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Messages - The Waifu Master

Pages: 1 ... 156157158 159160 ... 234
« on: November 15, 2014, 07:55:37 PM »
>Nothing on me either




You fucks need to learn how to spell "Sword Art Online".

even as a joke it's just not cool

No it's Cowboy Bebop
>Generic shit that went nowhere
If you like shit.

"General reminder of my opinion"

Fixed the thread title for ya.
Never heard of the anime, whats it about?
Mafia is rife in America where assassinations are a regular occurrence on the streets. Inferno, a mysterious company, is behind most of these dealings through the use of their near-invincible human weapon, "Phantom."

One day, a Japanese tourist accidentally witnesses Phantom's latest murder. Desperate to escape, the tourist hides in a secluded building. However, Phantom, revealed to be a young woman named Ein, and the leader of Inferno "Scythe Master" captures the tourist and brainwashes him.

Given the name "Zwei," this once peaceful tourist is now a puppet of Inferno with no memories. Drawn into a world of lies, deceit, and violence, Zwei must fight to survive, hopefully to one day regain his memories and escape from this world where he is constantly on the brink of death.

Just uhhh....
Stick around after episode 20.
Every show has it's faults and episode 20 through 24 is definitely it for this show. >_>
4 eps? Pffffft, no thanks I got a huge list. Don't got time for so little of a return on my time.
Hey, if an hour and a half of your time isn't worth one of the most action packed and emotional climaxes of your life I need to know how much your hourly wage is at your sandwich shack.


Psycho-Pass has been on my watchlist for a little while, but fuck it I'm starting it tonight.
Do it.

A good climax needs a good buildup. Otherwise it falls flat.
And there are 24 episodes to do that.
When you described the anime, it didn't sound like that. Ya need better descriptions to recommend a show mate. I might give it a shot, but that'll be a long time from now.
I described the show as a mafia thriller.
I said that four episodes are sub par to the rest of the show.
Basically, what I'm trying to say is your description made me misunderstand your post.
English, motherfucker.
Episode 20 is jarring due to the fact that the show was originally a VN and thus had some stupid romance tie ins.

No it's Cowboy Bebop
>Generic shit that went nowhere
If you like shit.

"General reminder of my opinion"

Fixed the thread title for ya.
Never heard of the anime, whats it about?
Mafia is rife in America where assassinations are a regular occurrence on the streets. Inferno, a mysterious company, is behind most of these dealings through the use of their near-invincible human weapon, "Phantom."

One day, a Japanese tourist accidentally witnesses Phantom's latest murder. Desperate to escape, the tourist hides in a secluded building. However, Phantom, revealed to be a young woman named Ein, and the leader of Inferno "Scythe Master" captures the tourist and brainwashes him.

Given the name "Zwei," this once peaceful tourist is now a puppet of Inferno with no memories. Drawn into a world of lies, deceit, and violence, Zwei must fight to survive, hopefully to one day regain his memories and escape from this world where he is constantly on the brink of death.

Just uhhh....
Stick around after episode 20.
Every show has it's faults and episode 20 through 24 is definitely it for this show. >_>
4 eps? Pffffft, no thanks I got a huge list. Don't got time for so little of a return on my time.
Hey, if an hour and a half of your time isn't worth one of the most action packed and emotional climaxes of your life I need to know how much your hourly wage is at your sandwich shack.


Psycho-Pass has been on my watchlist for a little while, but fuck it I'm starting it tonight.
Do it.

A good climax needs a good buildup. Otherwise it falls flat.
And there are 24 episodes to do that.
When you described the anime, it didn't sound like that. Ya need better descriptions to recommend a show mate. I might give it a shot, but that'll be a long time from now.
I described the show as a mafia thriller.
I said that four episodes are sub par to the rest of the show.

No it's Cowboy Bebop
>Generic shit that went nowhere
If you like shit.

"General reminder of my opinion"

Fixed the thread title for ya.
Never heard of the anime, whats it about?
Mafia is rife in America where assassinations are a regular occurrence on the streets. Inferno, a mysterious company, is behind most of these dealings through the use of their near-invincible human weapon, "Phantom."

One day, a Japanese tourist accidentally witnesses Phantom's latest murder. Desperate to escape, the tourist hides in a secluded building. However, Phantom, revealed to be a young woman named Ein, and the leader of Inferno "Scythe Master" captures the tourist and brainwashes him.

Given the name "Zwei," this once peaceful tourist is now a puppet of Inferno with no memories. Drawn into a world of lies, deceit, and violence, Zwei must fight to survive, hopefully to one day regain his memories and escape from this world where he is constantly on the brink of death.

Just uhhh....
Stick around after episode 20.
Every show has it's faults and episode 20 through 24 is definitely it for this show. >_>
4 eps? Pffffft, no thanks I got a huge list. Don't got time for so little of a return on my time.
Hey, if an hour and a half of your time isn't worth one of the most action packed and emotional climaxes of your life I need to know how much your hourly wage is at your sandwich shack.


Psycho-Pass has been on my watchlist for a little while, but fuck it I'm starting it tonight.
Do it.

A good climax needs a good buildup. Otherwise it falls flat.
And there are 24 episodes to do that.

No it's Cowboy Bebop
>Generic shit that went nowhere
If you like shit.

"General reminder of my opinion"

Fixed the thread title for ya.
Never heard of the anime, whats it about?
Mafia is rife in America where assassinations are a regular occurrence on the streets. Inferno, a mysterious company, is behind most of these dealings through the use of their near-invincible human weapon, "Phantom."

One day, a Japanese tourist accidentally witnesses Phantom's latest murder. Desperate to escape, the tourist hides in a secluded building. However, Phantom, revealed to be a young woman named Ein, and the leader of Inferno "Scythe Master" captures the tourist and brainwashes him.

Given the name "Zwei," this once peaceful tourist is now a puppet of Inferno with no memories. Drawn into a world of lies, deceit, and violence, Zwei must fight to survive, hopefully to one day regain his memories and escape from this world where he is constantly on the brink of death.

Just uhhh....
Stick around after episode 20.
Every show has it's faults and episode 20 through 24 is definitely it for this show. >_>
4 eps? Pffffft, no thanks I got a huge list. Don't got time for so little of a return on my time.
Hey, if an hour and a half of your time isn't worth one of the most action packed and emotional climaxes of your life I need to know how much your hourly wage is at your sandwich shack.


Psycho-Pass has been on my watchlist for a little while, but fuck it I'm starting it tonight.
Do it.

No it's Cowboy Bebop
>Generic shit that went nowhere
If you like shit.

"General reminder of my opinion"

Fixed the thread title for ya.
Never heard of the anime, whats it about?
Mafia is rife in America where assassinations are a regular occurrence on the streets. Inferno, a mysterious company, is behind most of these dealings through the use of their near-invincible human weapon, "Phantom."

One day, a Japanese tourist accidentally witnesses Phantom's latest murder. Desperate to escape, the tourist hides in a secluded building. However, Phantom, revealed to be a young woman named Ein, and the leader of Inferno "Scythe Master" captures the tourist and brainwashes him.

Given the name "Zwei," this once peaceful tourist is now a puppet of Inferno with no memories. Drawn into a world of lies, deceit, and violence, Zwei must fight to survive, hopefully to one day regain his memories and escape from this world where he is constantly on the brink of death.


Just uhhh....
Stick around after episode 20.
Every show has it's faults and episode 20 through 24 is definitely it for this show. >_>

Gaming / Re: Halo 5
« on: November 15, 2014, 07:25:15 PM »
Am i the only one who is excited for Halo 5?


The Urobutcher demands blood.

This thread has reached full retard status.
Beginning the purge.

The Flood / Re: Images
« on: November 15, 2014, 07:10:07 PM »

The Flood / Re: :(
« on: November 15, 2014, 07:09:02 PM »
In fact the only things that necessarily matter to a conscious being are the things that happen in its life.
And none of that matters when you will eventually die.
and why should that matter to you?
Why does what matter to me?
Nothing does matter.
. . .in an objective sense, no. That doesn't change the fact that conscious beings experience and the things they experience matter TO THEM.
But in reality the experiences don't matter.
if by that you mean there isn't an outside reference point from which objective value can be imposed then yes.

Value, or whether a thing matters or not, is a product of consciousness and depends on the consciousness you ask.
Objectivity isn't conscious.
Meaning doesn't exist, it's a lie told to everyone from the moment they are born. A child understands this and will ask, repeatedly, of their guardian "Why?" to every answer they give.
Because there isn't a real answer. Because meaning is a lie, created to excuse the instinct to stay alive.

The Flood / Re: Images
« on: November 15, 2014, 06:59:13 PM »
You have excellent taste in guns.
Thank you.

Gaming / Re: Fucking lol.
« on: November 15, 2014, 06:58:43 PM »
Halo 2 > Halo Reach > Halo 3 > Halo CE > ODST > Halo 4
This couldn't be more wrong, though.
ODST > 3 > CE > 2 > 4 > Reach

The Flood / Re: ぴし げと いん へれ
« on: November 15, 2014, 06:54:21 PM »
im racist against weeaboos

this thread has triggered me and im typing this from a police station comupter
enjoy you bans
アニメ いす ふぉる ふぁがと うぇあぼおす
おほ の ゆ でど のと よう びち
う わんな げと すまけど ざ ふく うぽ?

The Flood / Re: :(
« on: November 15, 2014, 06:53:25 PM »
In fact the only things that necessarily matter to a conscious being are the things that happen in its life.
And none of that matters when you will eventually die.
and why should that matter to you?
Why does what matter to me?
Nothing does matter.
. . .in an objective sense, no. That doesn't change the fact that conscious beings experience and the things they experience matter TO THEM.
But in reality the experiences don't matter.

The Flood / Re: :(
« on: November 15, 2014, 06:49:07 PM »
In fact the only things that necessarily matter to a conscious being are the things that happen in its life.
And none of that matters when you will eventually die.
and why should that matter to you?
Why does what matter to me?
Nothing does matter.

The Flood / Re: :(
« on: November 15, 2014, 06:47:34 PM »
In fact the only things that necessarily matter to a conscious being are the things that happen in its life.
And none of that matters when you will eventually die.

The Flood / Re: This emoticon is the embodiment of being a bitch
« on: November 15, 2014, 06:46:23 PM »
みすいぬす all of you
Speak english you slanty eyed motherfucker.
わん わん そとぽ すぺあきんぐ りけ あ どげ
Holy fucking shit I will drop another bomb on you, you chinese sister kissing piece of shit.
ふぉおきん ど いと ふきんぐ うぇあぼお
I am going to rape your stuffed teddy bear.
うる で おんり ふぁげと へれ ほお はす おね
Yeah, I'm backtracing your IP right now, pal.

The Flood / Re: Do You Ever.....
« on: November 15, 2014, 06:40:49 PM »

This thread is going full fucking retard.

The Flood / Re: This emoticon is the embodiment of being a bitch
« on: November 15, 2014, 06:38:17 PM »
みすいぬす all of you
Speak english you slanty eyed motherfucker.
わん わん そとぽ すぺあきんぐ りけ あ どげ
Holy fucking shit I will drop another bomb on you, you chinese sister kissing piece of shit.
ふぉおきん ど いと ふきんぐ うぇあぼお
I am going to rape your stuffed teddy bear.

The Flood / Re: This emoticon is the embodiment of being a bitch
« on: November 15, 2014, 06:34:47 PM »
みすいぬす all of you
Speak english you slanty eyed motherfucker.
わん わん そとぽ すぺあきんぐ りけ あ どげ
Holy fucking shit I will drop another bomb on you, you chinese sister kissing piece of shit.

The Flood / Re: ぴし げと いん へれ
« on: November 15, 2014, 06:27:00 PM »
please stop speaking chink.

The Flood / Re: This emoticon is the embodiment of being a bitch
« on: November 15, 2014, 06:26:34 PM »

Pages: 1 ... 156157158 159160 ... 234