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Messages - More Than Mortal

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Serious / Re: 2 Women Become First to Graduate from Army Ranger Training
« on: August 18, 2015, 07:14:46 PM »
an actual looming military force that could invade us frontally
Gee, I must've completely forgot that this is the only relevant thing when considering the importance of national security.

I love how you act like you tore apart my entire mindset
Except I'm not; I'm pointing out that such thought experiments are a useful tool for trying to highlight perceived faults in somebody's argument. I didn't actually claim I had managed to do that; stop putting words in my mouth. Your position is so devoid of any reference points for me that, by now, I'm not going to pretend either of us will change our minds.

So, whatever. I know I didn't take down your mindset, and I know you won't take down mine.

Moral and ethical dilemmas like this do not exist outside of a philosophy classroom
That's because most people don't know what analytical propositions are vs. synthetic propositions. Class is literally claiming that consent is the bed-rock of morality in a very, very meaningful way--which is an analytic proposition. Throwing ridiculous thought-experiments at people is the best way of trying to bring down such propositions because it highlights their faults.

Serious / Re: 2 Women Become First to Graduate from Army Ranger Training
« on: August 18, 2015, 07:06:53 PM »
Cmon, man. Do you really think that national security is even an issue in America at this point?


Uh, duh. Consent is everything. I don't care if it saves 999,999,999,999,999 lives. If you murder someone without their consent, you're a monster. Irrefutably.
Everybody on Earth is going to die a slow, torturous painful death over the course of a decade. Literal, unending, ten-year-long pain. Apart from one guy, who will be fine.

You can stop that tortuous decade by killing that one innocent guy. You can save seven billion people from a decade of torture and eventual death by taking the life of one innocent.

Do you do it?

Serious / Re: 2 Women Become First to Graduate from Army Ranger Training
« on: August 18, 2015, 06:40:22 PM »
It's about equality, not effectiveness.
. . . I'd rather have a thoroughly unequal but effective military for defending the realm. National security is a higher priority than gender equality.

Hell, just have a women unit as its own separate thing. No need to have co-ed units.
There's still an issue with unit interaction; they obviously don't exist in a bubble. But, if it could actually be done, then I'd be fine with it.

Individual sovereignty is your birthright.


Fuck the obvious moral implications here, right? It's all about MUH CONSENT.

Serious / Re: 2 Women Become First to Graduate from Army Ranger Training
« on: August 18, 2015, 06:37:54 PM »
To not allow them to see combat is sexist beyond measure.
Unit cohesion, mang. The evidence I've seen coming out of the IDF would suggest mixed-gender combat units don't perform effectively.

Serious / Re: 2 Women Become First to Graduate from Army Ranger Training
« on: August 18, 2015, 06:21:00 PM »
Good for them. I don't think they should be allowed in combat roles, but I'll give them props for doing something I never could for the good of their country.

The Flood / Re: Just went to see Disney Pixar's Inside Out
« on: August 18, 2015, 06:18:22 PM »
Are you 4 months old?
Fuck you man, PSU is the only one who understands me.

What gives you the fucking right to decide who gets to live and who gets to die?
The fact that I have the basic faculties necessary to understand that eleven million is a bigger number than one. Like, substantially bigger. If you know you can stop the Holocaust by killing one innocent person and you refuse to do it, your moral responsibility is on par with those who executed the genocide in the first place.

You're disgusting. You're immoral. You're deluded. You're a fucking joke.

The Flood / Just went to see Disney Pixar's Inside Out
« on: August 18, 2015, 05:58:26 PM »
I honestly wasn't expecting much, but it was genuinely terrific. Easily one of their best films. If you have the chance, watch it.

Murdering someone is never justified, no matter how many lives you save by doing so.
So, if I had the capacity to murder a completely innocent person to stop the Holocaust. . . I shouldn't do it?
Haha, wow. You're either trying to troll us, or you really are that fucking deluded. The sad part is I can't tell which.

Murdering someone is never justified, no matter how many lives you save by doing so.
So, if I had the capacity to murder a completely innocent person to stop the Holocaust. . . I shouldn't do it?

The Flood / Re: e.e
« on: August 18, 2015, 12:33:42 PM »
Disgust, apparently.

Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black.
Oh that's right, I forgot. I was totally advocating the same kind of utterly retarded, dangerous and down right idiotic deontological ethics last week.


The Flood / I'm seriously thinking about becoming a raper
« on: August 18, 2015, 12:29:25 PM »
I've been thinking about this for about a month and I think I need to just go and get it. I'm going to get a new knife and a mace-resistant balaclava, and then do some groin excersizes, among other things to improve my cunt-destroying brutality. I'm in college right now so it's not like this is my main plan, but I feel like it's something to try out.
The thing is I don't have the dick size or thrust power to make bruises (at least not yet), so if anybody wants to help find a victim I could try to rape it. I know a few guys in my city who I could collab with too.

Even if it was a choice of killing one innocent to let 1,000 innocents live.
You're a fucking lunatic.

Bought a bunch of books recently.

- A Monetary History of the United States by Milton Friedman.
- This Time Is Different by Reinhart and Rogoff.
- The White Man's Burden by William Easterly.
- One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
- Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury.
- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey.
- Maths for Economics by Geoff Renshaw.

Also buying a new laptop soon, which'll set me back £900.

What's your stance on something like that?
Eating something you've killed for a trophy would be more moral than not eating it.

Not killing it in the first place, obviously, would be the best option though.

Letting someone die is morally superior to actually taking a life.
Not really. If the effect of killing another person is negligible to yourself (no guilt, no PTSD, no recurring nightmares or anything) then you have a moral duty to kill the one. As soon as you're put in that situation, you'll be responsible for a certain amount of deaths either way. There's very little moral difference between a sin of omission or commission.

The Flood / Re: i personally commend vegans and vegetarians
« on: August 18, 2015, 05:34:38 AM »
To those saying it doesn't require will power to not eat meat. Is it not our genetic programming to eat meat? And is it not hard to reject our genetic programming? Maybe that's ambiguous and differs from person to person. Hm maybe 'will power' is just the wrong term.
The whole concept of "will power" seems redundant anyway. Saying it's easy to be a vegan is like saying it's easy to be a psychopath. . . Like, yeah it is for some people, just like it's easy to quit smoking for some people. Nobody has free will, and everything about you is predetermined. "Moral transgressions" only exist in an impersonal, non-responsible way wherein the person has some kind of no-fault deficiency which stops them from behaving as they "should".

The Flood / Re: i personally commend vegans and vegetarians
« on: August 18, 2015, 05:27:27 AM »
And yes, "muh canines" is a perfectly valid reason. Those teeth are specifically made to chew meat.
You know how rare meat was to prehistoric man? It was a thing eaten fortnightly, not every day as most people currently do.

Besides, we're a lot closer to herbivores than we are to omnivores; chimps, for instance, can eat meat raw. The only reason we have a mildly omnivorous capacity is probably because it was helpful to our evolution. People who use the omnivore argument should practice what they preach, and cut their meat consumption right down.

The Flood / Re: i personally commend vegans and vegetarians
« on: August 18, 2015, 05:23:00 AM »
being in college and being relatively poor in a small ass hick town there aren't a lot of those options.
This is basically going to be my problem in six weeks' time.

The "rape or incest" compromise is bullshit anyway.

If a developing fetus is in fact a person, then the circumstances of their conception are irrelevant- they have a right to life.

If the fetus is not a person, it has no more or less right to life than any other, regardless of circumstances of conception.
muh absolute rights

Nope. If you have to kill an innocent to save five innocents, you kill that single innocent. The negative impact of forcing the mother the carry through with a rape- or incest-baby (although in the latter case I'd be more inclined to do it for the future child's sake, since nobody wants to be horribly deformed) would outweigh the killing of an unborn person.

FTR, I take conception as the beginning of personhood.

Serious / Re: The Donald unveils his plan for America's Night's Watch.
« on: August 17, 2015, 09:02:13 AM »
You're also a "United Kingdom", so it would make sense for the wall to be brought down for ceremonial purposes.
So it's pretty obvious this wall plan of Trump's is part of a larger scheme to annex Mexico.

Serious / Re: The Donald unveils his plan for America's Night's Watch.
« on: August 17, 2015, 08:57:34 AM »
Correct me if I'm wrong, but is there any other nation in the world that has a wall for a border? Not a fence, but a wall.
England has (used to have) Hadrian's Wall between itself and Scotland.

The Flood / Re: The best gaming PC ever
« on: August 17, 2015, 08:24:17 AM »
windows xp is better anyway

hell, i'd go back to windows 98 if i could

XP was great.
My new laptop will have pre-installed Windows 10.

I miss the XP days.

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