've got it too and am more or less in the same time zone.
Yeah man. Haven't played in ages and don't have XBL gold right now, but still got it. Add me, GT: Flee4me.
No more Quake?

The Flood / Re: Chally
« on: May 09, 2017, 12:21:12 AM »
 You might be able to erase the markings, but the memories will never disappear.

All I want for my birthday is a _________?

« on: May 08, 2017, 10:30:17 PM »
Yes, because I was waiting to hear your voice. It's not like I'm not an autistic adult respsible or something like that.

Oh wait if soi, so a machinist. My job to be a robot with a dick for me to rape my ass comes first, Sep7 comes last.

Soi so responsible that I spend 300 dollars in a blowjob

What the actual fuck?
Quieres vailar? Vamos a vailar

Sie sind Homosexuell.
No pendejo, no trates a garar mis huevos

« on: May 08, 2017, 10:21:51 PM »
Yes, because I was waiting to hear your voice. It's not like I'm not an autistic adult respsible or something like that.

Oh wait if soi, so a machinist. My job to be a robot with a dick for me to rape my ass comes first, Sep7 comes last.

Soi so responsible that I spend 300 dollars in a blowjob

What the actual fuck?
Quieres vailar? Vamos a vailar

« on: May 08, 2017, 10:18:14 PM »
Si, porque estaba esperando para oir tu voz. No es como que yo no sou un adulto autistico respónsible o algo como eso.

Oh espera si soi, soi una machinista. My trabajo para ser un robot con un pito para que me viole mi culo viene primero, Sep7 viene ultimo.

Soi tan responsable que me gasta 300 dollares en una mamada

The Flood / Re: Getting fucked by my landlord
« on: May 08, 2017, 10:06:41 PM »
With or without lube?

The Flood / Re: Empty™ Edition
« on: May 07, 2017, 10:55:39 PM »
Favourite movie?

Gaming / Re: NES Classic Edition
« on: May 07, 2017, 10:13:28 PM »

The Flood / Re: I think I may have accidentally met Deci today
« on: May 07, 2017, 09:30:02 PM »
Man I was 6 days off on my guess
You have disappointed me

The Flood / Re: ぶと ありと
« on: May 07, 2017, 09:28:00 PM »
I can read some of this, but it looks like you just wrote random shit into Google translate.
You can't read this ancient moonrune text that I have masterfully created

The Flood / Re: Buto ari to
« on: May 07, 2017, 09:05:07 PM »
Shi ~yotopu andoda n se!

The Flood / Buto ari to
« on: May 07, 2017, 08:46:48 PM »
Yō wan'na go to waruu ~ito-me? Buri n gu itsu onu.Do yōru oru su to. Ke e pu insuru-chin gu-me, be ka use i ho ne su tori don to gibe ashi to. I kan aru gueri ke chi su aru ni to ifu i wa be to.Re to suda n se.

The Flood / Re: ぶと ありと
« on: May 07, 2017, 08:37:50 PM »
しょとぷ あんど だんせ!

The Flood / ぶと ありと
« on: May 07, 2017, 08:34:58 PM »
よう わんな ご と わる うぃと め? ぶりんぐ いつ おぬ。 ど ようる をるすと。けえぷ いんするちんぐ め、べかうせ い ほねすとり どんと ぎべ あ しと。い かん あるぐえ りけ ちす ある にと いふ い はべ と。

れとす だんせ。

The Flood / Re: I hate women
« on: May 07, 2017, 04:23:05 PM »

The Flood / Re: Samurai Jack season 5
« on: May 07, 2017, 04:03:11 PM »


The Flood / Re: I hate women
« on: May 07, 2017, 01:54:23 PM »
You are a misogynist, you dirty male pig. Verb is correct in his proclamation that JackxAshi shouldn't be a thing and its fucking stupid that those fucking pig nosed fat fuck male creators even thought it was a good idea to begin with. Causing such a disgusting relationship to happen will cause Ashi's full potential to diminish and all she'll end up becoming the equivalent of a background character as Jack's "girlfriend" which if you actually had a brain in that husk you called a head you'd realize how sexist and demeaning that really is.

 Ashi deserves to become someone that is working with Jack to defeat Aku, and defeat the evil that has taken over the land for centuries and caused both to suffer immensely. Now kill yourself you misogynistic piece of shiet 

The Flood / Re: Empty™ Edition
« on: May 07, 2017, 01:41:05 AM »
When are you getting gud at pinball

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: May 06, 2017, 09:37:55 PM »
Got banned from Halo Archive again for saying "Fuck Halo 5".

WTF? Dont they hate the game about as much as we do? Is this Waypoint now?


no, it's dumb because they banned me for something so fucking minor

Again, is the website turning into waypoint or something?
Grizzlei being the worst offender.
They must be unbearable.
This post deserves more likes tbh

The Flood / Re: since dxm is a lifestyle for me now
« on: May 06, 2017, 07:55:47 PM »

The Flood / Re: If You Were To Take A Plane Ride...
« on: May 06, 2017, 07:40:03 PM »
I'd be piloting so zeroth class

Gaming / Re: So is DayZ completely fucked?
« on: May 06, 2017, 06:34:15 PM »

Not worth playing again or not completely fucked?
No, just no

So no to worth playing again?

That's a shame. It was such a promising project and idea.
I'm messing with you, I've never played Day Z before

Gaming / Re: So is DayZ completely fucked?
« on: May 06, 2017, 06:12:37 PM »

Gaming / Re: So is DayZ completely fucked?
« on: May 06, 2017, 06:02:15 PM »


Engrish to Japanese to Engrish

Enri Grish:

All known laws

There is no punishment.
You should be able to fly.

The wings are too small to take.
The fat small body is far from the ground.

Anyhow, bees fly.

Because bees are not a problem
It is impossible for humans to think.

Yellow, black. Yellow, black.
Yellow, black. Yellow, black.

Oh, black and yellow!
Let's shake it for a while.

Barry! Breakfast is ready!


Wait a minute.

Good morning?

- Barry?
- Adam?

Do you think this is happening?
- I can not. I am going to pick it up.

It looks sharp.

Please use the stairs. Dad
I paid them.

I'm sorry. I am a god.

I am graduating here.
We are very proud of you.

Perfect manuscript, all B.

I am very proud of that.

Mom! I have work here.

- You have fluff on your fur.
- Ah! That's me!

- Our wave! We will reach 118,000.
- Hello!

Barry, I said.
Do not fly at home!

- Hello, Adam.
- Hello, Barry.

- Is it a hairy gel?
- a little. Special day, graduation.

I knew it would be made.

3rd elementary school,
Three days in high school.

They were hard to deal with.

3 days college. I am satisfied.
I was hiking around the hive.

You came back in a different way.

Hello, Barry.
- Alte, you want a mustache? It looks good.

- Have you heard of Frankie?
- Yup.

- Are you going to a funeral?
- No, I have not done it.

Everyone knows,
You stabbed someone, you die.

Do not waste it in a squirrel.
Such a hot head.

I think he can have it.
I will not disturb you.

I like to integrate this.
amusement park.

So we do not need a vacation.

Girl, pretty cool ...
It depends on situation.

- Well, Adam, today is a man.
- we are!

- Non Man.
- Amen!


Students, teachers, famous bees,

Welcome to Dean Buzzwell.

Welcome, New Hive Rite
Advanced level

... 9: 15.

It ends our consciousness.

Please start your career.
From Honex Industries!

Will you choose our job today?

I was told that it was just the direction.

Heads up! here we go.

Please protect your hands and antenna.
In town.

- What will happen to you?
- a little scary.

Welcome to HONEX.
Section of Honesco

A part of a hexagon.

This is it!



We can not let you be a bee.
I am working for your life.

You are
I can work all my life.

Honey begins when our brave pollen begins.
Socks carry honey to the hive.

Our first-class secret equation

It is automatically color corrected,
Scent control and bubble contour

This calm sweet syrup

The golden radiance you know ...


The girl was sexy.
- She is my cousin!

- she is?
- Yes, we are all cousins.

- right. you are correct.
- Honex is constantly striving.

To improve in every aspect
Be exists.

These honey bees are undergoing stress tests.
New helmet technology.

What do you think?
- Missing.

Here is the latest advancement,

- what is that?
- Small strands of honey

It hangs up after you pour it.
Save millions.

Is there anyone who works for Crabtree?

of course. Most bee's work
little things. But the bees know.

All the little things,
If it works it means a lot.

But please choose carefully.

Because you keep working
You choose the rest of your life.

The same as the rest of your life?
I do not know that.

What is the difference?

You will be happy to know those bees.
As a servant, one day I did not rest.

Between 27 million years

So will you work to kill us?

We will certainly try.

Wow! It blew my heart!

"What is the difference?"
How can I say that?

Work forever?
It's a crazy choice.

Was relieved. Now we are
Make decisions in your life.

But, Adam, what can you do?
Did not you tell me that?

why do you ask
We are bees.

We are the most perfect.
A society that functions on the earth.

Perhaps you think things.
Are you working even here?

like what? I will give an example.

I do not know. But you know.
I am talking.

Empty the door.
Approach of Royal Nectar 's power.

Wait a minute. Try it.

- Hey, they are pollen!
- Wow.

I have never seen this before.

They know what it is.
Outside the hive.

Yes, but some people do not come back.

- Hey, Jock!
- Hey, joke!

You guys are good!

You are a monster!
You are a heavenly monster! i like it! i like it!

Where were they?
- I do not know.

That day was not planned.

Outside of the hive, I know who is flying.
I know where and who is doing.

You can not decide to become pollen.
In a joke. You need to grow up for it.


Example. There are more pollen.
You and I will look forever.

That's just a status sign.
Bees make too much.

Probably. If you do not wear it
See for women.

The Flood / Re: why don't you like me?
« on: May 06, 2017, 05:07:21 PM »
I love this

The Flood / Re: oceanside is amazing
« on: May 06, 2017, 05:03:58 PM »
damn straight

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