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Messages - Nick McIntyre

Pages: 1 ... 515253 5455 ... 105
The Flood / So some nigger made a Monster explode at work today
« on: April 03, 2015, 01:26:31 AM »
Some stupid customer came and put a 16 oz. can of Monster in our Freezer section at work, which of course caused it to explode and do some damage to the merchandise and shelves.

Why are people fucking assholes.

Gaming / Re: Bungies lead gameplay designer quits
« on: April 02, 2015, 04:35:44 AM »
So will Destiny 2 happen...or, shockingly, will it be worse than the first one?

Bungie should just kill themselves already.  They're beyond fucked.

So during the Super Bowl this year, NBC revealed a trailer for their new hit series called "The Slap" starring Peter Saarsgard and Zachary Quinto.

I laughed like an idiot because it seems ridiculous to have an entire show based around a guy slapping someone's kid.  "Seriously?" I asked myself.  However, I came across this little clip earlier and now have a clearer understanding of the message the show is trying to convey:


You just saw Mr. Spock bitch slapping a kid for almost striking his own kid with a baseball bat and then kicking him.  Next, the parents start screaming at Quinto and act as if he beat their child into unconsciousness.  Hell they're kissing the child and crying like he was just shot or something.  Quinto backs up his Vulcan Pimp-Slap by declaring that the Hippy Trash parents can't properly raise a son, as evidenced in the video.  When poor, traumatized little Hugo was swinging his baseball bat around at the kids, the dad was just lazing around and saying, "Ok buddy you had your fun, stop trying to murder the other children pal."

When Hugo receives that mother of all slaps, the dad then freaks the fuck out and gets into a verbal dick-fighting contest with Quinto.  When Quinto's wife intervenes, Hugo's dad asks her if Quinto beats her as well.  The following episodes then show poor misunderstood Hugo's parents suing Quinto for delivering some good ol' American Middle Class justice upon some wild brat.

What I'm getting at is, who do you think is "in the right" here?  Personally, I would be just as pissed as Quinto was if some long-haired mongrel was throwing a hissy fit because he lost at baseball and started swinging a bat at my kid's head.  However, after Quinto took the bat away the situation was pretty much defused.  But he continued, trying to teach some sense to the kid before literally smacking it right into his pasty white face.  I probably would not have gone that far, even if some size 2 foot hit me in the shin.  Now if the kid was clawing at my face or continuing to be a wild savage, then yes I slap the little shit.  And I don't mean beat the crap out of him, it'd be a fucking love tap, even if he deserves more.  But again, when the bat is taken away I'd just shove him over to the parents and publicly shame them for raising a spoiled little shit.

When you look at it from the parents' point of view, the cousin of the guy who invited you to a BBQ just struck your kid.  You are pretty lax with this child and have a more Liberal method to child-raising, IE unplugging the XBox for 2 hours will teach him not to get into fights with other children at school.  You see this big (and sexy) hunk of beef in the form of Zachary Quinto use his mutton-sized hand to beat the shit out of your child, possibly giving him a concussion and scarring him for life.  Of course, you rationalize that this man is also a wife-beater and probably beats his own children.  And since he just destroyed your own kid's well-being and inner spirit, Zachary Quinto should be viewed as the Devil and file a very public lawsuit against this violent, belligerent drunk.  Your kid was just misunderstood, he still needs some growing up to do.  Hulking up to him with angry, neck-bearded violence will not teach him to learn better, it will only cause him to look at the world in mistrust, judging everyone around him as some potential threat.

So, like NBC says, "Whose side are you on"?  Would you stand with Quinto for publicly shaming bad parenting and teaching respect?  Would you stand with parents who only care for their child's well-being and are angry that a giant man just beat the holy living Hell out of him?

You can remain neutral on this position as well.  I consider myself semi-neutral, leaning more towards Quinto.  He definitely was out of hand, but it wasn't done without reason either.

if you really wanted it locked you'd report your own thread, or PM a mod.

Or let it die.



The Flood / Re: Someone tell me the fucking truth.
« on: April 02, 2015, 01:07:13 AM »

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ times 10000000000000000000000000000000000

At least she's dead.


The Flood / Re: Someone tell me the fucking truth.
« on: April 02, 2015, 12:59:54 AM »

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ times 10000000000000000000000000000000000

The Flood / Re: Are there any other short people here?
« on: April 01, 2015, 03:31:15 PM »

The Flood / Re: Mmm mmmmmm, Tara Reid in a bikini.
« on: April 01, 2015, 01:44:30 AM »
Buuump for sexy

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Podcast: Ask your questions here!
« on: March 31, 2015, 06:51:51 PM »
Let's Rape Rapeitman.

Don't derail this thread with that plz thank you


CAN we rape you?  It's a legit question.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Podcast: Ask your questions here!
« on: March 31, 2015, 06:48:46 PM »
Let's Rape Rapeitman.

The Flood / Re: Mmm mmmmmm, Tara Reid in a bikini.
« on: March 31, 2015, 04:47:35 PM »
Thank you all for participating.  Together, we can end Supermodel Hunger.
Kill yourself faggot


The Flood / Re: Mmm mmmmmm, Tara Reid in a bikini.
« on: March 31, 2015, 04:22:59 PM »
Thank you all for participating.  Together, we can end Supermodel Hunger.

The Flood / Re: Mmm mmmmmm, Tara Reid in a bikini.
« on: March 31, 2015, 03:55:48 PM »
Come on Das, you know you want to shove your dick in that shit.

The Flood / Mmm mmmmmm, Tara Reid in a bikini.
« on: March 31, 2015, 03:49:23 PM »

Makes you want to throw up doesn't it?

Gaming / Re: Why PC is the master race
« on: March 31, 2015, 12:12:54 AM »
Been if you walked into a climate scientists conference and claimed "global warming doesn't exist" with nothing to back it up other than "it's my opinion" that wouldn't suddenly make global warming not real.

Everything you've posted so far has been just that. Opinions.

I can give actual things that console gaming is better at than PC gaming and I can give reasons as to why PC gaming does things better than consoles. Both spheres have their pros and cons and it's really just a matter of which sphere suits your personal tastes, or you can do what I and a few others do and enjoy both spheres.

I'm not going to make any claims of objectivity as to what is and isn't "objectively good", but if you're going to make claims of such you better have some irrefutable and factual evidence to back your position up.

But El Siiii, that requires effort

Gaming / Re: Why PC is the master race
« on: March 31, 2015, 12:02:29 AM »
I know it's based on facts. Which is why he shouldn't be trying to make a claim on objectivity if he isn't trying to give facts as to why it objectively isn't good.
If someone doesn't like something while another person does, that is enough to determine it's subjectivity.
The reason I haven't done so as of yet is because I would have liked to get some decent and honest discussion going on this subject and someone who's so vehemently against PC gaming should surely be able to produce some irrefutable point as to why PC gaming "objectively isn't good".
And for the umpteenth time, I already have.

It. Has. No. Games.

Gaming / Re: Why PC is the master race
« on: March 30, 2015, 11:49:37 PM »
I think people would take you more seriously if you gave reasons to your accusations

*sips cum*
except I already have
again, learn how to read

PC gaming will NEVER have:

ratchet and clank
super smash bros
and many more

Emulators, son.

consoles have games
PC does not

You're either really ignorant or just out for a sTROLL.

The Flood / Re: Red Heads
« on: March 30, 2015, 11:26:59 PM »
1/10 would not rape.

The Flood / Re: Rape Me.
« on: March 30, 2015, 11:26:00 PM »
I just cannot stand Nirvana


The Flood / Rape Me.
« on: March 30, 2015, 11:20:48 PM »
It's a pretty good song.



We should have a Sep7 lottery.  $2 a pop with the jackpot starting at 5 shekles.

The Flood / Re: Rape is wrong.
« on: March 30, 2015, 11:15:45 PM »
Rape is wrong, yet you rape Sep7 with threads like these...

The Flood / Re: I want to get a present for my sister
« on: March 28, 2015, 08:45:46 PM »

This thread is actually making me want to masturbate to girls masturbating with that toy.

Must.... fucking..... control.... myself.... must...... resist urge!

That's just fucking weird.

The Flood / Re: I want to get a present for my sister
« on: March 28, 2015, 08:31:53 PM »
That's pretty Omega yo.

The Flood / Re: Sorry Vien.
« on: March 27, 2015, 11:21:31 PM »
Faggots, all of you.

The Flood / Re: You see what happens LC?
« on: March 26, 2015, 10:27:34 PM »

The Flood / Re: The REAL Elite Four
« on: March 26, 2015, 10:17:59 PM »
wort wort wort wort.

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