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Messages - Nick McIntyre

Pages: 1234 56 ... 105
The Flood / Re: Logan
« on: March 04, 2017, 03:55:32 AM »
Awesome, gritty, brutal, and not afraid to pull any punches.  It was a great movie, and I might go for a second showing.

did anyone else feel incredibly bad for Xavier during his introduction and displaying his deteriorated mind?

Gaming / Re: Middle Earth: Shadow of War leaked
« on: March 02, 2017, 05:19:29 AM »
Apparently it's lore-breaking that Sauron even commands a Balrog in his army.

Also I'm really amused at the huge outrage of a black man being in the game.

Serious / Re: NWO
« on: February 26, 2017, 05:03:37 PM »
The fucking madmen are at it again

So Hall and Nash, the elitists, are beating down the lower income class at Bash at the Beach when Trump Hogan comes out and appears to assist the little man...when all of a sudden Trump turns heel and leg drops the lower class, confirming he has allied with the Elitists.

That bastard!

Serious / Re: What a conference
« on: February 18, 2017, 02:09:36 PM »
I'm well aware of FDR, but I meant since FDR in my post. Nobody has violated the constitution as much as Hussein Obama since FDR.
It's your word against Das' and if anything I'm more inclined to believe the latter regarding presidents and the constitution.
Trump has been in office for about a month so can't really say much about that myself. I do believe he is trying to save America. I can't think of anyone that violated the constitution as much as Obama and FDR.

What does America need saving from?

Illegals and Muslims of course.  Oh and the fake news!

Good for HDD support and backgrounds.

I've already filled my PS4's 500GB internal memory and I own 5-6 games. It sucks having to delete a game to play another when the internet sucks balls, and then I have to make use of that effort and have to maintain interest in it for a suitable period of time. Now I can save my "play sometimes" games on my external thing and play when I want. Would it ever be possible to play a game off a high capacity flash drive, or is that too risky for the memory?

Literally my very same issue.  This makes me incredibly happy, and storing up to 8TB sounds great to me.

And Trump started throwing people under the bus, like Michael Flynn, who was instructed by Trump (apparently) to contact Russia.

Why was this not a problem under Obama?

I do not remember Obama screaming and bawling on Twitter over court cases regarding his Executive Orders, or his administration saying quotes like, "No one will question our Orders."

And I recall whenever Obama signed an Executive Order,  the right never ceased with the "POWER ABUSE!!!" nonsense, so yes.  It was a "problem" under Obama.

I kind of wanted to discuss how creepy that statement sounds, taken from this article.

Senior Advisor Stephen Miller announced that opponents, the media, and the world will see that the President's Executive Orders to "protect the country" will not be questioned by the judiciary branch because they feel that branch has too much power.

To me, that feels like a worrying statement.  I have no doubts that if Trump's orders continue to be questioned in court, he'll continue to throw tantrums and fight them all the way to the Supreme Court.  But saying the judicial branch has "too much power" also seems very concerning.  In my opinion, it just sounds like that Trump, if the courts challenge the legality of his Executive orders, could find ways to limit their power.  We already saw what happened to the Attorney General when she questioned the legality of his ban.

(I'm just coming back from lunch so I'll post more thoughts on this later, but I just wanted to get this topic started while it was still fresh in my mind.)

Gaming / Re: 343's art style is AIDS
« on: February 11, 2017, 03:42:38 AM »
The shotgun looks like cheap plastic in 343's style.

The Flood / Re: So two guys walked into a police station...
« on: February 07, 2017, 10:08:11 PM »
If you're interested, here's the video of the stop.  Apparently someone saw them in a parking lot putting on the tactical vests and strapping guns.

The Flood / Re: So two guys walked into a police station...
« on: February 06, 2017, 09:57:55 PM »
There isn't any law stating you can't walk into a police station with a gun?

I guess not...technically, but it is a death wish to walk into a police station armed with rifles and having your face covered up.  Those two should be lucky they don't look like bloody Swiss cheese.

The Flood / Re: So two guys walked into a police station...
« on: February 06, 2017, 08:15:22 PM »
What's the joke

The two dudes are the joke

The Flood / So two guys walked into a police station...
« on: February 06, 2017, 07:59:18 PM »

Defending our right to run stop signs by walking into a police station armed and wearing masks.

The Flood / Re: Super Bowl Thread
« on: February 05, 2017, 08:28:12 PM »


The Flood / Re: Super Bowl Thread
« on: February 05, 2017, 08:06:46 PM »
Lol what the fuck was that extra point attempt?

The Flood / Re: Super Bowl Thread
« on: February 05, 2017, 07:34:58 PM »
Ohey, Jack in the Box had a commercial that referenced the Clinton E-mail Scandal.

The Flood / Re: Something to think about this Super Bowl Sunday...
« on: February 05, 2017, 07:23:42 PM »
  American football
You gonna watch the Puppy Bowl then you furfag?

Awww shieeet

The Flood / Re: Super Bowl Thread
« on: February 05, 2017, 07:12:04 PM »
It makes me smile seeing The Deflatriots being kicked around handily.

Serious / Re: President Trump Threatens to Send Troops Into Mexico
« on: February 02, 2017, 03:12:38 AM »
To be serious though, I remember a rallying cry for Trump supporters was that Hillary would take us to war with Russia, but are completely fine now with Trump threatening to invade Mexico, instigating China, and also rattling his sabres at Japan and Germany and blasting Australia (though admittedly the deal between Obama and Turnbull is a little questionable to me and I'll give Trump *some* credit for bringing it to light.

Serious / Re: President Trump Threatens to Send Troops Into Mexico
« on: February 01, 2017, 11:05:22 PM »
Does he know he has to sign a non-aggression pact first, then a trade agreement, then finally demand military access before he sends troops to other nations?

Serious / Re: Democrats are one vote short of blocking DeVos's confirmation
« on: February 01, 2017, 04:58:20 PM »
But if she's not in office, how will we protect our schools from the grizzlies?

There is so much news coming from Trump that I'm half tempted to just make a "trump at it again" thread, but that's too big a thing. He just fired the Attorney General

Oh I just made a thread about this lol...

I think we should just have a Trump megathread at this point

Serious / Sally Yates fired
« on: January 30, 2017, 10:00:38 PM »
(Can't add a quote because my phone is being retarded)

So...she was fired for doing her job?  And feel free to correct me if I'm wrong because I presently don't have the free time to research, but isn't the Justice Department part of the whole "Checks and Balances" thing in our government?

Peta takes what they can get. The bill to take wolves off the endangered species list is pending, what more is there to do.

Probably bring more attention to it since PETA is so loud and in your face about it.  I don't think the bill is even on the media radar with the whole Muslim country ban being the week's hot topic

The Flood / PETA wants 40k toys to stop wearing fur (Napalm get in here)
« on: January 30, 2017, 07:34:53 PM »

Because, you know, that pending bill to take wolves off the endangered species list isn't more important or something than toy statues.

Bill wishes he was this funny.

Cowboy Hat behind him is looking away, probably trying not to laugh his ass off.

And I think Bill was pretty funny when he was checking out Ivanka while Hillary gave him the "Oh, Bill" look.

Why would you want people that hate their country so much they won't even stay for a second to defend it, let alone die for what they believe in?
What an absolute joke of a post. Who the fuck expects familys in these war-torn countries to just sit there and wait to die? This is such a stupid fucking opinion from someone who obviously has never feared for his own and his family's lives in his own fucking home.
If my family didn't care about their country and neighbors, I wouldn't even associate with them. These people are pathetic, end of discussion.

>he says this in a country that was formed by people running away from problems

Serious / Re: Anyone see a war coming?
« on: January 28, 2017, 01:57:05 PM »
I don't want to see a war, but things have been slowly escalating between the U.S. and China since Trump was elected.  I honestly wouldn't be surprised if something happened due to China doing something that pissed off Trump considering he was, apparently, rampaging and screaming at his staff last weekend over the alternative facts debacle.

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