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Messages - More Than Mortal

Pages: 1 ... 133134135 136137 ... 502
even then, natural selection would take its course

going blind as a result of eye strain isn't a genetic trait

The Flood / Re: Live from the hospital
« on: July 22, 2015, 01:58:03 PM »
Did you crash your 1997 Ford Fiesta?

Serious / Alien mothership "the size of Idaho" caught in NASA picture
« on: July 22, 2015, 12:00:59 PM »
A massive alien spacecraft, around the size of the US state of Idaho, has been spotted near the sun by ufologists in recent NASA pictures. They say the object definitely has a structure.

The video released by Youtube user Streetcap1 shows the original NASA image of the sun captured by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) on July 15, 2015.

“This UFO is awesome! Every time I try to ask NASA about these UFOs on Twitter, they ignore me. They have never answered me and refuse to talk about these giant UFOs near our sun,” said a statement from the UFO Sightings Daily, a website devoted to possible UFO detections on or above our planet.

According to the website, whose slogan is “the truth is within our grasp” (echoing the X-Files' “The Truth is Out There”), the alleged alien craft is about the size of Idaho (216,000 square kilometers).

UFO Sightings Daily cited an eyewitness who said the object, which is definitely not a space rock or a piece of space junk, “has structure and for NASA to dismiss it as nothing is an insult to people's intelligence."

“If they post data then they must expect UFO hunters to find anomalies and share them.”

Our planet seems to be a popular tourism destination for aliens, according to UFO Sightings Daily website. It has recorded about 113 alien faces on the earth and about 231 building on the moon. The site says it has the scoop on why UFOs create crop circles and how alien spaceships are sometimes captured on live TV.

NASA’s SOHO project is a collaboration between the European Space Agency (ESA) and NASA. Launched in 1995, the project is designed to study the internal structure of the sun, its outer atmosphere and the origin of solar wind – the ionized gas that blows throughout the solar system. The project has become the number one comet finder, charting over 2,700 comets sightings since observations began.

I just don't care.

I remember getting into an argument with a teacher because I called her disgusting.

But, to be fair, she did say the Danish cartoonist who drew Mohammed back in '05 should've been prosecuted.

Armoured Skeptic.

I also like to watch InspiringPhilosophy from time to time, although he tends to get rekt by AntiCitizenX.

The Flood / Re: So apparently 50pc of men wipe while sitting down
« on: July 22, 2015, 06:45:31 AM »
if you only wipe with tissue you're a nasty fucking human being
Wipes > tissue.

Why the fuck are wipes only produced for babies? They're a godsend.

The Flood / Re: So apparently 50pc of men wipe while sitting down
« on: July 22, 2015, 06:14:36 AM »
I haven't stood to wipe since I was a little kid. Are you a little kid, Meta?
What the fuck?

How would you even pull that off?

The Flood / So apparently 50pc of men wipe while sitting down
« on: July 22, 2015, 06:11:13 AM »
What the fuck is up with that?

Serious / Re: I Stand with Rand
« on: July 22, 2015, 05:00:32 AM »
You should probably just end it all, then.
>Likes Bush/Rubio
At least Bush and Rubio aren't some Austrian, audit-the-Fed, a-one-page-tax-code-is-totally-reasonable lunatics.
>implying Austrian is bad
It's a joke.

Serious / Re: I Stand with Rand
« on: July 21, 2015, 10:43:34 PM »
You should probably just end it all, then.
>Likes Bush/Rubio
At least Bush and Rubio aren't some Austrian, audit-the-Fed, a-one-page-tax-code-is-totally-reasonable lunatics.

Serious / Re: I Stand with Rand
« on: July 21, 2015, 10:07:10 PM »
You should probably just end it all, then.

Anyone have extremely conclusive and compelling arguments I can regurgitate to the local feminists on-hand?
Just don't bother.

I've tried enough to know it doesn't fucking work.

The idea of publishing pay data is retarded anyway. I have no idea where it came from. Surely even feminists don't believe women are being paid less, while in the same position at the same company, relative to a man?
Unfortunately, a lot of my feminist friends actually believe this.
I'm genuinely surprised I haven't turned into a rage-motivated serial killer.

The idea of publishing pay data is retarded anyway. I have no idea where it came from. Surely even feminists don't believe women are being paid less, while in the same position at the same company, relative to a man?

The Flood / Re: Where will users be in the 20 years?
« on: July 19, 2015, 01:08:31 PM »

nigga its rained 40 inches in the last two months which is more than we get in an average year

the climate is so fucked

Anecdotes don't count as evidence
While true, highly unusual weather is a symptom of climate change.
Jesus Max, are you really that dense?

It's obviously a symptom of God's disapproval of homosexuality.

Serious / Re: Anders Breivik to study Oslo classes from his jail cell
« on: July 19, 2015, 01:28:54 AM »
But he's neither, according to Norwegian law.
Yes he is. The court literally appointed forensic psychologists to evaluate him, and he was diagnosed with both antisocial and narcissistic personality disorders.

Serious / Re: Anders Breivik to study Oslo classes from his jail cell
« on: July 18, 2015, 07:11:34 PM »
But he was declared sane by the relevant authorities.
Psychopaths and narcissists are sane, as far as the law is concerned.

Serious / Re: Upcoming books you're hype for?
« on: July 18, 2015, 04:29:11 PM »
I'm looking forward to that.

Serious / "The end of capitalism has begun"
« on: July 18, 2015, 12:10:48 PM »
Title taken from this fucking awful, rambling Guardian article.

I'm not entirely sure how to disagree with this article, because it's pretty much horse-shit. What can you say to "the postcapitalist era has begun" besides "No, it hasn't you batshit lunatic".

He claims that postcapitalism has been made possible by three factors in information technology:
  • Technology has reduced the need for work, and decoupled wages from productivity. I used to think that automation would indeed usher in an economy where humans wouldn't need to work, but I'm pretty convinced now--after reading labour economists like David Autor--that this is a long way off.
  • Information is corroding the markets ability to form prices.
  • Third, we’re seeing the spontaneous rise of collaborative production: goods, services and organisations are appearing that no longer respond to the dictates of the market and the managerial hierarchy. The biggest information product in the world – Wikipedia – is made by volunteers for free, abolishing the encyclopedia business and depriving the advertising industry of an estimated $3bn a year in revenue.

Words can't express just how much of that is fucking nonsense. This is why I stay away from mainstream media sources; this is why we shouldn't listen to non-economists on economics when they don't provide fucking sources.

To take each point in turn: no, wages have not significantly decoupled from productivity. This phenomenon is largely overstated. This claim usually leads back to one EPI paper, which relies on a highly selective reading of the labour market which excludes almost half the work force and doesn't account for total compensation. When it comes to automation abolishing the need for human work? We'd probably need to reach a point where automated labour has an absolute advantage over human labour, which would probably require general intelligence. The biggest problem for automation in the coming decades will be unequally distributed gains as some groups of workers are made more productive while others are not. Until this point, automated labour is a complement to human labour, not a substitute.

Secondly, the idea that information is somehow hampering the economy's ability to form prices is just shockingly incorrect. Incomplete information is probably one of the main reasons prices don't perfectly reach the equilibrium.

Thirdly, since when was Wikipedia anti-capitalist? Claiming Wikipedia is an example of a company which hasn't responded to the market is just ignorant; there is huge demand for information and Wikipedia has provided it so effectively that it can essentially survive on a voluntary user fee. For some reason, however, he goes on to claim this:
Today, the thing that is corroding capitalism, barely rationalised by mainstream economics, is information. Most laws concerning information define the right of corporations to hoard it and the right of states to access it, irrespective of the human rights of citizens.
Who knew? You apparently have to work for Goldman Sachs to get information.

And, of course, there's this little gem:
The modern day external shocks are clear: energy depletion, climate change, ageing populations and migration. They are altering the dynamics of capitalism and making it unworkable in the long term.
No, those aren't examples of why capitalism isn't sustainable over the long-run. It's pretty easy to demonstrate that an omniscient, benevolent social planner would choose to keep the market system which slight adjustments in pricing mechanisms rather than have another system, like a centrally planned economy, for instance.

Claiming these things makes capitalism unworkable just shows a distinct lack of understanding when it comes to the economy in question.

Serious / Re: Anders Breivik to study Oslo classes from his jail cell
« on: July 18, 2015, 11:20:50 AM »
Is there really any point to providing him with these resources? He's not going to reform or anything.
Breivik is a narcissistic psychopath; that sort of disorder is usually outgrown by the time an individual reaches their 50s or 60s. Norway has at least one serial killer I know of whom they released, and who is now living under a different name.

Serious / Re: Anders Breivik to study Oslo classes from his jail cell
« on: July 18, 2015, 06:20:45 AM »
a jail cell nicer than most apartments.
That's really not uncommon for Norwegian prisons.

Serious / God, Murray Rothbard was just the best economist
« on: July 18, 2015, 05:32:21 AM »

Words of wisdom.

Serious / Re: Anders Breivik to study Oslo classes from his jail cell
« on: July 18, 2015, 05:24:00 AM »
This is good.
^ If you're not going to execute people like Breivik, then the prison should essentially be a holding cell for him. May as well have him do something constructive.

Who knows, he might even do some social good if he ever gets out.

That's funny, because who the raving, fundamentalist zealots are changes depending on which side you're asking.
With one side being obviously incorrect.

While Jewish zealots certainly exist, anybody who claims they're as widespread/dangerous as Muslim zealots is deluded.

A lot of those other conflicts are based on the same foundation: civilisation vs. fundamentalist Islam. It's no use ignoring Israel and Hamas if you can't ignore Kurdistan, Iraq, Syria, Boko Haram, the various terrorist attacks in Western countries et cetera.

And I think, both morally and for your own intellectual sake, one can't ignore any of those conflicts totally. Or, at least, you must affirm your position on the right side of the divide. Those who do not stand with us stand against us by default, there is no neutrality in this war.
I don't know how I can be expected to just pick a side when

1. I don't know the entire history of the country (though you could argue that the onus is on me to educate myself, even though I truthfully just don't care at all)
2. The entire issue is so convoluted and difficult to follow, mostly because I don't know where to look, considering every single source I find is gonna have some bias towards one side--some details of every article are gonna be conveniently left out
3. Both sides seem to have a very strong case. If Israel is being attacked, they have the right to defend themselves. But if Palestine is being oppressed, they have the right to be upset about that.
4. There's still other pertinent shit to be worrying about and discussing--especially as someone who lives nowhere near the Middle East.

And even when you account for the fact that both sides have a very strong case--it doesn't matter to these people. You're a fucking idiot if you support Israel, you're a fucking idiot if you support Palestine, and you're a fucking idiot if you don't care and refuse to pick a side because no conflict should be happening in the first place. Anywhere, ever.

Though if you really want me to pick a side, I guess it would be Israel, arbitrarily, because out of all the articles I've read, I tend to sympathize with them more.

Logically speaking, if I cared to look into it more, I'd end up "siding" with the ones who are taking the least measures to harm innocent people, and whose cause is the least religiously motivated. So... Israel. I think.
You don't need to understand convoluted historical or sociological trends to understand that one side is comprised of raving, fundamentalist zealots and the other largely isn't.

That's the only dividing line you really need.

The Flood / Re: Are you ugly? I'll rate you
« on: July 17, 2015, 02:05:43 PM »
You look a lot better with short hair.

The Flood / Re: militant existential nihilism > anti-theism > atheism
« on: July 17, 2015, 01:10:01 PM »
Nihilism is easily the worst thing that anyone could cling unto.
To be fair, existential nihilism isn't incompatible with existentialism proper.

Moral nihilism is the only branch of nihilism that's significantly wrong.

The Flood / Re: Fuckin gooks
« on: July 17, 2015, 01:07:12 PM »

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