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Messages - More Than Mortal

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Serious / "Islamic extremism is created by the U.S."
« on: December 12, 2015, 09:28:28 PM »

If you think this, you are a masochist.

Serious / Re: The large minority: Islam and terrorism.
« on: December 12, 2015, 01:10:03 PM »
I'm not doing the whole quote argument today. Yes, the perception of moderates in the middle east is largely unfounded, but we can't ignore trends of improvement -- we need to acknowledge and celebrate them. I don't know your background or why you allow your hatred for Muslims to warp your opinions so drastically, but it's very disingenuous to represent this article as anything but a display of progress in the middle east.
I don't think Challenger, or I, for that matter are ignoring the positive trends. Long-term optimism is fine, and justified by the evidence. Our concern is this narrative of current optimism with the state of religion in the Middle East, which encourages complacency towards something as fundamental as incompatible values.

Serious / Re: The Circle of Equity
« on: December 12, 2015, 08:34:55 AM »
Too bad there's nobody to protect us from the rule of law
Isn't that what a revolt is called?

Yeah. Maybe in the 1800's.

Try that today and the rule of law's gonna turn some citizens into swiss cheese.
Which is pretty much the same as in the 1800s. We have helicopters and tanks now, sure, but citizens in the 1800s would've had what? A flintlock. Exactly the same as the soldiers of the time. But a group of citizens with flintlocks has almost no chance against well-trained line infantry.

The point is that revolts, on the whole, tend to compromise the safety of not just those revolting but also those who do not. Regime change is a very unstable process; the maintenance of order is, from a utilitarian standpoint, good for the security of the population.

Serious / Re: The large minority: Islam and terrorism.
« on: December 12, 2015, 08:29:10 AM »
OT: Sorry, Chally, didn't see your post above about discussing Israel.

But, yeah, basically this whole BILLIONS OF MODERATES nonsense is exactly that. . . Nonsense. The only way people can truly get away with it is by saying that Islamic militants are not "really" Islamic, despite the fact that they are more than happy to blame everything from the Inquisition to the Holocaust to the Branch Davidians on Christianity.

Serious / Re: The large minority: Islam and terrorism.
« on: December 12, 2015, 08:25:11 AM »
Israel is just as bad, if not worse than some things going on over there.
Fuck you, you lunatic.

Is Israel perfect? No, not by a long shot. But if you think Israel is "just as bad, if not worse" than Hamas firing rockets from besides residential areas and keeping weapons in schools and hospitals then you literally don't have a clue what the fuck you are talking about.

Serious / Re: ISIS may have passport printing machine.
« on: December 11, 2015, 01:46:25 PM »
And now I have an obstacle in my advocacy of open borders.

Serious / The Circle of Equity
« on: December 10, 2015, 10:26:17 PM »


Didn't FDR reverse the Great Depression and revive the economy by massively increasing government spending which led to a booming economy even before the war?

Fiscal adjustments probably had some impact on the recovery, mainly through the expectations channel a la Eggertson (2008). However, the Depression (and all post-war business cycles) have seen their recoveries as a result of more expansionary monetary policy a la Romer (1994).

There's also a lot of crap with NIRA artificially raising nominal wages and extending the Depression as a result.

To be fair, the cut in question was just returning spending to a normal, postwar level. I'll take a look at the rest of the paper after work.
Some economists at the time (who you could hesitatingly call Keynesian) argued that such a decline in spending would harm the economy nonetheless. I cite the paper for the magnitudes in question, not so much for its empirical strength; a much more interesting case is Canada in the 1990s who saw substantial growth following a 6pc fiscal adjustment. Impressive, and bigger than what the U.K. is currently undertaking.

Serious / Remember when the U.S. cut government spending by 35pc of GDP
« on: December 10, 2015, 07:32:59 AM »
And thrived in the postwar economic boom.

The (still new) Conservative government is going to face five more years of people focusing on what looks to be rather mild austerity. We need an aphorism for a situation like this. Something like: "Concerns about austerity are concerns about monetary navigation".

Serious / Fuck you if you don't love Margaret Thatcher
« on: December 10, 2015, 12:44:42 AM »

Serious / London Cop Tells LBC: "There Are No-Go Areas"
« on: December 09, 2015, 10:41:17 PM »

Presidential candidate Trump angered Londoners when he said: "We have places in London and other places that are so radicalised that the police are afraid for their own iives."

"Rob", currently serving in the Met Police, insisted police weren't scared, but admitted bosses had told officers to avoid wearing uniforms in certain places in the capital.

He told Nick Ferrari: "There has been a time when it's been advised not to wear half-blues or uniform to and from work.

"It's like damage limitation. You try to do the most you can to prevent anything bad from happening.

"All intelligence is around you and you do the best with that to essentially stay safe. And if that means taking measures to not identify yourself off-duty too much then so be it.

"It's covering your backs. It's a common sense approach."

Regarding no-go areas in London, Rob added: "With gang crime in London, there are areas which you wouldn't go into as a pair of cops in a car because of the fear of having things thrown at you when you're driving through certain estates - bottles etc.

"There are areas when you have to be a little switched on about what's happening in the world."

Afterwards, Nick Ferrari commented: "Hang on a second, maybe there is something in what Donald Trump said. Police are being advised not to travel to and from work in their uniforms.

"So suddenly all this "How dare he say this about London", well no the Met Police accept it as well.

"I appreciate this isn't radicalisation. But certain estates they only go mob-handed - I don't blame them for a second.

"So instead of all shrieking about Donald Trump, perhaps there is just something about what he says."

Please tell me this is a joke.

The Flood / Re: I don't understand the appeal of weed.
« on: December 08, 2015, 06:14:21 AM »
Weed culture can be pretty toxic, but I think it's somewhat exaggerated. All of the stoners I know (including me, if you think I count) are guys who don't qualify as your typical, lazy stoner.

Plus, getting waved is fun.

The Flood / Re: #diepsy
« on: December 08, 2015, 03:32:27 AM »
Look at all the faggots in this thread.

The Flood / Re: Think I didn't cook my chicken throroughly fml
« on: December 08, 2015, 01:50:41 AM »
How the fuck do you not cook chicken thoroughly?

The Flood / Re: Since getting to university, I've spent £170 a week
« on: December 08, 2015, 01:15:49 AM »
You don't NEED a grinder, you could just pick it.
you'll be there for hours if you want to grind it as fine as a grinder can.
Well duh, but that's only vital if you're rolling zoots. Even then, I've picked weed for zoots before.

I'd pick a grinder over no grinder any day, but it's not like you could never smoke weed some way without one.
your british terminology is fucking retarded man. what the fuck is a zoot
A spliff, a joint.

How do the bags work out in the U.S.?

We have benzes (~1g), eight-balls (~2g), thirty-bags (~3g), and Qs (~7g) for £10, £20, £30 and £60.

The Flood / Re: Since getting to university, I've spent £170 a week
« on: December 08, 2015, 01:11:35 AM »
wait meta how long have you been partaking of the herb
Three months, pretty much constantly.

The Flood / Re: Since getting to university, I've spent £170 a week
« on: December 08, 2015, 01:10:50 AM »
you fucking muppet
I've smoked weed every day for ~80 days, and my current grades put me on a trajectory to get a first degree.

I'm doing just dandy, except financially. I'll take it.

The Flood / Re: Since getting to university, I've spent £170 a week
« on: December 08, 2015, 01:05:57 AM »
You don't NEED a grinder, you could just pick it.
you'll be there for hours if you want to grind it as fine as a grinder can.
Well duh, but that's only vital if you're rolling zoots. Even then, I've picked weed for zoots before.

I'd pick a grinder over no grinder any day, but it's not like you could never smoke weed some way without one.

The Flood / Re: Since getting to university, I've spent £170 a week
« on: December 08, 2015, 01:01:43 AM »
You don't NEED a grinder, you could just pick it.

At first I thought, it'd be shot to hell if anybody found out you smoked pot. You'd be scandelous.
The current PM and Chancellor both did coke in uni.

The Flood / Re: #diepsy
« on: December 08, 2015, 12:52:38 AM »
i did nothing to provoke this shit
You and I have different ideas about how provocative being an insufferable moron is.

The Flood / Re: Since getting to university, I've spent £170 a week
« on: December 08, 2015, 12:51:16 AM »
i can't stand the fucking hot ash hitting the back of my throat.
You've been smoking from shitty pipes then; they're cheap as fuck, especially if you get one for tobacco as well.

No need to buy rizla, material to make roaches, etc. Hell, you don't even really need a grinder.

The Flood / Re: #diepsy
« on: December 08, 2015, 12:49:13 AM »
seriously all of you fuck off, it's late and all that's happened is that i've been attacked by random racist assholes.
It wouldn't be a problem if you weren't so black.

So really it's your own fault.

The Flood / Re: Since getting to university, I've spent £170 a week
« on: December 08, 2015, 12:47:07 AM »
then i broke my $180 dollar bong a few weeks ago :((((
Fucking hell.

Just buy a decent pipe. You get as much out of that as you do out of a benz in a bong, which is more than a benz in like 2-3 spliffs.

The Flood / Re: #diepsy
« on: December 08, 2015, 12:44:50 AM »
shut the fuck up, this is between him an me.
It's "Him and I" you degenerate fucklord.

Lol, look at this little bitch.

The Flood / Re: Since getting to university, I've spent £170 a week
« on: December 08, 2015, 12:44:22 AM »
Here's a good idea

Don't fucking smoke weed or tobacco
Look at this straight edge.

The Flood / Re: Since getting to university, I've spent £170 a week
« on: December 08, 2015, 12:44:03 AM »
real talk, i spend about 60 a week on cigarettes and weed

i have a problem
A problem which is 35pc the size of mine. Quit bitching.

The Flood / Re: #diepsy
« on: December 08, 2015, 12:43:11 AM »
shut the fuck up, this is between him an me.
It's "Him and I" you degenerate fucklord.

The Flood / Since getting to university, I've spent £170 a week
« on: December 08, 2015, 12:42:23 AM »
Just on cigarettes and weed.

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