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Topics - More Than Mortal

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The Flood / I keep stalling my fucking car
« on: August 26, 2014, 01:43:47 PM »
So I'm in the car with my instructor. Fuckin', clutch in, into first and fucking take off.

In my car, no; God fucking forbid. Fuckin', clutch in, into first, apply some gas, lift up and fucking BUM-BUM-BUM-BUM-dead

Car fucking has an epileptic fit and then dies. And I got my mother next to me going "All right that's enough gas, off the clutch- YOU'RE NOT USING ENOUGH GAS, FUCKING PUT YOUR FOOT DOWN!"

Fuck me. Fuck my car.

Serious / Turns out liberals just do care more.
« on: August 26, 2014, 01:38:11 PM »
Just picked up a book by Jonathan Haidt called The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion.

As I was flicking through, I came across a very interesting passage. On average, it appears liberal personally care more - and are more distressed - when exposed to scenes of violence or suffering in comparison to conservatives, and especially in comparison to libertarians.

No surprise there.

Oh yeah, don't watch if you're epileptic.


I told you Milifage was a jew.

Serious / The Good, the Bad and the Miliband
« on: August 26, 2014, 09:49:08 AM »

Huh, happened two months ago as well. Guess Davey didn't think it was that important.
Russell Brand, Richard Branson, Will Self and Sting are among high-profile names to have written a letter to the Prime Minister calling for drug possession to be decriminalised.

More than 90 celebrities, health experts, lawyers and politicians have signed the letter, which was drafted by drug charity Release. It states that current prohibitive laws have led to “unnecessary criminalisation” of more than 1.5million people in the last 15 years.

It also notes that evidence from Australia, the Czech Republic and Portugal proves that health problems related to drugs are “dramatically” reduced when users are provided with medical support rather than being prosecuted.

The call for change comes as the United Nations marks it annual International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking and the Support Don’t Punish organisation mark its second Global Day of Action, which highlights how drug users are still “stigmatised and abused”.

What. The. Fuck.
Britain will be denied a key role in the European Commission this week unless David Cameron replaces his male candidate with a woman, the body’s new president has indicated.

Jean-Claude Juncker on Monday expressed his frustration that “despite my repeated requests”, most governments, including Britain, have put forward men for the most important positions in Europe.

He warned that the European Commission would be “neither legitimate nor credible” without more women and said that female candidates would have “a very good chance” of getting one of the top jobs.
Fuck you, Juncker.

Serious / Read my fucking immigration paper you fucks
« on: August 25, 2014, 03:46:40 PM »
It's here, 2.5 pages long.

Looking for comments on the style, readability, whether I've sourced enough, et cetera. Don't feel like you need to read all of it if you don't want to, just enough for you to get a general feel of it.

The Flood / Honest opinion thread. This is Attention Whoring Edition.
« on: August 25, 2014, 09:01:36 AM »
Okay so here's the deal.

You give me your honest opinion of me. Be as honest as you like *sets down knife*. Even if it's not all that great, honesty is what counts.

Then I'll give you my honest opinion of yourself, despite your opinion of me. However I won't reply to people who I have absolutely nothing nice to say about, so If I don't reply to you then you know why.

Deal? Good, go.


Serious / Most right- and left-wing users here
« on: August 25, 2014, 08:36:13 AM »
Social issues and economics are separate.

Most socially right-wing: Probably PSU.

Most socially left-wing: Either Slash or I.

Most economically right-wing: Again, probably Slash or I.

Most economically left-wing: Either Kiyo or, maybe - MAYBE -, Dustin.

The Flood / Nearly had my first car accident today
« on: August 25, 2014, 07:22:06 AM »
So my mom takes me driving round these side-/country-roads and it's going pretty swell. We come up to this nasty turning and at the same time a car comes down smack bang in the middle of the road.

So I fucking slam my breaks and there's just a few inches between us.

ITT: crashes or near misses

The Flood / Recon bought a kitten
« on: August 24, 2014, 03:23:36 PM »

LOL, guys, this isn't actually him


Gotta admit, it made me kek.

It's nice being a woman for a change.

I'm having trouble seeing what circumstance would unite specifically us four into a team, though.

I violated the Code of Conduct and was met with Ninja justice.
Courtesy of Comms.

« on: August 24, 2014, 01:43:17 PM »


The Flood / LOL jaythenerdkid's racism captured in a Youtube video
« on: August 24, 2014, 11:12:01 AM »


"Dear White People".

A Ku Klux Klan Group Claims It Is Around Ferguson and Fundraising for Darren Wilson
The upheaval in Ferguson, Missouri, following the shooting of unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown has laid bare the racial tension gripping the area. With militarized police shooting tear gas at protesters, incidences of looting, more than 100 arrests, and at least one other death, you'd expect that the situation could get no worse — but it couldn't possibly be helped by the involvement of the Ku Klux Klan.

A Klan group based in South Carolina recently announced that its Missouri chapter would be holding a fundraiser this weekend for Darren Wilson, the police officer accused of shooting and killing Brown. The location is supposed to be somewhere in Sullivan, a town about an hour outside of Ferguson.

"All money will go to the cop who did his job against the negro criminal," the announcement said.

Charles Murray, the Imperial Wizard of the New Empire Knights, told VICE News that he and members of his group are in the Ferguson area in order to help protect white-owned business and white people from looting and violence.

"We are raising money for Officer Wilson," he said. "We are guarding homes and businesses of whites that feel threatened near Ferguson."

'Talk about PR suicide.'
"With blacks out of control, we have our Missouri Realm going to areas near Ferguson," a post that appeared on the group's blog on Monday said. "We can't have blacks robbing and murdering innocent whites. I am on my way down along with members from three different states and members from the Southern Mountain Knights."

In a report from The Wire earlier this week, Murray said his group had already raised over $1,200 for Wilson, who was placed on paid administrative leave directly following the shooting.

But law enforcement officials monitoring the situation told VICE News that they have not encountered any known KKK members in the area, nor have they recorded any official incidents or clashes between the white supremacist group and Ferguson residents. A VICE News crew operating in and around Ferguson has also not seen any indication that the Klan is active in the area.

'Want some Klandy?' The Ku Klux Klan launches a nationwide propaganda push. Read more here.

An officer for the St. Louis Police Department who asked that he not be named acknowledged that they are aware of the advertised rally in Sullivan, but noted that they hadn't yet found concrete proof of the proposed meeting.

It is highly unlikely that Wilson would knowingly accept funds raised by the alleged Klan organization, according to the law enforcement source.

The Mayor of Sullivan, Thomas Leasor, released a statement on Monday in which he said, "On behalf of the City of Sullivan elected officials and City staff I want to emphasize that we have not, or will not, endorse or condone any activity based on hatred, more specifically any activity based on hatred towards any ethnicity."

Frank Ancona, the Imperial Wizard of the Traditionalist American Knights, which he says is the only KKK charter based in Missouri, told VICE News that this type of fundraising violates the Klan's constitution. He also doubted the legitimacy of the New Empire Knights.

"You can't find a single media story about the New Empire Knights holding a rally or doing anything, really," he said. "They haven't conducted so much as a flier drive, where people have received their flier."

Referring to Charles Murray, Ancona said, "This is a guy who isn't using his real name, and who doesn't even have an actual website. He's using a Wordpress blog."

White supremacists screw with Easter, put hate messages in eggs. Read more here.

Murray posted a blog entry on Wednesday in which he accused Ancona of setting up a fake email address and using it to slander him.

"While I'm doing activism, Ancona is setting up fake emails and lying," the post said.

But the Imperial Wizard of the Original Knight Riders, a man who identified himself only as "Mr. B," told VICE News that his group has a Missouri branch, and asserted that there is "absolutely zero" concerted Klan presence in or around Ferguson.

"The KKK is not involved at all down there," he said. "The only way the real Invisible Empire would be involved is if a lot of white people got killed or were made to suffer. Anybody with a real Klan group has told all of its members to stay away. We don't need to be involved in that at all."

'This is a defining moment for Missouri': Jesse Jackson discusses Ferguson with VICE News. Read more here.

Ancona confirmed that he is aware of several Klansmen who have traveled to Ferguson and the surrounding areas to help friends and family stay safe, but that they have been instructed not to advertise their membership openly.

"There hasn't been some kind of mandate coming down from the top saying we need to get people out to Ferguson," he said. "I see no purpose to interject the Klan into this whatsoever. We'd create more discord and more animosity against whites and law enforcement up there if we were present."

Murray would not answer how he intended on delivering the raised funds to Wilson, or how long the New Empire Knights would be in the area. A commenter on the New Empire Knights blog wrote that he had been told to send money directly to Darren Wilson. "Mr. Murray told me that he didn't want people to think he was stealing funds," the commenter said.

A grand jury convened for the first time on Wednesday to consider possible charges against Wilson. Meanwhile, a GoFundMe page on his behalf has collected more than $87,000 in the past three days.

Fuck, looks like Charles Manson was right all along.

Serious / British intelligence has identified Foley's executioner
« on: August 24, 2014, 09:16:42 AM »

The British security services MI5 and MI6 have identified the British member of the Islamic State jihadist organization who is suspected of murdering American journalist James Foley, according to the London-based Sunday Times newspaper.

The newspaper attributed the information to "senior government sources."

The Sunday Times did not name the killer, saying that its sources "gave no details of the man they have identified," though it did give the name of a person it described as a "key suspect" – hip-hop artist Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary.

According to the newspaper, Bary, 23, left his family's home in an upmarket London suburb last year. It says he recently tweeted a picture of himself holding up a severed head.

The gruesome video of Foley's beheading, which was released last week, featured a man with a London accent. The newspaper said that Bary is known to fellow fighters as “Jihadi John.”

The Islamic State, also known as ISIS, has conquered considerable swathes of land in Iraq and Syria in recent months.

The Flood / Imagine if megalodon sharks still existed
« on: August 24, 2014, 09:13:07 AM »

Serious / Your political opinions which make people rage
« on: August 23, 2014, 05:53:48 PM »
What opinions do you hold that have irritated people in the past? I'll probably have a bit of an advantage here since I actually took politics and it's really easy to irritate morons.

All of these, at one point or another, has provoked ire from somebody else:

- Euroscepticism.
- I'm generally very pro-immigration.
- Pro-fracking.
- Very pro-nuclear energy.
- Not being a Keynesian (from my politics teacher, who said it worked for Hitler), and not being a socialist (from a classmate).
- Some inflation is good.
- The abolition of the minimum wage.
- The establishment of a negative income tax.
- The abolition of corporation tax.
- Flatter income tax rates.
- Greater private influence in pensions (like Chile's system).
- Private providers of healthcare (like anywhere that knows what the fuck it's doing).
- Abolishing the NHS.
- Selling the right to live here.
- Government caused the Recession.
- The Financial Crisis was largely caused by unfortunate, but well-meaning, regulations.
- Taking minimum wage earners out of income tax.
- Rehabilitation is way more important than punishment.

Those are all that come to mind, at the moment.

Special addition - Kinder's opinions:

- Being a fascist.

The Flood / Take a motherfucking screenshot RIGHT NOW
« on: August 23, 2014, 05:29:00 PM »

Let's see those incriminating tabs.

Serious / British opinion poll
« on: August 23, 2014, 03:56:46 PM »
Guess the order of the public's voting intentions!

Liberal Democrats - 8% (-1).

UKIP - 18% (+1)

Conservatives - 32% (+1)

Labour - 34% (nc)

Overall, I'm quite optimistic about that.
If nothing changes, we'll have another hung parliament and might see a Tory-Ukip coalition.

“My son didn't shoot himself. I never believed it. I won't believe it,” said Victor White, Sr., the father of 22-year-old Victor White, III, who back in March, died from a gunshot wound.

It happened while handcuffed in the backseat of an Iberia Parish Sheriff's Office patrol car, during a drug arrest. According to State Police, who are handling the investigation, once at the jail, White refused to exit the vehicle.  As the arresting deputy requested assistance, they say white produced a handgun he had been hiding in his pants, and shot himself in the back.

But the autopsy, performed by the Iberia Parish Coroner's Office, reports the opposite, listing the cause of death as a gunshot wound to the chest. The family is puzzled as to how he could have shot himself in the chest with his hands cuffed behind his back.

"My initial response was correct, that something was awry, and that something had gone wrong,” said White, Sr.

The manner of death was ruled a suicide. But, the family of White aren't convinced.

State Police cannot comment, saying it's an ongoing investigation. White, Sr. says authorities aren't even talking to the family, leaving them without closure.

"Here is a family that, we are still grieving,” said White, Sr. “I'm angry the autopsy report took so long. I'm angry and frustrated with the fact that it's still not over."

What the fuck is wrong with the police in the U.S.?


I'm actually surprised I didn't pick up on this sooner. But it seems like a policy proposal that could, in a very meaningful sense, reduce tensions between those of us who are of a more market-friendly strand and those of us who are more social democratic. Basically, New Zealand's Labour Party wants to put fiscal policy in the hands of the central bank.

For the uninitiated, fiscal policy is to do with the revenues and expenditures of government. Keynes - the namesake of Keynesians - advocated activist fiscal policy in times of recession such as deficit spending or cutting taxes.

Essentially, the Labour Party wants to give the central bank control over mandatory pension contributions, which could be lowered in times of slow growth or recession to boost aggregate demand. Scott Sumner, who like me is a neo-monetarist (usually adversaries of Keynesians), is quite taken with the idea, even though it'd probably be better to just stick with monetary stimulus.
However, I think it should go further than this. It should be expanded to all social security contributions, not just retirement savings. Put fiscal stimulus in the hands of the central bank, which is far better than it being in the hands of the legislature (can you imagine trying to pass another stimulus package?).

It's also translate-able. We all have social security in one form or another, with America's forms being eponymous and FICA, and the U.K.'s being N.I.

The best part? Lord Keynes himself is on board.
I am converted to your proposal…for varying rates of contributions in good and bad times. (June 16, 1942). Keynes, Collected Writings, vol. 27, p. 208.

…[Y]ou are able to show fluctuations in income of an order of magnitude which is significant in the context… So far as employees are concerned, reductions in contributions are more likely to lead to increased expenditure as compared with saving than a reduction in income tax would, and are free from the objection to a reduction in income tax that the wealthier classes would benefit disproportionately. At the same time, the reduction to employers, operating as a mitigation of the costs of production, will come in particularly helpfully in bad times.  (July 1, 1942). Keynes, Collected Writings, vol. 27, p. 218.

It's nice to see the Left some up with something so incredibly sensible.

For the econotards: New Zealand's Labour Party wants to give the central bank the power to vary mandatory contributions to pensions, so it can be lowered in times of recession to boost spending.

Anybody else got anything mildly interesting?

Serious / Wow, my respect for Recon just tanked (Ferguson shooting)
« on: August 23, 2014, 05:19:15 AM »
So, there was a status which Recon had commented on (we're friends on Facebook), and the status was: "I usually carry a pistol. What do you think would happen to me if someone punched me in the face and I shot them six times?"

Recon's reply:
Sadly Jim, for far too many people, your injuries would be irrelevant and overshadowed by your response. For many people the issue would be your gun and the fact that you had one (clearly "looking and eager to use it") the fact that you fired, the outcome of that shooting (such as a body on the deck) and why you (as the misinformed strongly believe) "chose to shoot 6 times" and/or "why didn't you just shoot once to wound?".

Even more telling and discouraging? Each of those other aspects would be a multiplier if the person who attacked you first was of a different skin color. I know you, and I know that race wouldn't be a factor if someone were to attack you. The fact that you were attacked and responded in order to stop the threat would be your only motivations.

I always thought Recon was a guy virtually without biases, who withheld opinion until all the facts were present. Sigh.

Serious / Leading Scottish intellectual supports Yes Campaign
« on: August 23, 2014, 04:28:02 AM »
Tom Devine: Why I now say yes to independence for Scotland
Tom Devine, Scotland’s most celebrated historian of recent years, sent shockwaves through the country when he revealed in a news report in The Observer newspaper last weekend that he intends to vote in favour of independence on September 18. Now, for the first time, the full text of Devine’s declaration, made on August 15, in the Grill on the Corner restaurant, Glasgow, is published by The Conversation. It was made in the presence of New Zealand academic Angela McCarthy and Observer correspondent Kevin McKenna.

My engagement in the Scottish independence referendum campaign before now has been restricted to impartial academic interviews. And although I’ve only come to a yes conclusion over the last fortnight this has been a long journey for me. My preferred option would previously have been devolution maximus, but that’s not available. Moreover, even if there is not to be a yes win, it’s imperative that the yes vote is as high as possible in order to put pressure on the unionist parties to commit themselves to granting increased devolved powers, and as soon as possible thereafter.

I’ve never been a member of a party and am still not, so my position does not indicate support for the SNP; it’s simply in favour of independence. The SNP just happens to be a significant force in the campaign. The yes campaign is now a widespread movement and that’s encouraging for me.

Graphic Content
Shooting happens around 1:20.

Fuck, I didn't notice that he had a knife.

That being said, British police officers in this country deal with knives on a daily basis, without the use of deadly force. I'm more understanding of the officers' position though, but it is still blatantly evident that there is a problem with methods of enforcement and the racism within the force.

lol, this was a bit of a fuck-up. This isn't actually the Brown shooting, it's the Powell one. Nonetheless, the police handled it poorly.

Fuck them. Take their badges, their guns, their clothes and their dignity. Toss them to the crowds.

From the guardian:
A police officer involved in the protests over Michael Brown’s death in Ferguson, Missouri, has been relieved of his duty after video surfaced of him describing black people as “little perverts” and Barack Obama as an illegal immigrant.

Dan Page – who was seen live on CNN earlier this week threatening to arrest the network’s anchor Don Lemon – was recorded in April giving a speech in which he railed against Muslims and gay people, saying: “I’m into diversity – I kill everybody.”

It also seems prudent to note that over the course of the unrest, 155 protesters have been arrested - including journalists -, 2 people have been injured and 1 individual has died.

Serious / More fearmongering from the pro-EU crowd
« on: August 22, 2014, 07:47:17 PM »
EU exit could force banks to desert Britain. Fuck me.
Wall Street banks could desert Britain if the country decides to leave the European Union, senior figures in the industry have reportedly said.

Some major institutions are believed to be already drawing up plans to move activities abroad amid concerns that the UK is drifting further away from the EU.

Most US and Asian banks currently run their main European operations from the UK, which gives them a passport to provide services across the EU. But if the UK left the European Union, it is believed to be unlikely foreign banks based in London would carry on receiving the same rights.

According to the Financial Times, US-based banks including Bank of America, Citigroup and Morgan Stanley are considering Ireland as a favourable alternative location for business currently conducted in London.
The same things were said about our refusal to join the Eurozone. What this means is that, essentially, EU operations might be established in Ireland should we leave the E.U., which is incredibly minor. The City, alongside Wall Street, is one of the financial capitals of the world with half a million people working there. The whole thing isn't going to just up and move to Ireland if we leave the E.U.

Damn, that's a biased title.

The Flood / Why we should bring back hanging
« on: August 22, 2014, 04:54:06 PM »
Fuck me.
A family were left horrified after council officials turned up at their father’s funeral to tell them they couldn’t bury him in a metal coffin because they are banned.

Stella Birdsall, 48, ordered a £3,000, vacuum-sealed, navy blue metal casket with steel handles for her father Colin, 72, but his funeral in Knottingley, West Yorkshire was halted last Thursday.

She said the service at St Botolph’s Church ‘went beautifully’ but then the official ‘ambushed’ the funeral cortege beside the open grave.

Miss Birdsall, a control room operator, said he told the family that the interment could not go ahead because it breached Wakefield Council’s policy barring the use of metal caskets – and that she had two options, either to postpone the burial or to change the casket.

‘Everybody was in a state of shock,’ she said. ‘I was dumbfounded.’

‘A council official was on the phone in front of the coffin and no one knew what was going on.

‘After about 10 minutes, we were told the council wouldn’t allow us to bury my dad because his casket was metal.

‘We were all in total shock. We were given two options, whether to postpone the burial or to swap dad’s coffin and continue.

‘We chose the latter because all the guests were already there, but we never had a choice in the coffin.’

You will be taken hence to the prison in which you were last confined and from there to a place of execution where you will be hanged by the neck until you are dead and thereafter your body buried within the precincts of the prison and may the Lord have mercy upon your soul.

One to screw it in, and another to compliment them on how it'll help them see the diamond smugglers in their ward.

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