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Messages - Nick McIntyre

Pages: 1 ... 737475 7677 ... 105
The Flood / Re: Would you not prefer to be raised by one mom and one dad?
« on: January 13, 2015, 01:59:33 PM »
Lel, get moved.

The Flood / Re: Would you not prefer to be raised by one mom and one dad?
« on: January 13, 2015, 01:51:42 PM »
Where's option 3, just wanting decent parents that love you?
Because that's a cop out answer for pussy ass bitches and that shit won't be tolerated.

I thought this was Serious.

The Flood / Re: Would you not prefer to be raised by one mom and one dad?
« on: January 13, 2015, 01:47:47 PM »
Yes, it's better to be raised by two parents rather than one, gay or not.

(Yes, I know the rest of the article is a buy-to-read, but the first page still covers a nice chunk of why gay parents would be better than a single mom or dad)
This thread has nothing to do with single parenting.

Hm, sorry I misread.

The Flood / Re: Would you not prefer to be raised by one mom and one dad?
« on: January 13, 2015, 12:50:13 PM »
Yes, it's better to be raised by two parents rather than one, gay or not.

(Yes, I know the rest of the article is a buy-to-read, but the first page still covers a nice chunk of why gay parents would be better than a single mom or dad)

The Flood / Re: I may have a new heel.
« on: January 13, 2015, 12:38:57 PM »
can i be you're nemesis


I'm not sure though. Nick Mc. He's provided a little hate in the past, but now that Oss, Nuka, Kiyo, Digger, Yutaka, ect. have backed off since they're unimaginative cunts and 'dingo' was their best weapon, could Nick be my Final Archnemesis? That would be sorta cool.

And so the pot-smoking Dingo traveled from his kingdom of Mount Dingus to find the furfag Nick McIntyre.  But there's only two possible places where he resides.  Is he aboard his pirate ship, or in his Assassin's Den?

Only one answer is for sure.
That I always win :))

Do not be so sure, young grasshopper.

You are a poet.  I am a writer.  Together, we shall take our mighty pens and clash above a fiery volcano.

A fiery volcano that has sharks with frickin' laser beams swimming in the lava.

So they're not just normal sharks, they're LAVA SHARKS.  Molten abominations that men have written fantastical tales about.  You could consider them agents of Satan after looking into their dead, orange-colored eyes.

And the laser God the laser beams.  They do not just incinerate your flesh, they pierce the soul.  Because you would be so unlucky as to trespass upon their sacred swimming grounds, they feel you ought to suffer the pain of ten thousand generations.  To an observer, it would seem like a flash of pain.  But by the Gods you will feel the worst pain you have ever imagined.  Your soul itself will burn from the intense RAGE felt in that single laser beam, and you would never find peace.

But still, we shall clash.  We shall fight.  We will fight until one of us is dead upon the ground.  Only one will be victorious.

The other



Coming to a bookstore near you.

The Flood / Re: I may have a new heel.
« on: January 13, 2015, 12:31:30 PM »
can i be you're nemesis


I'm not sure though. Nick Mc. He's provided a little hate in the past, but now that Oss, Nuka, Kiyo, Digger, Yutaka, ect. have backed off since they're unimaginative cunts and 'dingo' was their best weapon, could Nick be my Final Archnemesis? That would be sorta cool.

And so the pot-smoking Dingo traveled from his kingdom of Mount Dingus to find the furfag Nick McIntyre.  But there's only two possible places where he resides.  Is he aboard his pirate ship, or in his Assassin's Den?

Only one answer is for sure.

Well given how people have received the homosexual community lately, there's a social evolution.

It's only evolution if it helps society survive better.

It does help society survive better though.  You don't have people living in fear of the gay boogie monster and resorting to going out and beating someone to death for being gay.

Thus less chaos, less death, less stupidity.
Okay, so evolving a tolerance of homosexuality is beneficial. I agree completely. But evolving homosexuality in the first place still doesn't make any sense.

Which is why I'm arguing that homosexuality is non-genetic and came about with our uber-liberal western cultural.

Well considering the Romans, Greeks and Spartans were active in, and encouraged, gay relationships as a way to bond together as a society...

Yeah humans have been pretty gay.  Not just in the past 100 years.

Well given how people have received the homosexual community lately, there's a social evolution.

It's only evolution if it helps society survive better.

It does help society survive better though.  You don't have people living in fear of the gay boogie monster and resorting to going out and beating someone to death for being gay.

Thus less chaos, less death, less stupidity.

I'd say it's more miserable to piss your pants worrying about going to Hell instead of living your life without a jealous, angry, vengeful God looming over your shoulder.

The Flood / Re: Mods take their life too seriously
« on: January 13, 2015, 12:14:07 PM »

Well given how people have received the homosexual community lately, there's a social evolution.


Nah he's cool.

The Flood / PSU
« on: January 13, 2015, 12:09:49 PM »
Had a 7-6 record this year in football.

Kinda sad.  They lost as much as they won.

The Flood / Re: It was just a forum post, but it made my stomach sick
« on: January 13, 2015, 11:54:14 AM »
Yup, it's happening. 

followed by Destiny 3

The Flood / Re: Today's words.
« on: January 13, 2015, 11:52:55 AM »
Message to my future wife

Getting you off the streets won't be the best thing I ever do, objectively, as far as that goes; but I've learned how to embrace subjectivity and make it work for me. You probably think very little of me right now; but you've never really known me, whereas I can read you like a book, as I do most things. I think the ability has made me lazy, self-indulgent and cynical like my beloved species. Anyway, I ramble.

You might still be free when I get to you; I know you've worked hard to be free, as you've worked hard on most things which take your fancy, even if your view of freedom is somewhat... self-serving. Or... you might be a wife. You might have children, or be with child. To be divorced or divorcee, I don't care. I'll be gentle.

You probably think very little of me right now, but I don't mind. If you're a can of worms then I'm a can opener. You've been vain and cruel and thoughtless and you'll accept my arrogance. You won't wear a ring- unless we absolutely must, and in that case it better be a pretty fucking cool ring- a happy, generously wide asshole like me will be ring enough for you.

We'll be wealthy and famous. They'll like me more than you, but you'll still feel secure, listened to, loved and and smug, as we all should during our single life. We'll do good deeds, as is my wont.

Of course this future may never come to pass for us, because, as always, I leave the choice in your hands.
Pardon me, I need to go set fire to a kitten to get the taste out of my mouth.
Good :D you never were someone I cared about impressing, as your username implies. Btw, do you get pussy? I assume Nexus does... even though I can't remember what he looks like. I don't get pussy but I could probably get more pussy than him if I played the game. What is your qualification?- if I may be so bold.

You're trying so hard it's fucking adorable.

But still cringey.
Oh shit. Nick has game. Look, I'm just quoting the names that I can remember that seemed like they were smooth. Which amounts to nexus, risay and a few others if I'm pushed.

By all means, make me try harder, Mr Nick. I didn't realise you were.. somebody. But I suppose it makes sense.

Aw stop, you're being so cute!

The Flood / Re: Today's words.
« on: January 13, 2015, 11:38:20 AM »
Message to my future wife

Getting you off the streets won't be the best thing I ever do, objectively, as far as that goes; but I've learned how to embrace subjectivity and make it work for me. You probably think very little of me right now; but you've never really known me, whereas I can read you like a book, as I do most things. I think the ability has made me lazy, self-indulgent and cynical like my beloved species. Anyway, I ramble.

You might still be free when I get to you; I know you've worked hard to be free, as you've worked hard on most things which take your fancy, even if your view of freedom is somewhat... self-serving. Or... you might be a wife. You might have children, or be with child. To be divorced or divorcee, I don't care. I'll be gentle.

You probably think very little of me right now, but I don't mind. If you're a can of worms then I'm a can opener. You've been vain and cruel and thoughtless and you'll accept my arrogance. You won't wear a ring- unless we absolutely must, and in that case it better be a pretty fucking cool ring- a happy, generously wide asshole like me will be ring enough for you.

We'll be wealthy and famous. They'll like me more than you, but you'll still feel secure, listened to, loved and and smug, as we all should during our single life. We'll do good deeds, as is my wont.

Of course this future may never come to pass for us, because, as always, I leave the choice in your hands.
Pardon me, I need to go set fire to a kitten to get the taste out of my mouth.
Good :D you never were someone I cared about impressing, as your username implies. Btw, do you get pussy? I assume Nexus does... even though I can't remember what he looks like. I don't get pussy but I could probably get more pussy than him if I played the game. What is your qualification?- if I may be so bold.

You're trying so hard it's fucking adorable.

But still cringey.

Almost everyone worth a damn is on Sep7agon.
This is why everyone hates this community. hates it because they see it as nothing more than an elitist circle jerk. That and because Kiyo is a mod.
No, they hate it because it's an offsite and the rule there is to automatically hate all offsites. And because Kiyo is a mod.

Nope, its definitely because they think this place is elitist. I talk to enough people to know that is the general consensus.

You lot really need to work on your PR.
They think all offsites are elitist. It's the same zombie herd-like opinion every time something big pops up.

Sorry for derail, but the PM system isn't working <.<  Get on Skype feggit.

As disrespectful as it may be, they have the right not to stand up.

Forcing them to pay respects really doesn't make us any better than the terrorists, as ironic as it may be.
I'm saying they're cunts for not respecting the people who died in the name of the very freedom they're exercising. They can refuse to stand, or speak during a minute's silence, all they like--but I won't sit idly by at such flagrant hypocrisy and moral insanity.

You know, this is the same type of argument Conservatives use to bitch out people who won't stand for the Pledge of Allegiance/National Anthem over here.
No it fucking isn't. People have died.

I am so sick of you fucking PC liberals.

I actually have to agree with this one.  Standing up for your nation's "loyalty" isn't really the same as giving a respectful silence for people who were murdered over a cartoon.

Just a quick comment on the cartoon, I actually saw a comment on a website the other day that made sense.  "How about instead of making fun of the religion, make fun of the terrorists and the fundamentalist extremists."

The Flood / Re: Make one more annoying thread, Naru.
« on: January 13, 2015, 03:10:51 AM »
The pot calling the kettle black
The funny thing is that people on here actually mean it when they insult me. You actually mean that. Tasteless, ignorant heathens :P
Oh, you asked a question. What is it that's unclear?
It's not technically asking a question but, I'll bite.
"The funny thing is that people on here actually mean it when they insult me. you actually mean that."
I R confused

Don't worry Catzilla, he just takes it a bit too personally.

Gaming / Re: The best "known" Arbiter?
« on: January 13, 2015, 02:49:25 AM »
Keith David.

But you know... The first one did take on an army....

And 2 giant hunters.......
not sure if that was an exaggeration of their size back then, or if they just wouldn't stop feeding them :/

It's called Japanese anime wanking off to Dynasty Warriors-style bullshit.  Remember he spent about 5 minutes gushing out a fountain at the end of his story.

The Flood / Re: Age Of Ultron Trailer 2
« on: January 13, 2015, 02:13:26 AM »
Now that I look at it, The Hulkbuster suit is HUUUUUUUUUGE.
i mean dang, how big did he need to make it?

Big fight the Hulk.....?

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 13, 2015, 12:01:00 AM »
I'm not searching through seven pages, somebody please tell me the open carry katana interview got posted
desk-flipping hissy fit.

Yeah, he's totally angry.

Nah he's just laughing at you.
He's laughing at us? We're not the ones that couldn't keep up a civilized argument and resorted to unoriginal insults to try to make up for our inadequacies.

If anyone's laughing, we're laughing at him.

>Saying Camnator doesn't use unoriginal insults

The keks are out of this world.

I have no need for insults, as I can actually make an argument.
cannabis is the lead cause of cancer
1 blunt = 10 cancers

Except cannabis cures cancer.

Treats cancer.  Doesn't outright mean it cures cancer.

It does cure cancer, though. It has many times.

As of 2014, there are reports online suggesting that marijuana oil or “hemp” oil can cure cancer, as well as diabetes, ulcers, arthritis, migraines, insomnia, infections, and many other diseases. These claims are largely unsupportable. Relying on marijuana alone as treatment while avoiding or delaying conventional medical care for cancer may have serious health consequences.


One biased source against many others. The fact is people are curing their cancers with hemp oil. Spain has confirmed it. Of course governments would rather profit from poisoning others, though.

>cites the bad AND the good of marijuana

>is biased

your argument is invalid.

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 11:57:25 PM »
I'm not searching through seven pages, somebody please tell me the open carry katana interview got posted
desk-flipping hissy fit.

Yeah, he's totally angry.

Nah he's just laughing at you.
He's laughing at us? We're not the ones that couldn't keep up a civilized argument and resorted to unoriginal insults to try to make up for our inadequacies.

If anyone's laughing, we're laughing at him.

>Saying Camnator doesn't use unoriginal insults

The keks are out of this world.

I have no need for insults, as I can actually make an argument.
cannabis is the lead cause of cancer
1 blunt = 10 cancers

Except cannabis cures cancer.

Treats cancer.  Doesn't outright mean it cures cancer.

It does cure cancer, though. It has many times.

As of 2014, there are reports online suggesting that marijuana oil or “hemp” oil can cure cancer, as well as diabetes, ulcers, arthritis, migraines, insomnia, infections, and many other diseases. These claims are largely unsupportable. Relying on marijuana alone as treatment while avoiding or delaying conventional medical care for cancer may have serious health consequences.


The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 11:51:18 PM »
I'm not searching through seven pages, somebody please tell me the open carry katana interview got posted
desk-flipping hissy fit.

Yeah, he's totally angry.

Nah he's just laughing at you.
He's laughing at us? We're not the ones that couldn't keep up a civilized argument and resorted to unoriginal insults to try to make up for our inadequacies.

If anyone's laughing, we're laughing at him.

>Saying Camnator doesn't use unoriginal insults

The keks are out of this world.

I have no need for insults, as I can actually make an argument.
cannabis is the lead cause of cancer
1 blunt = 10 cancers

Except cannabis cures cancer.

Treats cancer.  Doesn't outright mean it cures cancer.
why the fuck did I get a notification for this

Because booty.

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 11:45:47 PM »
I'm not searching through seven pages, somebody please tell me the open carry katana interview got posted
desk-flipping hissy fit.

Yeah, he's totally angry.

Nah he's just laughing at you.
He's laughing at us? We're not the ones that couldn't keep up a civilized argument and resorted to unoriginal insults to try to make up for our inadequacies.

If anyone's laughing, we're laughing at him.

>Saying Camnator doesn't use unoriginal insults

The keks are out of this world.

I have no need for insults, as I can actually make an argument.
cannabis is the lead cause of cancer
1 blunt = 10 cancers

Except cannabis cures cancer.

Treats cancer.  Doesn't outright mean it cures cancer.

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 11:38:57 PM »
I'm not searching through seven pages, somebody please tell me the open carry katana interview got posted
desk-flipping hissy fit.

Yeah, he's totally angry.

Nah he's just laughing at you.
He's laughing at us? We're not the ones that couldn't keep up a civilized argument and resorted to unoriginal insults to try to make up for our inadequacies.

If anyone's laughing, we're laughing at him.

>Saying Camnator doesn't use unoriginal insults

The keks are out of this world.

I have no need for insults, as I can actually make an argument.

And that comment slayed me.

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 11:37:12 PM »
I'm not searching through seven pages, somebody please tell me the open carry katana interview got posted
desk-flipping hissy fit.

Yeah, he's totally angry.

Nah he's just laughing at you.
He's laughing at us? We're not the ones that couldn't keep up a civilized argument and resorted to unoriginal insults to try to make up for our inadequacies.

If anyone's laughing, we're laughing at him.
When no one was looking, Ktan
took forty cakes. He took 40 cakes.
That’s as many as four tens.
And that’s terrible.


I don't even like cake...

You're not even human.  Cake is delicious.

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 11:35:02 PM »
I'm not searching through seven pages, somebody please tell me the open carry katana interview got posted
desk-flipping hissy fit.

Yeah, he's totally angry.

Nah he's just laughing at you.
He's laughing at us? We're not the ones that couldn't keep up a civilized argument and resorted to unoriginal insults to try to make up for our inadequacies.

If anyone's laughing, we're laughing at him.

>Saying Camnator doesn't use unoriginal insults

The keks are out of this world.
You could work on reading comprehension. We could keep up a civilized argument, Nuka could not.

>Civilized Discussion
>in the Flood

EDIT:  And, no, you need to re-read your own comment:  You also said that he resorted to unoriginal insults, to which I responded.

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 11:30:50 PM »
I'm not searching through seven pages, somebody please tell me the open carry katana interview got posted
desk-flipping hissy fit.

Yeah, he's totally angry.

Nah he's just laughing at you.
He's laughing at us? We're not the ones that couldn't keep up a civilized argument and resorted to unoriginal insults to try to make up for our inadequacies.

If anyone's laughing, we're laughing at him.

>Saying Camnator doesn't use unoriginal insults

The keks are out of this world.

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