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Messages - Nick McIntyre

Pages: 1 ... 313233 3435 ... 105
The Flood / Re: I was wrong.
« on: June 03, 2015, 06:14:36 AM »
Explode yourself IRL, Deci.

The Flood / Re: Don't fuck with Deci
« on: June 02, 2015, 06:41:12 PM »
Vien, get a gif of Deci slapping the report button.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls 3 apparently to be revealed at E3 2015
« on: June 02, 2015, 02:05:54 PM »
Welcome to the Yearly Release section, we just added Dark Souls to our collection today!

I hope that you're just acting dumb.

I am, just having a little fun.

Gaming / Re: What was the dumbest gaming accessory(ies) you got?
« on: June 02, 2015, 01:02:15 PM »
Magnifying glass x light for Gameboy color.
It worked doe.

I had one of those as well.  Was kind of a bitch because I didn't need a magnifying glass to play a fucking video game, I just needed a light.

Magnifying glass x light for Gameboy color.
It worked doe.
I never liked the glasses.
Good ol' worm light was enough for me.
I think I wanted a worm light, but that's what I was given instead  ::) just made me remember that Nintendo Power had a Worm Light comic series.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls 3 apparently to be revealed at E3 2015
« on: June 02, 2015, 12:57:30 PM »
Welcome to the Yearly Release section, we just added Dark Souls to our collection today!

Gaming / Re: Well Fallout 4 is now official
« on: June 02, 2015, 10:28:36 AM »

The Flood / Re: Walmart changed our raises.
« on: June 02, 2015, 02:49:52 AM »
serves you right for staying there so long

outside of big retail, fast food, forestry and the military,  there's not a lot of options for jobs that MIGHT get you over 28 hours a week.

>Completely leaves out fire fighters, cops, and EMTs

Become an EMT. I work 44 hours a week minimum with more often than not some overtime hours. Plus the overtime pay is alright

I've actually looked at a local hospital for work.  However they have a very low turnover rate and the only jobs ever really open are janitorial jobs.

The Flood / Re: Bruce Jenner has gone full woman
« on: June 01, 2015, 06:00:25 PM »
This is wrong.
Why? It's like, her body mayne
I mean, sure, he has the right to do it. Doesn't make it any less disgusting, though.

Closet tranny confirmed

The Flood / Re: Honest biggest fear thread
« on: June 01, 2015, 04:00:27 PM »
Being completely deaf.  My hearing in my left ear blew out when I was being born, so I'm practically on the defense every single day to make sure I don't go totally deaf.

Having my life wasted.  I have plans laid out, I'll be going back to school when I move, I'll have a lot more social time with friends.  But I have set high goals for myself that I do not know if I will reach.   I want to reach them, I have a hunger to hit those goals right now.  But I'm always afraid I'll never be able to reach them, and if I don't reach those goals then I will feel like I wasted my life.

The Flood / Re: Name an honest flaw/confession about yourself
« on: June 01, 2015, 03:47:36 PM »
I over react/jump the gun on some issues mainly due to panic.

I also feel like sometimes I'm too "nice" which leads to me being taken advantage of.

In other words, if you don't make enough money to comfortably pay rent, don't rent your own apartment, and leave the west coast.

Kind of funny that most of the Midwest has cheaper apartment rates.

California and NYC are pretty insane.

The Flood / Re: Walmart changed our raises.
« on: June 01, 2015, 03:37:21 PM »
serves you right for staying there so long

outside of big retail, fast food, forestry and the military,  there's not a lot of options for jobs that MIGHT get you over 28 hours a week.
Prostitution work hours are whatever you want them to be

Motherfucker, do I look like Casper?
afaik, there's no furry prostitutes. make it a thing.

In or out of suit?

The Flood / Re: Walmart changed our raises.
« on: June 01, 2015, 03:33:12 PM »
serves you right for staying there so long

outside of big retail, fast food, forestry and the military,  there's not a lot of options for jobs that MIGHT get you over 28 hours a week.
Prostitution work hours are whatever you want them to be

Motherfucker, do I look like Casper?

The Flood / Re: Walmart changed our raises.
« on: June 01, 2015, 03:30:33 PM »
serves you right for staying there so long

outside of big retail, fast food, forestry and the military,  there's not a lot of options for jobs that MIGHT get you over 28 hours a week.

Yes, the American economy is improving, and yes, we’re creating more jobs. But the hourly wages for a lot of these jobs arestagnant at best. According to the Pew Research Center, 30 percent of America’s workforce earns a near-minimum-wage salary—that’s almost 21 million people. As a cruel paradox, rents across the country keep rising.

A new report by the National Low Income Housing Coalition examines how these opposite trends play out regionally. The work maps how much an American worker needs to earn per hour in each state to rent a two-bedroom apartment. It finds that in no state can a person earning minimum wage afford such an apartment at market rent.

God Damn.  Thankfully you should be able to find roomate to share the load, but if one of them doesn't have a job and you're needing to cover the cost for a while...that could hurt.

The Flood / Re: Omg the new Game of Thrones episode
« on: June 01, 2015, 01:38:18 PM »
It was weird to see  Tormund and his giant member running away.  I thought he would have solo'd those zombies.

But yeah,  this was a great fucking episode.  Seeing the miles-and-miles long line of wights was chilling.

The Flood / Re: Bruce Jenner has gone full woman
« on: June 01, 2015, 01:34:31 PM »
Jim would probably fuck her.

The Flood / Re: Walmart changed our raises.
« on: June 01, 2015, 12:13:44 PM »
I mean I guess making $10 is better than $9.50

I'd advise job hunting unless you're a teenager or something. I got a 3% bonus on what I made from April 2014 till March 2015, on top of pay raises every 6 months, and another pay increase next year in June.

I'm already working on a transfer out of the state, and outside of big retail, fast food, forestry and the military,  there's not a lot of options for jobs that MIGHT get you over 28 hours a week.

The Flood / Walmart changed our raises.
« on: June 01, 2015, 10:46:06 AM »
I got a .50 cent raise last year for my solid performer evaluation.

Starting this year if I get solid performer again then my raise will be "a percentage of my current wage as determined by a manager."

Save Money, Live Better!

The Flood / Re: Game of Thrones in 5 minutes
« on: May 31, 2015, 10:27:24 PM »

>the show is better than the books

I'm glad the writers do what they want.
The show is a lot worse lol


You know, I actually preferred seeing the battle at Hardhome rather than Jon getting a letter from a secondary character that says "Oh, people at Hardhome are dead.  And there's some zombies in the water."  And then Jon never dwells on it, he just kinda says "Fuckit, back to grinding teeth with Stannis."

The show has definitely separated itself from the books, and has done a great job.  Sure I get mad at some things like Sansa going to Winterfell to be raped, etc. but look at it from the writer's point of view:  Are you REALLY going to write a TV show where the secondary characters do all the heavy lifting while your main characters aside from Arya just dick around?

D&D may deserve contempt, but they also deserve a lot of praise.

The Flood / Re: Game of Thrones in 5 minutes
« on: May 31, 2015, 09:13:16 PM »
Valyrian Steel confirmed to kill Others.

Guess Jon better ask the Highborn families in Westeros if the Watch can borrow their Valryian swords.

Gaming / Sixty Frames of Gaben
« on: May 31, 2015, 04:55:15 PM »

*touches self*

The Flood / Re: Minimum wage raising is pretty bad
« on: May 31, 2015, 12:45:40 AM »
Well prices of shit were already increasing before wage raises lol <____<

Gaming / ODST on MCC is now available
« on: May 30, 2015, 04:17:45 AM »
If you played the game before December 19th, XBL should send you a message giving you a code to download ODST.

Downloading it now, let's hope they didn't fuck it up.

The Flood / Re: What's your list of known trolls?
« on: May 30, 2015, 04:09:13 AM »

You can't claim people are harassing you out of nowhere, refuse to give me the evidence when I ask for it, and then claim I'm being biased because I'm not going to act without evidence. That's not how this works. If you're making a claim you need to back it up, it isn't up to me to prove your claims correct. Especially since i'd need to sift through ever fucking thread in the forum, all 35805 of them to find this so called evidence of harassment that you refuse to provide me.

Just because it isn't your job to moderate the forum doesn't mean you don't have some form of responsibility to prove yourself correct when making accusations of rule breaking towards others. Other users that were victims of harassment had no problem sending the staff screen caps of pms and links to posts that proved claims of another user specifically targeting them for malicious reasons. Two of the offenders are also perma'd.

And no, this was not an isolated instance. You made a few threads in the Flood on this and one in Anarchy. The one in Anarchy really got underneath Psy's skin and he proceeded to tear you apart over it from what I remember. Please stop trying to whitewash history.

Also m8, I haven't seen a single report on people regularly making fun of you for trying to commit suicide. I think I saw a joke that vaguely referenced it about 4 months ago, but that's the only instance I can recall. Once again, without proof of this happening I'm not going to act.

You can continue typing up long ass posts if you want, but it doesn't mean shit unless you give me actual proof for me to act upon.

As a side note I really like how you're accusing me of being friends with these people despite the fact that only a couple of them are acquaintances at best and I've hit every one of them with a warning or ban at some point.
As I said, I'll provide you with proof. I'm busy at the moment so I'll start on Monday. Although I might pull up the suicide ones now, or soonish. That's an easy one since they've only been increasing in frequency. If you haven't been paying attention, and haven't noticed, then of course you wouldn't have knowledge of it. I haven't once made a report in regards to any of this. I've tried to resolve it between myself and the users without making a big drama of it. I'm coming to you because that hasn't worked. I don't go around picking fights, or seeking drama.

I never made threads on the flood, I made one, in Anarchy. It is you who is whitewashing history in this case, sorry. But even if what you say is true, again, I fail to see how that sets a precedent for disregarding the rules.

I feel like the differences in character between myself and the others should make this a no-brainer, but I'm willing to play the game if it means that I can make posts on my main without constantly being attacked. I'm posting on an alt at the moment and the difference in my posting experience is drastic.

The Flood / Re: I did it!
« on: May 30, 2015, 03:05:22 AM »

The Flood / Re: What's your list of known trolls?
« on: May 29, 2015, 11:19:27 PM »
I see that it has been established as "not harassment", but maybe try to be a little bit nicer, and stop bringing up his suicide attempt as mockery. I never saw the thread, but I'm going to assume that Elegiac posted it in "Serious" and not "Flood". If this is so shouldn't we still treat it as serious and stop bringing it up? He's obviously still trying to get past that part in his life, and being consistently ridiculed, mocked, and placed as the butt end of a joke it's going to be hard to get past that. As a member of our community we should also respect those boundaries. I know others have their opinions on how they would have handled it if they had been in Elegiac's shoes.

Suicide is a meme on here, but I think we need to implant a barrier to when it is a joke and between when a member has been vocal about suicidal tendencies in the recent past.

I know half of you are going to scoff at what I'm saying, but it is very hard to get over depression so quickly.

Waiting on you trolls.

Just saying, I had a pistol in my mouth a few years back after my mother went ballistic on me.  I got talked out of it, of course.

I'm glad you got talked out of it.
I bet you are too, because there's nothing scarier than coming that close with death by your own hand.

The reason I do little snarky comments towards suicide is because how stupid it is.  Sometimes I look back on my attempt and laugh at how much of an idiot I would have been.

The Flood / Re: What's your list of known trolls?
« on: May 29, 2015, 11:12:18 PM »
I see that it has been established as "not harassment", but maybe try to be a little bit nicer, and stop bringing up his suicide attempt as mockery. I never saw the thread, but I'm going to assume that Elegiac posted it in "Serious" and not "Flood". If this is so shouldn't we still treat it as serious and stop bringing it up? He's obviously still trying to get past that part in his life, and being consistently ridiculed, mocked, and placed as the butt end of a joke it's going to be hard to get past that. As a member of our community we should also respect those boundaries. I know others have their opinions on how they would have handled it if they had been in Elegiac's shoes.

Suicide is a meme on here, but I think we need to implant a barrier to when it is a joke and between when a member has been vocal about suicidal tendencies in the recent past.

I know half of you are going to scoff at what I'm saying, but it is very hard to get over depression so quickly.

Waiting on you trolls.

Just saying, I had a pistol in my mouth a few years back after my mother went ballistic on me.  I got talked out of it, of course.

The Flood / Re: What's your list of known trolls?
« on: May 29, 2015, 11:10:00 PM »

    None of those are trolls.
    Our brilliant moderation staff.


    They aren't. I get that you don't like them and all, but they aren't trolls.

    Have they trolled at some point? Of course, just about everyone here has done it at some point. However that doesn't mean that that's what they are.
    Okay, then moving along to something more concrete:

    Harassment, or the repetitive attacking of a user by another user, or group of users, is still not tolerated and will be handled accordingly.

    And what'll I need to do in order to have this enforced? The 'harassment, or the repetitive attacking' of myself by lemon and his friends has gone on long enough. They derail my threads, and scare people away from them.
    The group more-or-less consists of: Byrne, Lemon, Challenger, Das and Nick Mckyntyre. There are others who they rally to join in, but they are the core. I feel that if these were reprimanded the whole shebang would come to an end.

    They repetitively attack my threads, derailing every second, third or fourth one, and take every opportunity to attack me in any thread I post in, often derailing them (whether I respond to them or not (and I don't always respond, but when I do I don't simply attack them with the same mindless aggression they display towards me, I try to reason with them and resolve the issue)). Nick in particular (although they all do it) enjoys encouraging me to commit suicide while referencing my suicide attempt of earlier this year.

    LOL HOLY SHIT.  You found us out.

    All Byrne, Lemön,  Das and I do all day are sit around in a Skype chat and discuss how we will ruin Elegiac ' s life.

    get a fucking grip

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