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Messages - More Than Mortal

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1. This would've been funnier if you hadn't copied my Krugthing post.

2. Why is a Platonist carrying a copy of Thus Spake Zarathustra?

The Flood / British border police open fire on aggressive refugees at Dover
« on: December 28, 2015, 04:58:28 PM »

The Flood / Re: You people are the reason why I smoke
« on: December 28, 2015, 11:58:20 AM »
>People think I'm a beta
>I convinced an older teacher to sleep with me on the first date
Are you really so insecure in your masculinity as to think your beta-ness is defined by the amount of women you fuck?

Piss off. You're beta because you're insufferably pitiful.

The Flood / Re: If you saw Star Wars
« on: December 27, 2015, 08:05:56 PM »
Yeah, the idea of a romance between Finn and Rey is dumb.

You ever see a mixed-race guy in the entire galaxy? Thought not.

The Flood / Re: You people are the reason why I smoke
« on: December 27, 2015, 07:57:20 PM »
Far from beta, ok.
Your post history would suggest otherwise.

Smoking should not be defended in any form.
I'm not defending my habit; I do it to indulge baser pleasures, and likely because I'm addicted. I'm defending my personality and identity from unwarranted insults grounded on a poor foundation. I outmatch you in the territory you chose to define yourself as 'not low-class'. Unless you have some neurological issue, that's grounds for reconsidering your opinion.

Cigarettes should even be illegal for the good of society.
Tell me that when all the smokers you know start blowing smoke down your throat. Why do faggots like you insist on instilling your will through law on other people? It's my choice to inhale cigarette smoke, not yours. I'm not killing people, merely damaging my own health. Should obesity be outlawed, considering it is a much larger drain on society than smoking?

Or how about people with exceptionally poor social skills, given how they make everybody feel so fucking awkward all the time and being constantly depressing to others due to their amazing deficiency in interpersonal ability?

and then watch them be the ones to complain too when they get sick.
I caught an aggressive form of bacterial tonsillitis not too long ago, and I didn't smoke a cigarette for a couple of weeks in order to not barrage my throat when it was vulnerable. See, aren't generalisations stupid?

The Flood / Re: You people are the reason why I smoke
« on: December 27, 2015, 07:42:54 PM »
Only low class people smoke.
You must be a chain smoker, then.
How am I low class? I read a book every month and take care of my body (i.e., not inhaling carcinogens).
I read about a book a week, have lost two stone over the past term and now exercise as often as I can.

The problem with defining an individual by a single proclivity or habit, is that you look like an arrogant jar of spunk when you try to denigrate them on that basis. Get out of here, you beta fucklord.


The Flood / Re: Time for a tough decision
« on: December 27, 2015, 03:11:00 PM »
Everything I've ever said.

Fuck the establishment.

The Flood / Re: You people are the reason why I smoke
« on: December 27, 2015, 12:13:16 PM »
If we're the reason you smoke, you  need more real stress in your life...  must be nice.
I think most jokes just fly over people's heads here.
>tfw people online are angrier than your grandma that you smoke

Serious / Re: Why does Napoleon get such a bad rep?
« on: December 27, 2015, 12:07:56 PM »
That's odd, I've never received that impression of him from anyone.

Napoleon has always been the cool guy.
Really? Anytime his character is used in tv shows, movies it's always in a negative light. The majority of the population also tends to be under the misconception that he was a small and angry man, because of "Napoleon Complex".
He seems fairly well-respected in Continental Europe. Brits probably have some cultural hangover of dislike for him, given that he tried to invade us.

Serious / Yes, the U.S. should play world policeman
« on: December 27, 2015, 08:02:25 AM »
Interview with Harvard historian Niall Ferguson.

Niall Ferguson, the historian, Harvard professor, and author of more than a dozen books on the nexus of economics, finance, and geopolitics, argues that America’s abdication of its role as the world’s policeman is one cause of the global economic malaise. U.S. policies, or lack thereof, have allowed terrorism to breed and dictatorial states such as Russia and China to assume a larger role in world affairs.

The author of Civilization: The West and the Rest, Ferguson says China’s attempt to move to a true market economy probably will fail, potentially causing serious disruptions to other markets. He likens Saudi Arabia to Iran in 1979—a state ripe for destabilization. In the U.S., he sees tax reform coming, but worries that America’s love affair with regulation will continue to dampen its growth prospects. India gets a thumbs-up, but Europe’s prospects are bleak.

Ferguson recently announced that he’ll leave Harvard next year to become a senior fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. He spoke with Barron’s at our offices just after November’s terrorist attacks in Paris, and was every bit as thoughtful and provocative as when we last chatted, three years ago.

Barron’s: The U.S. economy has been growing by only 2% to 3% a year. Why isn’t it firing on all cylinders?

Ferguson: There are at least three theories. The seven-year hangover theory suggests that the U.S. will shake off the effects of the 2008 financial crisis next year. The secular-stagnation theory posits that, for a variety of reasons, the economy is in a depressed state. That is most obviously [expressed] in interest rates.

I’m attracted to a third argument, the geopolitical one, that says growth in modern American history has tended to be high at times of national strength and low at times of national weakness, because our weakness has ramifications for the world as a whole. One has to combine the three theories to understand why growth is lower than expectations. It isn’t low based on a pretty long-term average, but it is sluggish compared with the glory days of the Cold War.

What was so glorious about the Cold War?

There were two phases of growth, one associated with the Eisenhower and Reagan administrations, and one with the depressed period in between. Since 9/11, things have gone from bad to worse. We find ourselves in a deflationary version of the 1970s, marked by stagnation, not stagflation. [Russian President Vladimir] Putin is doing his best to give us reasons to man up. But we’re not really doing so.

The global economy needs a strong hegemonic power to reduce conflict, ensure freedom of the seas, and so forth. In the 19th century, it was Great Britain, and for much of the 20th, the U.S. But in 2013, President Obama said there was no global policeman. There are deleterious consequences if the leading power in the world abdicates its leadership role.

What are some of these ramifications?

Part of the reason the world isn’t as buoyant as it might be is that Europe is doing much worse than the U.S. It doesn’t help Europe to have a massive influx of real and “not so real” refugees. Some 220,000 people arrived in the European Union in October, a direct consequence of the disintegration of order in a whole bunch of countries, Syria principally, but not only.

The U.S. walking away from the Middle East has had a direct impact. We’re only beginning to see the ramifications, in Paris most recently. It isn’t going to stop there. There is growing anxiety in East Asia about the rise of China. Japan remains a large economy, but a depressed one in yet another recession. Economists tend to underestimate geopolitical factors because they aren’t in their models. Global order and stability need to be underwritten. It doesn’t just happen spontaneously.

Are you suggesting that the U.S. ought to be the world’s policeman?

Somebody’s got to do it. It better not be the Chinese or Russians. The market system requires an effective state that enforces the rule of law. That is true internationally, as well. As the world becomes less secure, it becomes a less safe place to do business.

A world in which the U.S. yields regional power to China or Russia is one in which the rule of law is driven back. We underestimate the extent to which the age of globalization depended on an American underwriting, and that is gradually unraveling.

Can the U.S. afford to keep the peace?

The U.S. has a fundamental problem: Gradually, its national security is being squeezed by Social Security, particularly its health-care system. It will be squeezed by the burden of interest payments on Federal debt as interest rates go up. In theory, as the biggest economy in the world, the U.S. should be able to afford to build up its military power. In practice, the congressional budget sequester was a blunt instrument applied to the defense budget, cutting it indiscriminately.

The U.S. should be investing to maintain its lead, particularly in areas where it is vulnerable, such as cybersecurity. No matter how many aircraft carriers we have, it might not be that big of a technological leap for us to be matched in the new theaters of war that are emerging.

But as you note, our finances are hobbled.

Entitlements are the obvious problem. Republicans discovered that if you want to cut entitlements, it is hard to win the presidency. I’m optimistic that the U.S. can make its health-care system far more efficient and less expensive as new technology comes into place. With the application of technology, we will start seeing not only stuff about our own health, but also which doctors and hospitals do which things best.

The employer-pays insurance system is loopy and ripe for revolution, in the way that Uber is revolutionizing transportation. We will see similar types of companies revolutionizing health care. At that point, you may be surprised to find that costs start coming down. I can’t imagine in 10 years’ time that when you visit your doctor, someone will hand you a clipboard with a badly photocopied form that you’ll have to fill out for nth time. That’s ludicrous.

You have written about the toxic combination of litigation and regulation in the U.S. What are the odds of reform?

I don’t see any light at the end of the tunnel. The Federal Register has never been so large. The Dodd-Frank and Affordable Care Acts alone produced a staggering volume of regulation. Now we have the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, with a document even larger than Dodd-Frank. It is really disheartening. That there hasn’t been more rapid U.S. growth is due at least in part to these head winds.

Many U.S. companies won’t bring home the cash they have overseas because it would be subject to a hefty tax. Is there any chance this might change soon?

The income-tax code has to be simplified, and corporate tax has to be reduced to some internationally competitive rate. Otherwise, corporations are going to continue to emigrate to wherever the tax burden is lower. Tax reform must be on the agenda of the next president in year one. Tax reform will happen. The political class gets it; the voters get it. It is much harder to tackle excessively complex regulation because there are too many people who benefit from it.

Let’s turn to Asia. You have said that regarding China as an emerging market is absurd. Why?

It is now the second-largest economy in the world, or the largest based on purchasing-power parity, with an influence on the global economy second only to the U.S. China is sui generis. Is China is going to go further in the direction of a market economy? Will it reduce the importance of state-owned enterprises and remove the state from the financial system? Is it going to open its capital account and allow the Chinese to invest abroad freely? Each answer has ramifications for the rest of us like no other economy.

Give us your answers.

We don’t know whether China will be more of a market economy 10 years from now. It is risky for a one-party state to continue increasing the economic freedom of its citizens. President Xi Jinping, who is more interested in power than anything else, understands this well. Consequently, plans for privatization of state-owned enterprises, liberalization of the financial system, and the opening of the capital account will remain plans, but won’t be implemented.

China has created the biggest middle class in history, but middle-class people want property rights. That implies law courts and officials who aren’t corrupt. The moment you demand these things, you are asking the one-party state to loosen its grip on power. The Chinese are terrified of anything like that.

What impact might Jinping’s foreign policy have on markets around the world?

To ensure the one-party state’s legitimacy, Jinping won’t shy away from a relatively saber-rattling foreign policy, because this plays well [domestically]. There is also an element that isn’t propaganda. China is building up its naval capability, modernizing its pretty antiquated army. It has a financial diplomacy that has proved effective. The Chinese have been using their considerable resources to win friends and influence people around the world, including in Central Asia and Africa. China says, “Let us build your infrastructure.” That increases its leverage over a whole bunch of countries that the U.S. has neglected.

What is the outlook for India?

The Indian economy looks to be growing faster than the Chinese economy. India is good for a couple of reasons, including demographics, which turn out to be a lot more important than most people thought. India didn’t have the one-child policy, unlike China, whose workforce is shrinking.

India has rule of law—slow, maybe, but it is there, and a representative government and free press. Unless you think the success of the West is pure luck, which I don’t, those are advantages. There are many thickets of vested interest, but I’m broadly bullish about India’s prospects. The problems India faces are fixable, like infrastructure and housing. China’s problems are much more difficult.

Will the Middle East roil markets in the years ahead?

I expect next year to be more violent than 2015. Many investors don’t realize that since the outbreak of the Arab Spring in 2011, fatalities due to armed conflicts are up by about a factor of four; terrorism is up by a factor of six.

The events in Paris are a reminder that the jihadist network doesn’t confine itself to the majority-Muslim world. It is now embedded in minority-Muslim communities all over Europe. There will be more such attacks, and at some point the terrorists will be successful in the U.S. again. [This interview was conducted before radicalized Islamists killed 14 people in San Bernardino, Calif.] The resources that go into producing radicalism aren’t about to disappear. Networks are difficult to decapitate.

The president has failed to understand this because his model is decapitation. You think, let’s take out the boss. Then you are amazed to find the network [still] grows. We won’t see this go away in the next 10 years. The threat of violent instability in the region will go up, and probably will affect Saudi Arabia. Support for the Islamic State is high among the Saudi population.

Why is that?

An Islamic state can credibly argue that the Saudi royal family is corrupt, Westernized, and hypocritical. The family itself is divided. Saudi Arabia is a weak link, the way Iran was in 1979. If you had to ask what headline would move markets tomorrow morning, a revolution in Riyadh, especially a messy one, would be a pretty good answer. You could see a big terrorist attack on Saudi facilities, and markets would move the price of oil up.

The dollar is strong, and commodity prices are weak. What does that mean for countries like Brazil and Russia?

There comes a point when an investor says, “Hey, that’s attractively priced.” Argentina has been one of the great trades of the year. You might ask, “Where is the political problem horrible, and where is it about to get solved?” It is pretty horrible in Brazil, and I don’t see a fix in the short run. Things will be solved in Argentina, more or less. South Africa? No, that looks bad politically. Turkey? [Prime Minister Recep Tayyip] Erdogan is a dodgy customer. Egypt? I don’t like the way that’s going.

The key is attractive prices and political stability. Money is going to start flowing back into emerging markets that don’t have a political problem, such as Indonesia and maybe Malaysia. In Russia, suppose the sanctions get relaxed, as seems likely next year. Russian bonds have been one of the great performers this year. Everybody was too negative about Russia. There are some interesting opportunities in the rest of the world. It is hard to see the dollar- strength story continuing indefinitely.

What is the biggest risk to global markets?

China. It was so crucial as an engine of growth through the financial crisis. If there is a policy error in China, it could cause huge instability. The government could ease restrictions on cross-border capital flows, which would result in a great wall of money coming out of China. Money would be deployed in Western assets, and it might be difficult for China to cope. Imagine the devaluation impact on the renminbi, and the effect on all other emerging markets, if China suddenly devalues by 20% or 30%.

On the other hand, if Jinping turns the clock back, this could lead to a big downside shock.

Will Europe get its act together?

Europe faces three extraordinary challenges. It wants to have a foreign policy to be able to influence the fate of Syria, but it can’t act independently of the U.S. because it has slashed its defense capability. Secondly, Europe can’t stop this huge wave of refugees. The border is enormous, vastly larger than the Mexican border with the U.S., and much of it is a sea border.

The biggest problem is the fifth column within Europe—people who aren’t loyal to their European states even though they are citizens, second- and third-generation. Potentially, there are thousands of jihadists or sympathizers.

Europe’s problems are unsolvable. Anybody who thinks this great wave of immigration solves Europe’s demographic deficit hasn’t been to the suburbs of Paris.

On that cheerful note, thank you.

The Flood / Re: I tried Molly
« on: December 26, 2015, 05:02:29 PM »
I'd like to try sometime. How was it?
Molly is just MD, right?

It's pretty fun.
Yeah but its a crystalline powder that you snort as opposed to a tablet.

It's a whole different kind of high because of how much more quickly it hits you.
Fair enough, I've never snorted it.

The Flood / Re: I tried Molly
« on: December 26, 2015, 03:07:16 PM »
I'd like to try sometime. How was it?
Molly is just MD, right?

It's pretty fun.

Serious / Re: Why does Napoleon get such a bad rep?
« on: December 26, 2015, 03:05:59 PM »
Napoleon was pretty based; he spread the rule of law, and other institutional improvements. That's said, it's probably been better for world history that Britain eventually won the 1754-1815 struggle for which empire would dominate the world.

Can you imagine if the French won?

The Flood / Re: Which country makes the best beer?
« on: December 26, 2015, 03:03:28 PM »
If we're counting cider, then the U.K. obviously. But, I presume you aren't. Strictly in terms of beer, we have Old Speckled Hen but other than that the U.K. is pretty shit.

However, the correct answer is the Netherlands. Which you were too stupid to include in the poll.

Serious / Re: Political compass test (superior version)
« on: December 25, 2015, 04:08:02 PM »

I refuse to believe those results.
I picked all the stuff a republican would pick.

Know your enemy as they say.
Funny that this should be the average Republican result, then:

Serious / Re: Political compass test (superior version)
« on: December 25, 2015, 03:07:46 PM »

The Flood / Re: What did you get for Christmas?
« on: December 25, 2015, 02:41:10 PM »
A bunch of books, and the unusual amount of money of £320.

Serious / Re: Most right-wing users on the site?
« on: December 24, 2015, 10:21:32 AM »
I'm actually pretty liberal when it comes to social issues. I support women's bodily autonomy including abortions, and I'm for the legalization of all drugs. Not sure why I'm ranked so highly. I just tend to be more fiscally conservative.
Yeah, I'd say Turkey and I are both more conservative than you.

Serious / Re: Most right-wing users on the site?
« on: December 24, 2015, 08:15:59 AM »
Please don't lump me in with those people. I would never vote democrat.
You're not a conservative, and you're definitely a liberal of Mad Max proportions. You're just not a fucking faggot about it.

Serious / Re: Most right-wing users on the site?
« on: December 24, 2015, 06:19:45 AM »
I'm surprised Verb and the other people who are making lists don't have PSU on it.
Memes don't have political allegiances.

Serious / Re: Political compass test (superior version)
« on: December 24, 2015, 06:14:46 AM »

I put the same. It's our patriotic duty as Europeans to look down on gun-toting fanatics.

Serious / The Cuckening: Part II
« on: December 24, 2015, 05:20:59 AM »
Brits now apparently support arming police officers on patrol.

In other news, British police run the risk of becoming thought police due to new counter-extremism measures.

Serious / Re: Political compass test (superior version)
« on: December 24, 2015, 05:14:40 AM »
so that the Prime Minister
You're British?

Serious / Re: What is the speed of gravity?
« on: December 24, 2015, 05:10:22 AM »
It it bad that my first thought upon reading the title was "9.8 meters per second"?

Yes it is.

It should have been 9.8ms^2
What's wrong with you? It's 9.81.
I think you mean 32.174.

Serious / Re: Political compass test (superior version)
« on: December 24, 2015, 03:55:09 AM »
More or less what I expected.

It's true what they say.

Belgians are cucks.
Wouldn't authoritarians be more of cucks?
Kitty got claws.

Serious / Re: Most right-wing users on the site?
« on: December 24, 2015, 03:47:33 AM »
I'll pose the same question for left wingers - mostly cause I wanna see your list for that one.
In order of least insufferable to Kupo:

Chally (when he's not talking about FUCK ISLAM)
Most of the Bongs
Second least insufferable? I'll take it.

Serious / Re: Political compass test (superior version)
« on: December 24, 2015, 03:41:04 AM »
More or less what I expected.

It's true what they say.

Belgians are cucks.

Fair enough, but the fact that she was the first ever is pretty telling.

Nice old rule. If it can happen once, it can and will happen again.

Keep in mind, there's probably been less women genocidal leaders because there's been less genocidal women leaders in power.

Switch the sides then. Let's assume for a minute that through all of history that we lived in a matriarchy instead of patriarchy. It'd be the same damn thing. Women can be just as twisted as guys can.

More so, in fact.
I don't know; women tend to have a lower prevalence of psychopathy and narcissism. Then again, we'd expect exactly the most psychopathic and narcissistic of women to rise to those kinds of positions in the first place.

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