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Messages - Dapper Droid

Pages: 123 456
The Flood / Re: Just got back from seeing Rogue One
« on: December 16, 2016, 09:55:54 PM »
Characters aren't as good as TFA
You mean taking the ANH script, crossing out "Luke" and writing "Rey"?
I think you mean taking ANH's shitty script and actually making it work.
Try harder.
To what?
please elaborate, because


>Hating the sand line

Nice opinion. Did you think of that before or after you watched Plinkett?

The Flood / Re: Just got back from seeing Rogue One
« on: December 16, 2016, 11:52:15 AM »
Characters aren't as good as TFA

You mean taking the ANH script, crossing out "Luke" and writing "Rey"?

The Flood / Gareth Edwars has opened Pandora's box [ROUGE ONE SPOILERS!]
« on: December 16, 2016, 01:09:32 AM »
Spoilers obviously.

In Rouge One, we see Tarkin and Leia return as CGI characters. Tarkin's actor is dead and Leia's is old, so  they went the CGI route to bring these characters back. The thing is, it actually LOOKS GOOD.

This opens up a whole new doorway, having a mainstream movie do this successfully.

Example picture below from the movie:


Edit: I typed Rogue as rouge in the title like an idiot.

The Flood / Re: C3PO apparently has a silver leg
« on: December 15, 2016, 12:14:07 PM »
What's next, people are going to start claiming that Han Solo shot first?
Han did shoot first tho.
he literally canonically didn't though

We'll have to ask Disney on that. Lucas doesn't control the story anymore.
It would create too much of a mess for it to go back to Han firing first. It's been too many years and every re-release disc wise has him firing second.

It's not messy at all, and him shooting second takes away a key element of his character.

Han Solo is a scum bag.

They shoot at the same time now though.

The Flood / Re: C3PO apparently has a silver leg
« on: December 14, 2016, 09:35:32 PM »
What's next, people are going to start claiming that Han Solo shot first?
Han did shoot first tho.
he literally canonically didn't though

We'll have to ask Disney on that. Lucas doesn't control the story anymore.

They actually shoot at the same time in the newest print, and Lucas was one who made it.

The Flood / Re: Is it bad that I'm starting to like Negan?
« on: December 14, 2016, 09:31:06 PM »
>You will never have Negan bring you the head of a new tribal threat in order for you to notice him

I can't wait for the next four seasons famalam.

The Flood / Re: Self-plagiarism
« on: December 14, 2016, 09:27:32 PM »
It would depend on the content they're making.

The Flood / Re: Debating on going vegetarian for a month
« on: December 12, 2016, 10:06:43 AM »
>Not eating a 12 ounce ribeye steak at least once a week


The Flood / Re: Dapper Droid
« on: December 12, 2016, 10:05:30 AM »
"have sex with me or I kill your children"

The girl then has sex with him because of this threat

apparently not rape

>"Fuck me or I kill your child"

Oh wow, no rape.
Yeah, that's still rape.

Forced consent isn't real consent. Really not a fucking difficult concept.

It's blackmail, not rape. And your example is blown out of proportion from what happens in TWD. Negan just says "Fuck me or you'll have to go back to earning your food like everybody else." That's much different than killing a child, you can easily say no to the offer.

The Flood / Re: Dapper Droid
« on: December 12, 2016, 12:53:03 AM »
"have sex with me or I kill your children"

The girl then has sex with him because of this threat

apparently not rape

>"Fuck me or I kill your child"

Oh wow, no rape.

The Flood / Re: Dapper Droid
« on: December 11, 2016, 09:34:50 PM »
>Making a new thread instead of replying.

They can say 'no'. If they do, they stop being his wife and go back to good boy points.

>le blackmail is rape meme

If you can say no and your are not being physically forced, it's not rape.


>Screenshotting a post from some echo chamber you go to in order to validate yourself as a women, even though you will always have a Y chromosome

The Flood / What does this mean?
« on: December 11, 2016, 03:41:17 PM »


It was liberty. Democracy makes no sense, since the Senate was still existing up until the middle of A New Hope.

The Flood / Re: C3PO apparently has a silver leg
« on: December 11, 2016, 03:28:57 PM »
I am from the Bearenstein universe and 3PO had a silver leg.

The toys, legos, and prequels did not give him a silver leg though, so that may be why you're confused.

The Flood / Re: Dietrichsix
« on: December 10, 2016, 08:15:51 PM »
Glenn's death is on Daryl.
LMAO, literally no difference than "maybe you shouldn't have been rich in the bad part of town"

Glenn's death is 100% on the person who murdered him.

A mad man with a gun tells you not to do something or he will kill you, do you do it?
He's still a murderer and bears all consequence of that,  but you would be kinda stupid to test his word.

Yeah, he's responsible for his actions, but why would you fuck with crazy?Because fucking crazy is hot

If there's one piece of advice that has saved my ass it's "never stick your dick in crazy"
I like to live with my balls on the edge of a razor blade brah
And that's why they look like Pinhead's face
And you wouldn't have had it any other way
take me out of this quote chain
No. Beth was a better love interest for Darrel than Carol

I wish Carol would die tbh fam

The Flood / Re: Is Negan a truly bad guy?
« on: December 10, 2016, 06:11:22 PM »
No, in the show, Negan wanted to marry Dwight's sister-in-law.  They ran away and got the sister-in-law killed. Negan took Dwight's wife as compensation. She can LEAVE AT ANYTIME, and no harm will come to Dwight, as the debt was repaid. Instead, they fucked behind Negan's back and Negan melted Dwight's face with a hot iron.

There is nothing stopping Dwight's ex from leaving Negan, besides free hand-outs.
Rewatch the episode, moron. Negan was about to kill Dwight before she stepped forward and offered to be Negan's wife.


"But then Sherry says she will marry me if I let Dwight live"

Sounds like its consent. It was her idea. Negan isn't forcing her, and nor did he say "Fuck me or Dwight dies". How are you going to enjoy this show? You know Negan is a main character right? He's still friends with Rick in the newest issue that came out this month. He's gonna be on the show for at least four more seasons.

The Flood / Re: Is Negan a truly bad guy?
« on: December 10, 2016, 05:55:26 PM »
Side note though: Ezekiel is an amazing character. S7E2 was easily one of the best ones so far, KE's whole "life is life" speech was so good


The Flood / Re: Is Negan a truly bad guy?
« on: December 10, 2016, 05:54:19 PM »
also, of course he's a rapist, too

can't be well liked in america without that

lmao what

The women choose to be his wives and have sex with him. They can leave anytime they want and go back to the point system, but they want free "gib me dats".
I don't care what bullshit justifications the comic spins for Negan's misogyny

>Misogyny is now literally rape

in the show Dwight's wife was given the choice to marry Negan or have him die, pretty much. She's being forced into giving "consent", which is rape.

No, in the show, Negan wanted to marry Dwight's sister-in-law.  They ran away and got the sister-in-law killed. Negan took Dwight's wife as compensation. She can LEAVE AT ANYTIME, and no harm will come to Dwight, as the debt was repaid. Instead, they fucked behind Negan's back and Negan melted Dwight's face with a hot iron.

There is nothing stopping Dwight's ex from leaving Negan, besides free hand-outs.

The Flood / Re: Got an early gift from the wife
« on: December 10, 2016, 05:44:20 PM »
>The wife
>A toy meant to give to 12 year olds

How's it goin' Muhammad?

The Flood / Re: Post Your OC.
« on: December 10, 2016, 05:42:17 PM »
Barry looked out the cold soulless glass of the flower shop window. Raining again. Water falling out of the sky like tears from an orphaned civilization.

"The ten million sheep keep grazing," Barry murmured to himself. "The slime and filth of New York all runs downhill." Benson & Associates didn't take off like Barry dreamed it would. The only clients he got were scumbag addicts who couldn't find their antenna if it was hanging in front of them.

The flower shop door opened, and a mosquito flew in. "Fucking bloodsuckers," Barry grumbled, lighting a cigarette. The flame burned like the embers of a forgotten time. Barry could hardly remember the last time he was happy; working for Honex and spending time with Adam and Vanessa. Adam was now the CEO of Honesco and fired half the bees to save money, and Vanessa hadn't been the same since she started drinking.

"Mr Benson, hello?" The mosquito buzzed around Barry. "Oh god, I need your help. PLEASE!"

Barry took another drag from his cigarette and rolled his eyes. "What is it, asshole?" He couldn't stand insect filth who wasted his time.

Time. Like the gears of a machine, turning in place, never reaching a conclusion. Barry's time never ended. He had prayed for death before, but no one answered. He used to believe in God, but now God was like a moat flowing through a windmill.

The mosquito put its face in its hands. "Oh god...the kids...Elaine...they're all dead."

"Let me guess, you got drunk and flew into a rage." The rain kept coming.

"What? God no, Barry. It was a car accident. The SUV pulled out in front of me, I had no time to react!"

Barry scoffed. "Yeah right, punk. Let me guess, you were on the pipe again?"

"No Barry, I'm off that stuff! You've gotta believe m-"

Suddenly a giant bare foot came down in front of Barry, crushing the mosquito. Barry looked up and saw Vanessa smirk at him, sangria in her hand. Then she silently walked away.

"What a bitch," Barry thought.

The rest of the day dragged on. Barry smoked cigarette after cigarette. He would've tried to steal some of Vanessa's liquor, but he knew the consequences if he was caught. He looked out the window again. The city was slowing down, falling asleep. Robots following their programming. Spurred on only by the promise of a divine reward.

"Cowards," Barry thought. He took another puff and coughed. The smoke had completely filled his tiny bee body. He doubled over in pain and fell to the hardwood floor. The floor was as cold as a drinking a glass of water after you chew a piece of mint gum. Except way colder than that.

Barry felt enormous pain as he started to succumb to tobacco poisoning. He saw Vanessa stumble into the room and make eye contact with him. She was holding a bottle of vodka now.

"Vanessa...kill me." Barry pleaded.

Vanessa just laughed at his plight and left the shop.

"Wh...what a bitch..."

Barry couldn't take the pain anymore. He had to end it. He crawled over to the couch and took a deep breath before plunging his stinger into the fabric. The pounding rain coming from the sky started to subside into a light drizzle. As the stinger left his body, Barry sighed in relief. It would all bee over soon.

Anyone named Barry should just fucking kill themselves out of embarrassment.

The Flood / Re: Is Negan a truly bad guy?
« on: December 10, 2016, 05:39:44 PM »
also, of course he's a rapist, too

can't be well liked in america without that

lmao what

The women choose to be his wives and have sex with him. They can leave anytime they want and go back to the point system, but they want free "gib me dats".

The Flood / Re: Is Negan a truly bad guy?
« on: December 10, 2016, 11:27:54 AM »
>Rick kills over 50 people
>Daryl Blows up like 10 people

>Negan kills 1 guy as punishment
>Daryl punches Negan
>Negan kills Nip
>Offers Daryl refuge and wants to be friends with Rick
>Does everything he can to be Rick's friend in the comics

Negan is bad you guys.

« on: December 07, 2016, 02:32:20 PM »

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: December 07, 2016, 01:24:06 PM »

"Coming in 2017"

Is this basically the sequel to the Memories of Reach update?

>TFW when I barely play Halo 5
>MFW  I still have not unlocked most Req items.
>TFW I will never wear or get these helmets

REQs were a mistake.

The Flood / Re: would you rather be fat or poor
« on: December 06, 2016, 07:13:20 PM »
Fat. You can just lose the weight.

stop /pol/e smoking my thread

this is thread is a fine example of why nobody on 4chan likes /pol/
Because everyone overacts the second they realize /pol/ isn't some redneck caricature and can back up their claims when pressed unlike it's critics? yeah I'd be pissed if /pol/ kept proving me wrong too.

That has nothing to do with what we're talking about.

Nobody likes /pol/ because they'll turn a thread about how the OP doesn't like the reddit tier humor of guardians of the galaxy and find some way to turn it into a thread about how the diversity is code for white genocide.

>Implying the Jews didn't plan the creation of this very thread.

What kind of name is (((Mordo))) anyway?

The Flood / Re: Start masturbating
« on: December 06, 2016, 06:56:39 PM »
>Coming from the guy who can't hold an erection

You're that guy in the room who repeats a joke somebody else made that everybody else in the room already heard and knows it isn't your joke, but you just keep wandering around gleefully unaware of how much of an absolute joke you are.

Now get the fuck out of my sight.

>Being this triggered by comment on the internet

ayy lmao
>by comment

The only thing that's triggering me is the shitty old meme you just posted. "Ayy lmao"? Really? Are you fucking 12?
>Being this triggered by comment on the internet

ayy lmao

The Flood / Re: Start masturbating
« on: December 06, 2016, 05:51:08 PM »
>Coming from the guy who can't hold an erection

You're that guy in the room who repeats a joke somebody else made that everybody else in the room already heard and knows it isn't your joke, but you just keep wandering around gleefully unaware of how much of an absolute joke you are.

Now get the fuck out of my sight.

>Being this triggered by comment on the internet

ayy lmao

The Flood / Re: Arguing with older conservatives about legalizing pot
« on: December 06, 2016, 01:44:17 PM »
It's not the government's job to save me from myself.  Ban-happy soccer moms get the fuck out of my America

I really, really, really like this image.

Me too! Save it, it's all yours my friend :)

The Flood / Re: Arguing with older conservatives about legalizing pot
« on: December 06, 2016, 01:16:07 PM »
It's not the government's job to save me from myself.  Ban-happy soccer moms get the fuck out of my America

Pages: 123 456