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Messages - Nick McIntyre

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The Flood / Re: Nuka
« on: December 04, 2014, 05:50:42 AM »

The Flood / Nuka
« on: December 04, 2014, 05:31:17 AM »
Get out of the closet already, Jesus.

Gaming / Re: Feminists Get GTA 5 Pulled From Store Shelves in Australia
« on: December 03, 2014, 08:13:51 PM »
It's...fucking Australia...are you guys surprised?  They pulled L4D1 and 2, Mortal Kombat, and other "offensive, violent" games from their shelves.

The Flood / Re: Thare are monsters among us
« on: December 03, 2014, 06:56:30 PM »

Nah, you just saved Los Angeles despite helping destroy it.

*San Fran

And no, I saved the world by destroying San Francisco

w/e, still California.

The Flood / Re: Thare are monsters among us
« on: December 03, 2014, 06:53:09 PM »

Nah, you just saved Los Angeles despite helping destroy it.

The Flood / Re: This is my official resignation as a monitor
« on: December 03, 2014, 06:51:19 PM »
I didn't really get the time to know you since 1) I'm shy about meeting new people sometimes and 2) I have too many contacts as it its.

But from what I've seen on your posts, you're a really insightful, intelligent guy that can't get upset at people even if they're Grade-A Shitlords (not mentioning names since it's obvious).  You've also done a great thing for Nuka that's honestly made me happy as well.

I hope you can recover from this dude, I really, really do.  You take care Sand.

Serious / Re: Student Killed defending teen girls from harassment
« on: December 03, 2014, 06:32:34 PM »

The Flood / Re: Everyone should be gay
« on: December 03, 2014, 11:47:00 AM »
I saw a film called Children of Men the other day, where every woman in the world becomes inexplicably infertile, and no children are born for eighteen years. This apparently created a... dys... topia...

Stupidest movie ever.

Cool chase scenes, though.
Why do you say it is stupid? I love that movie.

Probably because Juliane Moore was fucking killed in like, 20 minutes lol.

Gaming / Re: Next AC game is set in London.
« on: December 03, 2014, 11:23:40 AM »
>they all ignore the fact Ubisoft has 100's of studios working on these games for years.

Though I am getting quite fucking bored with the quasi-modern settings.  I'm itching to see either more Medieval stuff or progressing further into modern-day stuff.  I'm also getting sick of the "Oh you are the main character" storyline, I WANT to find out what's been up with Rebecca, Shaun and other Assassins without having to sign up for UPlay Initiates Origins bullshit.

The Flood / Re: TIP: Don't eat the new Burger King burgers
« on: December 03, 2014, 11:05:35 AM »
Burger King fucking sucks. Want a real hamburger? Either make it yourself or get some Five Guys. End of thread

Carl's Jr. or a Halal Burger for me.

.....though I'm still an In-n-Out virgin...


Russia has also taken to bullying smaller countries on its borders such as Finland,

I dont think this is true. We've had nothing said about anything like that on the news.

I remember seeing an article here on Serious (don't want to dig it up, too many fucking pages to shift through) where Russia was holding "War Games" on the borders of other countries, so NATO geared up Allied borders.

The Flood / Re: Where do you people get money
« on: December 03, 2014, 10:57:58 AM »
Currently working as a Sales Associate at Wal-Mart, since it's pretty much the only stable job where I can earn steady money in a dump-ass town.

Yes, I'm 22 and currently live with my parents since when I started at Wal-Mart, I wouldn't be able to live on my own without maybe requiring to go onto Government assistance.

Have plans to move within the next 3-6 months to a place with more opportunity and a chance to shoot for my dream careers.

Since the fall of the pro-Russian government of Ukraine, as the Winter Games were ending, Putin's Russia has annexed the Crimea region by force, secured a vital warm-weather port in the Black Sea and sponsored a civil war in Eastern Ukraine that has claimed the lives of thousands — all within a few hundred miles of NATO's borders.

Russia's military has taken on an aggressive swagger. Highly provocative run-ins are now common with neighbors and NATO nations alike. In the Black Sea, NATO ships like the U.S. destroyer Donald Cook have been buzzed by Russian fighters. Russian Tu-95 Bear bombers have reportedly been tracked near Canada conducting missile strike drills within range of targets in the United States, and Russian airplanes have been tracked as close as 50 miles from the California coast – the closest they've come since the end of the Cold War.


On Nov. 20, Reuters reported that NATO air assets have scrambled about 400 times this year to intercept Russian fighters and bombers that have routinely operated without turning on their transponders, creating potentially disastrous hazards for civilian air traffic.

Russia has also taken to bullying smaller countries on its borders such as Finland, Moldova, Estonia and others,

Defense experts warn that Putin's forces are on a collision course with NATO that pits the U.S. and its allies against a sophisticated, even "mischievous," foe set on resurrecting the Cold War playbook, according to one leader.

'Highly Disturbing'

Russia's aggressive provocations have multiplied over the past year, according to experts. In November, the European Leadership Network think tank released a paper calling the increase in such incidents as "highly disturbing."

The group pointed to about 45 documented confrontations between Russian military forces and NATO, as well as Finland and Sweden, and argued that the risks of sparking a crisis are growing with each incident.

<more snip>

"I think we are in a new normal, and the new normal is bad," Stavridis said in a Nov. 25 interview. "The new normal is not quite the cold war ... we're not quite there. But the new normal will be an aggressive, revanchist Russia that seeks to reconstruct a Warsaw Pact-lite around its borders. … I think it is probably the most significant strategic shift that is underway in the world today."

The U.S. is facing down Putin's navy at sea while ratcheting up pressure on its leaders through targeted sanctions. It remains to be seen whether those strategies will work. For now, Putin's dangerous game is tailor-made to bolster his own popularity with Russians, said Fedyszyn, the NWC expert.

"This is not the left side of [Putin's] brain in operation, don't confuse this with logic," Fedyszyn said. "This is national pride, making Russians feel good about how powerful they are. Russia has been feeling dissed for a long time. Now, having spent a little money on defense, they are showing how tough they are. It's part of Putin's calculus, but it's not exactly smart."

Stavridis agreed, saying that ultimately Putin is hurting his country by damaging its economic ties with Western Europe and the United States.

"What I think you are seeing is a Putin who is tactically very successful: by undertaking an annexation of Crimea; a destabilization of Ukraine; a destabilization of Moldova; by sending ships into the Caribbean; sending out long-range bombers. Where is he successful? He's successful in Russia. That's the audience for those activities. He is banging the drum of Russian nationalism louder than we've seen it in 50 years.

"Those tactics help him immeasurably at home to maintain control and to feed the fires of Russian nationalism. He's going to be tactically successful in those regards. He's going to be a strategic failure."

Saw this on my Navy buddy's timeline and thought this was a pretty interesting read.

There's no doubt Russia has been injecting steroids into their own balls lately with the shit they've been pulling, such as teasing Australia, and it seems to me like Putin's trying to test us.  This article however gave me another suggestion to think on:  Perhaps he's losing support in Russia because he's not been flexing his bear-wrangling muscles at us, so he's trying to bolster his own support and popularity.

What do you guys think?

Gaming / Re: Do you think Capcom can fix Resident Evil?
« on: December 02, 2014, 09:58:55 PM »

6 was a complete pile of shit after a very underwhelming (with a disappointing ending) RE5.  The only memorable thing about Resident Evil 6 is the fact its cover art is a giraffe giving a human head.

The story was jumbled and blah, Leon's "horror" gameplay was boring, Jake Muller was boring, and Chris was very forgettable and not needed.

I can't trust Capcom to continue RE the way they are, or even rebooting the series.  They already fucked up by killing off Wesker for good.

Serious / Re: Student Killed defending teen girls from harassment
« on: December 02, 2014, 03:13:31 AM »
*Sigh* Breaking my own oath because I can't stand to let stupidity be unchallenged.

I'm sure the employeess heard the incident. (The incident in the bathroom which has no cameras).

Yup, because they chose not to intervene to save their burger-flipping asses.

but that still doesn't say whether or not Albayrak even attempted to notify employees of anything.

What would be the point of notifying them if they heard the screams, but were just standing there with their greasy thumbs up their asses?  Someone near you is screaming for help, do you immediately run in there to help or go up to the employees, spend several seconds trying to get their attention, and then tell them what happened before they give you a lecture about their non-intervention policy.  By then, something could've happened in that bathroom.

Also you are still missing the larger point where she let the girls leave a public restaurant unsupervised. She could have attempted to hold them there and contact their parents.

The articles never stated that, so for all you know the thugs left first and the girls left a while after.  Later that night (which suggests quite a bit of time has passed since the incident) a thug approaches the student and beats her into a coma because she dared stand up to him.

As for not contacting their parents, yes how dare she not confine two distraught teenagers to a place where they were cornered and harassed, probably wanting to get the hell out of there ASAP.  For all you know, she probably did ask but the girls didn't want to discuss personal information and left.

The Flood / Re: Elegiac is an American Hero
« on: December 02, 2014, 02:55:34 AM »
Illuminarty confirmed

Serious / Re: Student Killed defending teen girls from harassment
« on: December 02, 2014, 02:54:06 AM »
Albayrak’s nation—and the world—mourn the loss of this young woman whose moral compass unwaveringly pointed north and who possessed such rare courage More than 100,000 people have signed a petition asking Germany to posthumously honor Albayrak with .the country’s Federal Order Of Merit, one of the highest honors a civilian can receive, and the state premier has made it clear that it is his intention to push for her to receive this honor.

She broke up a little incident in a McDonald's bathroom. She doesn't deserve jack. The award is just because she died which is a stupid reason.
Well, when you get killed because some prick didn't like that you did a good thing, then you deserve some recognition.

She broke up an incident in a public bathroom. She didn't notify authorities, the girls parent or even the McDonalds staff.

She let the girls leave the McDonalds unsupervised. The Bullies also presumably left at the same time. They could have easily have decided to attack the teen girls walking home instead of going back for Albayrak in the McDonalds you know.

Even if you're just out for a troll, read the fucking article.  The Mickey D staff were told they had to follow the company's non-intervention policy (the most retarded rule on the planet).  You still don't know the full story yourself, but perhaps local media knew what happened since she gained worldwide recognition.

Notifying a McDonald's employee =/= Making a McDonald's employee intervene in an incident.

Yeah, I'm done with you.  But as a final post in response, this is from another article linked in the original article:

McDonald's, facing criticism from Tugce's family, has reviewed videotapes of the incident and defended the original non-intervention of its employees.

The employees knew, they just didn't want to lose their burger flipper jobs for being a good person.

Serious / Re: Student Killed defending teen girls from harassment
« on: December 02, 2014, 02:45:48 AM »
Albayrak’s nation—and the world—mourn the loss of this young woman whose moral compass unwaveringly pointed north and who possessed such rare courage More than 100,000 people have signed a petition asking Germany to posthumously honor Albayrak with .the country’s Federal Order Of Merit, one of the highest honors a civilian can receive, and the state premier has made it clear that it is his intention to push for her to receive this honor.

She broke up a little incident in a McDonald's bathroom. She doesn't deserve jack. The award is just because she died which is a stupid reason.
Well, when you get killed because some prick didn't like that you did a good thing, then you deserve some recognition.

She broke up an incident in a public bathroom. She didn't notify authorities, the girls parent or even the McDonalds staff.

She let the girls leave the McDonalds unsupervised. The Bullies also presumably left at the same time. They could have easily have decided to attack the teen girls walking home instead of going back for Albayrak in the McDonalds you know.

Even if you're just out for a troll, read the fucking article.  The Mickey D staff were told they had to follow the company's non-intervention policy (the most retarded rule on the planet).  You still don't know the full story yourself, but perhaps local media knew what happened since she gained worldwide recognition.

Serious / Re: Something I need to get off my chest
« on: December 02, 2014, 02:38:14 AM »
Congrats on coming out :)  I know how tough it is, I was practically shaking in fear and anticipation when I told my parents I was bisexual.

Serious / Re: Student Killed defending teen girls from harassment
« on: December 02, 2014, 02:36:56 AM »
that two teenage girls were being harassed by three grown men.

That statement is severely lacking context. The guy who violently hit Albayrak was only 18.

I'm assuming the "teenage girls" are probably 16-17. Hell 18-19 could still be considered a teenager.

Anyway the girls and the guys were probably part of the same group and they came to the McDonalds together. I can't say what the girls did but I know they probably instigated the incident in the bathroom.

I know they probably instigated the incident in the bathroom.

I know

Get the fuck out, seriously.

Serious / Re: Student Killed defending teen girls from harassment
« on: December 02, 2014, 02:31:41 AM »
Albayrak’s nation—and the world—mourn the loss of this young woman whose moral compass unwaveringly pointed north and who possessed such rare courage More than 100,000 people have signed a petition asking Germany to posthumously honor Albayrak with .the country’s Federal Order Of Merit, one of the highest honors a civilian can receive, and the state premier has made it clear that it is his intention to push for her to receive this honor.

She broke up a little incident in a McDonald's bathroom. She doesn't deserve jack. The award is just because she died which is a stupid reason.

She was killed for defending a couple of girls from a group of thugs.  She's getting the award for the courage she showed since it was just her against three guys.  Most people would just either gawk or stare at a situation like this.

The Flood / Re: Post members whose real names we know
« on: December 02, 2014, 12:40:31 AM »
PM me for Nuka's real name.

The Flood / Re: This is so fucking true...
« on: December 02, 2014, 12:26:59 AM »
>Angry Video Game Nerd still relevant

James Rolfe is awesome.

And yes. Still is.

I used to like him, but his act grew stale.  Nostalgia Critic realized this and took a half-year long break before coming back fresh and exciting.  These days I can barely stand a James Rolf review, and all he does now is jerk off with Mike.

The Flood / Re: Bill Cosby is an American hero
« on: December 02, 2014, 12:17:26 AM »
Not our fault he preaches about what women should do and then gets caught being unfaithful to his wife.

The Flood / Re: This is so fucking true...
« on: December 02, 2014, 12:16:42 AM »
>Angry Video Game Nerd still relevant

The Flood / Re: Our Creed
« on: December 01, 2014, 10:49:11 PM »
We may accept pirates that have led to the near-extermination of our Brotherhood.

Gaming / Re: Worst Publisher of 2014
« on: December 01, 2014, 10:22:45 PM »
I hate to say it, but Ubisoft.  I've really liked a lot of their titles starting with Prince of Persia, but they REALLY ate shit this year.  With the Watch_Dogs overhype and graphics fiasco (though they did have practically downgrade it so it could go onto the 360 and PS3) and Unity's launch-week disaster, I feel like they're high off of their own explosion of success.  I'm not saying they're EA-quality bad, but they've really let me down as a gamer and fan this year.  Rogue wasn't bad, but I'm more cautious about the next Ubisoft title I'll pick up.

Gaming / Re: "I can't even.........." Part 2
« on: December 01, 2014, 10:15:51 PM »  Just when you thought Destiny wasn't mainstream enough.  This makes the Gamestop commercials look like masterpieces.

Gaming / Re: TellTale's Game of Thrones
« on: December 01, 2014, 10:02:36 PM »
Episode 1, "Iron from Ice" comes out tomorrow on Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, and PS4.


Gonna edit OP, thought it came out tomorrow.  fuck.

Serious / Re: Religion and it's place in classrooms
« on: December 01, 2014, 10:00:39 PM »
1000 years from now, historians will point out major religions that caused the suffering of mankind and will teach us how to think for ourselves.


Keep it in a History class or a separate non-major class. 

It helps prevent stupid shit like THIS.

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