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Messages - Nick McIntyre

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Gaming / Re: The purpose of mods
« on: April 22, 2015, 08:55:33 PM »
Quote from: Verbatim link=topic=35405.msg677872#msg677872

[quote author=Voro 'Cinotai link=topic=35405.msg677864#msg677864 date=1429753480
Games, especially AAA games like the Elder Scrolls I mentioned, usually cost $60.  Again, it's an example but I guess you can't really catch on.
I don't see how that changes anything I've said.

Don't. Spend. $60. On. Video games.

That's just a little bit silly.
Are you too good for used copies?

There are games that are worth the $60 I pay up front so I can enjoy it rather than sitting and waiting while my other friends are having fun.

And just for your information, I have several used copies of games.  But please, continue on with your superiority complex you appear to be showing.

Gaming / Re: The purpose of mods
« on: April 22, 2015, 08:44:40 PM »
Oh my God you're actually serious.
RTS games suck.

Thank you for conveniently ignoring the rest of the post, too.

Sorry, but when you get a job that requires you to get off your lunch break at a specific time, you'll understand my pain.

When you do your usual pissing and moaning about RTS games (they require thought to play, I know, that's a challenge for some people)
and then say that someone should pay out another $60 for a new game when they can just spice up game play for something they already own for free?
Nobody is telling you to pay $60 for a game. I haven't paid $60 for a game since 2006.

Games, especially AAA games like the Elder Scrolls I mentioned, usually cost $60.  Again, it's an example but I guess you can't really catch on.

Gaming / Re: The purpose of mods
« on: April 22, 2015, 07:53:41 PM »
When you do your usual pissing and moaning about RTS games (they require thought to play, I know, that's a challenge for some people)
Except I love games that require thought?

No, RTS games require patience. And nothing else.

Oh my God you're actually serious.

Gaming / Re: Total War: Warhammer
« on: April 22, 2015, 07:30:24 PM »
This should get more people interested in warhammer.

Which is all part of Mr P's plan.

The Flood / Re: Most cancerous user in Sep7agon
« on: April 22, 2015, 07:26:12 PM »

In the immortal words of Harry S Plinkett:

"He wasn't seduced by the Dark Side,  HE WAS FUCKING TRICKED."
Those pretty much mean the same thing, though.

No, not really.

Difference between becoming slowly influenced by the Dark Side...

...aand being told "Oh hey this Sith power can save your wife if you kill some children *wink*"

Anakin wasn't even slowly pulled to the Dark Side, he just out of the blue took Palpatine ' s word as gospel and went around causing havoc.

Gaming / Re: The purpose of mods
« on: April 22, 2015, 07:08:46 PM »
It was an example.  Jesus you're boring.
I'm boring, because I don't enjoy playing boring games. Gotcha.

When you do your usual pissing and moaning about RTS games (they require thought to play, I know, that's a challenge for some people) and then say that someone should pay out another $60 for a new game when they can just spice up game play for something they already own for free?

Yeah, you're pretty boring.  I'd go further, but I don't feel like having Mr p come down hard on me.

Gaming / Re: The purpose of mods
« on: April 22, 2015, 06:57:29 PM »
Because perhaps while he likes playing Skyrim, he wants to tweak it so it doesn't become repetitive,  or see what the modding community has in store, i.e. quests, Loch Wraith form, etc.
Personally, I would recommend to stop playing Skyrim, because it's bad.

It was an example.  Jesus you're boring.

Gaming / Re: The purpose of mods
« on: April 22, 2015, 06:53:42 PM »
You're such a fucking stick in the mud. I bet you're a lot of fun to hang around with IRL (no not really)

Why would I do that when the dev gives me the tools and support to change their game to play and look the way I want it to?
Why would you do that when you could play a different game instead, so you don't bored?

Because perhaps while he likes playing Skyrim, he wants to tweak it so it doesn't become repetitive,  or see what the modding community has in store, i.e. quests, Loch Wraith form, etc.

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 22, 2015, 06:49:06 PM »
Oh my God he's back.

Gaming / Re: You can't drive the AT-AT in battlefront
« on: April 22, 2015, 05:19:21 PM »
...I'm fucking done with this game.


Calm down Deci
We have every right to be pissed off at EA for fucking up Battlefront with their bullshit

That's fine, just don't use youtube videos to reply

>says the dumbshit that uses reaction inages
Calm down brothers.


Gaming / Re: You can't drive the AT-AT in battlefront
« on: April 22, 2015, 05:13:07 PM »
...I'm fucking done with this game.


Calm down Deci
We have every right to be pissed off at EA for fucking up Battlefront with their bullshit

That's fine, just don't use youtube videos to reply

>says the dumbshit that uses reaction inages

The Flood / Re: Imperial Center: The Star Wars Megathread
« on: April 22, 2015, 02:33:48 PM »

Gaming / Re: You can't drive the AT-AT in battlefront
« on: April 22, 2015, 10:54:51 AM »
Again, im not surprised given how shitty frostbites physics are. I cant imagine a 'legged' vehicle working in frostbite.
That is going to be most amusing to watch, each leg glitching out with collision physics ala tank+jeep whilst the walker driver is sat their crying with despair. <_<

Fun fact: In ESB, Lucas actually fired a laser beam at an AT-AT leg during the Battle of Hoth to cover up the fact that the leg was twitching/freaking out XD

Gaming / Re: You can't drive the AT-AT in battlefront
« on: April 22, 2015, 10:09:29 AM »
Found the full quote.  I'm going to have a fucking stroke at this point.

Star Wars Battlefront / 17 Apr 2015
Star Wars Celebration: Battlefront Does Not Have Space Battles, Prequel Era
Aerial combat is in atmosphere.

By Mitch DyerStar Wars Battlefront will not have space combat, nor will it launch with Prequel Trilogy era settings, vehicles, or characters.

“It’s not much about space,” Patrick Back, General Manager at DICE told IGN. “Most battles are planetary battles, so our focus right now is to make sure we only get that right. The core of Star Wars battles — the Endors, the Hoths, et cetera — you want to take that to perfection. You want to do it right.”

Bach continued, “Space is hard, right? Not from a [development] perspective, but from a logistical perspective. Is that fun? For us it doesn’t make sense to create a battle above you if you’re fighting other players who are not there to fight. Our focus is to do planetary battles.”

Battlefront Producer Craig Mcleod added, “No space battles. It’s all about the epic planetary battles and getting that right. Fighting with X-Wings and TIE Fighters, we have that. It’s taken in the atmosphere. This is something we discussed with Lucasfilm and they were happy to be on board with that.”

Gaming / Re: You can't drive the AT-AT in battlefront
« on: April 22, 2015, 10:04:21 AM »
Handwaving past the lack of controllable AT-AT's...

"That's 100% a game design decision. Nothing else. I won't go into details - I didn't make the decision, but just remember that full freedom etc. doesn't always equal fun."

but just remember that full freedom etc. doesn't always equal fun

full freedom etc. doesn't always equal fun

full freedom etc. doesn't always equal fun

Go fuck yourselves EA.
Look in the comments of the article for their reason to exclude space battles.

For anyone who can't be assed to find the comment:

Don't forget their reasoning for why there's no space battles (

"...[Patrick] Bach continued, 'Space is hard, right? Not from a [development] perspective, but from a logistical perspective. Is that fun? For us it doesn’t make sense to create a battle above you if you’re fighting other players who are not there to fight. Our focus is to do planetary battles.'"

While I do understand if their reason is to ensure everyone can play what they like - and save a bunch of money not having to host 3 server instances for land-only, air-only, and combined operations (land maps and space maps) gameplay - if the point of the game is to cash in on the upcoming Star Wars movie, what's the point of not including space maps when the Star Wars franchise is KNOWN for its space battles?!...

...unless, of course, this new Star Wars movie has more battles on the ground than space dogfights, which would make the latter's exclusion from DICE's game negligible, or the fact that DICE still doesn't know how to handle air-only maps - seriously, a Google search for issues regarding Battlefield 2142's Titan mode (the closest DICE has come to an air/space-only map) and its titular Titans; those things were remarkably prone to game-breaking glitches, bugs, and exploits.


Gaming / Re: You can't drive the AT-AT in battlefront
« on: April 22, 2015, 09:59:31 AM »


Gaming / Re: You can't drive the AT-AT in battlefront
« on: April 22, 2015, 09:58:09 AM »
Handwaving past the lack of controllable AT-AT's...

"That's 100% a game design decision. Nothing else. I won't go into details - I didn't make the decision, but just remember that full freedom etc. doesn't always equal fun."

but just remember that full freedom etc. doesn't always equal fun

full freedom etc. doesn't always equal fun

full freedom etc. doesn't always equal fun

Go fuck yourselves EA.

Gaming / Re: You can't drive the AT-AT in battlefront
« on: April 22, 2015, 09:47:46 AM »
...I'm fucking done with this game.


The Flood / Re: Imperial Center: The Star Wars Megathread
« on: April 22, 2015, 09:36:30 AM »

LOL, Star Wars #4 was awesome.

Can they ever stop making Vader so fucking cool?

The Flood / Re: Imperial Center: The Star Wars Megathread
« on: April 21, 2015, 10:54:46 PM »
What if Jon Boy-Nigga is actually a Skywalker?

What a twist

i didn't think it was sudden at all

he was showing shades of vaderism as far back as the middle of episode ii

a lot of people like to interpret it as just teen angst, and use it as a reason to dislike his character
buuut i don't
the worst crime they committed in the prequels is making him a fucking idiot. vader isnt that dumb. he's incredibly shrewd and an excellent tactician, and he knows how to read people. just look at episode 3. palpatine is basically like "HEYYY-HISS ANAKIN THERE WAS ONCE A SITH SO STRONG HE COULD *WINKWINKHISS* SAVE HIS LOVED ONES FROM DYING"

totally admitting his sithiness. anyone with half a brain could pick that out and say "uhhhh you what now?" but nope. not anakin. he just sits there and nods his head and he's like "CAN I LRN DAT POWA?" and later on palpatine admits that he doesnt even know how to do it and anakin is still totally "HURPADERP IF U SAY SO MAN LET ME GO KILL THESE LITTLE KIDS AND SEE IF THAT GIVES ME THE POWER LOL"

basically, i was expecting anakin to turn to the dark side for some extremely intimate, nuanced, morally-grey reasons. but no. its flat out selfishness, naivete, and stupidity that turns him. thats not the kind of man who turns into Darth Vader. thats the kind of man who turns into a faceless drone exploding in or around the death star.

In the immortal words of Harry S Plinkett:

"He wasn't seduced by the Dark Side,  HE WAS FUCKING TRICKED."

The Flood / Re: Imperial Center: The Star Wars Megathread
« on: April 21, 2015, 05:10:12 PM »
Easily the worst thing Lucas has done.  Yes, that includes Jar Jar


Agreed, absolutely ruins the scene. Vader's silent heroism and sacrifice was the best part of that scene.

Plus his inner conflict of whether he should stay with his master or save his son.  Him just saying "No" ruins it all.

The Flood / Re: Imperial Center: The Star Wars Megathread
« on: April 21, 2015, 04:54:07 PM »
Easily the worst thing Lucas has done.  Yes, that includes Jar Jar


I've never been finger printed either ._.

Gaming / Re: I hate how much I love asscreed trailers.
« on: April 21, 2015, 11:48:11 AM »
Weird, they usually have a trailer for a game out by now already.  Are they actually not going to release AC: Victory this year and take more time to work on it?

lolwut? Ani vs Obi has plenty of emotion in it. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean there isn't.

That's like saying you don't like the color blue, so blue doesn't exist.

Try harder next time.

What kind of emotion, aside from two grown ass men who get pussy at each other going into a duel...just because?

A reminder that we're talking about this guy:

Big deal, he uses humor in his reviews. He's playing a character, you know...

I know, he's hilarious. But that's the point, he's there to rile people up; he's not the word of law on what is and isn't good film content.


The majority of his reviews consist of his dark humor and him comparing the three movies to other films that have nothing to do with, or even resemble the franchise in anyway. His actual points are made in segments 15 minutes apart from each other, to the point that he's used so much nonsense in between, it makes it seem like he's trying to form a constructive argument, when in reality it falls flat on it's face.

EDIT: Gonna get back to my thread about those reviews

You obviously never watched his reviews then if you believe this.

I've watched each of them around 10 times each, and am now slowly writing a review of his reviews.

You've obviously have either never seen the prequels or have had a progressive thought of your own if you use those reviews as an actual base for your argument.

I believe you said you were going to get your "review" up a few days ago.

Anyways, I have seen the prequels.   Yes they were cool to watch in terms of fights but otherwise I was fucking bored.  I was about 7 when Phantom Menace got released and I went to go see it, excitement literally oozing out of me.

90% of the movie had me almost fall asleep.

I just said I would make one. Never game a time frame, so I don't know where you're making that assumption.  And you sound like a kid with serious attention issues then.

Nah, more like the movie was boring.  Your defense of the prequels is fucking hilarious.

By that logic, anything that can't keep an autistic 7 year old's attention is boring.
Dude, every fucking kid in the world at the time those movies came out couldn't give a single, solitary, shit about anything other than the fight scenes. Going back to watch them again should only confirm to you there was a reason for that, and it is that they are boring and very plainly done.

No need to get bitchy because someone disagrees with you.

>Thinks I'm getting bitchy over text on the internet on some backwater forum.

lol k buddy

Also, that's a retarded argument. So every kids that went to go see Star Wars when they were 10 years old or below went to go see it for lightsaber fights? Come on now, you're really scraping the barrel there for a reason. I know I wasn't that way when I saw the prequels. I know my older family members weren't that way when they saw the originals in theater. You go see a movie for the story, no matter what age you are (unless you suffer from down syndrome) as long as you can think critically about something. Only an utter moron would pay for the theater to see fight choreography.

Think of a better bait at least.
You don't seem to understand how 10 year olds think. Contrary to what you might imagine, they don't give a damn about drama baybehs or politics. Yes, they do care about the story, but everything between the fights counts as filler to get to the fights.

I don't care about your anecdotal references to how you might've been different as a 10 year old, or that your parents, surprisingly enough, didn't have standard 10 year old mentality.

I also don't care about your extreme butt-flustering over a simple fact. Denying it does not make it any less of an existence, green texting most certainly doesn't. It's only a further sign of immaturity which happens to correlate with becoming more emotional in conversations or debates.

I'm pretty sure you just hung around some really autistic 10-year-olds then back when you were that age, which would explain a lot actually.

You're a terrible troll.

The Flood / Re: GameStop plz
« on: April 21, 2015, 10:18:03 AM »

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 20, 2015, 05:08:02 PM »

lolwut? Ani vs Obi has plenty of emotion in it. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean there isn't.

That's like saying you don't like the color blue, so blue doesn't exist.

Try harder next time.

What kind of emotion, aside from two grown ass men who get pussy at each other going into a duel...just because?

A reminder that we're talking about this guy:

Big deal, he uses humor in his reviews. He's playing a character, you know...

I know, he's hilarious. But that's the point, he's there to rile people up; he's not the word of law on what is and isn't good film content.


The majority of his reviews consist of his dark humor and him comparing the three movies to other films that have nothing to do with, or even resemble the franchise in anyway. His actual points are made in segments 15 minutes apart from each other, to the point that he's used so much nonsense in between, it makes it seem like he's trying to form a constructive argument, when in reality it falls flat on it's face.

EDIT: Gonna get back to my thread about those reviews

You obviously never watched his reviews then if you believe this.

I've watched each of them around 10 times each, and am now slowly writing a review of his reviews.

You've obviously have either never seen the prequels or have had a progressive thought of your own if you use those reviews as an actual base for your argument.

I believe you said you were going to get your "review" up a few days ago.

Anyways, I have seen the prequels.   Yes they were cool to watch in terms of fights but otherwise I was fucking bored.  I was about 7 when Phantom Menace got released and I went to go see it, excitement literally oozing out of me.

90% of the movie had me almost fall asleep.

I just said I would make one. Never game a time frame, so I don't know where you're making that assumption.  And you sound like a kid with serious attention issues then.

Nah, more like the movie was boring.  Your defense of the prequels is fucking hilarious.

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