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Messages - Nick McIntyre

Pages: 1 ... 767778 7980 ... 105
Serious / Re: "I don't like what these guys are saying"
« on: January 08, 2015, 08:42:09 AM »
emotional trauma, harm, and social discord that comes from people like the WBC



EDIT:  Lel I can't see the fucking picture.

The Flood / Re: Petition to fire Rocketman.
« on: January 08, 2015, 08:38:26 AM »
Okay so second time typing this.

To clear things up a little, Rocket's warning was an informal one (from me) and I suspect the one from LC was similar. Dustin, if you believe rocket is harassing you then it would make it a lot easier if you can compile a list of threads/posts/PMs through screenshots/direct links. Forward this to myself, LC or Cheat and we will look into it.

That picture always amuses me.

Serious / Re: "I don't like what these guys are saying"
« on: January 08, 2015, 08:34:44 AM »
The "Freedom of Speech" thing is blown out of so many proportions.  If I recall correctly (I'll look it up later, I've got morning chores to do) it was initially installed in our Government so that a person could freely express themselves in council chambers without the wrath of the Government falling on them.

That does not mean, however, you can shout "FIRE" in a crowded theater and cause a panic.

Same goes for hate speech.  What "muh free speeches" people fail to realize is the emotional trauma, harm, and social discord that comes from people like the WBC.  As you probably saw in that thread, a man attacked a church member during his soldier brother's funeral because the protestor was mocking his brother, discrediting his service, and saying, "I'm glad the stupid faggot is dead."  The soldier got soundly punished while the protestor got to walk away laughing.

This article is a nice thing to read through, especially the parts from the Fordham Law Professor:  While free speech protects people from harm, it allows unlimited emotional harm.

Serious / Re: Fire from the gods
« on: January 08, 2015, 07:52:49 AM »

They could eat of any tree, but the one bearing the knowlege of good and evil.

That's it. One tree.

That's one thing that always bugged me:  Why was God such a fucking asshole as to put a tree like that in the middle of a field and tell Adam and Eve, "You better not touch that, that's the cookie jar.  Keep your hands off of it."

And then when they did, he fucking cast them out and cursed their descendants and the whole of Earth.  Like an asshole.
And literally make the one being that wanted to give you some cookies the most evil being in existence.

Here's where perspective matters. God is good, and righteous. Sin, is the opposite of that: unrighteousness, darkness, evil. It defiles, it corrupts.

So what does eating of the tree of knowledge do? Well that's the question.

Genesis 3:7
Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.

Sin comes into the picture, the very moment Adam and Eve eat of the tree. Eating of the tree didn't enlighten them, it corrupted them. They were perfect in every way, they would never work for food or die of old age.

They eat of the apple, then suddenly......everything goes wrong. They are aware of their nakedness and feel shame, they hide from God whom they loved so much. And what does God do when He discovers this? The first thing He does is curse the serpent.

Why curse it? Because God saw the serpent had destroyed the innocence of those He loved. And created a rift of sin, that divided them. Christ was the only way to bridge that divide.

Here is what happens immediately after the cursing of the serpent:

Genesis 3: 17-20
To Adam he said, "Because you listened to your wife and ate fruit from the tree about which I commanded you, 'You must not eat from it,' "Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat food from it all the days of your life. It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return."

All these results you see, they aren't God cursing them. "Cursed is the ground because of you".
He is saying their actions caused this suffering they will now experience.

Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
So you rather remain ignorant and stupid instead of having knowledge and awareness of your own actions? Knowledge that make you like gods, knowledge that make you live independent from this god and to live your own life?

But we weren't ignorant or stupid. The only difference was, we weren't in sin.
We had the freedom of choice, but we chose wrong. Adam and Eve knew what they did was wrong, since they were told not to do it, but the gravity of what they had done didn't sink in until after the fact. They felt shame and hid from God because of it.

You see it as "enlightenment" or realization, but this event isn't called "The fall of man" for nothing. It wasn't a step up, it was a leap off a cliff from perfection to imperfection.

Yes, how dare they have free will.  Because they had Free Will, God decided to:

Make them mortal
Experience sickness and suffering
Cursed their children (and every child after them) to sin
Damned them to Hell
Forced women to experience the pain of childbirth
and threw them out of paradise.

Meanwhile the Devil is happy to take all the rejects, such as gay people, furries, and people with mental instabilities.  I'm thinking I'd rather have a beer with the Devil than a jealous, angry, vengeful God who would wreck your shit.

Serious / Re: So I got curious and searched the WBC on google...
« on: January 08, 2015, 07:39:45 AM »
What's there to discuss?  The "Church" is either:

A) A truly overzealous, poisonous institute that has infiltrated our society and refuses to go away because the media reports it


B)  A trolling, poisonous institute that has infiltrated our society and refuses to go away because the media reports it.

Thankfully we have Bikers that follow them around, and block them from view of people attending the funeral by displaying huge American flags right in front of the WBC members.

And they have enough money and power to know that they can get away with their hate speech (WHY the fuck isn't it outlawed again?) and repeatedly flame people to get a response.  One man, whose brother was killed in the Iraq war, recently attacked a church member/protestor who kept saying his brother was a faggot and was glad he was dead.  The man was imprisoned, tried and fined while the protestor got to walk away laughing.

The Flood / Re: Petition to fire Rocketman.
« on: January 08, 2015, 03:26:59 AM »
Once he gets his third warning for harassment, I'm adamant he'll have to be removed.

When did I receive a single warning? Let alone 3?
One from LC, one from Psy, and I'm waiting for the third so you get taken off the staff.

Did you ever see a "watched" status under my avatar?
No? Ok then.
Cheat changed it back to hidden.

Ah. Well my point remains.
I haven't gotten 2/3 warnings like Dustin claims, and I won't be doing anything to get them either.

>he secretly does have a Watched status.


The Flood / Re: Tygers final smash
« on: January 08, 2015, 02:42:02 AM »
I bet you have experience with Tyger's Final Smash

( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

The Flood / Re: Petition to fire Rocketman.
« on: January 08, 2015, 02:29:17 AM »
Bump, we need justice to be served.

The Flood / Re: Petition to hire ねこ
« on: January 08, 2015, 02:17:03 AM »
Another demand if you want my vote:  I want two of your parrots.

The Flood / Re: Petition to hire ねこ
« on: January 08, 2015, 02:13:48 AM »
Only if we have Taco Tuesdays.

The Flood / Re: Petition to fire Rocketman.
« on: January 08, 2015, 02:11:52 AM »
He's a homo hater

I don't know how Icy let him get onto the team without putting up a fight, then.  Must've been a pain to have to deal with that every day.

Yes, Deathstroke.  This is for the greater gud.

« on: January 08, 2015, 02:06:40 AM »

Let's count: A mentally ill faggot attracted to animals, a homeless man, a pedophile, a sociopathic autist, and a finatical religious nut

Holy shit.

I don't remember my hair being long enough to ponytail.

The Flood / Re: Petition to fire Rocketman.
« on: January 08, 2015, 01:57:51 AM »
Once he gets his third warning for harassment, I'm adamant he'll have to be removed.

Thought he had several already, and a couple before he was promoted?


I listened to one Nickleback song in high school.  They've been on my "Do Not Listen' list since.

The Flood / Petition to fire Rocketman.
« on: January 08, 2015, 01:54:16 AM »
He makes fun of people's bodily symptoms, is an overzealous Christian and a threat to a peaceful community.

He obviously cannot handle the job of being a monitor.

Goal is $500 500 signatures to be sent to Cheat.

EDIT:  Another reason:  He tries to sleep around with other members, another abuse of his office.  If Willy Clinton got impeached for it, Rocket deserves to be removed as well.

Serious / Re: 10Mbps can't be broadband!
« on: January 08, 2015, 01:48:00 AM »
Sounds like they're too fucking lazy to upgrade, or provide service to people who don't live in Urban environments.

You fucks.

« on: January 08, 2015, 01:33:58 AM »
I didn't say a word to the guy, and he got mad :/
Obviously if you're going around liking posts attacking me, you're the one who's mad. I would understand if they were funny, but they're not, they're just blatant insults. The fact you still try and harass me here is beyond pathetic.

Serious / Re: Fire from the gods
« on: January 08, 2015, 01:29:28 AM »

They could eat of any tree, but the one bearing the knowlege of good and evil.

That's it. One tree.

That's one thing that always bugged me:  Why was God such a fucking asshole as to put a tree like that in the middle of a field and tell Adam and Eve, "You better not touch that, that's the cookie jar.  Keep your hands off of it."

And then when they did, he fucking cast them out and cursed their descendants and the whole of Earth.  Like an asshole.

The Flood / Re: >tfw I'm getting a raise at work
« on: January 07, 2015, 06:47:58 PM »
Because minimum wage is now $8.05

Discuss economics

Oregon minimum wage is now $9.35.

Get on our fucking level.

The Flood / Going to work, and I don't care.
« on: January 07, 2015, 06:46:56 PM »
I get paid to sell things to people.

even if i do hate this job

The Flood / Re: I let people know my location, and I don't care.
« on: January 07, 2015, 06:23:48 PM »
Verby pls. Not telling you to stop, because that won't happen, but just take a step back from the computer for a moment and don't let your writing be coated with emotion. Keep your psych clear, yo.
i'm just astounded

it's impossible to say "i'm not afraid of x" over the internet without a bunch of assholes trying to take you down a notch that you were never on to begin with

i'm not afraid of people coming over to my house--because i have a better chance of getting struck by lightning
is that really such a controversial statement to make

Except for a bit of superiority when someone says they don't post their address and you call them pussies.

The Flood / Re: I let people know my location, and I don't care.
« on: January 07, 2015, 06:07:23 PM »
You are such a fucking liar when you're backed into a corner.
the little kid pissed me off, so i said something irrational out of anger

fucking sue me

and no, you didn't back me into a corner
quit trying to be tough, tough guy
you're so tough

That wasn't even the first time you said it, lol.  Tough guy.
Is that supposed to make you sound tough or something?
what the fuck is tough about posting your full address? there is nothing tough about that

are you stupid?

it's not that i'm tough, it's that i'm not a fucking scared little kitten
If you're a pussy or an idiot.

I'm neither pussy nor idiot.

I'm not afraid of little kids on the Internet. At all.
If you think that makes me tough, I'm flattered. But it doesn't.

fucking lel.

The Flood / Re: I let people know my location, and I don't care.
« on: January 07, 2015, 06:00:16 PM »
also, NOT posting your address doesn't make you a pussy

i never said that

but POSTING your address doesn't make you foolish, either

this is why you're most likely 12-16

i've posted my full address before
because i'm not afraid, like you are

i'll be the fool, and you can be the coward

You are such a fucking liar when you're backed into a corner.

The Flood / Re: I let people know my location, and I don't care.
« on: January 07, 2015, 05:52:31 PM »
Still a bad idea.
the idea of some bnet fucker flying over to my house doesn't scare me at all

sorry if that makes me sound like a tough guy


i really don't think that not being afraid of something makes you a "tough guy"

It's "not tough" to post your address, yet you were calling people pussies for not posting their address.

Make up your fucking mind.

The Flood / Re: I let people know my location, and I don't care.
« on: January 07, 2015, 05:44:44 PM »
Guys, hunt down Verb's address and post it on 4Chan.

only if you're an asshole of course.  Well, you'd be T00F at least.

The Flood / Re: Official Battle Royale thread.
« on: January 07, 2015, 05:42:23 PM »
Go ahead and have me killed off <.<  I'm going to be too busy to respond to this lol.

*detonates collar*

RIP in pieces ;A;

*Nick's head shoots off from his body as the collar exploded, rolling across the ground.  His collection of spoons also fly into the air, spinning and shimmering in the morning light before gracefully falling down to the ground.  Several moments of silence pass by before Nick opens his eyes and, with a smile, he shouts.*


*Blue light radiates from the base of his neck, and the the light quickly  makes its way over to Mr. P, entering his body.  The Cyborg Psyduck is now one step closer to The Prize.*


The Flood / Re: Oil change successful! Now going to church AMA
« on: January 07, 2015, 05:34:32 PM »
Don't let the priest touch you.

Not Catholic. And I'm a legal adult, so I'd naturally respond with such a situation with violence.

Wow, you'd fight a priest inside a House of God, when Jesus tells you to "Love thy neighbor" and doesn't preach violence.

We've got ourselves an Old Testament follower here folks!

The Flood / Re: Official Battle Royale thread.
« on: January 07, 2015, 05:32:05 PM »
Go ahead and have me killed off <.<  I'm going to be too busy to respond to this lol.

The Flood / Re: Downloading Guild Wars 2 AMA
« on: January 07, 2015, 05:28:36 PM »
How much does it suck?

I've seen my friend play it, and it's infinitely more entertaining than other boring-ass point-and-click MMO's like The Old Republic and WoW.  And the loot system is actually pretty damn fair.  AND you don't need to pay a membership for stupid shit.

Played the beta way back. Its the only MMO that didnt bore me.


The Flood / Downloading Guild Wars 2 AMA
« on: January 07, 2015, 05:22:09 PM »
Friend gifted it to me for a late Christmas gift, and I'm excited.

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