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Messages - Azendac

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The Flood / Re: Degenerate Thanksgiving
« on: November 26, 2016, 05:21:19 PM »
And a wiccan.
The fuck is up with this happening to girls? I knew a girl that my friend hated for being a wiccan and I thought it was just some elaborate joke, then fast forward a few years and she has a business selling satanic artwork. Her FB profile pic used to be her doing the baphomet pose with horns and makeup. smdh.

The Flood / Re: So jojo is actually pretty spectacular
« on: November 26, 2016, 05:17:25 PM »
So now that I've almost finished Bento Oreo

I'm wondering:
DId the group ever have a chance of figuring out King Crimson's power, if Diavolo hadn't told them what it was? buca and trish both would've died in the crypt, then probably everyone else without knowing what even happened. Diavolo really pulled a kira with that one, "After decades of meticulously hiding my identity, I will now reveal my biggest secret in front of my greatest enemy, nothing could possibly go wrong!"

« on: November 26, 2016, 05:07:08 PM »

That first sentence. Fucking hell, the hypocrisy is sickening.
The fact that they run stories on "who is the biggest pendler of fake news" right next to this is hilarious.

Seriously though, fuck sites like this. ZeroHedge is trash. First article I read from them was about how Hillary was swindling taxes and "doing the same thing Trump did" in which they apparently didn't even bother to read their own source because the very document they linked disproved their claim.
I usually only use ZH for economic news, and even then take it with a lot of skepticism since they have a habbit of doom-saying. Almost all of their articles are written under the Tyler Durden pseudonym so their content can vary wildly and there's no way to tell in advance who's writing what. There were times where you'd see pro-hillary articles next to pro-trump articles next to pro-johnson articles next to anti-everyone articles. So yeah, trash for politics and social news, but decent enough for economic stuff now and then.

Really, I just posted them since I hate having dailymail's formatting.

tl;dr someone tweets out fake news, which CNN confirms as true, only to later deny it as a hoax. Is CNN fake news or not?
LOS ANGELES — No, despite what you read, CNN did not run porn for 30 minutes last night, as was reported by Fox News, the New York Post,Variety and other news organizations, several of which later corrected their stories.

User @solikearose tweeted that Anthony Bourdain's "Parts Unknown," travel show had been replaced, instead, by 30 minutes of porn, via the RCN Boston cable network. That tweet, bolstered by a statement from CNN that seemed to confirm the mishap, was the basis of stories from the U.K Independent and other outlets.

The tweet with fake info lit up Twitter (Photo: Medialite)
"Despite media reports to the contrary, RCN assures us that there was no interruption of CNN’s programming in the Boston area last night," said CNN in a statement.

RCN chimed in with a similar statement, "We have not had any reports of the programming issue you mentioned," it said in a tweet to @solikarose.

Many of the news outlets have updated their original report with corrections or near total rewrites.

The Next Web still has the original headline about the 30 minutes of porn with an addendum ("probably not.") The Independent switched the headline to "CNN denies airing 30 minutes of hardcore porn." The Blaze suggests the same, but adds "or did the media fall for a hoax?"

The original NY Post story is still up: "CNN viewers feasted their eyes on more parts than they bargained for Thanksgiving night when they tuned in for “Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown.” Boston viewers hungry for the popular culinary travelogue instead got a hefty serving of hardcore porn for 30 minutes because of a mistake by cable provider RCN, which provides CNN’s broadcasting down the East Coast."

CNN initially seemed to confirm the mistake, telling Variety that the "RCN cable operator in Boston aired inappropriate content for 30 minutes on CNN last night."

Little is known about @solikearose, but the account is now private. "Sorry guys, weirdos sending me hate mail & dick pics in the wake of #bourdainporn," she says on her Twitter page. "Good luck out there."

But as The Verge points out, "this is exactly how fake news spreads." A click-bait worthy tweet sounds like catnip to reporters, who take the info as fact, and run with it.

Fake news shared on social media, primarily Fakebook and Twitter, was rampant in the run-up in the recent presidential election, when headlines touting Hillary Clinton's sale of arms to ISIS and the Pope's supposed endorsement of Donald Trump made the rounds, even though they weren't true.

Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg says he is trying to get to the bottom of the fake news outbreak. "The bottom line is: we take misinformation seriously," he wrote in a Facebook post recently. "We take this responsibility seriously. We've made significant progress, but there is more work to be done."

« on: November 25, 2016, 04:51:43 PM »

Serious / Re: Trump shifting NASA from climate change to space exploration
« on: November 25, 2016, 04:48:23 PM »
Whoa, real cool how you liked all his posts but never commented yourself, Azumaril. You sure showed me!
your desperation to start/continue petty arguments is adorable
I'm really not sure how you can like his posts, when all he does is show that he's a pathological liar. Everyone can see that, he doesn't even try to deny it, it's sad and a waste of his time and mine that he keeps trying to start this again.

The Flood / Re: you will never have a Lucy in your life
« on: November 25, 2016, 04:46:00 PM »
Way to take one of Classes already weird, Sexual Frustration induced threads and make it even creepier
In my defense, i've given him the street name of exactly what he's looking for, it'll be much easier for him to, vent, now.

Serious / Re: Trump shifting NASA from climate change to space exploration
« on: November 25, 2016, 04:42:34 PM »
Bro, I can look at your entire post history with me, and point out exactly where you lied. Take for instanc the time you brought up Trump, then I responded, then you accused me of brining up Trump for no reason at all, then tried to pretend it never happened. You are a pathological liar.
Literally what. That never happened. You need to get a grip. Your view of reality is so warped it's insane.

Here's the instance
I'm bragging? I couldn't care less.

And wait, wasn't daddy trump going to ensure America stayed white forever? You literally just said he would.
Yes, those projections were from before Trump got elected and did not fator his policies into account, good comprehension of time you got there.
What? We're talking about race, not Trump.
YOU FUCKING BROUGHT TRUMP UP YOU LYING RAT. This is the quote I replied to:
"And wait, wasn't daddy trump going to ensure America stayed white forever? You literally just said he would."
I really should just stop here because you have no intention of ever being honest about anything in this discussion.

You are a pathological liar.

Serious / Re: Trump shifting NASA from climate change to space exploration
« on: November 25, 2016, 04:37:23 PM »
Whoa, real cool how you liked all his posts but never commented yourself, Azumaril. You sure showed me!

The Flood / Re: you will never have a Lucy in your life
« on: November 25, 2016, 04:36:07 PM »
literally what lmao

I have no sexual attraction to the character Lucy Van Pelt from Charlie Brown

I have a social/sexual attraction to the bossy, bullying personality type she displays. Hence why the title is "you will never have a Lucy in your life"

jesus christ man, this really isn't a hard concept to grasp
I know man, I'm just taking a dig at you because it's easy to see this thread as you admitting to being a lolicon.
maybe if you're a retard
No, I'm just admitting that when I hear the words "bully" and "cartoon girl", my mind jumps to "lolis".
is that a trope or something? I'm not familiar

it would kinda make sense though, a lot of young grade school-ish girls have the bullying, dominant personality type and that kinda gets weeded out later as the "wrong" personality to have as a girl

pretty fucked up
It's a trope that goes either way, and it's implicitly lewd, hence the dig. I fully expected someone like you to be into it though.
no, I prefer mature, bitchy lawyerish types of people

like Lydia from Breaking Bad or Azula. The latter is technically 14, but she looks and acts like a 25 year old dominantrix. Kind of the opposite of the "technically 100, but looks and acts like a 10 year old" trope.
Oh, so you're into the "Ara Ara" Christmas cake kind of thing? That's a pretty good fit for a masochist and more normal than the other option.

Serious / Re: Trump shifting NASA from climate change to space exploration
« on: November 25, 2016, 04:31:43 PM »
He did it! he did exactly what I predicted he'd do! he ignored every criticism I raised and tried to make pull out a "gotcha!" moment from every response I made. You're like fucking clockwork, except you're also a pathological liar. Flee, please lock this thread, I'm bored of repeating myself to him.

The Flood / Re: you will never have a Lucy in your life
« on: November 25, 2016, 04:29:05 PM »
literally what lmao

I have no sexual attraction to the character Lucy Van Pelt from Charlie Brown

I have a social/sexual attraction to the bossy, bullying personality type she displays. Hence why the title is "you will never have a Lucy in your life"

jesus christ man, this really isn't a hard concept to grasp
I know man, I'm just taking a dig at you because it's easy to see this thread as you admitting to being a lolicon.
maybe if you're a retard
No, I'm just admitting that when I hear the words "bully" and "cartoon girl", my mind jumps to "lolis".
is that a trope or something? I'm not familiar

it would kinda make sense though, a lot of young grade school-ish girls have the bullying, dominant personality type and that kinda gets weeded out later as the "wrong" personality to have as a girl

pretty fucked up
It's a trope that goes either way, and it's implicitly lewd, hence the dig. I fully expected someone like you to be into it though.

The Flood / NSFW CNN Accidentally Airs 30 Minutes Of Hard Core, Transsexual Porn
« on: November 25, 2016, 04:27:00 PM »
It was common knowledge that following the presidential election, one which a painfully biased, unprofessionally partial CNN called wrong every step of the way, the pro-Clinton network would be desperate to preserve its viewership and eyeballs using every means possible. What happened next was a surprise even to us.

On Thursday night, around the time families across the US were celebrating Thanksgiving dinner, CNN accidentally aired half an hour of hardcore pornography after "a grave error by RCN" a local cable TV provider based in New Jersey that provides CNN's broadcasting all down the east coast.

According to the Independent, as viewers were tuning in for a brand new episode of Anthony Bourdain’s Parts Unknown, "the show's title took on a brand new meaning when the scheduled programming was replaced with explicit material starring adult transsexual film star Riley Quinn."

Riley Quinn was kind enough to promptly thank CNN for the "free airtime"
Hey @CNN thanks for the free airtime.
The only thing that spared CNN from even greater embarrassment is that the "error" was confined, and according to the Independent's report, only viewers in the Boston are experienced the "mistake" on Thursday night as one viewer voiced her concerns on Twitter. “I can't wait until [RCN] wakes up [tomorrow] & realizes that hardcore porn was broadcast on [CNN] instead of [Parts Unknown] tonight,” user @Solikearose wrote. An hour later, the CNN channel was taken off-air.

“Did anyone else with RCN in Boston see the hardcore porn that was broadcast by CNN by mistake?” the user asked on Twitter before making her account private. “Vague update from RCN on the #BourdainPorn incident: everything “working perfectly,” can’t tell how many households affected.”

It's not immediately clear if the incident was a simple mistake—though it's hard to imagine how getting porn on air would be simple—or if it was the work of a rogue individual. It is also unclear how the unscheduled programming was allowed to stay on the air for 30 minutes.

It remains to be seen if in response to its collapsing ratings, CNN will refocus from waging war on "fake media", and make airing of hard core porn during primetime TV a part of scheduled programming. Come, pardon the pun, to think of it, "Deep Quote with Wolf Blitzer and Anderson Cooper" is a "news" show we could certainly sink our teeth into.

The Flood / Re: you will never have a Lucy in your life
« on: November 25, 2016, 04:18:38 PM »
literally what lmao

I have no sexual attraction to the character Lucy Van Pelt from Charlie Brown

I have a social/sexual attraction to the bossy, bullying personality type she displays. Hence why the title is "you will never have a Lucy in your life"

jesus christ man, this really isn't a hard concept to grasp
I know man, I'm just taking a dig at you because it's easy to see this thread as you admitting to being a lolicon.
maybe if you're a retard
No, I'm just admitting that when I hear the words "bully" and "cartoon girl", my mind jumps to "lolis".

The Flood / Re: As godawful as Attack of the Clones, and Halo 5 are...
« on: November 25, 2016, 04:16:25 PM »
Yeah, for a long time I considered Age of Extinction the worst film I'd ever seen.

Then I saw Human Centipede III.
I saw the last 40 or so minutes of AoE one time, and it was still the worst thing i've ever watched.

The Flood / Re: you will never have a Lucy in your life
« on: November 25, 2016, 04:14:45 PM »
literally what lmao

I have no sexual attraction to the character Lucy Van Pelt from Charlie Brown

I have a social/sexual attraction to the bossy, bullying personality type she displays. Hence why the title is "you will never have a Lucy in your life"

jesus christ man, this really isn't a hard concept to grasp
I know man, I'm just taking a dig at you because it's easy to see this thread as you admitting to being a lolicon.

The Flood / Re: Degenerate Thanksgiving
« on: November 25, 2016, 04:11:06 PM »
You know it's bad when even the huehues laugh at you.

The Flood / Re: you will never have a Lucy in your life
« on: November 25, 2016, 04:07:46 PM »
>you will never be a pedo for a cartoon
Damn this feels good.
ideally, my bully would be the same age as me

there's a reason I said "a Lucy" instead of just "Lucy"
I get that you want to be a kid again with a much smaller wee wee, spare me the details.
no I mean a 20 y/o person who's a Lucy

Lucy is a personality type more than a character
Ahh, the classic "she's actually a demon that's over 3000 years old, so it's okay that she looks like a prepubescent girl" I gotchu famalm.

Serious / Re: Trump shifting NASA from climate change to space exploration
« on: November 25, 2016, 04:06:36 PM »
Serious board is for serious discussion. Enough with these attacks, please.
sure, I already told him that I have no interest in dogging him everywhere, he needs to chill and stop trying to bring it back up.

Serious / Re: Trump shifting NASA from climate change to space exploration
« on: November 25, 2016, 04:05:44 PM »
inb4 chally ignores everything to avoid admitting his failures. The reason it took three posts last thread is because you dragged the discussion on so long that your lies could not be compressed into a single response, you make two lies for every one I rebuke. Intelligent thinking is not your strongest point.

Serious / Re: Trump shifting NASA from climate change to space exploration
« on: November 25, 2016, 04:03:55 PM »
You're attributing a shitty prime minister to an entire group of people and claiming they're out to get you.
This is what I mean, you always ignore the substance of my post to try and come up with a snarky cheapshot. The reason I brought up that specific example (you do know what a case study is right?) was to demonstrate that you are the one who doesn't know what he's talking about, and is projecting his incompetence onto me. I've got an entire phonebook of influential jews with documented cases of them acting as a tribe against white people, but I already know you'll find a way to ignore everything I show you, so that you can justify being smug to yourself. Sad!

Now that I know you're not even an American, your disgusting opinions make a hell of a lot more sense.
I'm genetically more American than you'll ever be short of a revolution is CRISPR technology.

Blown out of the water how? By you calling me a goatfucker?
Your autistic inability to know when somebody is joking, and when somebody is serious, rears it's head again Get help, your social life depends on it.

My people literally created pants and mathematics (to name just two things), sit the fuck down you peasant.
>muh Al kwahrizmi invented algebra, therefore maths isn't white
You historically illiterate piece of shit, Diophantus' algebraic work predates middle eastern mathematicians by centuries, and if you knew anything about Greek geometry then you'd know that they were able to encode modern arithmetic and algebraic concepts into their geometry, they literally wrote the book on it (which I own a physical copy of, it's part of Euclid's elements). I'll wager that you claim about pants is equally exaggerated.

What you've done here is proven everything i'd said about you, that every-time you try to one up me and prove yourself, you instead reveal how stupid and illiterate you really are, and that you're just bluffing everytime you try to talk big. I look forward to seeing how you try to avoid this anal devastation.

Not really, it's just you claiming I've said something when I never have. Don't blame me for your reading comprehension problems.
Bro, I can look at your entire post history with me, and point out exactly where you lied. Take for instanc the time you brought up Trump, then I responded, then you accused me of brining up Trump for no reason at all, then tried to pretend it never happened. You are a pathological liar.

Mature people call others goatfuckers and niggers and write walls of text crying about Jews and brown people?
Mature people can both take a joke, and recognize one when they hear it. Cool Asperger;s, are you going to project it onto me again?


Are you angry that I know what I'm talking about without having to link shit all the time?
I've discredited every statement you've made against me since your entire world view is built on sniffing the inside of your own rectal cavity.

Seeing how you're the only one here acting like an autistic mongoloid because I told you there was already a thread on this, one with a much better source, no.
"replying to people on a discussion board is autistic"
If you don't want to talk then why do you keep doing this? the original thread is over and everyone saw how incompetent you are, stop embarrassing yourself and get your shit together.

I know I'm better than you, though. I don't need to prove anything and nobody here apart from trolls like Midget legitimately thinks you're more intelligent and mature.

Look at your posts, than look at mine.

Now THIS is mature and intelligent behavior.

The Flood / Re: what the fuck cheat
« on: November 25, 2016, 03:48:37 PM »
Report button is pretty much there to lock your own thread, or to turn yourself in to the Sep7agon police.
are you missing the point of this thread

look at the purple line

it should be straight
it doesn't work like that

the buttons are in a set order: Like, Report, Edit, Reply, Quote

you can't edit other people's posts unless you're a mod, so for anyone but mods, the "edit" button is removed
you also can't like your own posts, so for all posts but your own, the like button stays

the order literally doesn't change at all; certain buttons just get removed depending on your perspective

IMO it'd be more inconsistent to keep the buttons in line than it would be to just keep the order and exclude the buttons that the user doesn't have permission to use.

For reference, here's what a mod's buttons look like:

360 noscope without the 360? tsk tsk cheat.

The Flood / Re: you will never have a Lucy in your life
« on: November 25, 2016, 03:46:34 PM »
>you will never be a pedo for a cartoon
Damn this feels good.
ideally, my bully would be the same age as me

there's a reason I said "a Lucy" instead of just "Lucy"
I get that you want to be a kid again with a much smaller wee wee, spare me the details.

The Flood / Re: you will never have a Lucy in your life
« on: November 25, 2016, 03:45:45 PM »
>you will never be a pedo for a cartoon
Damn this feels good.

Das wont be happy to hear this
Whoa, are you trying to call アニメ and 漫画 cartoons? that's some serious misgendering you got going on there.

Serious / Re: Computer glitch blamed for crashing Europe's mars lander
« on: November 25, 2016, 03:44:05 PM »
Well there's a pretty much infinite number of ways something can go wrong and one way it can go right. If something goes wrong it means we can account for it in future launches - this probe was to test landing a rover further down the line, with samples and stuff a secondary goal.

By going wrong now, we can fix it for the final launch, and that's ultimately what this one was all about.
There's certainly more way than one in which the mission could have succeeded, there's a lot of variation in where exactly the lander touches down for instance (or in this case, how much the computer thought the craft had rotated). I wouldn't be surprised if the exact cause of the bug was a long chain of smaller bugs that only cause problems when they occur in a certain order. The kind that you can fix by just turning it off then back on again since it's so unlikely for the sequence of events to happen twice.

Meaning it's probably not something you can solve short of a redesign, but it's also not something you need to worry about solving.

There seems to be enough there for hat the NSA is concerned
I would assume most people's porn history would leave the NSA concerned.

The Flood / Re: you will never have a Lucy in your life
« on: November 25, 2016, 03:36:02 PM »
>you will never be a pedo for a cartoon
Damn this feels good.

The Flood / Re: oh shit son
« on: November 25, 2016, 03:34:20 PM »
Actually it would be like being an insurgent or political dissident in hiding, you only own slaves to keep in line with social norms, while taking actions to abolish it in secrecy.

You're telling me the Founding Fathers kept slaves because they had the insecurity levels of a 14 year old?
>I can't into politics
If you ever found yourself in a society in which owning slaves was normal, then not owning slaves could mark you as an outsider, making any attempts at reforming the society from the inside much more difficult if not impossible. Hypothetically speaking of course, but so was verb.

The Flood / Re: oh shit son
« on: November 25, 2016, 03:22:39 PM »
So what is your argument right now
That it is possible to be anti-slavery while still being a slave owner.

Actually it would be like being an insurgent or political dissident in hiding, you only own slaves to keep in line with social norms, while taking actions to abolish it in secrecy.

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