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Messages - Nick McIntyre

Pages: 1 ... 414243 4445 ... 105
The Flood / Re: Was the Holocaust justified?
« on: April 28, 2015, 11:51:50 AM »
Shut the fuck up.

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 28, 2015, 11:48:49 AM »
Breaking this into parts for now since mobile typing sucks.

tl;dr, don't try and raise a family because you have a small risk of giving your children diseases.

1.  1 in 5.


2.  And it's not JUST diseases, asshole. Everything about life is pretty much just shit.
Well shit, thank God we have treatments so they can continue living happy lives if such a thing were to occur.

3.  Good luck curing cancer, AIDS, diabetes, elephantiasis, harlequin ichthyosis, etc. etc. etc.

4.  And again, that's not even touching upon things that'll ensure your kid's life will suck that aren't diseases. Most children are born in fucking poverty.

5.  Some are born homosexual in a culture that fucking HATES homosexuals. The horror just doesn't fucking end at diseases. It just happens to be a very poginant example.

1.  Stats pls

2.  Glad to see my reports against you are justified.

3.  Well with science and medicine/technology advancing, we may yet get to see some form of cute for cancer, but for now we do have the technology and hemp oils to help relieve the battles with cancer.

As for diabetes, yes it sucks.  I am at risk of it because there's a family history of it, but I'm going through life fine.  My biological mom has diabetes, but she still goes through life happy and with a smile on her face.  Several classmates I knew have diabetes, but they still remain optimistic.

4.  That's why we have ways for people to try and get themselves out of poverty, if they have the drove to do so:  government assistance (though the people that do nothing but leech off the system should be cut off entirely ), schools that are widely available for children can get the education they need to get jobs that get them out of poverty, etc.

5.  Society is progressing towards being more tolerant of homosexuals, even of they do not agree with how they are.  Yes there are zealous bigots against them, there always will be, but as a whole society's tolerance is increasing compared to, fuck, even 10 years ago.

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 28, 2015, 10:11:53 AM »
Because we haven't created a successor race yet, evolution is about achieving greater and greater forms so for the human race - one of the most promising results of evolution so far, you know with sentience and all that - to wipe itself out without at least leaving a positive legacy in the universe is selfish to the other beings that live in it.
And you accuse me of "mental gymnastics"... Jesus Christ. How could it possibly be selfish to run out the human race voluntarily? What's selfish is to impose life for your bizarre (and futile) ideal of "creating the ultimate race". Because we're going to fail.
Hell just Earth as an example, what kind of species rapes the bejeesus out of the planet and then decides to wipe itself out without cleaning up it's mess.
That's my argument, though. Anti-natalism is the mop that will clean up the final mess on planet Earth. Really, I'm also an efilist--I don't just think humans should go extinct. I think all life should go extinct. I'm not here to tell you how we could do that--I'm just trying to spread the idea and let people know that it's a good idea. If all life goes extinct, it doesn't matter what we leave behind. There's no one left to care.
I've said for a while now, if humanity can create a race of sentient machines to look after planets in a far better manner than we do then we can all die out and I wouldn't really care. Completing that goal isn't likely to happen anytime soon, so prematurely encouraging extinction is wrong.
It's not likely to happen any time ever.
Or because they don't want to live anymore. You forgot that really basic part that no one else would have ever missed.
Which falls under mental illness.
According to...?

Whoever it is, they're wrong. And even if they're right, who cares?
Why? Why must you force people to continue living if they don't want to?
Because it is immoral to let someone die when they can be treated, forcing people to continue living is exactly what A&E do for attempted suicides or what sectioning does to the severely disturbed who frequently make attempts on their own life. A treatable mental illness causes them to wish to die/kill themselves, so just standing idly by and letting people jump/overdose/slice down the road rather than getting them the therapy that treats that mindset is wrong.
Why? You just restated your shitty point. If someone wants to die, why is it wrong to let them die? Because you think living is so much cooler? Why should they give a fuck about what you think?

Someone who has a mental illness is not in the right state of mind to be making decisions over their own mortality,


Why does that matter.
The illness can be treated and then the wish to die has disappeared/receded, mental illness is not a terminal disease and people should not be dying because of it.
You can make these bogus arguments (you're pretending as though the only people who want to die are ones who are already severely ill, which is false), but it has nothing to do with our rights. Regardless of these shitty emotional appeals you're making, you should still have the right to kill yourself.
The families of the patient care, their friends and wider social circles. Their doctors and shrinks care too, letting someone kill themselves because you didn't give them the necessary treatment is one of the worst possible failings of a medical professional.
Unless they want to die. In which case, it's completely justified. If someone is suffering, and they don't want to live anymore, end it.

Thank you.
And you wonder why I lash out and get fucking pissed off at you.

What you're saying is evil.

Wrong, it does matter. It's the responsibility of MHC workers to make sure that people afflicted with something like depression don't simply kill themselves
Then they have an evil responsibility.

Which in my book covers 99.99% of people with that sort of mindset, leaving room for the abnormals as always but people who want to die are either mentally ill or are trying to escape something like shame/restoring their honour etc. Someone who wishes they were never born and genuinely wants to die is mentally ill.
1. No they're not.
2. Even if they are, it doesn't matter. It will never matter.

People who want to die should have the right to die. It makes perfect sense that someone might be dissatisfied with the fact that they were forced into life by two fucktards.

At times, sure. I'm not a perfect linguistic genius, but I'd say it's better than spamming cUNT whenever you run into an argument.
Good thing I haven't done that. Which leaves you being incredibly inarticulate.
Nice refutation.
So you were actually butthurt over this? Nice.
Glad to know my reports of your posts have been completely justified. Piece of shit.
I wonder why that is then, because I've seen plenty of people present sound arguments to you in the past and they all got the same dismissals.
Maybe because they're FUCKING WRONG.

If someone is wrong, you argue with them. I'm not going to fucking give up my philosophy just because a group of dumbfucks think I'm wrong. No, I think you're wrong, and I don't think I've received a single sound argument yet. Not a single person has been able to adequately answer the question, "why should the human race continue"?

And you had one of the shittiest answers yet.
And with people who live in the real world, existential angst tends to rank pretty low on their list of priorities. I'm pretty sure people can afford to be wrong over that, because when it's compared to things like securing a future for their families or their own success in life people will not really give a shit about whether their own existence is morally justifiable or if having children and grandchildren is an affront to one particular type of philosophy.
Which makes them all fucktards. Yes, it does.

Zero hypocrisy.
lol, sure.
ZERO hypocrisy.

You insulted me first. You should be banned.
why highlight the disabled to make your point?


I'm obviously going to bring up examples of reality that might OFFEND you, because they're REALITY. This should DETER you from ever wanting to have children, because you shouldn't want to impose CANCER, or anything else that's going to make them either an intense sufferer, or a complete loser for the rest of their lives. You SHOULDN'T want to impose that on ANYBODY.
Justifying your ideology by using the infirm as a reason not to 'risk' having children is just downright scummy.
I really don't fucking see how. Kindly demonstrate how illustrating a concept of reality is "scummy".


Would you appreciate being born with a crippling fucking disease? I don't fucking think so.
Let me take all of your money and gamble it away, and see how you like it.

tl;dr, don't try and raise a family because you have a small risk of giving your children diseases.

Well shit, thank God we have treatments so they can continue living happy lives if such a thing were to occur.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5: Guardians Poster
« on: April 28, 2015, 09:16:33 AM »
Alright, well, if i knew who any of these guys were, aside from buck lol
Well, for once theyre kinda sourcing content that the fans who dug into the lore would understand, which I appreciate, theyre using other mediums to collaborate one big story together, on 343's side I like that, hell all these books were written in the past just to be ignored by the games, at least some now have a purpose and a piece to fit.

*sips tea*
Yeah its just a little confusing to someone who has only played the games. Hopefully they have taken those people into account and introduce these guys in the game properly.
For the sake of a large majority who hasn't I really do hope too.

*sips tea*

What bothers me about 343, though, is that they're practically forcing you to go buy hundreds of dollars of comic books, novels, and movies just so you can understand what's going on in the story, since they can't even be assed to explain it in-game, like with Halo 4.

Well, back in the late 90's/early 2000's, Yu-Gi-Oh was fairly balanced and fun.

Now it's just "LOL EFFECT MONSTER SPAM".  I swear, 90% of the cards these days have fucking effects.

Not to mention the over-complicated shit that started in the mid-2000's, such as 7-paragraph-long trap cards and effects.


It's disgusting how they're treating Kojima, and it seems like they just want to do Mobile Gaming, Gambling, and other non-video game products.  I feel that after Metal Gear Solid V, Konami is going to burn.

Gaming / Five Nights at Freddy's 4
« on: April 27, 2015, 09:55:55 PM »

Just fucking kill me already.  I have no doubt that the movie is fueling this cash grab.

Gaming / Re: So Silent Hills might have been cancelled.
« on: April 27, 2015, 05:51:58 AM »
Are we going for another 6-page "Argue with Verb" session?

Gaming / Re: BO3 Reveal
« on: April 26, 2015, 02:03:36 PM »
That trailer music was really,  really distracting.  Didn't fit at all, imo.

But yeah, this just looks like an AW expansion .

The Flood / Re: I'm watching The Taking of Deborah Logan.
« on: April 26, 2015, 01:59:00 PM »
Watch The Last Exorcism.  Shit is freaky.

Gaming / Re: So Silent Hills might have been cancelled.
« on: April 26, 2015, 11:23:06 AM »
FFS Konami.

« on: April 26, 2015, 12:48:23 AM »

The Flood / Re: Otherkin?
« on: April 25, 2015, 07:36:57 PM »
It doesn't affect me whatsoever, and if people want to do their own weird thing then go ahead.

But then we have the retards that bring more scrutiny on the furry fandom, like the girl who bit a mentally retarded boy because he kept annoying her at her job.

Gaming / Re: Gaben is doing an AMA on Reddit talking about paid mods
« on: April 25, 2015, 05:43:11 PM »

Hey look, a redditor with balls.

Gaming / Re: But seriously, fuck Sapphire.
« on: April 25, 2015, 05:38:26 PM »
I didn't make this joke already, nope.




That is too fucking cute.

Gaming / Re: But seriously, fuck Sapphire.
« on: April 25, 2015, 05:17:12 PM »
I didn't make this joke already, nope.


Gaming / But seriously, fuck Sapphire.
« on: April 25, 2015, 04:51:53 PM »
We all know Ruby was the better Pokemon game.

Groudon is best Legendary.

The Flood / Re: Fuck Sapphire!
« on: April 25, 2015, 04:14:24 PM »
Harlow is the biggest autistic loser on this forum! FACT!
this thread isn't helping your case

My point is, we need to exile Harlow from Sep7agon. He should NOT be welcome here. Of all fucking people.
I'd rather Harlow be here than you. You're starting shit for no reason, why?? because you're a fucking idiot

No. I'm defending my final internet home. I will not allow the douchebaggery of Sapphire to return on Sep7agon by him. Fuck Harlow!

What about your 2 dozen sanctuary sites.

The Flood / Re: Fuck Sapphire!
« on: April 25, 2015, 04:09:51 PM »
And Fuck Harlow!

He's a massive colossal faggot that gave the entire community the middle finger and banned countless members from his private group over NOTHING!

You like to go completely autistic over nothing.

Get the fuck off my board Harlow!

This ain't your board.

Harlow is the biggest autistic loser on this forum! FACT!

^ Coming from the literal autist.

The Flood / Re: Fuck Sapphire!
« on: April 25, 2015, 04:07:47 PM »
And Fuck Harlow!

He's a massive colossal faggot that gave the entire community the middle finger and banned countless members from his private group over NOTHING!

You like to go completely autistic over nothing.

Get the fuck off my board Harlow!

This ain't your board.

The Flood / Re: Which condiment is superior?
« on: April 25, 2015, 03:43:21 PM »
I tend to just eat everything I eat plain.
Wouldn't want to cheat more enjoyment out of your food.
Especially because non-plain food isn't enjoyable at all.

So just as bland as your character, correct? :^)

The Flood / Re: Which condiment is superior?
« on: April 25, 2015, 02:11:51 PM »
Ugh, Sriracha sauce popularity is reaching Bacon levels of annoying.

Just because you masturbate to beheadings, doesn't meant the rest of us non-Sand Niggers do.

God just looking at the picture depresses me.  They're trying too hard with this one.

The odd casting with Will Smith as Deadshot is also a sign of concern for me.  My hopes for this movie just keep going down.

The uncountable death of thousands of innocents is never justified. War is a horrible thing.
Only right answer.
Obviously, but we wouldn't have gotten anywhere if we grounded our thinking on infantile sentiments like that. Difficult decisions have to be made that sometimes come with a heavy cost attached. It's an unfortunate facet of the world we inhabit, but parroting "killing r teh bad" back and forth isn't going to solve anything.
Kill yourself.
>someone says something true
>"hurr kil urself"

>taking Nexus seriously

And as terrible as the bombings were, it was the only thing that realistically could save Japan.  They would have thrown every last person at the invaders before submitting.

The Flood / Re: yo
« on: April 24, 2015, 10:54:12 PM »
If you're the real PJ, fucking kill yourself you feminist trans loving faggot.

Also you're transphobic now?

No. I just needed to say that because Harlow is a cock boggling asshole that doesn't deserve to be on these forums.

He's a fucking traitor to The Flood.

feminist trans loving faggot.

Then why bring up the "trans loving" as a negative?

Because that faggot would hate it if you called Jay a tranny. It rustled his jimmies.

You are a sad, strange little man.

The Flood / Re: yo
« on: April 24, 2015, 10:13:06 PM »
If you're the real PJ, fucking kill yourself you feminist trans loving faggot.

Also you're transphobic now?

No. I just needed to say that because Harlow is a cock boggling asshole that doesn't deserve to be on these forums.

He's a fucking traitor to The Flood.

feminist trans loving faggot.

Then why bring up the "trans loving" as a negative?

The Flood / Re: yo
« on: April 24, 2015, 10:06:31 PM »
If you're the real PJ, fucking kill yourself you feminist trans loving faggot.

Also you're transphobic now?

The Flood / Re: yo
« on: April 24, 2015, 09:59:07 PM »
If you're the real PJ, fucking kill yourself you feminist trans loving faggot.

Explosion imminent.

TFW cosplayers look better than a multi-million budget character.

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