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Messages - The Waifu Master

Pages: 1 ... 242526 2728 ... 234
BKs, BKs everywhere.

>This is the same guy that thinks MW2 was good

Because it was.
You're right if you're talking about just the campaign.
Even the multiplayer was good.
If unbalanced clusterfucks where it's pretty much impossible to do well without using a certain type of loadout is your thing, sure.
You're literally complaining about the fact that you need to play to the meta, and it's fucking hilarious.
It's fucking hilarious that you're too stubborn to realize that a meta where only one playstyle is viable is indicative that the game is shit. Also, stating facts =\= complaining

But hey, if you like broken games, keep playing them. Nobody is stopping you.
>One playstyle
Next you'll be complaining about damage being a necessary component of team comps in MOBAs

>Thinking Call of Aim Assist : Explosive Commando 2  is balanced
It just as balanced as any other game.
If you don't play the meta you're probably going to have a bad time.

One-way to play is the exact opposite of ballance.

Look at Titanfall even it has it's own meta but it doesn't invalidate entire segments of the game ( for the most part)

Meanwhile in MW2 you only have a handfull of weapons that can even be used effectively (nade launcher, intervention, SCAR, Tar21, UMP 45, Spas 12)  because the other weapons are simply pea shooters in comparison. There is no counter play in the game regarding the guns. You get into a gunfight agains one and you lose.

And then you have the horribly exploitive nature of the game. Perks that make it near imposible to lose gunfights, give you infinite ammunition to explosives that you don't even have to aim,  and then kill streaks with next to no counter play that get automatic kills that chain into each other until you get one that automatically wins the game.

MW2 is a game of no skill and no meaningful counter play
Playstyle is what matters in MW2, which is something that was really lacking in almost every other CoD since 5.
Having trouble with those nadelaunchers? Run a blast shield. Never die to a tube again.
Having trouble with a SCAR? Run a .50.
Having trouble with killstreaks? Get a fucking stinger class.
UMP troubles? Any AR or LMG counters it.
Having trouble with literally anything else? Get good. Jesus fucking Christ.

Of course, the game was never made to be played competitively in the first place. So complaining about balance is still fucking stupid.

>This is the same guy that thinks MW2 was good

Because it was.
You're right if you're talking about just the campaign.
Even the multiplayer was good.
If unbalanced clusterfucks where it's pretty much impossible to do well without using a certain type of loadout is your thing, sure.
You're literally complaining about the fact that you need to play to the meta, and it's fucking hilarious.
It's fucking hilarious that you're too stubborn to realize that a meta where only one playstyle is viable is indicative that the game is shit. Also, stating facts =\= complaining

But hey, if you like broken games, keep playing them. Nobody is stopping you.
>One playstyle
Next you'll be complaining about damage being a necessary component of team comps in MOBAs

>Thinking Call of Aim Assist : Explosive Commando 2  is balanced
It just as balanced as any other game.
If you don't play the meta you're probably going to have a bad time.
Don't bother, Infinity Ward's dick is way too far up his ass for him to realize that MW2 is a terrible game.
From the Beth dickrider that can't into basic logic.

>This is the same guy that thinks MW2 was good

Because it was.
You're right if you're talking about just the campaign.
Even the multiplayer was good.
If unbalanced clusterfucks where it's pretty much impossible to do well without using a certain type of loadout is your thing, sure.
You're literally complaining about the fact that you need to play to the meta, and it's fucking hilarious.
It's fucking hilarious that you're too stubborn to realize that a meta where only one playstyle is viable is indicative that the game is shit. Also, stating facts =\= complaining

But hey, if you like broken games, keep playing them. Nobody is stopping you.
>One playstyle
Next you'll be complaining about damage being a necessary component of team comps in MOBAs
>Comparing apples and oranges

Why do I even bother with you?
Metas are metas, bro.
And you bother with me because you know I'm right, but you're too proud to admit it.

The Flood / Re: Which is the better rifle platform?
« on: July 10, 2015, 09:15:01 PM »
AR for something that works
AK for shite
FAL for hipsters

>This is the same guy that thinks MW2 was good

Because it was.
You're right if you're talking about just the campaign.
Even the multiplayer was good.
If unbalanced clusterfucks where it's pretty much impossible to do well without using a certain type of loadout is your thing, sure.
You're literally complaining about the fact that you need to play to the meta, and it's fucking hilarious.
It's fucking hilarious that you're too stubborn to realize that a meta where only one playstyle is viable is indicative that the game is shit. Also, stating facts =\= complaining

But hey, if you like broken games, keep playing them. Nobody is stopping you.
>One playstyle
Next you'll be complaining about damage being a necessary component of team comps in MOBAs

The Flood / Re: I have just boarded a plane without a pilot
« on: July 10, 2015, 08:52:08 PM »
hopefully you dont catch the flew

>This is the same guy that thinks MW2 was good

Because it was.
You're right if you're talking about just the campaign.
Even the multiplayer was good.
If unbalanced clusterfucks where it's pretty much impossible to do well without using a certain type of loadout is your thing, sure.
You're literally complaining about the fact that you need to play to the meta, and it's fucking hilarious.

The Flood / Re: Margaery Tyrell has a penis
« on: July 10, 2015, 08:50:58 PM »
>3 3DPD
3*3DPD = 9DPD

Someone will die today.

>This is the same guy that thinks MW2 was good

Because it was.
You're right if you're talking about just the campaign.
Even the multiplayer was good.
Last I remember you were upset about it because you didn't want to play to the meta.
I agree.
I still agree.
Good boy.

The Flood / Re: my first post in three days gets locked
« on: July 10, 2015, 08:46:05 PM »

The Flood / Re: Ascension is possible
« on: July 10, 2015, 08:40:37 PM »

The Flood / Re: I have just boarded a plane without a pilot
« on: July 10, 2015, 08:40:03 PM »
Lil Wayne sucks
kill yourself


>This is the same guy that thinks MW2 was good

Because it was.

The Flood / Re: Ascension is possible
« on: July 10, 2015, 08:37:22 PM »
your waifu a shit

The Flood / I have just boarded a plane without a pilot
« on: July 10, 2015, 08:31:04 PM »
and violets are blue
roses are red
daisies are yellow
the flowers are dead

The Flood / Re: Ascension is possible
« on: July 10, 2015, 08:25:56 PM »
2d I'd the only way

The Flood / Re: Megadeth, Slayer or Metallica?
« on: July 10, 2015, 07:24:04 PM »
Cyanide and Rum.

Gaming / Re: What is the best game of all time?
« on: July 10, 2015, 07:22:57 PM »
Artificial Academy 2.
The only correct answer.

Why in the name of our holy God Jesus Christ would you necro this shit?
I exist to bring pain and tears.
Well I hate fallout 3 but I do like skyrim

But I also love Oblivion more than skyrim
Your taste in games is almost correct.

The Flood / Re: Ascension is possible
« on: July 10, 2015, 07:15:52 PM »
That isn't all that deep though...

Pages: 1 ... 242526 2728 ... 234