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Messages - Dapper Droid

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The Flood / Re: What is something you still cannot do, despite being easy?
« on: December 18, 2016, 11:41:49 AM »
I can't whistle or snap, and my right side is dominant for everything, including eyesight, winking, etc.

90% sure I had a stroke when I was a baby and no one knew.

The Flood / How did 6 milllion Jews die?
« on: December 18, 2016, 01:31:19 AM »
If there's not a single official document detailing the order to systematically kill Jews.

The Flood / Re: Several Alt Right mouth pieces call for Rogue One boycott
« on: December 17, 2016, 06:41:43 PM »
What is "Alt-right" though?


No shit. Why don't you read the rest of my post.

The Flood / Re: Just got back from seeing Rogue One
« on: December 17, 2016, 04:25:33 PM »
I wish the execution if the prequels was better, because it has a far more interesting setting than the original trilogy.

Then watch The Clone Wars


The Flood / Re: Several Alt Right mouth pieces call for Rogue One boycott
« on: December 17, 2016, 02:13:11 PM »
What is "Alt-right" though?

It was just /pol/, but then mainstream media called it alt-right. Then people started to claim to be leaders of the alt-right, but the alt-right is /pol/, so there are no leaders. It's just shitposting.
"Alt-right" was in common circulation well before the media caught on to it.

Alt-right is simply an umbrella term for "alternative" conservatism, or any right-wing ideology that doesn't fall under the conventional or classical definitions of conservatism/republicanism. This includes libertarianism, anarcho-capitalism, and fascism. And autism.

Okay, but how are there leaders? Like I said, it's just /pol/.

The Flood / Re: Just got back from seeing Rogue One
« on: December 17, 2016, 02:11:18 PM »

As for Empire, it's one of the least entertaining films I've ever seen and I've already explained why. It's pure shit.

Empire is a great movie if you like fantasy. For a Star Wars movie however, it falls flat on its face. The movie can't stand on its own and most of the movie is just filler. The plot could be condensed down to a 45 minute movie. There's a reason everyone hated it when it first came out. The only people who like TESB are people who were 6 when they saw it.

The Flood / Re: Several Alt Right mouth pieces call for Rogue One boycott
« on: December 17, 2016, 02:01:21 PM »
What is "Alt-right" though?

It was just /pol/, but then mainstream media called it alt-right. Then people started to claim to be leaders of the alt-right, but the alt-right is /pol/, so there are no leaders. It's just shitposting.

The Flood / Re: Just got back from seeing Rogue One
« on: December 17, 2016, 01:54:23 PM »

It's almost like you're incapable of intellectual thought, or you're just trolling. You can make your argument any time you like, fam.

I mean, I find Verb as annoying as the next guy, but if your whole argument is "lol your disagreeing with the popular opinion so your trolling, stop trolling", then you need to take a break from the internet.

The Flood / Re: Children deserve to be beaten
« on: December 17, 2016, 01:51:10 PM »
Only in certain circumstances.

The Flood / Re: Just got back from seeing Rogue One
« on: December 17, 2016, 03:49:44 AM »
Something I liked was that the film explained the lack of ships at the Battle of Yavin; a lot of what they had was destroyed.

Did the Ghost make it out okay?
Probably. I don't think they would end the protagonists of the TV show in a cameo.

The droid Chopper was at the Yavin base apparently. Bottom left of a shot, he's rolling by.

The Flood / Re: Just got back from seeing Rogue One
« on: December 17, 2016, 03:48:38 AM »
If we're going by statistics, it means those are the two most well done films. Or at least hit the themes most fans enjoy.

5 and 3

I like 3 simply because how dark it is. Same with 5 I guess in getting a bit non cheery. Star Wars has a dark history, so going into that is always cool.

Anyway, I must sleep. Will reply tomorrow.

While I like dark wars, it attracts to many edgy katana types.  Where they think RotJ or a new Star Wars show is shit because it isn't edgy enough.

The Flood / Re: Just got back from seeing Rogue One
« on: December 17, 2016, 03:46:04 AM »
Something I liked was that the film explained the lack of ships at the Battle of Yavin; a lot of what they had was destroyed.

Did the Ghost make it out okay?

The Flood / Re: Just got back from seeing Rogue One
« on: December 17, 2016, 02:48:34 AM »
i've said it before and i'll say it again

if your order is 546321 or 546312, why even take all that time to type it out

just say "i have the most generic possible normie opinion," and we'll know exactly what you mean

meanwhile, dapper's is the most unique i've seen ever
verb, make sure your horse isn't too high, babe.
i just think it's funny how i can pre-empt people's opinions before they even give them out

i bet you're a 546312er
I actually liked 4 the best for a long time until I re-watched them before episode 7. Same with 3 1 2

However after going through them all, I do have it 546,  but 2 switched with 1. Why? Because for me, 1 was a whole lot of freaking nothing between the big set pieces. I have no problem with the acting, and heck I can even let the medichlorian thing slide if I'm feeling generous because idgaf about Star Wars lore to an insane degree. But geez, just the loooooooooooong periods of nothing make the movie so boring to me, and I can only stand so much Jar Jar before I get annoyed with the semi-racist accent. So it's 321 now.

3 2 1 until I blow a hole in my head if you make me watch ep 1 again

I never got the argument against Midichlorians. I understood it when I first saw the movie, and TCW reinforces it in the Yoda arc. Everyone has Midichlorians in star wars. Everyone is connected to the force, and everyone can use the force. It just comes "naturally" to Jedi, but even they take a lifetime to master it.

How does this ruin the Force?

The Flood / Re: Just got back from seeing Rogue One
« on: December 17, 2016, 02:43:54 AM »
I like ROTS the most because it's the first Star Wars film I saw in a theater. We were poor when I was young, so I only saw the others by renting them at the library. It was great and the perfect ending to the Trilogy in my opinion. The movie gets better every year too, because of Clone Wars or something new gets added to the lore of the movie. Despite it being the last movie made, until Lucas sold, it feels like its the movie the whole franchise revolves around. Everything leads up to it, and the OT and ST happen because of the shockwave this movie's events lay throughout the galaxy.

The Flood / Re: Just got back from seeing Rogue One
« on: December 17, 2016, 02:39:03 AM »
2) they refused to include the original versions, so the original version, with he original Anakin, is lost for the time being unless you get it through.. certain means.

All the 2004 special editions that Hayden's ghost first appeared in have the Theatrical Versions with them though. I own all three and the Theatrical works perfectly fine. I don't have any audio or video glitches that these versions are supposedly plagued with.

I know you are a prequel fan, and deride people who prefer the OT

I'm a Star Wars fan, and deride people who get assblasted when the PT is mentioned.

for being upset with the changes but we do have an argument. We should have the original versions as well as the SE.

Blame normies, not me. I'd be fine with original cuts released. The problem is, this creates 2 issues:

1) OTfags will go through Star Wars forums even harder, claiming that these prints are the canon versions. We have enough of that cancer already.

2) Normies won't know the difference, so if they accidentally pick up the Theatrical versions, they're gonna be confused why Anakin deaged in Ep. VIII or whatever movie he appears in, or why the Emperor looks like a monkey, or why Vader has eyebrows. Blame the normies.

Also if we see Anakin's ghost I think the best option would be to age Hayden a tad, and make him look closer to Shaw. Give him a shorter haircut. I think this would please most.

This doesn't makes sense with the established lore though. Ghosts don't age, and Anakin looks like he did in the Clone Wars, because even though his spirit was redeemed, his form that he died in was corrupted from years of darkside use.

Hayden will obviously have aged in real life though, ain't nothin to do about that. Though, they did just CGI two characters in the new movie.

They haven't released the original versions in a good quality (the original versions on the bonus disc are just a scan of the laserdisc version), and the original versions were last released in an official manner an entire decade ago.

And they never will.

Like I said, it's just confuse the kids and the normies. The only people who really care enough about that are now raising children. If it hasn't happened yet, it never will.

The Flood / Re: Just got back from seeing Rogue One
« on: December 17, 2016, 02:36:51 AM »
If including the TV shows, my list goes


The Flood / Re: Just got back from seeing Rogue One
« on: December 17, 2016, 02:30:18 AM »
2) they refused to include the original versions, so the original version, with he original Anakin, is lost for the time being unless you get it through.. certain means.

All the 2004 special editions that Hayden's ghost first appeared in have the Theatrical Versions with them though. I own all three and the Theatrical works perfectly fine. I don't have any audio or video glitches that these versions are supposedly plagued with.

I know you are a prequel fan, and deride people who prefer the OT

I'm a Star Wars fan, and deride people who get assblasted when the PT is mentioned.

for being upset with the changes but we do have an argument. We should have the original versions as well as the SE.

Blame normies, not me. I'd be fine with original cuts released. The problem is, this creates 2 issues:

1) OTfags will go through Star Wars forums even harder, claiming that these prints are the canon versions. We have enough of that cancer already.

2) Normies won't know the difference, so if they accidentally pick up the Theatrical versions, they're gonna be confused why Anakin deaged in Ep. VIII or whatever movie he appears in, or why the Emperor looks like a monkey, or why Vader has eyebrows. Blame the normies.

Also if we see Anakin's ghost I think the best option would be to age Hayden a tad, and make him look closer to Shaw. Give him a shorter haircut. I think this would please most.

This doesn't makes sense with the established lore though. Ghosts don't age, and Anakin looks like he did in the Clone Wars, because even though his spirit was redeemed, his form that he died in was corrupted from years of darkside use.

Hayden will obviously have aged in real life though, ain't nothin to do about that. Though, they did just CGI two characters in the new movie.

The Flood / Re: Just got back from seeing Rogue One
« on: December 17, 2016, 02:17:46 AM »
gonna check this movie out sometime today

reminder 7>3>1>6>4>2>5

expected placement: ...>3>R>1...

3>6>RO>5>4>1>2>7 for me.

DD, that is exactly what is wrong with Star Wars. It tries to be character based,  but ends up trapped by the plot devices. DS9 and BSG are true character stories. It's about the people.

Star Wars is literally just a family soap opera with lasers dude. If people get caught up in the big explosions and lightsabers too much, they may need to get tested for ADHD.

The Flood / Re: Just got back from seeing Rogue One
« on: December 17, 2016, 02:06:12 AM »
Fanservice is there just like TFA, but TFA's was implemented more seamlessly. It's jarring here.
Sorry, but not really if you ask me. TFA threw stuff in your face so obnoxiously it was like some old guy holding a picture up and going



Yeah yeah I get it. Mind you, I haven't seen the film for about seven months, I didn't really remember the fanservice stuff.

Again, I just really hated the Dr. Evazan and Ponda Baba cameo, it struck me as so out of place. The rest of the fanservice wasn't that bad.

Meh, we've had Greedo fight George Lucas.


Complaining about other characters showing up in situations is moot at this point. It's certainly less of a stretch to believe they were on that planet than it is to believe "OH NO, SHEEV WAN'T THE SUPER BAD GUY, THERE'S AN EVEN SUPERER BADER GUY CALLED SNOKE, AND THERE'S A FROG LADY (NOT YODA THO) THAT KNOWS ABOUT THE FORCE AND  THE SKYWALKERS ANDIS THOUSANDS OF YEARS OLD!!!11!"
No one ever said Palpatine wasn't the super bad guy or that Snoke was necessarily better. Snoke is just older and isn't a Sith. I think the guys in charge of the new canon are smart enough not to marginalize Palply.

Also nothing wrong with Maz being really old. She isn't as strong in the force as Yoda, she just knows it is a thing.

I am a massive OT fan but just because the OT came first doesn't mean that certain characters from it have to be the "-est" in regards to qualities (with a few exceptions). Yoda doesn't have to be the Oldest (although most powerful yes, and he still is), and Max being older in no way makes Yoda any lesser. Yoda was certainly wiser and more knowledgeable.

Palpatine not being as super old as Snoke isn't bad, remember that Snoke isn't the one who took over the fucking Galaxy.

Look I have issues with TFA too, but it did get some things right. Finn and Kylo Ren were great, and Rey needs work in the character arc department obviously, and while it irritates me that it wasn't present in TFA it could very much surface in 8 with Rian Johnson at the helm.

I don't have an issue with new threats. I have an issue with the new threats being presented as a greater threat than before (whether Snoke is better than sheev is to be determined, but that's how it's to be interpreted in TFA), but yet we somehow never knew about them during the 60 years of the Star Wars timeline.

You'd think Sheev, who spent his whole life planning to create the Empire, and who in TCW and ROTS made sure no one of any significance could stand up to him would be able to detect or want Snoke destroyed. I

I'm sure the writers and story group have a good explaination in the upcoming films, but as it stands now, its just silly.
I just try to keep in mind that 7 is the first in a trilogy, and that Abrams just happens to like Star Wars (the film, not the franchise) so damn much that he made it again. From what I understand Disney wasn't extremely hands on with the creative process, and it is Abrams that really made 7 Star Wars: Greatest Hits. Rian Johnson is great and I think that eight will end up being a much better film.

Rian Johnson does have greater appreciation for the saga as a whole, which is good. If rumors and leaked scripts are true, I can't wait to see the OT circlejerker's reactions when pic related comes on screen.

The Flood / Re: Just got back from seeing Rogue One
« on: December 17, 2016, 02:00:41 AM »
Fanservice is there just like TFA, but TFA's was implemented more seamlessly. It's jarring here.
Sorry, but not really if you ask me. TFA threw stuff in your face so obnoxiously it was like some old guy holding a picture up and going



Yeah yeah I get it. Mind you, I haven't seen the film for about seven months, I didn't really remember the fanservice stuff.

Again, I just really hated the Dr. Evazan and Ponda Baba cameo, it struck me as so out of place. The rest of the fanservice wasn't that bad.

Meh, we've had Greedo fight George Lucas.


Complaining about other characters showing up in situations is moot at this point. It's certainly less of a stretch to believe they were on that planet than it is to believe "OH NO, SHEEV WAN'T THE SUPER BAD GUY, THERE'S AN EVEN SUPERER BADER GUY CALLED SNOKE, AND THERE'S A FROG LADY (NOT YODA THO) THAT KNOWS ABOUT THE FORCE AND  THE SKYWALKERS ANDIS THOUSANDS OF YEARS OLD!!!11!"
No one ever said Palpatine wasn't the super bad guy or that Snoke was necessarily better. Snoke is just older and isn't a Sith. I think the guys in charge of the new canon are smart enough not to marginalize Palply.

Also nothing wrong with Maz being really old. She isn't as strong in the force as Yoda, she just knows it is a thing.

I am a massive OT fan but just because the OT came first doesn't mean that certain characters from it have to be the "-est" in regards to qualities (with a few exceptions). Yoda doesn't have to be the Oldest (although most powerful yes, and he still is), and Max being older in no way makes Yoda any lesser. Yoda was certainly wiser and more knowledgeable.

Palpatine not being as super old as Snoke isn't bad, remember that Snoke isn't the one who took over the fucking Galaxy.

Look I have issues with TFA too, but it did get some things right. Finn and Kylo Ren were great, and Rey needs work in the character arc department obviously, and while it irritates me that it wasn't present in TFA it could very much surface in 8 with Rian Johnson at the helm.

I don't have an issue with new threats. I have an issue with the new threats being presented as a greater threat than before (whether Snoke is better than sheev is to be determined, but that's how it's to be interpreted in TFA), but yet we somehow never knew about them during the 60 years of the Star Wars timeline.

You'd think Sheev, who spent his whole life planning to create the Empire, and who in TCW and ROTS made sure no one of any significance could stand up to him would be able to detect or want Snoke destroyed.

I'm sure the writers and story group have a good explaination in the upcoming films, but as it stands now, its just silly.

EdIt: It also undermines The Chosen One thing a bit (as of what we know right now, anyway). Yes, Snoke isn't a Sith, but he seems bent on taking over the galaxy and using the darkside as a source of power and corruption... which is pretty much what the Sith stood for.

And lightsabers, the millennium falcon, the force etc...

Lucas took an amazing story and fucked it up

Lmao what.

And lightsabers

The only lightsaber of any significance is Anakin's, as it's an extension of his character and is a family heirloom.

the millennium falcon

The only people who care about a space ship are people who liked Star Wars because of explosions. Sadly, these are also the people who like TFA.

the force

Anakin is the force. He's literally space Jesus. That's like reading the new testament and then complaining that there is too much about god and not enough Jesus.

Unlike Star Wars, it's about the people not what's happening around them.


Star Wars is about Anakin/Vader, and in the new trilogy, how his legacy effects his family.

The Flood / Re: Just got back from seeing Rogue One
« on: December 17, 2016, 01:42:04 AM »
Fanservice is there just like TFA, but TFA's was implemented more seamlessly. It's jarring here.
Sorry, but not really if you ask me. TFA threw stuff in your face so obnoxiously it was like some old guy holding a picture up and going



Yeah yeah I get it. Mind you, I haven't seen the film for about seven months, I didn't really remember the fanservice stuff.

Again, I just really hated the Dr. Evazan and Ponda Baba cameo, it struck me as so out of place. The rest of the fanservice wasn't that bad.

Meh, we've had Greedo fight George Lucas.


Complaining about other characters showing up in situations is moot at this point. It's certainly less of a stretch to believe they were on that planet than it is to believe "OH NO, SHEEV WAN'T THE SUPER BAD GUY, THERE'S AN EVEN SUPERER BADER GUY CALLED SNOKE, AND THERE'S A FROG LADY (NOT YODA THO) THAT KNOWS ABOUT THE FORCE AND  THE SKYWALKERS ANDIS THOUSANDS OF YEARS OLD!!!11!"

>Being this wrong

Nope. 1,000 x Nope

Gonna be honest, haven't seen BSG outside a few moments here and there. Is it streamable?

Watching it on hulu now

>Paying to watch commercials


>not liking Star Trek fluff

The Flood / Re: Just got back from seeing Rogue One
« on: December 17, 2016, 01:33:14 AM »
Fanservice is there just like TFA, but TFA's was implemented more seamlessly. It's jarring here.
Sorry, but not really if you ask me. TFA threw stuff in your face so obnoxiously it was like some old guy holding a picture up and going



>Being this wrong

Nope. 1,000 x Nope

Gonna be honest, haven't seen BSG outside a few moments here and there. Is it streamable?

The Flood / Re: Rogue One surprise character suggestion
« on: December 17, 2016, 01:11:51 AM »

>Being this wrong

Honestly the part about CG Tarkin that I found most distracting was the voice. They didn't use Stephen Stanton, who does the best Tarkin (he voiced him in TCW and Rebels).
I haven't watched Rogue One yet(watching it tomorrow) and I already knew that Tarkin was going to be in the movie somehow. Peter Cushing's look is Tarkin to me and that voice actor for him in the animated shows does a great job at portraying the character.

Having someone else be the role of Tarkin or anyone else in Star Wars would just throw the character off. That's why I have no interest in the Han Solo movie.

Yeah. Tarkins VA in the film isn't bad, but he isn't as good as Stanton.

I haven't seen the film yet, but are you sure it isn't the TCW/Rebels voice? You'd think they'd stick with it.

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