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Messages - More Than Mortal

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Serious / Re: Millennial Tears
« on: June 27, 2016, 01:38:11 PM »
None of those kids in that video have real jobs. None know what its like outside of their parents house or college campus.
It's amazing how many people I know at university who have never had a job. Meanwhile I've had three. And most of them get the same amount of maintenance as me, so their parents aren't well-off; I have no idea how they manage to pay for shit.

Serious / Re: Millennial Tears
« on: June 27, 2016, 01:35:56 PM »

I found this video rather interesting on the entire thing. Both with Brexit and the rise of populism in general.

It seems that there is going to be considerable remorse and regret among those who voted for Brexit without really understanding what it meant.

Why is it that almost everybody who wants to comment on this has the pathological urge to pretend to know more than they reasonably can?

And says, "What are you in here for?"

The first Russian replies "I was five minutes late for work. They charged me with being a social parasite, and threw me in the Gulag." The second Russian says "I was five minutes early to work. They charged me with industrial espionage, and threw me in the Gulag."

"What are you in here for?" they both ask the third Russian.

He replies, "I was on time to work, and they charged me with having a capitalist watch."

Serious / Re: What is so horrible about populism, anyway?
« on: June 27, 2016, 01:19:07 PM »
Srsly I'm not just spewing garbage there's a genuine point.

so saying that just 1% of Leavers are having second thoughts might not be entirely accurate when other polls find higher numbers than that.
Yeah, fair play. I wasn't even aware Survation had done a poll.

I'll check out the BritainElects twitter feed and see if I can find any more data.

Serious / Millennial Tears
« on: June 27, 2016, 12:08:53 PM »

Guys, we just cured Meta's- or should I say Meth-head's - drug addiction.
It wasn't you guys.

After the Brexit victory, I realised what a degenerate I was being and how I was insulting the Great Nige with my behaviour.
sounds like you're just a big fat PUSSY
Still more pussy than you'll ever get.

The Flood / Re: From Brexit to Regrexit
« on: June 27, 2016, 11:37:40 AM »
I'm gonna take a stab in the dark and guess it was Middle Eastern immigrants that were shown and talked about?
UKIP capitalised on the refugee crisis somewhat.

But no. Why would Middle Eastern immigration be an issue in a vote on the European Union, except for the ignorant voters who don't pay attention to anything and sit their grumbling.
So, ignorant people didn't vote?

except for the ignorant voters who don't pay attention to anything and sit their grumbling.

Are you reading what I'm writing?

Gotta say that those numbers aren't generally accepted though. A Survation poll conducted yesterday found that 7% of Leave voters regretted voting the way they did. Not that there's some very large chunk of Leavers now regretting their vote, but to suggest that it's only 1% who are having second thoughts while there's much more happy Remainers might not be accurate.
I'm getting my data from an Ashcroft poll.
Source? I also don't see why it would be any better than those of other independent polling agencies, especially given Ashcroft's known pro-Leave tendencies.
I'm not saying it is; I was just making it clear where I was getting my information from. Let me see if I can find it in my history.

Guys, we just cured Meta's- or should I say Meth-head's - drug addiction.
It wasn't you guys.

After the Brexit victory, I realised what a degenerate I was being and how I was insulting the Great Nige with my behaviour.

Serious / Re: What is so horrible about populism, anyway?
« on: June 27, 2016, 11:02:50 AM »
and that you're just using "the retarded modern definition of feminist"
Can't speak for anybody else, but I'll happily agree that I'm a feminist by the most reasonable definition (i.e. equal rights).

Whether I actively identify as a feminist is another matter.

Serious / Re: Who will be UK's next PM?
« on: June 27, 2016, 10:59:38 AM »
Boris Johnson is the favourite, but I'm going to take a gamble and say Dominic Raab (if he throws his hat in).

Theresa May is another likely choice. Might even be Liam Fox.

The Flood / Re: From Brexit to Regrexit
« on: June 27, 2016, 10:22:23 AM »
I'm gonna take a stab in the dark and guess it was Middle Eastern immigrants that were shown and talked about?
UKIP capitalised on the refugee crisis somewhat.

But no. Why would Middle Eastern immigration be an issue in a vote on the European Union, except for the ignorant voters who don't pay attention to anything and sit their grumbling.

Gotta say that those numbers aren't generally accepted though. A Survation poll conducted yesterday found that 7% of Leave voters regretted voting the way they did. Not that there's some very large chunk of Leavers now regretting their vote, but to suggest that it's only 1% who are having second thoughts while there's much more happy Remainers might not be accurate.
I'm getting my data from an Ashcroft poll.

The Flood / Re: From Brexit to Regrexit
« on: June 27, 2016, 09:33:00 AM »
Question: leading up to the vote, what were the reasons why the Leavers said it was needed?
Sovereignty is the number one issue why people (across parties) voted Leave, with immigration being second (again, across parties). And this was broadly reflected in Vote Leave, especially by Michael Gove.

The rhetoric surrounding the campaign has been defined by both populism and fear-mongering; but extremism? No. Not even from Nigel Farage because, as I said, extremism is distinctly unpopular here.

So the other countries compromising the UK are happy?
What does this have to do with Brexiteers regretting their vote?

And from the poll data, the younger voters weren't that keen on it.
36pc of young people voted.

Most of them don't give a flying fuck.

Serious / There will be no second referendum, cabinet agrees
« on: June 27, 2016, 07:28:00 AM »
Well, there you go.

The Cabinet agreed this morning there would be no second referendum. David Cameron will spell that out in his Commons statement this afternoon.

They don’t want false hopes or complications beyond the ones already visited on the country.

Oliver Letwin is overseeing the “scoping” exercise on what is and isn’t possible in a negotiation. The idea of Michael Gove being lead negotiator dates back to when, a touch unrealistically, he and others on the Leave side thought they could persuade David Cameron to stay put for longer.

Boris Johnson just emerged from Downing Street to state again his support for a points based immigration system combined somehow with access to the single market.

One Tory MP said it was more of Boris Johnson’s cake policy, “pro having it and pro eating it” and he would have to “sort himself out.”

All of you are gonna be disappointed, let me not lie.

I've stopped using ecstasy. Completely.
Good for you. I'm glad to hear that instead of seeing a video of you high.
safe my g

Serious / Re: Unofficial Brexit Thread
« on: June 27, 2016, 04:23:18 AM »
You think it'll just be a case of going down the pub and waiting for it to all blow over then? Seems like a lot of the actual stuff has been nowhere near as bad as some doomsayers' exaggerations.
This whole episode is going to turn out to be a lesson of the dangers of exaggeration and crowd psychology.

Like Andrew Marr said the other day; it's probably going to turn out not as good as we'd like, but not as bad as we fear.

Serious / Re: Unofficial Brexit Thread
« on: June 27, 2016, 04:15:52 AM »
Also, I find it pretty funny how Eurocrats have been pushing for Britain to trigger Article 50 ASAP (honourable mention to based Tusk for being based, though) whereas Merkel and Valls are both saying there's no need for bitterness, and that the EU should stop being "intrusive".

France and Germany are supposedly in agreement about how to handle the fallout from Brexit, and will be talking to Renzi and Tusk soon.

So Merkel has to face elections next year while German industry is lobbying hard for a tariff-free trading arrangement, and the French have toned down their hawkishness. And still there is nothing but doom and gloom from the media.

All of you are gonna be disappointed, let me not lie.

I've stopped using ecstasy. Completely.

Serious / Re: Unofficial Brexit Thread
« on: June 27, 2016, 03:33:27 AM »
(36% of 18-24's, iirc)
The problem is that all the fucking metropolitan, liberal students who went out to vote and are now bitching are blaming it on old people. They don't seem to realise that the non-students who didn't vote, for whatever reason, will probably grow up to be nativist-UKIP types.

Then the tears will flow.

Serious / Re: Unofficial Brexit Thread
« on: June 27, 2016, 03:31:33 AM »
Also, imagine if the Leave side had petitioned for a second referendum; they would be ridiculed to no end.
That petition was created a month before the referendum by a Leave voter.

Serious / Re: Unofficial Brexit Thread
« on: June 27, 2016, 03:31:03 AM »
an increasing number of Leavers who regret their decision for being uninformed
As far as I know, this is simply the media playing spin doctor again. The number of Remain voters who are happy we've left is 4%, whereas the number of Leave voters who regret their choice is at 1%.

The Flood / Re: From Brexit to Regrexit
« on: June 27, 2016, 03:28:23 AM »
The Brexit movement came from extreme political rhetoric.
No it didn't.

Where the fuck are you getting this from? Extremist parties in Britain are surprisingly unsuccessful, and have been since WWII. No, UKIP is not an extremist party.

The Flood / Re: From Brexit to Regrexit
« on: June 27, 2016, 03:27:01 AM »
Vocal minority, even if that minority is only off by 4%.

Under the logic of 4% not being a big enough gap, should we elect our presidents only if they meet a 10% gap vote?

The US uses the electoral college. A gap between popular vote and electoral vote is fairly common.

Let's face it, popular vote is dangerous
besides the meme voters voting simply because they wanted to say they voted leave because they thought remain would win anyway
That sentence didn't make sense, but I'm pretty sure it's not true.

The Flood / Re: From Brexit to Regrexit
« on: June 27, 2016, 03:26:22 AM »
But is 2% enough of a margin for such a drastic decision? 2% of just over 17 million voters.
So you're going to turn around to the Leavers and say "You have a higher mountain to climb, despite the fact we all know they are clear issues and risks with remaining part of the EU".

The point of the referendum was to make a national judgement call, and that is what happened.

There's been a lot of shit in the news recently, and Charlie's post made me think about how it's bleeding through to other countries.

Don't believe it. Remain voters who are happy at the result is 4%, while Leave voters who wanted to stay sit at 1%.

That petition for a second referendum is also being investigated for fraud.

This has been a British politics public awareness announcement.

Serious / Re: What is so horrible about populism, anyway?
« on: June 27, 2016, 03:17:37 AM »
populism is inherently and objectively negative in that it seeks to disrupt the basis of authority and consolidation within cultural and economic constituents
This is one of the best examples of somebody stringing together a bunch of words in an attempt to sound smart.

And it's hilarious.

Serious / Re: What is so horrible about populism, anyway?
« on: June 27, 2016, 03:14:55 AM »
if you're not against GMOs, you're not a liberal
First of all, this isn't true.

Second of all, neoliberals are not the same thing as liberals.

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