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Messages - Nick McIntyre

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The Flood / Re: Just had some sushi
« on: October 07, 2014, 11:42:19 PM »
dem dragon rolls tho

oh fuuuck yes

I blame you for getting me hooked on those things. >_>  We're hitting up that sushi place next time I visit.

News / Re: Food for Thought #02: Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
« on: October 06, 2014, 10:05:22 AM »
I enjoyed Black Flag a lot more than the buggy, glitchy mess that was Assassin's Creed 3.  3 wasn't a total failure, but it was a huge disappointment to one of the series' most anticipated games (though The Tyranny of King Washington was fun as all hell).  Black Flag revived a lot of peoples' faith in the franchise while successfully reigning in new people, and has left us all waiting for Rogue and Unity with much anticipation.

I do want to know what the "main" story in the modern times is going to be with Unity.  Are we still going to be playing a nameless, faceless character from Black Flag?  I didn't have too much of a problem with that, especially when old faces started popping up in the game, but I don't want this to become a trend.

In Black Flag, my favorite moments were usually when Edward was paling around with Blackbeard.  That shit was awesome, especially when Blackbeard revealed his most notorious image with the burning essence and fuses.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 - Agent Locke is the "Primary Character"
« on: October 05, 2014, 09:46:47 PM »
To be honest, I kind of wanted Thorne to get more time, considering he was the "highlight" character of Spartan Ops, and I haven't seen jack shit for Season 2 (if it'll even exist.)

Not sure about how Agent Locke will be, but maybe he'll warm up to me.  Maybe.

Serious / Re: Radical Offers Reward for Abducting President Obama
« on: October 05, 2014, 09:43:05 PM »
> Facebook Group
> Facebook

Where's the threat again, in all seriousness?

Considering how extremist Far-Right militia people have been (see Cliven Bundy), it just takes that one mentally ill person to make an attempt on the President's life.

Also nice topic derail you fucks.

i still love you all.

The Flood / Re: What's your favorite fast food chain?
« on: October 03, 2014, 06:48:14 PM »
Pita Pit or Carl's JR.

The Flood / Re: Only cowards hide behind the mask of anonymity
« on: October 03, 2014, 06:47:41 PM »
Can mods please ban the dumbass anon alts? Keep that stupid shit in Anarchy.

How does this bother you in anyway? Just let them have their fun.
How is this considered fun? Keep your anonymous garbage in Anarchy, that is what it is there for.

I could say the same for most of the anime shit that gets spammed >>;

Gaming / Re: >BFBC2
« on: October 03, 2014, 06:24:44 PM »
I could play BFBC2 with you guys if you wanted. :U

The campaign was a joke campaign imo, considering they were just punching CoD's campaign in the nose the entire time, so I just played along.

I also think BC2 is far superior to BF3 and 4.  Sure you have glossier maps with a shit ton of cities you can fight in, but nothing beats causing buildings to collapse on campers.  I even enjoyed using the UAV and felt the flying was a lot smoother.

Serious / Re: So North Korea's in the midst of a civil war now...
« on: October 03, 2014, 06:21:35 PM »
I suspected from the start of his "reign" that his father was assassinated by top generals who then attached puppet strings to lil' Kim, because I don't think he had ANY knowledge on leading.  Sure he machine-gun'd an ex and fed his uncle to purposefully starved dogs, but he had NO power at all.

I have a feeling that China and South Korea are just licking their lips with antici...................pation at the prospect of a Civil War.  South Korea (and the U.S.) would go in to steam roll them, and China would probably work on implementing their own puppet government.

Who's got popcorn?

Serious / Radical Offers Reward for Abducting President Obama
« on: October 03, 2014, 04:03:26 PM »
Click here

A dangerous and vile Facebook group has over 1500 members who, the group claims, "have made a pledge towards the Reward For Capture of Obama."
Change the conversation, change the world
Share this

"This group is for those who have made a pledge towards the Reward For Capture of Obama," the Facebook page of Reward For Capture Of Obama reads. Its 1547 members -- assuming they voluntarily signed up and were not added to the group without their knowledge -- according to the Facebook group's About page, believe that "Obama is not the president, he cannot be impeached: He must be arrested. Therefore, this group is dedicated to the arrest and removal of Obama from the White House and Washington DC."

Among the group's admins is conservative militia leader Everest Wilhelmsen, leader of the Christian American Patriots Militia.

"Last November, Wilhelmsen sparked a firestorm after posting a message on the group’s Facebook page that the Constitution gave him the authority to assassinate President Obama and members of his cabinet," Addicting Info reports:

    Wilhelmsen reported in his post that his group has raised $116,872.00 thus far to pay as a reward to anyone to completes the task of capturing and permanently removing President Obama from office. Of course, we can assume that by “permanently” he means kill him. The reward is to aid the perpetrator of the crime. Wilhelmsen removed the report of the amount of money raised from the post yesterday evening.

Right-wing radio host Peter T. Santilli is listed among the 1547 members. Last year the Huffington Post reported Santilli "has drawn Secret Service scrutiny after going on a sustained rant last week that included a suggestion that he wanted to 'try, convict and shoot Hillary Clinton in the vagina.'"

In a Facebook post Wilhelmsen writes that it is "obvious that Obama is usurping the Office of President in willful disregard of Article II, Section I clause 5 of the United States Constitution and his senatorial oath. His father was not an American citizen and this fact alone disqualifies him. To be President a person's parents must both be American citizens."

Of course, nowhere in the Constitution does it state "To be President a person's parents must both be American citizens."

....Nothing like good ol' fashioned treason, bigotry and igorance.  Check out the Facebook page, it's really pathetic.  I wouldn't shed a tear if every single one of these fucks were arrested and prosecuted, but given how pathetically lax the Secret Service has been lately, they'll get to hang around and be arm chair warriors (until someone actually does snap and does something.)

I'm not a huge fan of Obama, but I wouldn't think about going around threatening to hang, abduct or kill the President or his family.  Do the Europeans, Canadians, etc. see stuff like this for their own political leaders?  I'm only asking because while I do know about the venom thrown at Bush, I've never seen stupid shit like this.

The Flood / Re: Favorite "Found Footage" Movie?
« on: September 28, 2014, 07:13:26 AM »
I enjoyed:

1 [.REC]/Quarantine (though REC was far superior to the American remake...Jennifer Carpenter wasn't bad to look at though >>)

2.  Apollo 18

3. Chronicle

4.  The Conspiracy

5: The Last Exorcism

And eeehhhhh....Alien Abduction gets an honorable mention, but it's kind of a bad film at the same time..

Serious / Re: Obama slanders military by saluting with latte
« on: September 27, 2014, 09:54:52 PM »
The President is a civilian. He shouldn't even be saluting to begin with.
While I agree, if a president is going to salute then do it properly or don't do it at all. It's not required and is just a tradition that started with Reagan. It would have been better for Obama to not salute in this situation

But if he didn't salute, then he'd STILL get slandered from Fox News to Rush Limbaugh about how unpatriotic he is and how much he doesn't care about the military.

The Flood / Re: So I've started watchign Game of Thrones, I'm on episode 2
« on: September 24, 2014, 06:25:32 PM »

Book Tyrion is turned into a darker character because of how the events of Storm of Swords played out.

Show Tyrion is white-washed to fuckin' hell because...well...


The Flood / Re: So I've started watchign Game of Thrones, I'm on episode 2
« on: September 24, 2014, 01:28:25 AM »
Oh yeah, just keep in mind that Roose Bolton is the best character in the whole series

Roose is a vampire. 

Stannis is the Mannis, bitch.

Gaming / Re: New Clementine is fucking badass
« on: September 22, 2014, 10:24:53 PM »
Why would you ever like Boatmaster Extreme

Because he's better than #TeamLoneBitchWhoWouldBackstabYou

And his new makeover, including the eyepatch, is fucking cool.

Gaming / Re: Destiny E3 Vs. Final Build
« on: September 21, 2014, 12:38:49 PM »
Well, you can only do so much when you have the 360 (and, to a point, PS3) holding you down..

There are many issues with Destiny. The graphics aren't one of them.

But yeah, what he said.

Gaming / Re: Angry Joe's Review on Destiny.
« on: September 21, 2014, 11:30:00 AM »
He seemed so tired by the end of his review, lol.

Destiny WAS a very overhyped game, but I do enjoy the social aspect it tries to bring to the table.  I'll admit to being one of those people that say, "Just wait for the expansions, this is only the vanilla part of the game" but Joe did bring up a great point that the story is told very weakly.

If Activision did tell Bungie to withold a bunch of shit just so it can be DLC later, then Bungie needs to jump ship as soon as their deal expires.

One of my steampunk friends wears a fedora from time to time at work. >_>
Is he an adventurous archeologist? Or a journalist?


One of my steampunk friends wears a fedora from time to time at work. >_>

The Flood / Re: Goddamn, driving is such a fucking chore
« on: September 21, 2014, 07:42:49 AM »
I nearly got struck by a stupid bitch that ran a stop sign, and she proceeded to flip me off like it was my fault.

I honestly think that the driving laws need to be changed, because in Oregon all you have to do when you retake your license is to just sit at a computer in the DMV and answer multiple choice.  If they really wanted to see if you could still drive, they'd give you an actual driving test, not answer a fucking quiz my 8-year-old half-sister could pass.

The Flood / Re: Can we ban Nuka?
« on: September 21, 2014, 07:40:29 AM »
I report his posts, and this is what happens.


The hurt....

I can feel it.

Serious / Re: The day is upon us for us Scots.
« on: September 18, 2014, 07:10:34 PM »
My Scottish ancestry tells me to let them have their independence, but only if they actually are economically stable.

If they're not and still split off, would England let them back in for tea and biscuits?

The Flood / Re: Hey, go dick yourself.
« on: September 18, 2014, 06:00:12 PM »

First thing I thought of.

Serious / Re: Obama goes full retard
« on: September 18, 2014, 01:13:27 AM »
Because everything Obama does is evil, all in support of the Communist Socialist Nazi Muslim Kenyan Empire, right?

The Flood / Re: SAN DIEGAN Floodians
« on: September 17, 2014, 03:08:21 PM »
Are they issuing evacuations yet or is it still not a "present danger"?

There's evacuations.  Oh and the kicker?  People are actually calling people to tell them they have to evacuate, and then break into their  homes to steal the stuff they left behind.

The Flood / Re: SAN DIEGAN Floodians
« on: September 17, 2014, 06:09:11 AM »

The rain didn't hit my part or town at all, apparently.
Funny that.

Fuck you, we need that rain.  Especially when we have this beauty going on right now.

shiiiit. Where is that at?

Onion Mountain (in southern Oregon, near Grants Pass), and it's destroying huge amounts of land.  It's apparently creeped its way into Biscuit Fire territory.

Also the fire isn't that far from my house.  That smoke in the picture I posted is nothing, when it first happened it looked like a damn volcano went off.

Serious / WIC, and other oversaturated welfare programs.
« on: September 17, 2014, 06:07:06 AM »
I fucking hate WIC.  Got pulled up as a cashier at work today because they didn't have enough people (Wal-Mart can't schedule to save their own lives) and my first lucky customer had WIC on her.  I had to call a manager over to help since I didn't know how to do it since I'm an Electronics salesperson, and we don't deal with that crap.

For our overseas users that don't understand, WIC (Women Infants Children) programs are an extra form of Government/taxpayer funded welfare.  It boils down to the customer getting select items that the WIC allows, such as a pound of cheese (any kind), cereal (whole grains) and milk (Skim or 1%).  I'm for welfare (for those that deserve it of course) but WIC is really pushing it.

For the process, you--the cashier--would have to check the items that the recipient's particular WIC check covers.  However, if you make a human mistake and you mistook the weight of the item, put in the wrong "kind" of food that's allowed, etc. you get a black mark.  3 black marks, and you're fired, even if it was all from one transaction.  It's stupid, because if you make a common human error you're toast.  I almost got my first black mark today because I almost accepted the wrong kind of cereal because the stupid customer "forgot" she put the accepted cereal in the food pile for her credit card.

I don't understand why food stamps wouldn't be enough, but hey I'm not a rich politician, so I don't know anything.  Are there any types of welfare that drive you insane, if not welfare as a whole?

The Flood / Re: Couple Shoots and Kills Man for his PS4
« on: September 17, 2014, 05:54:34 AM »
Not as bad as a 13-year old raping and killing his mother because she took away his Call of Duty.

The Flood / Re: SAN DIEGAN Floodians
« on: September 17, 2014, 05:52:34 AM »
The rain didn't hit my part or town at all, apparently.
Funny that.

Fuck you, we need that rain.  Especially when we have this beauty going on right now.

Serious / Re: English Nanny State gone wrong.
« on: September 15, 2014, 11:08:55 AM »
Well there's also this little comment from another site I go to, and it's made by someone I really don't agree with.

don't get the part of the justification about tracking what kids eat. It's not like kids eat everything on their plate. That and kids trade food all the time too. So, the system is defeated before it begins.

My gripe would be more about the health of the kids. You're going to have hundreds of kids put their finger on this scanner right before they eat? You could spread a disease pretty good that way.

I actually agreed with him on this one.

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